74% Support Voter ID Laws


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
One of the left's sillier temper tantrums is the fight against Voter ID laws. The law simply requires that a voter present a photo ID at the polling place, as a means to verify they are who they say they are. It is almost impossible to navigate daily life without a photo ID, yet the left argues that this burden is uniquely onerous. In their worldview, a person should be able to walking into the voting place, state a name and then vote for that name without any verification the person is, in fact, that name. Fortunately, the American people loudly disagree.
Yesterday, the Washington Post released a poll which found that 74% of American adults support the idea that voters should show a photo ID prior to voting. Keep in mind, the Post tried to game the results by framing the question as to whether you would support the requirement of an "official, government-issued" ID to vote. The intent of that questioning was to make the requirement seem like some special, extraordinary measure that would make voting harder.

The American public isn't buying it.

The left has hitched its wagon to a number of rapidly falling stars. Voter ID requirements is just the most rapidly falling one.

74% of Americans Support Voter ID Laws
One of the left's sillier temper tantrums is the fight against Voter ID laws. The law simply requires that a voter present a photo ID at the polling place, as a means to verify they are who they say they are. It is almost impossible to navigate daily life without a photo ID, yet the left argues that this burden is uniquely onerous. In their worldview, a person should be able to walking into the voting place, state a name and then vote for that name without any verification the person is, in fact, that name. Fortunately, the American people loudly disagree.
Yesterday, the Washington Post released a poll which found that 74% of American adults support the idea that voters should show a photo ID prior to voting. Keep in mind, the Post tried to game the results by framing the question as to whether you would support the requirement of an "official, government-issued" ID to vote. The intent of that questioning was to make the requirement seem like some special, extraordinary measure that would make voting harder.

The American public isn't buying it.

The left has hitched its wagon to a number of rapidly falling stars. Voter ID requirements is just the most rapidly falling one.

74% of Americans Support Voter ID Laws

Opposition to these simple, common sense requirements is in fact one of the few instances in which this administration has made good on its promises of unprecedented transparency.
You can see right through the manufactured outrage, race baiting and class warfare.
where they told that they keep people from voting when asked the question?


And your implication is that they're all simply uninformed and need YOU to tell them the REAL motivation.
I believe keeping those who shouldn't be doing so from voting is in fact the objective.
where they told that they keep people from voting when asked the question?

People should get off their lazy ass and get an ID then. I am disabled yet I am going in September or even earlier to renew my license,my wife's 80 year old grand mother and grand father can go get their licenses renewed then so can anyone else.
where they told that they keep people from voting when asked the question?

People should get off their lazy ass and get an ID then. I am disabled yet I am going in September or even earlier to renew my license,my wife's 80 year old grand mother and grand father can go get their licenses renewed then so can anyone else.

My mother is 92 and has voted every since she became a citizen (and always voted GOP), but she has no photo ID. She has absolutely no need for a photo ID. She won't be voting this year. Secondly, the voter fraud scare is the fraud itself. Voter fraud is very, very rare. I would guess that many people are for the photo ID because they bought into the claim that voter fraud is common, it isn't at all. It a load of BS.

Policy Brief on the Truth About “Voter Fraud”


* Fraud by individual voters is both irrational and extremely rare.
* Many vivid anecdotes of purported voter fraud have been proven false or do not demonstrate fraud.
* Voter fraud is often conflated with other forms of election misconduct.
* Raising the unsubstantiated specter of mass voter fraud suits a particular policy agenda.
* Claims of voter fraud should be carefully tested before they become the basis for action.

Fraud by individual voters is both irrational and extremely rare. Most citizens who take the time to vote offer their legitimate signatures and sworn oaths with the gravitas that this hard-won civic right deserves. Even for the few who view voting merely as a means to an end, however, voter fraud is a singularly foolish way to attempt to win an election. Each act of voter fraud risks five years in prison and a $10,000 fine - but yields at most one incremental vote. The single vote is simply not worth the price.

Because voter fraud is essentially irrational, it is not surprising that no credible evidence suggests a voter fraud epidemic. There is no documented wave or trend of individuals voting multiple times, voting as someone else, or voting despite knowing that they are ineligible. Indeed, evidence from the microscopically scrutinized 2004 gubernatorial election in Washington State actually reveals just the opposite: though voter fraud does happen, it happens approximately 0.0009% of the time. The similarly closely-analyzed 2004 election in Ohio revealed a voter fraud rate of 0.00004%. National Weather Service data shows that Americans are struck and killed by lightning about as often.
Policy Brief on the Truth About “Voter Fraud” | Brennan Center for Justice

How many millions of voters will become disenfranchised because of this fraud scare tactic? Is this what America is all about? Disenfranchise voters for political purposes? Man, this country is quickly slipping into a Banana Republic.
If they knew this type of fraud effects NO elections and that forcing these rules through right before an election will keep legal Americans voters from voting I doubt they would support that.
Holder has targeted only the states that the Democrats can and need to steal the election.
In 2010, with the Democratic and Working Families Party candidate for Governor trailing by some 8,000 votes in the preliminary vote count, a bag containing 10,000 uncounted, exclusively Democratic ballots was mysteriously discovered behind a boarded up storefront window on Bridgeport, Ct's Main Street, 36 hours after the polls had closed.
Secretary of State Susan Byscewicz, who came into office under George Soros's Secretary of State Program, upon receiving the news, immediately declared the Democrat and Working Families Party Candidate the winner with no recount allowed.
where they told that they keep people from voting when asked the question?

People should get off their lazy ass and get an ID then. I am disabled yet I am going in September or even earlier to renew my license,my wife's 80 year old grand mother and grand father can go get their licenses renewed then so can anyone else.

My mother is 92 and has voted every since she became a citizen (and always voted GOP), but she has no photo ID. She has absolutely no need for a photo ID. She won't be voting this year. Secondly, the voter fraud scare is the fraud itself. Voter fraud is very, very rare. I would guess that many people are for the photo ID because they bought into the claim that voter fraud is common, it isn't at all. It a load of BS.

Policy Brief on the Truth About “Voter Fraud”


* Fraud by individual voters is both irrational and extremely rare.
* Many vivid anecdotes of purported voter fraud have been proven false or do not demonstrate fraud.
* Voter fraud is often conflated with other forms of election misconduct.
* Raising the unsubstantiated specter of mass voter fraud suits a particular policy agenda.
* Claims of voter fraud should be carefully tested before they become the basis for action.

Fraud by individual voters is both irrational and extremely rare. Most citizens who take the time to vote offer their legitimate signatures and sworn oaths with the gravitas that this hard-won civic right deserves. Even for the few who view voting merely as a means to an end, however, voter fraud is a singularly foolish way to attempt to win an election. Each act of voter fraud risks five years in prison and a $10,000 fine - but yields at most one incremental vote. The single vote is simply not worth the price.

Because voter fraud is essentially irrational, it is not surprising that no credible evidence suggests a voter fraud epidemic. There is no documented wave or trend of individuals voting multiple times, voting as someone else, or voting despite knowing that they are ineligible. Indeed, evidence from the microscopically scrutinized 2004 gubernatorial election in Washington State actually reveals just the opposite: though voter fraud does happen, it happens approximately 0.0009% of the time. The similarly closely-analyzed 2004 election in Ohio revealed a voter fraud rate of 0.00004%. National Weather Service data shows that Americans are struck and killed by lightning about as often.
Policy Brief on the Truth About “Voter Fraud” | Brennan Center for Justice

How many millions of voters will become disenfranchised because of this fraud scare tactic? Is this what America is all about? Disenfranchise voters for political purposes? Man, this country is quickly slipping into a Banana Republic.

So do we wait until our elections have been fully hijacked to implement safeguards against fraud?
Black Panthers at voting stations with billy clubs, homeless individuals stating they were paid in smokes, food and cash for multiple votes, votes being cast under the names of the dead and cartoon characters?
I don't care how prevalent voter fraud is. One fraudulent vote is robing myself or one of my fellow Americans our implied constitutional right to make this government account to us.
And THAT is a blatant infringement upon our rights. And protecting those right from infringement is one of the VERY FEW and WELL DEFINED responsibilities of our government.
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Most said they new little about the subject of voter IDs in the news.

Then thats their problem now isn't it?

If you want to vote.... take some pride in it and make the process a clean one, and one way to do that is to require an ID to vote.

There are WAY too many ways to get a freebie if ya absolutely can not pay for it yourself.

My 17 yr old has one, and my grandma had one up till her death, and she hadn't drove for over a decade prior to dying at 88 yrs old....

Folks need to stop making excuses damn it!
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So do we wait until our elections have been fully hijacked to implement safeguards against fraud?
Black Panthers at voting stations with billy clubs, homeless individuals stating they were paid in smokes, food and cash for multiple votes, votes being cast under the names of the dead and cartoon characters?
I don't care how prevalent voter fraud is. One fraudulent vote is robing myself or one of my fellow Americans our implied constitutional right to make this government account to us.
And THAT is a blatant infringement upon our rights. And protecting those right from infringement is one of the VERY FEW and WELL DEFINED responsibilities of our government.

Since the LSM is not reporting these things, they must not be happening right? :wink_2:
I support a comprehensive voter reform, including voter ID.

What I dont support is a rush job to push through voter laws in battleground states. What we need is national reform. The requirements to vote shouldnt change depending on the state you live in. The ID I can use to vote in one state, shouldnt be rejected in another.

After the November election we have 4 years before another National election, we should take that time to implement voter reform, including voter rolls. The fact that in this day and age the states need to purge rolls because they dont have a system in place for when people die, or register elsewhere, is ridiculous.

Also, all voter ID's should be free, because we dont limit voting to those who can afford it.
I support a comprehensive voter reform, including voter ID.

What I dont support is a rush job to push through voter laws in battleground states. What we need is national reform. The requirements to vote shouldnt change depending on the state you live in. The ID I can use to vote in one state, shouldnt be rejected in another.

After the November election we have 4 years before another National election, we should take that time to implement voter reform, including voter rolls. The fact that in this day and age the states need to purge rolls because they dont have a system in place for when people die, or register elsewhere, is ridiculous.

Also, all voter ID's should be free, because we dont limit voting to those who can afford it.

It is the responsibility of the states to provide for accurate and efficient elections.
If you cant manage a Valid Id within four years to allow yourself to vote, your incompetent to vote........

Who's going to pay for the voter photo IDs? If the voter does, then they are forced to pay to vote. That would be a violation of the 24th Amendment of the Constitution.
Secondly, as there is no proof of that voter fraud is an issue at all, why go through all of this?
Or are people just fine with disenfranchising millions of eligible voters for no reason?
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