75% of economists saying doing nothing will cost dramatically more than acting on global warming

Before accepting your claim that there is NO climate concern to worry about, YOU need to present a great deal of evidence refuting that which is already on hand,
like what? what has been presented that has ever been accurate? please, share with the class.

AR5 will do just fine. It and its surrounding milieu have convinced the vast majority of the people on this planet actually capable of understanding and judging the evidence. AR6 is in production and shows the situation is worse than the conclusions of its predecessors.
We know climate change happens every season. Only right wingers allege conservativism while denying and disparaging the seasonal cycle of climate change.

A useless war on terror is not conservative. People have been engaging in terrorism longer than we have measured climate change.
Remember, "denier!"
Before accepting your claim that there is NO climate concern to worry about, YOU need to present a great deal of evidence refuting that which is already on hand,
like what? what has been presented that has ever been accurate? please, share with the class.

AR5 will do just fine. It and its surrounding milieu have convinced the vast majority of the people on this planet actually capable of understanding and judging the evidence. AR6 is in production and shows the situation is worse than the conclusions of its predecessors.
Can you explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep oceans?
You could consider the possibility that I wasn't addressing people with your mindset, jc, and thus, wasn't addressing you at all.

Then who are you addressing? ... certainly not anyone with rudimentary knowledge of the subject material ... flaws in your logic abound, starting with the logarithmic relationship between temperature and carbon dioxide ... evidence is emerging that we've already reached saturation, AGW will be quickly diminishing and disappear within 100 years ... which the IPCC predicts in their most recent report ... why do you take a few economists word over actual climatologists? ...

I'm sorry, most the costs of climate change has already been spent ... every one of the predictions of catastrophe require violations of the Laws of Physics ... not to mention the complete absence of these events in the historical records ...

You've put your trust into statistics ... not science ... there is a difference ...

Do you think jc is well grounded in science?

You have not identified any flaws in my logic. What you have shown us is your flawed understanding of greenhouse warming. The Earth's atmosphere is not "saturated" with greenhouse gases. You are attempting to argue that all the IR radiated at the surface gets absorbed by the atmosphere before leaving the planet and therefore adding more CO2 cannot increase the amount absorbed. Right? Wrong. The IR from the surface is absorbed and then reradiated. It gets absorbed again a little higher in the atmosphere and then reradiated. This goes on and on until the energy finally escapes to space. Adding more CO2 shortens the distance radiated IR travels before being reabsorbed, slowing the rate at which it transits the atmosphere. Thus the energy content of the atmosphere increases and its temperature, rises.

Very, very little of the costs of global warming have been spent. By the end of this century, some 200 million people will have to be relocated. And keep in mind, this means that we will LOSE their homes and work sites and retail support civic infrastructure and everything else and THAT IT WILL HAVE TO ALL BE BUILT ANEW, SOMEWHERE ELSE.
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ten yrs my ass,,

you fucks have been howling for almost 50 yrs about this subject,, and youve been wrong 100% of the time,,

That's not what reality tells the world's scientists. To what have you been listening?
Then why you quoting economists?

You could consider the possibility that I wasn't addressing people with your mindset, jc, and thus, wasn't addressing you at all.
so in other words, you don't have any evidence from actual scientists.
AR5 and the upcoming AR6

What is "global warming"?

Global warming exists. We know this. The Egyptians were the top dogs in the European/North Africa world 6,000 years ago. They had an abundance of food. Then the Greeks and Romans further north. Then the Spanish and Portuguese. Then it was the British, Swedish, Dutch, Germans, French. All moving northwards.

However this all happened BEFORE industrialization.

How can humans stop natural global warming from happening? What are we going to do about it?
Ask them what the cost would be for a several thousand feet thick ice sheet over parts of North America, Europe and Asia?

Why? Do you think that a real possibility in the next century or two?
It's not as probable as long as we keep increasing CO2 emissions like we have been, right?

But we don't fully understand the trigger mechanisms so who is to say it isn't possible given the existing background conditions which are favorable for northern hemisphere glaciation. When it comes to climate we are dealing with probabilities and not certainties. That works both ways. A point that seems to have been lost in the insanity. The reality though is that the earth is uniquely configured for cooling and not warming. And the consequences of a drastic cooling - which is exactly what the data shows would happen - versus a gradual warming are much more severe. Which is another point that seems to have been lost in all of the insanity.

In what way do you believe the Earth is "configured for cooling and not warming", particularly when it has been warming at an unprecedented rate for the last century and a half? What data indicate your cooling would be "drastic" and what do you actually mean by the term?

particularly when it has been warming at an unprecedented rate for the last century and a half?

What is the proper rate for a century and a half?
How many century and a half periods can you show?
Remember, "denier!"
Before accepting your claim that there is NO climate concern to worry about, YOU need to present a great deal of evidence refuting that which is already on hand,
like what? what has been presented that has ever been accurate? please, share with the class.

AR5 will do just fine. It and its surrounding milieu have convinced the vast majority of the people on this planet actually capable of understanding and judging the evidence. AR6 is in production and shows the situation is worse than the conclusions of its predecessors.
Can you explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep oceans?

Yes, but not for you Frank.
Remember, "denier!"
Before accepting your claim that there is NO climate concern to worry about, YOU need to present a great deal of evidence refuting that which is already on hand,
like what? what has been presented that has ever been accurate? please, share with the class.

AR5 will do just fine. It and its surrounding milieu have convinced the vast majority of the people on this planet actually capable of understanding and judging the evidence. AR6 is in production and shows the situation is worse than the conclusions of its predecessors.
Can you explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep oceans?

Ask them what the cost would be for a several thousand feet thick ice sheet over parts of North America, Europe and Asia?

Why? Do you think that a real possibility in the next century or two?
It's not as probable as long as we keep increasing CO2 emissions like we have been, right?

But we don't fully understand the trigger mechanisms so who is to say it isn't possible given the existing background conditions which are favorable for northern hemisphere glaciation. When it comes to climate we are dealing with probabilities and not certainties. That works both ways. A point that seems to have been lost in the insanity. The reality though is that the earth is uniquely configured for cooling and not warming. And the consequences of a drastic cooling - which is exactly what the data shows would happen - versus a gradual warming are much more severe. Which is another point that seems to have been lost in all of the insanity.

In what way do you believe the Earth is "configured for cooling and not warming", particularly when it has been warming at an unprecedented rate for the last century and a half? What data indicate your cooling would be "drastic" and what do you actually mean by the term?

particularly when it has been warming at an unprecedented rate for the last century and a half?

What is the proper rate for a century and a half?
How many century and a half periods can you show?

The proper rate would have been ZERO.
The proper rate would have been ZERO.

How many 150 year periods over the last 150,000 years have had zero warming?


I suspect I could find hundreds of 1.5C periods with change of less than 1C.
As I have said here repeatedly, it is the rate of change in the current situation that is going to tear us a new asshole. A ten degree change is nothing to sweat about if it takes place over 100,000 years. But that's not what's happening right now, is it.
I didn't say that, Tin Man. I said surveys and polls do not overlap real science.

You never once posted the lab work showing how increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 raises temperature. That said, how do you know lowering CO2 will have any effect?

It's almost astounding, but I see, Frank, that you don't seem to have learned anything over the last few years.

A poll or survey of scientists tells us what is and is not accepted science. There is no other way to do so. That increasing atmospheric CO2 levels will increase global temperatures is a proven fact Frank. Sputter and whine all you want, but claiming otherwise simply marks you as a liar or a fool.

polling =/= science
Remember, "denier!"
Before accepting your claim that there is NO climate concern to worry about, YOU need to present a great deal of evidence refuting that which is already on hand,
like what? what has been presented that has ever been accurate? please, share with the class.

AR5 will do just fine. It and its surrounding milieu have convinced the vast majority of the people on this planet actually capable of understanding and judging the evidence. AR6 is in production and shows the situation is worse than the conclusions of its predecessors.
Can you explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep oceans?

Yes, but not for you Frank.

You could NEVER explain it!

Saying "we have consensus that atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean" is NOT an explanation

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