75% of economists saying doing nothing will cost dramatically more than acting on global warming

The proper rate would have been ZERO.

How many 150 year periods over the last 150,000 years have had zero warming?
View attachment 477067
View attachment 477068
I suspect I could find hundreds of 1.5C periods with change of less than 1C.

I suspect I could find hundreds of 1.5C periods with change of less than 1C.

The detail isn't high enough to say that. Even if you could, hundreds out of
nearly 2700.....makes your claim "The proper rate would have been ZERO" sound stupid.
You have not identified any flaws in my logic. What you have shown us is your flawed understanding of greenhouse warming. The Earth's atmosphere is not "saturated" with greenhouse gases. You are attempting to argue that all the IR radiated at the surface gets absorbed by the atmosphere before leaving the planet and therefore adding more CO2 cannot increase the amount absorbed. Right? Wrong. The IR from the surface is absorbed and then reradiated. It gets absorbed again a little higher in the atmosphere and then reradiated. This goes on and on until the energy finally escapes to space. Adding more CO2 shortens the distance radiated IR travels before being reabsorbed, slowing the rate at which it transits the atmosphere. Thus the energy content of the atmosphere increases and its temperature, rises.

As temperature increases, more carbon dioxide molecules will absorb and simply retain the energy, not re-emitting ... in order to remain in equilibrium with it's environment by the 2nd law of thermodynamics ... thus as temperature goes up, carbon dioxide absorbs less energy in the IR bands we're discussing right now ... 15 µm specifically ... once the 15 µm photon smacks our molecule, the molecule jumps to it's higher quantum state, the molecule can't absorb anymore 15 µm photons until after it has shed that energy ... so as more and more carbon dioxide exists in this higher state, the 15 µm energy passes right on through ...

Carbon dioxide's effect on temperature is reduced as temperatures increases ... or so the IPCC report says (WG1 Fig 12-5 and associated text) ...

Very, very little of the costs of global warming have been spent. By the end of this century, some 200 million people will have to be relocated. And keep in mind, this means that we will LOSE their homes and work sites and retail support civic infrastructure and everything else and THAT IT WILL HAVE TO ALL BE BUILT ANEW, SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Hold on a second ... there's a very good chance there will be 8 billion more people in this world by end-of-century ... there's going to be one hell of a lot more people who need to be relocated than a measly 200 million ... besides, sea level is only expected to rise 22 inches by year 2100, something easier to mitigate than building a road ... we built 44,000 miles of Interstate freeways in 30 years, we can build 10,000 miles of three foot sea walls just as quickly, and much more cheaply ...

Someday we will run out of inexpensive fossil fuels ... and have to start paying for expensive fossil fuels ... that cost will be far and away more expensive than the costs of GW ... frankly, a 2ºC temperature increase will be the least of our worries 100 years from now ...

Have you seen the price of base metals lately? ...

ten yrs my ass,,

you fucks have been howling for almost 50 yrs about this subject,, and youve been wrong 100% of the time,,

That's not what reality tells the world's scientists. To what have you been listening?
Then why you quoting economists?

You could consider the possibility that I wasn't addressing people with your mindset, jc, and thus, wasn't addressing you at all.
so in other words, you don't have any evidence from actual scientists.
AR5 and the upcoming AR6
Post the relevant information that proves your claims?
We need to spend $78 Trillion to lower Atmospheric CO2 which will have no discernable effect on anything other than crushing the US economy. Brilliant!
Why in the world would anyone (other than abu afak and Fort Fun Indiana ) want to lower atmospheric CO2 in the middle of an ice age?

We need to end the use of fossil fuels to avoid having to relocate 200 hundred million coastal inhabitants worldwide, lose the infrastructure of the cities they've all been living in and do so in the midst of weather catastrophes, global famines and water shortages. We need to address global warming to SAVE the trillions of dollars it will cost to deal with the consequences.
Step back from the kool-aid. Nothing you are spouting is supported with facts. We are in the middle of an ice age for crying out loud. The same conditions which led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet still exist today.
As I have said here repeatedly, it is the rate of change in the current situation that is going to tear us a new asshole. A ten degree change is nothing to sweat about if it takes place over 100,000 years. But that's not what's happening right now, is it.
Twenty five Heinrich and Dansgaard–Oeschger Events during the last glacial cycle and the oxygen isotope curve say otherwise.

Oh please. Time has proven the alleged "scientists" wrong so now we are presented with alleged accountants. Idiots willing to say whatever they are paid to say. Present some honest hard facts and figures or STFU.

Time has proven the scientists correct. This survey of economists addressed the argument claiming that dealing with AGW itself vice dealing with its consequences is a waste of money. This was NOT an attempt to provide more evidence of the validity of AGW. Sorry you failed to understand that but I believe post #1 is clear.

If you have an interest in some hard facts and figures, here are a few:




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When you consider the studies origin, NYU Law School, and the fact that AOC is actually an economics grad, the degree of reliability isn't so good. Educated people nowadays are more conditioned than educated. And a law school will always favor a policy that will expand their occupations wealth regardless if it threatens to destroy our country.
You have not identified any flaws in my logic. What you have shown us is your flawed understanding of greenhouse warming. The Earth's atmosphere is not "saturated" with greenhouse gases. You are attempting to argue that all the IR radiated at the surface gets absorbed by the atmosphere before leaving the planet and therefore adding more CO2 cannot increase the amount absorbed. Right? Wrong. The IR from the surface is absorbed and then reradiated. It gets absorbed again a little higher in the atmosphere and then reradiated. This goes on and on until the energy finally escapes to space. Adding more CO2 shortens the distance radiated IR travels before being reabsorbed, slowing the rate at which it transits the atmosphere. Thus the energy content of the atmosphere increases and its temperature, rises.

As temperature increases, more carbon dioxide molecules will absorb and simply retain the energy, not re-emitting ... in order to remain in equilibrium with it's environment by the 2nd law of thermodynamics ... thus as temperature goes up, carbon dioxide absorbs less energy in the IR bands we're discussing right now ... 15 µm specifically ... once the 15 µm photon smacks our molecule, the molecule jumps to it's higher quantum state, the molecule can't absorb anymore 15 µm photons until after it has shed that energy ... so as more and more carbon dioxide exists in this higher state, the 15 µm energy passes right on through ...

Carbon dioxide's effect on temperature is reduced as temperatures increases ... or so the IPCC report says (WG1 Fig 12-5 and associated text) ...

Very, very little of the costs of global warming have been spent. By the end of this century, some 200 million people will have to be relocated. And keep in mind, this means that we will LOSE their homes and work sites and retail support civic infrastructure and everything else and THAT IT WILL HAVE TO ALL BE BUILT ANEW, SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Hold on a second ... there's a very good chance there will be 8 billion more people in this world by end-of-century ... there's going to be one hell of a lot more people who need to be relocated than a measly 200 million ... besides, sea level is only expected to rise 22 inches by year 2100, something easier to mitigate than building a road ... we built 44,000 miles of Interstate freeways in 30 years, we can build 10,000 miles of three foot sea walls just as quickly, and much more cheaply ...

Someday we will run out of inexpensive fossil fuels ... and have to start paying for expensive fossil fuels ... that cost will be far and away more expensive than the costs of GW ... frankly, a 2ºC temperature increase will be the least of our worries 100 years from now ...

Have you seen the price of base metals lately? ...

Your first sentence shows a fundamental misunderstanding of radiative physics and the thermodynamic processes taking place in the Earth's atmosphere. If what you suggest were actually taking place - that the process is NOT a continuous flow of energy both INTO and OUT OF the atmosphere - the Earth would long ago have burnt to a cinder. Keep one fact in mind: ALL matter radiates all the time. It doesn't stop radiating when it reaches thermal equilibrium. That is simply when its emission and absorption become equal.

The Earth is continually bathed in EM energy from the sun. That energy travels through the transparent atmosphere and is absorbed or reflected by the land and sea. The land and sea reradiate that energy as IR radiation which is absorbed by the GHGs in our atmosphere. The GHGs reradiate the energy, again as IR which gets absorbed by other GHG molecules. This step by step process carries on till the energy finally reaches the top of the atmosphere and radiates freely into space. So, what happens when you add more GHGs to the atmosphere? The average distance a photon travels before striking and being absorbed by a GHG molecule becomes shorter. The number of steps to the trip out of the atmosphere goes up and thus the amount of thermal energy present in the conveyor belt to space increases. That changing state is evinced by the increasing temperature of the atmosphere. Global warming.

I'm glad you think its easy to build and maintain sea walls but I'm afraid your estimate of 3 feet won't cut it. Consider storm surges, not infrequently cresting 20 feet above MSL and, with global warming increasing the temperature of air and water, certain to increase in height and frequency. I'm fairly certain that the economists considering this problem took into account the cost of building sea walls. In fact, I'm quite certain that they took into account a hundred factors that you and I would never think of. That would be because they're PhD economists and we're not.
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When you consider the studies origin, NYU Law School, and the fact that AOC is actually an economics grad, the degree of reliability isn't so good. Educated people nowadays are more conditioned than educated. And a law school will always favor a policy that will expand their occupations wealth regardless if it threatens to destroy our country.

As your post clearly demonstrates, she's smarter than you.
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As I have said here repeatedly, it is the rate of change in the current situation that is going to tear us a new asshole. A ten degree change is nothing to sweat about if it takes place over 100,000 years. But that's not what's happening right now, is it.
Twenty five Heinrich and Dansgaard–Oeschger Events during the last glacial cycle and the oxygen isotope curve say otherwise.

D-O events leave you in an interglacial period, not a glacial period. You might want to look up the difference.
These stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know anymore about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

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