75% of Republicans view the media unfavorably (biased) while only 22% of Democrats do

that last thing is a damn LIE

and how would u know what the "right wing " media does when you probably never watch?


They would never watch.
That's the power of the Cult.
No one not within the Cult can be trusted.
They are like Moonies, only exponentially more devoted and dangerous.
They would never watch.
That's the power of the Cult.
No one not within the Cult can be trusted.
They are like Moonies, only exponentially more devoted and dangerous.

We don't call it KoolAid (that they dispense) lightly
Funny how you radical leftists can’t get along with anyone who isn’t in total agreement with you.
All you do is run your mouth. There’s no substance.

I respect anyone who has an opinion they can stand up with an argument. That isn’t you.
You didn’t bitch slap anything because my post went over your head.

You’re swinging at air.
Note how easily I destroyed your statement with facts. I have expended more effort sleeping honestly. Go back to the minor leagues you are not ready to debate the issues at this level. :itsok:
yeh the dumbasses changed it from global warming to climate change when they saw the planet, at least in some places was actually getting colder over the decades.. what a bunch of dishonest fools
Not only that but that is one of several subjects that could get you suspended on Facebook or Twitter. Heidi Cullen, so-called climate 'scientist', of the Weather Channel went public that anybody who questioned AGW or did not embrace it should be banned from teaching, working in the media, or working in any scientific institution.

I guess she missed the class in which the effective definition of science is to question, to explore possibilities, to test the unknown, to experiment. "Certainty" is a very very big word for anybody worthy of being called scientist.

But that is the MO of the left. Their doctrine is the ONLY doctrine that is allowed and all other opinion, thoughts, observation, beliefs, suggestions must be punished and/or silenced. (In fairness to the left, that syndrome is not entirely absent in some Patriots who also engage in cancel culture with those they disagree with. But the syndrome is NOT common among Patriots and is almost entirely absent in the rightwing press.)
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Fox News is mainstream media.

They’re nearly 100% dishonest.
Regardless of your opinions, They make up like 5% of MSM if that.

NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, WaPo, NYT, TIME, USAToday, politico, Vice, HuffPo, NPR, etc. All Left wing sources.
Note how easily I destroyed your statement with facts. I have expended more effort sleeping honestly. Go back to the minor leagues you are not ready to debate the issues at this level. :itsok:
Who talks like this?
Nonsense polling. “The media” isn’t a hive mind. There’s honest and dishonest. Biased and unbiased. Both exist on the liberal, conservative, and any other part of the political field.

The media encompasses too much to distill it into a single question.

Bad use of polling.
They are all biased leftwingers, period. less than 10% of them are conservative.
Regardless of your opinions, They make up like 5% of MSM if that.

NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, WaPo, NYT, TIME, USAToday, politico, Vice, HuffPo, NPR, etc. All Left wing sources.
Fox News is by far the most popular news network. Your 5% number is completely made up.
All you do is run your mouth. There’s no substance.

I respect anyone who has an opinion they can stand up with an argument. That isn’t you.
Lol. You couldn’t be more wrong if you tried.
The news reports facts not "alternative facts"... this dismays 90% of republican rubes. Sorry snowflakes.
Which is why Patriot voices are mostly restricted, muffled, or downright forbidden in so much of America these days and the message that is most prominent is:
--anti America
--anti traditional religion
--anti traditional family
--anti traditional values and celebrations
--anti expressions of patriotism
--anti free speech for all but those on the left
--anti law and order for all but those on the right
--pro sexualization of children
--pro blame current society for all the problems throughout our history
--pro abortion
--pro open borders
--pro big government and government controlling more and more resources
--pro Democrat
--pro AGW
--pro NWO

And since the exact opposite is true of most of those on the right, we have the most divided nation that any of us have ever experienced.

I don't think most in the media intend to destroy America. But they definitely have a huge part in the situation described here.
Let me interpret your points
--anti America (code for pro-white nationalist)
--anti traditional religion (code for pro religious state)
--anti traditional family (code for pro homophobic)
--anti traditional values and celebrations (code for all three above)
--anti expressions of patriotism (code for pro hate speech)
--anti free speech for all but those on the left (code for pro hate speech
--anti law and order for all but those on the right (code for lock up black people not white)
--pro sexualization of children (code for pro-homophobic)
--pro blame current society for all the problems throughout our history (code for pro-inequity)
--pro abortion (code for anti-choice, anti-freedom, pro religious state)
--pro open borders (code for anti-brown people)
--pro big government and government controlling more and more resources (pro-deficit, pro-rich tax breaks, pro-punish the poor)
--pro Democrat (code for all the above)
--pro AGW (code for science denying)
--pro NWO (code for isolationism)
The news reports facts not "alternative facts"... this dismays 90% of republican rubes. Sorry snowflakes.
Yeah facts like Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election and the vax is safe and effective plus you’ll never get C19, and Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation, and ivermectin is horse dewormer, and C19 came from a wet market, and Putin is dying, and Obama is scandal free, and Joe isn’t corrupt and demented.

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