Another Fauci Big Lie: “99.2%” of COVID Deaths Are Unvaccinated. Top WHO Scientist Says Vaccinated Are “Dangerous”

Total rubbish.

The overwhelming majority of covid deaths are in the un-vaccinated populations. The statistics you're bringing up are outliers using small populations to produce some sort of dramatic effect (33 deaths in Vermont for example) and are cherry picked for the same reason.

Here is what is happening in Texas for example--this is Greg Abbot's health department:

View attachment 564263

You're 20X more likely to die if you were dumb enough to refuse to get vaccinaetd.
All you have are lies. Gibraltar leads the world in vaccinations, 2.79 vaccines per person.

And cases are skyrocketing.

74% of the UK is vaccinated. And about to go into full lockdown.

69% of Germans are vaccinated. And about to go into full lockdown.

Most people admitted to hospital with Covid-19 are vaccinated​

All you have are lies. Gibraltar leads the world in vaccinations, 2.79 vaccines per person.

And cases are skyrocketing.

74% of the UK is vaccinated. And about to go into full lockdown.

69% of Germans are vaccinated. And about to go into full lockdown.

Most people admitted to hospital with Covid-19 are vaccinated​

Oh, so now you are reverting to the liberal trick of counting cases rather than relative death rates per population.
All you have are lies. Gibraltar leads the world in vaccinations, 2.79 vaccines per person.

And cases are skyrocketing.

74% of the UK is vaccinated. And about to go into full lockdown.

69% of Germans are vaccinated. And about to go into full lockdown.

Most people admitted to hospital with Covid-19 are vaccinated​

They take the disease seriously...we do not.

Again, the facts are that almost all deaths from Covid are among the unvaccinated. As it was; as it is...As it will be.
They take the disease seriously...we do not.

Again, the facts are that almost all deaths from Covid are among the unvaccinated. As it was; as it is...As it will be.
Most deaths at home are in the bathroom. That why you never bathe and crap outdoors?
Most deaths at home are in the bathroom. That why you never bathe and crap outdoors?
Because causation has been established through the outcomes of hundreds of millions of people across all categories.

Whew, that was a real tough question.....
Hmmm... I bathe and crap indoors because I can afford indoor plumbing. Red State customs are much different I guess.
Fact is, the vaccine is getting people killed.

Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age​


Fact is, the vaccine is getting people killed.

Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age​

View attachment 566719 You've got to be joking.

The sad thing is that you're not.

The vaccine is safe, effective, free, and available. Over 99% of the deaths due to covid are occurring in the unvaccinated populations. This is a fact.

You're repeating bullshit.
You know you're repeating bullshit.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Fact is, the vaccine is getting people killed.

Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age​

View attachment 566719
In my state, the number of people in the ICU has risen by about 30% over the past year. They are trying to blame it on "deffered medical treatment" from back when there were true lock downs...but that was about 1 and 1/2 years ago. No. There is a crisis, but I'm afraid it is not the corona virus that is causing it... You've got to be joking.

The sad thing is that you're not.

The vaccine is safe, effective, free, and available. Over 99% of the deaths due to covid are occurring in the unvaccinated populations. This is a fact.

You're repeating bullshit.
You know you're repeating bullshit.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Science is your enemy.
Science is your enemy.

Here is what the data says:


Here is what the data says:

View attachment 566729

You are mis-quoting: The risk of death *due to Covid19* was consistently lower...

How do they explain the increase in hospitalizations and ICU beds? Not in the data the big pharma provided you? Think very carefully. When did the "vaccination" rollout begin? When did the increase in hospitalizations begin? Hm.

Oh, ok. go back to sleep. Bahhhh! Bahhh! (bleats the sheep)
Ok no bullchit guys. I am not here to troll, I have, you know, a life. Would rather be at the gym checking out the babes or having a crazy, drunk-ass philosophical discussion at a bar. But it makes me crazy as I can see most of you can read the same as me, and I assume use a computer to dig up a little information from reasonably mainstream news or science sources, nothing super technical. So how can you believe a single solitary thing someone like Fauci says when he makes statements, and the media repeats them, like 99.99999% of covid deaths are unvaxxed? Actually he says 99.2% But guess what? He is totally pulling that number out his ass. No one knows where it came from. And the truth if anything is opposite.

So if you catch someone in one pretty significant lie, why would you believe him about anything else? Anything? I don't expect the shills here ever to come around, that is expected. But I cannot bring myself to believe there is not a single person here arguing the pro clot-shot line in good faith. It is simply that you have not been presented with all the information. This man Fauci is a liar. He was lying to you then. He is lying to you now. If he says "safe and effective," the smart thing for you to do, from a purely rational point of view of judging who a man is inside, is to run the other way.

Can't you see that? Can you not see that this man is a psychopathic, serial liar? Please tell me that you can, and if you cannot, I will provide you with more evidence.

ABC News Channel 20:

“42% of Illinois COVID-19 deaths last week were fully vaccinated people”: “SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WICS) — Data from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) shows 42% of all COVID-19 deaths from Oct. 20 to Oct. 27, 2021, in Illinois were among fully vaccinated people.”

Vermont Daily Chronicle:

“76% of September Covid-19 deaths are vax breakthroughs”: “Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid-19 in September were unvaccinated, the Vermont Department of Heath said Wednesday. Health Department spokesperson Ben Truman said most of the vaccine ‘breakthrough’ Covid-19 fatalities were elderly. Because they were among the first vaccinated, Vermont’s elderly “have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case,” he said.”

Rio Times: “Scientific study from Israel shows natural immunity superior to Covid vaccine against Delta variant”:

“natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity.” (Study)

Dr. Kobi Haviv,
the medical director of Herzog Medical Center in Jerusalem: “85-90% of the hospitalizations here are fully vaccinated people.” (Twitter below)

Yahoo News: “Ultra-Vaxxed Israel’s Crisis Is a Dire Warning to America”:

“in early July, with citizens over the age of 60 almost completely vaccinated, Israeli scientists began observing a worrisome rise in infections—if not in severe illness and death—among the double-vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people with weakened immune systems appeared particularly vulnerable to the aggressive Delta variant.”

Former Top WHO Scientist Say Vaccinated Are “Dangerous”

Former Vice-President of the European Advisory Group to the World Health Organisation, Prof. Christian Perronne:

“Vaccinated people are at risk of the new variants and transmitted. It’s been proven in different countries so vaccinated people should be put in quarantine and should be isolated from society. Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous to others. It’s proven in Israel now, where I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel. They’re having big problems now; severe cases in hospitals are among vaccinated people. And in the UK also, you had a larger vaccination program and also there are problems.” (From interview clip below, August 2021) (view at Bitchute)

The Vaccine Reaction (Barbara Loe Fisher): “How Accurate is the Claim That Nearly All COVID Deaths are Among the Unvaccinated?”:

“U.S. health officials like Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which co-developed with Moderna an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine being distributed under emergency use authorization (EUA), have started referring to the findings of the AP analysis, without actually citing the AP as the source. This gives the impression that they are government findings, thereby giving them more weight.”

In the world of Empirical Data collection anytime you see the two numbers 99 together...start doubting what follows it.

Here is what the data says:

View attachment 566729

Data is not saying that anymore and probably never actually did.
In the world of Empirical Data collection anytime you see the two numbers 99 together. Start doubting what follows it.

Total rubbish.

The overwhelming majority of covid deaths are in the un-vaccinated populations. The statistics you're bringing up are outliers using small populations to produce some sort of dramatic effect (33 deaths in Vermont for example) and are cherry picked for the same reason.

Here is what is happening in Texas for example--this is Greg Abbot's health department:

View attachment 564263

You're 20X more likely to die if you were dumb enough to refuse to get vaccinaetd.
You conflate those who never had COVID with those who did. Pretty dishonest but part for the course for you.
I don't have that. I hope what's being reported is true, that the shot helps significantly lower the numbers who die.
It's not actually true....what has become apparently in recent weeks is that the vaccinated are super susceptible to the more deadly effects when the first shots tire out....they actually make themselves bigger targets with an increasingly virulent mortality rate that is now growing too fast to hide it in cooked numbers.
Here is what the data says:

View attachment 566729

The jab works so well that cases are skyrocketing within the jabbed community and you live in morbid fear after getting your 23rd booster.
It's not actually true....what has become apparently in recent weeks is that the vaccinated are super susceptible to the more deadly effects when the first shots tire out....they actually make themselves bigger targets with an increasingly virulent mortality rate that is now growing too fast to hide it in cooked numbers.

This type of booster reminds me of a sugar high. Spike the immune system, then a heavy crash, providing no immunity to even a regular cold virus. Thats scary.

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