74 children executed by ISIS for 'crimes' that include refusal to fast


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
74 children executed by ISIS for crimes that include refusal to fast report says Fox News
That terrible regime ISIS installed on occupied territories is even worse than Sharia law. I doubt it has anything to do with Islam. It's just a retarded cult based on murdering and raping. Killing children for refusing to fast is something which can't be imagined in any society no matter how uncivilized it is. Looks like carpet bombings is the only way to solve the ISIS problem.
Thats awful.

But at least they weren't flying a confederate flag.
People are becoming desensitized to ISIS violence.... I don't know what it is...when the horror reaches a new higher level each time...it's beyond words. :(

What is taking Hussein Obama so long to finish them? Why is he doing nothing? Why?

He will have a lot to answer the Vermin in Chief.
74 children executed by ISIS for crimes that include refusal to fast report says Fox News
That terrible regime ISIS installed on occupied territories is even worse than Sharia law. I doubt it has anything to do with Islam. It's just a retarded cult based on murdering and raping. Killing children for refusing to fast is something which can't be imagined in any society no matter how uncivilized it is. Looks like carpet bombings is the only way to solve the ISIS problem.
You're right in doubting it has anything to do with Islam. Some of us have been saying that for years. It's Islamic extremism.
You're right in doubting it has anything to do with Islam. Some of us have been saying that for years. It's Islamic extremism.
So we need to fight Islamic extremism since it's spreading way too fast. Soon Muslim immigrants will outnumber native population in Europe. I don't want to see the end of Western civilization in my lifetime.
The only way to solve ISIS problem is to communicate and unite with other military powers as China and Russia. And then act.

Thats awful.
But at least they weren't flying a confederate flag.
And at least no gays.

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