$750 Billion

We don't know how far and wide it has spread because people CAN'T get tested.

My local urgent care still has no idea where to send swabs to be tested for coronavirus. They are sending swabs to the largest area hospital, but still no results since that hospital doesn't have test kits either.
Trump wasted any benefit we'd have gotten from testing. Although I've read that if we could test people who have had it, and gotten over it, we might find out whether there's some herd immunity without a vaccine.

But no one is really disputing the numbers of 10K people just in NYC or upwards of 100K in all of Ohio. So, it's out and being passed around, as your thread says. But just because we might quarantine for days, we'd still be passing it around with people quarantined with each other. And people will break quarantine. And there's no way to eliminate it from coming inside our borders. We can certainly cause fewer exposures. Imo the "experts" are right that the thing is going to cycle from one hot spot to another, with communities being put into shutdown like New Rochelle until ….. we either get a vaccine or develop some herd immunity though exposures - which is not a proven thing yet.
The benefit of testing is marginal to negligible in the first place, for the reason I already laid out.....Its only real benefit is to determine a course of action for those getting sick.

Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits to test everyone.

thanks to Dump.
Oh spare me.
We don't and won't know how far it has spread because people with a few mild or no symptoms won't get tested.
We don't know how far and wide it has spread because people CAN'T get tested.

My local urgent care still has no idea where to send swabs to be tested for coronavirus. They are sending swabs to the largest area hospital, but still no results since that hospital doesn't have test kits either.
Trump wasted any benefit we'd have gotten from testing. Although I've read that if we could test people who have had it, and gotten over it, we might find out whether there's some herd immunity without a vaccine.

But no one is really disputing the numbers of 10K people just in NYC or upwards of 100K in all of Ohio. So, it's out and being passed around, as your thread says. But just because we might quarantine for days, we'd still be passing it around with people quarantined with each other. And people will break quarantine. And there's no way to eliminate it from coming inside our borders. We can certainly cause fewer exposures. Imo the "experts" are right that the thing is going to cycle from one hot spot to another, with communities being put into shutdown like New Rochelle until ….. we either get a vaccine or develop some herd immunity though exposures - which is not a proven thing yet.
The benefit of testing is marginal to negligible in the first place, for the reason I already laid out.....Its only real benefit is to determine a course of action for those getting sick.

Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
We don't know how far and wide it has spread because people CAN'T get tested.

My local urgent care still has no idea where to send swabs to be tested for coronavirus. They are sending swabs to the largest area hospital, but still no results since that hospital doesn't have test kits either.
Trump wasted any benefit we'd have gotten from testing. Although I've read that if we could test people who have had it, and gotten over it, we might find out whether there's some herd immunity without a vaccine.

But no one is really disputing the numbers of 10K people just in NYC or upwards of 100K in all of Ohio. So, it's out and being passed around, as your thread says. But just because we might quarantine for days, we'd still be passing it around with people quarantined with each other. And people will break quarantine. And there's no way to eliminate it from coming inside our borders. We can certainly cause fewer exposures. Imo the "experts" are right that the thing is going to cycle from one hot spot to another, with communities being put into shutdown like New Rochelle until ….. we either get a vaccine or develop some herd immunity though exposures - which is not a proven thing yet.
The benefit of testing is marginal to negligible in the first place, for the reason I already laid out.....Its only real benefit is to determine a course of action for those getting sick.

Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere, and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.
  • Due to a lack of testing, we have no idea how far and how wide C-19 has spread.
  • It takes 14 days of quarantine to eliminate C-19
If everyone, and I mean everyone, stayed home for 30 days, that should halt the spread of C-19.

So I thought I would look up how much we collectively earn in wages/salaries each year, and then divide that by 12.

Total wages and salaries, BLS

In 2018, we earned $8.367 trillion. Looking at the slope of the curve, I am going to guestimate $9.0 trillion for 2020.

That would bring the monthly earnings to $750 billion.

Here's my government stimulus/bailout idea: Everybody stays home and still gets paid. Cost: $750 billion.

As I was surfing around looking this stuff up, I found I am not the only one thinking this way.

Billionaire activist investor Bill Ackman calls on Trump to 'shut down' the U.S. for the next 30 days

Explainer: Coronavirus reappears in discharged patients, raising questions in containment fight
Trump wasted any benefit we'd have gotten from testing. Although I've read that if we could test people who have had it, and gotten over it, we might find out whether there's some herd immunity without a vaccine.

But no one is really disputing the numbers of 10K people just in NYC or upwards of 100K in all of Ohio. So, it's out and being passed around, as your thread says. But just because we might quarantine for days, we'd still be passing it around with people quarantined with each other. And people will break quarantine. And there's no way to eliminate it from coming inside our borders. We can certainly cause fewer exposures. Imo the "experts" are right that the thing is going to cycle from one hot spot to another, with communities being put into shutdown like New Rochelle until ….. we either get a vaccine or develop some herd immunity though exposures - which is not a proven thing yet.
The benefit of testing is marginal to negligible in the first place, for the reason I already laid out.....Its only real benefit is to determine a course of action for those getting sick.

Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.
Dumbass. PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK RIGHT NOW CANNOT BE TESTED. There are no tests available to them.


I know this for a fact because my wife came down ill last week and our local urgent care could not test her, and had no idea where to send the swabs. So they sent them to the biggest area hospital in the hopes they would get test kits.

They STILL haven't.

My entire family was under quarantine last week. Perhaps you all noticed my posting rate dramatically increased.

You are a fucking dumbass idiot.
It seems your position is strictly political ... using death and illness as a tool to get Joe Biden elected ... shame on you, shelling out close to a trillion dollars just because you hate conservatives ... just keep in mind, this trillion dollars is exact what conservatives wish to avoid paying out ...

"this trillion dollars is exact what conservatives wish to avoid paying out .."

Um...I take it you have been in a self-imposed news blackout?

Emergency stimulus to soar above $1 trillion

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin met with Senate Republicans behind closed doors Tuesday to present options for aid to airlines, hotels, casinos and small-to-medium-sized businesses. The White House had been discussing a package of more than $800 billion, POLITICO reported Monday. By Tuesday morning, the Treasury Department was preparing to unveil a package of $850 billion including more than $50 billion for the airline industry, $250 billion for small-business support and $500 billion for aid to individuals through direct payments or payroll tax cuts.

My plan is cheaper! :lol:

And since it is Trump who wants to spend the trillion, then by your own benchmark it is all an evil political ploy to get him re-elected, right? Right?


You cite to something for MARCH 3RD.

You accept citations from Politico? ... they claim the current funding measure working it's way through Congress is only $7.5 billion {Cite} ... your plan is far far more expensive ...

Any government official can propose any amount of money they'd like to ... but Congress and only Congress can appropriate that money ...

I watch the news with a critical eye ... "proposed", "should be" and "introducing legislation" are all weasel words to say it ain't real yet ...

BTW ... that emergency funding legislation is stalled in the Senate today while they debate the amendment to end the war in Afghanistan ... so there's $0 available right now for your plan ... you're welcome for that update ...

You cite to something for MARCH 3RD.
Trump wasted any benefit we'd have gotten from testing. Although I've read that if we could test people who have had it, and gotten over it, we might find out whether there's some herd immunity without a vaccine.

But no one is really disputing the numbers of 10K people just in NYC or upwards of 100K in all of Ohio. So, it's out and being passed around, as your thread says. But just because we might quarantine for days, we'd still be passing it around with people quarantined with each other. And people will break quarantine. And there's no way to eliminate it from coming inside our borders. We can certainly cause fewer exposures. Imo the "experts" are right that the thing is going to cycle from one hot spot to another, with communities being put into shutdown like New Rochelle until ….. we either get a vaccine or develop some herd immunity though exposures - which is not a proven thing yet.
The benefit of testing is marginal to negligible in the first place, for the reason I already laid out.....Its only real benefit is to determine a course of action for those getting sick.

Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere, and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.


You test asymptomatic people the same way you test those showing symptoms. They suspect they have been exposed, you test them. They drive up in a line with other cars wanting to be tested, you test them. They go to their doctor because they want to be tested so you test them.
  • Due to a lack of testing, we have no idea how far and how wide C-19 has spread.
  • It takes 14 days of quarantine to eliminate C-19
If everyone, and I mean everyone, stayed home for 30 days, that should halt the spread of C-19.

So I thought I would look up how much we collectively earn in wages/salaries each year, and then divide that by 12.

Total wages and salaries, BLS

In 2018, we earned $8.367 trillion. Looking at the slope of the curve, I am going to guestimate $9.0 trillion for 2020.

That would bring the monthly earnings to $750 billion.

Here's my government stimulus/bailout idea: Everybody stays home and still gets paid. Cost: $750 billion.

As I was surfing around looking this stuff up, I found I am not the only one thinking this way.

Billionaire activist investor Bill Ackman calls on Trump to 'shut down' the U.S. for the next 30 days

Explainer: Coronavirus reappears in discharged patients, raising questions in containment fight
It takes 2 to 14 days for the symptoms to manifest. If you are quarantined for 14 days and don't get sick, you are okay.

If we quarantine everyone for 30 days, then we will see who gets sick, and since they are pre-quarantined, the disease won't spread.
The benefit of testing is marginal to negligible in the first place, for the reason I already laid out.....Its only real benefit is to determine a course of action for those getting sick.

Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.
Dumbass. PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK RIGHT NOW CANNOT BE TESTED. There are no tests available to them.


I know this for a fact because my wife came down ill last week and our local urgent care could not test her, and had no idea where to send the swabs. So they sent them to the biggest area hospital in the hopes they would get test kits.

They STILL haven't.

My entire family was under quarantine last week. Perhaps you all noticed my posting rate dramatically increased.

You are a fucking dumbass idiot.

You guys taking care of yourselves?
  • Due to a lack of testing, we have no idea how far and how wide C-19 has spread.
  • It takes 14 days of quarantine to eliminate C-19
If everyone, and I mean everyone, stayed home for 30 days, that should halt the spread of C-19.

So I thought I would look up how much we collectively earn in wages/salaries each year, and then divide that by 12.

Total wages and salaries, BLS

In 2018, we earned $8.367 trillion. Looking at the slope of the curve, I am going to guestimate $9.0 trillion for 2020.

That would bring the monthly earnings to $750 billion.

Here's my government stimulus/bailout idea: Everybody stays home and still gets paid. Cost: $750 billion.

As I was surfing around looking this stuff up, I found I am not the only one thinking this way.

Billionaire activist investor Bill Ackman calls on Trump to 'shut down' the U.S. for the next 30 days

Explainer: Coronavirus reappears in discharged patients, raising questions in containment fight
It takes 2 to 14 days for the symptoms to manifest. If you are quarantined for 14 days and don't get sick, you are okay.

^This should hot have to be explained.
The benefit of testing is marginal to negligible in the first place, for the reason I already laid out.....Its only real benefit is to determine a course of action for those getting sick.

Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere, and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.


You test asymptomatic people the same way you test those showing symptoms. They suspect they have been exposed, you test them. They drive up in a line with other cars wanting to be tested, you test them. They go to their doctor because they want to be tested so you test them.
Trump's line anyone who wants one can have one (presumably at no cost) was just a deflection throw away. I'm not sure what the benefit of testing anyone anywhere would be. But obviously, if there's a person infected, you want to test everyone you can find who's had contact. That's what they were belatedly doing when Trump got tested. He'd been exposed.

But we don't have enough tests to even test the exposed. And the numbers of sick people will spike before we get enough tests, if we ever get them, which my guess is not gonna happen now.

Hopefully 3-4 mos from now, we'll be testing exposed people and keeping the total number needing to be hospitalized within the capacity of the med system.
Every health expert working on this disagrees with you.
"Every health expert" who is getting "nooz" face time to keep whipping up the frenzy, maybe...But common sense dictates otherwise, as there are not, and will not be in the near future, anywhere near the number of kits needed to test everyone.

Obviously you're not understanding what I'm saying. Health experts agree there should have been enough testing,

Whipping up frenzy?

Dude, go lock yourself up.
How the fuck do you test asymptomatic people?...Do you roll tanks out into the streets, deploy troops everywhere, and forcibly test everyone in the nation?

Get your head out of your ass for once.


You test asymptomatic people the same way you test those showing symptoms. They suspect they have been exposed, you test them. They drive up in a line with other cars wanting to be tested, you test them. They go to their doctor because they want to be tested so you test them.
Trump's line anyone who wants one can have one (presumably at no cost) was just a deflection throw away. I'm not sure what the benefit of testing anyone anywhere would be. But obviously, if there's a person infected, you want to test everyone you can find who's had contact. That's what they were belatedly doing when Trump got tested. He'd been exposed.

But we don't have enough tests to even test the exposed. And the numbers of sick people will spike before we get enough tests, if we ever get them, which my guess is not gonna happen now.

Hopefully 3-4 mos from now, we'll be testing exposed people and keeping the total number needing to be hospitalized within the capacity of the med system.

I think we are beyond the time where testing is effective, not the first person to say it here but I agree with it. We blew that phase and now we're off to an extended period of isolation to flatten the curve. Hoping the wingnuts are mostly just full of bluster and are in actuality doing their part (and staying away from facebook as well).
China is holding at least that much in US assets, why not use that instead of us borrowing more?
My wife has a suppressed immune system due to rheumatoid arthritis and the meds she takes for it.

Last week, she spiked a fever and was coughing uncontrollably. So off to urgent care.

The urgent care staff were extremely frustrated and apologetic. There are no test kits. They called around all the local hospitals. No joy.

So they took some swabs anyway, and took one to check for the flu as well. They sent them all off to the biggest hospital in the state.

I pulled my kids out of school immediately and stayed home from work.

The clinic said my wife preliminarily tested positive for the flu. That's the first time we have ever been relieved that it was "just the flu".

My wife then slept for three days straight. I gave her the antibiotics and inhaler provided by the clinic, kept her hydrated, and watched her temperature. Plus, lots of Tylenol.

I acquired a very mild sore throat. Uh oh! But it never got any worse.

A few days later, we got the flu test results back. She had influenza-A. Bird flu.

Still no ability to check for coronavirus. Medical staff around here are getting furious at Trump. "Anybody who wants a test gets a test." They tell me they were shouting at the TV when he said that.

We are all in the pink now. My wife is weaker and her voice is hoarse, but she is on the mend.

None of us have caught her flu. But the schools are all closed now. My company is a ghost town.
The catch is we'd have to seal our borders ... as soon as the month was up, first person to come into the USA with the virus would start the process all over again ... this needs to be allowed to run it's course, we're still a long ways from a normal infection and death rates as we are with the typical flu season ... as soon as the Olympics are over, the pandemic will cease, just like the Zika virus in 2016 ...

$750 billion is no small amount of money ... do we raise taxes on the Middle Class or just add it to our debt? ...
Quarantine works. It has worked incredibly well in China.

The point is to get the curve pointing downward. No one is suggesting the unrealistic expectation of immediately reducing to zero, except our dumbass naked emperor a couple weeks ago.
expert on china...never been to china...
The catch is we'd have to seal our borders ... as soon as the month was up, first person to come into the USA with the virus would start the process all over again ... this needs to be allowed to run it's course, we're still a long ways from a normal infection and death rates as we are with the typical flu season ... as soon as the Olympics are over, the pandemic will cease, just like the Zika virus in 2016 ...

$750 billion is no small amount of money ... do we raise taxes on the Middle Class or just add it to our debt? ...
Quarantine works. It has worked incredibly well in China.

The point is to get the curve pointing downward. No one is suggesting the unrealistic expectation of immediately reducing to zero, except our dumbass naked emperor a couple weeks ago.
expert on china...never been to china...
This has nothing to do with China.

This is about getting this crisis under control HERE.
The catch is we'd have to seal our borders ... as soon as the month was up, first person to come into the USA with the virus would start the process all over again ... this needs to be allowed to run it's course, we're still a long ways from a normal infection and death rates as we are with the typical flu season ... as soon as the Olympics are over, the pandemic will cease, just like the Zika virus in 2016 ...

$750 billion is no small amount of money ... do we raise taxes on the Middle Class or just add it to our debt? ...
Quarantine works. It has worked incredibly well in China.

The point is to get the curve pointing downward. No one is suggesting the unrealistic expectation of immediately reducing to zero, except our dumbass naked emperor a couple weeks ago.
expert on china...never been to china...
This has nothing to do with China.

This is about getting this crisis under control HERE.
Spin and deflection noted. Talks about how well something worked in a place he has never been to, then changes the subject.
Trump holds 4th presser in as many days....lets hear from him....not G5ooo
Every time Trump talks, the market dives. Let's not hear from Trump any more until this crisis has passed and he takes unwarranted credit.

And yet you will blame him for China Failute and offer a Chinese style idea to pay people to stay home...

Beijing says thank you for your commitment and loyalty and remember to tell everyone how Trump failed to stop a world wide Pandemic while ignoring the reality it was China Fault...

Also China should pay the bill of what you want and for all those that gotten ill from their failure to keep their virus within their country!
The catch is we'd have to seal our borders ... as soon as the month was up, first person to come into the USA with the virus would start the process all over again ... this needs to be allowed to run it's course, we're still a long ways from a normal infection and death rates as we are with the typical flu season ... as soon as the Olympics are over, the pandemic will cease, just like the Zika virus in 2016 ...

$750 billion is no small amount of money ... do we raise taxes on the Middle Class or just add it to our debt? ...
Quarantine works. It has worked incredibly well in China.

The point is to get the curve pointing downward. No one is suggesting the unrealistic expectation of immediately reducing to zero, except our dumbass naked emperor a couple weeks ago.
expert on china...never been to china...
This has nothing to do with China.

This is about getting this crisis under control HERE.
Spin and deflection noted. Talks about how well something worked in a place he has never been to, then changes the subject.
Ah. I see the problem. You've been gaslighted by someone.

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