75% of people in California getting COVID are “fully vaxxed”, so much for “the vax stops the virus” lie.

Here come the masks again......didnt know there were so many covid deniers in LA
"There is this common line of thinking that the pandemic is over and COVID is no longer of concern, but these numbers clearly demonstrate that COVID is still with us," she said.

no they don't
The “2 weeks to flatten the curve” bullshit happened long before there was a vaccine available. Like almost a year before.
It's a conspiracy!!!
I suppose you think they were lying rather than the fact that this was a brand new kind of *** **** disease. Anyway you can be sure that the GOP screwed that all up under trump didn't do a god damn thing right. Except the ridiculously obvious...
Oh, my... look at all these Vax Armchair Quarterbacks, equipped with Faulty Hindsight... pretending that the vaxes haven't throttled-back the pandemic.


Youhave no evidence.


Fact is the Biden admin, WHO, CDC, Pharma, and the media LIED about the vax.


Why are you moving the goalposts, cultist?
It's a conspiracy!!!
I suppose you think they were lying rather than the fact that this was a brand new kind of *** **** disease. Anyway you can be sure that the GOP screwed that all up under trump didn't do a god damn thing right. Except the ridiculously obvious...
WTF are you talking about? Your contention was that had everyone just gotten their vaccine the "2 weeks to flatten the curve" would have worked. That's a neat little talking point if you're talking to someone who just woke up from a coma or has amnesia. Here's a tip, have some idea what you're speaking about before you make an ass of yourself on the internet. Though that's probably too much to ask.
WTF are you talking about? Your contention was that had everyone just gotten their vaccine the "2 weeks to flatten the curve" would have worked. That's a neat little talking point if you're talking to someone who just woke up from a coma or has amnesia. Here's a tip, have some idea what you're speaking about before you make an ass of yourself on the internet. Though that's probably too much to ask.
Yes yes scientists are lying to you because they hate trump. Idiot.
But but but...the economy wrecking government mandates by stupid shits in government didn't work??
What didn't work was brainwashed functional moron GOP base voters who refused to get vaccinated because of their ridiculous propaganda so we had the worst reaction of any country in the world and the orange clown and nut job conservatives here spread the word to other conspiracy nut conservatives around the world. That's why you get really stupid threads like this. The vax stops the virus from killing you nowadays. The original vaccine was 94% effective and could have stopped it.
For fucks sake The “2 weeks ri flatten the curve“ happened in March 2020, vaccines weren’t widely available until April 2021. There was no vaccine to take you idiot.
Miss the point much? Scientists are not lying they're doing the best they can. Absolute idiocy along with the rest of your fox slash Internet garbage.
Brainwashed functional morons Much?

Miss the point much? Scientists are not lying they're doing the best they can. Absolute idiocy along with the rest of your fox slash Internet garbage.

No actually I dont. I also wont let you wriggle your way out of your dum ass statement.
No actually I dont. I also wont let you wriggle your way out of your dum ass statement.

Nobody gives a damn about it lol... Change the channel from the conspiracy nut channel, get with the damn program. Scientists don't lie because they hate trump. Neither does the FBI or the DOJ or anyone else except republicans who are cowards and scared shirtless of him
You have come to grips with Theory, not Fact.

It's a conspiracy!!!

scientists are lying to you

nut job conservatives here spread the word to other conspiracy nut conservatives

The original vaccine was 94% effective

fox slash Internet garbage.

at least 179,400 more Republicans

Scientists don't lie because they hate trump. Neither does the FBI or the DOJ or anyone else except republicans
you do realize there will be no resolve when our government is actively suppressing and/or censoring pertinent data, right?

Shorter Jim H.: cows don't murder each other.
Better to get murdered by a knife than a gun?

No one seems to be calling for a ban on knives after the brutal mass murder of Idaho college students.

The point I was making is that the statistic which you posted - gun deaths per 100k seems to imply that there are more murders where gun laws are less restrictive. I'm sure you would agree with that. But what really matters are murders, and I don't see such a strong correlation when we look at that. Admittedly, I did not search long.
The better question is why are people testing for it? What changes your care to have it or not?
you do realize there will be no resolve when our government is actively suppressing and/or censoring pertinent data, right?

you don't have any pertinent data, all you have is garbage propaganda repeated endlessly. In effect, anti American propaganda spreading chaos and disrespect for our public servants and institutions because emails and pedophilia. You people are absolute idiots oops. Scientists may be mistaken but they are not lying to you. Idiocy.
The better question is why are people testing for it? What changes your care to have it or not?
They have new drugs that help once you catch it now also. You know absolutely nothing about it. Try a reputable news source, brainwashed functional moron. For chrissake Google it
The purpose of the vaccine is to prevent you from going to the hospital and to prevent you from dying when you DO catch it.


Close enough for Gubmint work...
Yeah cause it kills you before one can get there!! You should actually read up dumbass
They have new drugs that help once you catch it now also. You know absolutely nothing about it. Try a reputable news source, brainwashed functional moron. For chrissake Google it
Yeah drugs government fired doctors and nurses for giving out. Still doesn’t answer my question

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