75k "New" voters registered in Georgia for the upcoming run off

You didn't "back an outsider", you elected a criminal conman - one with a long, sad history of lies, bankruptcy, and failure. He was fighting a multi-million dollar fraud suit when you elected him. All of this was known about him before you elected him, and you ignored it.

And then there's the racism, xenophobia, the mismanagement of everything he touched, the lies, and 300,000 people dying of covid. Oh yeah, and the crashed economy, millions facing eviction, and lining up for food banks.

Much of the blame falls on the Republican Party for not flat out saying that they would never support a man with his background, criminal and financial history, or morals. American Banks will not lend to Donald Trump, which is why he deals with Deutches Banke. He should never have been a candidate for any major political party, for ANY office, much less President.

The reason he's pardoning himself and everyone who worked for him is because they've all stolen as much money as they could stuff into their pockets for themselves and their rich friends, as an audit will soon disclose.

We elected a man who represent the common people of America over the elite.

And for that, you'll never forgive us.

But fear not, Kameltoe and Quid Pro are firmly in Xi's pocket and serve ONLY our globalist Oligarchy.
Imagine that. Young people waking up to the consequences of letting Republicans run the country.

And dead people waking up to stand for Xi!

What is the right wing's current obsession with China. Donald J. Trump has been the biggest ally and friend to President Xi of any American President in history.

Trump pulled out of the TransPacific Partnership, allowing China to slide into the Lead Nation role in the TPP, and increase trade with the rest of the TPP nations, and exclude the USA. Trump's tariff's on Chinese goods resulted in China taking it's soy bean business elsewhere, namely South America, and they're not coming back. They're busy building financing the building deep sea shipping ports along the Pacific side of South America using all of those trade surplus dollars they now have, while American farmers are going bankrupt in record numbers.

Trump tore up all of your trade agreements with Europe and Asia, and started trade wars on 7 fronts. Many of your trading partners are busy making their own deals excluding the USA from alliances being formed because the USA has become an unstable and unreliable ally. The biggest beneficiaries of these shifting trade alliances has been China. He also lifted sanctions on ZTE after Xi approved a $500 million loan to Trump Indonesia.

As the USA has stopped providing non-military aide to "shithole countries", in Trump's "America First" policy, China has rushed in with his massive trade surplus bank account to fill that void, building friendship and alliances, as quickly as Trump can destroy them.

Xi and Putin have both been the two big winners in the Trump Presidency. Putin saw NATO irrevocably fractured, the USA pull out of the Middle East ceded Syria and Iraq to Turkey and Russia. And the nuclear proliferation treaty torn up.

So stop with Biden being a friend of the Chinese. No one could possible have done more for Xi or Putin than Donald Trump.

You idiot....let China trade with everyone else...all they do is cheat their trade partners anyway.
China's aid to third world countries is not real aid you clueless ninny....it's a gradual purchasing process of the entire economy and actual hard assets like real estate.
Those are not trade deals...they are death warrants.

Man you're not even a canadian are you? You're a Chinese apologist that does nothing but sell China policy here on this Board...
Who gives a fuck if WE buy NOTHING from China? China needs the US market more than we need them....going back to being self supplied would be the best thing that ever happened to this country. Made in America beats made in China all day long every day forever.....there is nothing made there that is not somehow defective or doesn't use polluting technologies, slave labor and intellectual property theft.

I'm not selling China policy. I'm telling you how China has benefitted from the presidency of Donald J. Trump - BIGLY. Something you deny even as the evidence is right in front of your face.

You wouldn't be so dependent on Chinese goods if the Republican Party hadn't encouraged offshoring and higher profits for the investor class over all else. Nixon was the guy who started trade with China and every Republican President right up to and including Donald Trump has openly encouraged off-shoring.

Stop pretending that Biden has been "soft" on China, when Trump encouraged Xi to build concentration camps and other human rights abuses, and said nothing about their incursions into the South China Sea.

I don't listen to what Trump says. He's never truthful anyway so there's no point. I watch what he does. Donald Trump frequently says one other and does another - or tries to spin something he has done as being good for the nation when it's not.

Trump says no one has been tougher on Russia than he has, and yet his presidency has been a total gift to Vladmir Putin, weakening NATO, and the all of the western alliances, and giving him a free hand in the Middle East. None of the sanctions Trump announced, have been imposed. Trump fired the White House National Cyber Security team, and Putin's hackers infiltrated every aspect of US government. As well as freeing Putin to build his nuclear arsenal.

Now, after everything Trump has done to aid and abet China and Russia, Republicans are trying to claim that Biden is the real problem.

Bitches, please.

Yeah, those tariffs and sanctions were just what China wanted - I mean that's why they backed Quid Pro so heavily.

Dumbest fucking post of the year, ChiCom Lady.
It's become another referendum on Trump. This could spell trouble for the Republicans..if the right wing turnout is depressed.

Yes, you Maoists picked up what, 22 seats in the house?

Oh wait, that was the Americans.

Well, you'll try to cheat again and steal the Georgia elections. If you get away with it I blame the Americas for not standing up to you.

who in the hell is a "Maoist"? Who in the hell is an "American"? Why do you think that an ordinary, go-to-work-every -day working stiff like myself would back the policies and behavior of the current republicans?

Do you consider yourself to be a Maoist, or do you not grasp what policies you promote on behalf of your filthy party?

Regardless, the Maoist democrats lost 22 house seats, so much for that blue wave.
Imagine that. Young people waking up to the consequences of letting Republicans run the country.

And dead people waking up to stand for Xi!

What is the right wing's current obsession with China. Donald J. Trump has been the biggest ally and friend to President Xi of any American President in history.

Trump pulled out of the TransPacific Partnership, allowing China to slide into the Lead Nation role in the TPP, and increase trade with the rest of the TPP nations, and exclude the USA. Trump's tariff's on Chinese goods resulted in China taking it's soy bean business elsewhere, namely South America, and they're not coming back. They're busy building financing the building deep sea shipping ports along the Pacific side of South America using all of those trade surplus dollars they now have, while American farmers are going bankrupt in record numbers.

Trump tore up all of your trade agreements with Europe and Asia, and started trade wars on 7 fronts. Many of your trading partners are busy making their own deals excluding the USA from alliances being formed because the USA has become an unstable and unreliable ally. The biggest beneficiaries of these shifting trade alliances has been China. He also lifted sanctions on ZTE after Xi approved a $500 million loan to Trump Indonesia.

As the USA has stopped providing non-military aide to "shithole countries", in Trump's "America First" policy, China has rushed in with his massive trade surplus bank account to fill that void, building friendship and alliances, as quickly as Trump can destroy them.

Xi and Putin have both been the two big winners in the Trump Presidency. Putin saw NATO irrevocably fractured, the USA pull out of the Middle East ceded Syria and Iraq to Turkey and Russia. And the nuclear proliferation treaty torn up.

So stop with Biden being a friend of the Chinese. No one could possible have done more for Xi or Putin than Donald Trump.

You idiot....let China trade with everyone else...all they do is cheat their trade partners anyway.
China's aid to third world countries is not real aid you clueless ninny....it's a gradual purchasing process of the entire economy and actual hard assets like real estate.
Those are not trade deals...they are death warrants.

Man you're not even a canadian are you? You're a Chinese apologist that does nothing but sell China policy here on this Board...
Who gives a fuck if WE buy NOTHING from China? China needs the US market more than we need them....going back to being self supplied would be the best thing that ever happened to this country. Made in America beats made in China all day long every day forever.....there is nothing made there that is not somehow defective or doesn't use polluting technologies, slave labor and intellectual property theft.

I'm not selling China policy. I'm telling you how China has benefitted from the presidency of Donald J. Trump - BIGLY. Something you deny even as the evidence is right in front of your face.

You wouldn't be so dependent on Chinese goods if the Republican Party hadn't encouraged offshoring and higher profits for the investor class over all else. Nixon was the guy who started trade with China and every Republican President right up to and including Donald Trump has openly encouraged off-shoring.

Stop pretending that Biden has been "soft" on China, when Trump encouraged Xi to build concentration camps and other human rights abuses, and said nothing about their incursions into the South China Sea.

I don't listen to what Trump says. He's never truthful anyway so there's no point. I watch what he does. Donald Trump frequently says one other and does another - or tries to spin something he has done as being good for the nation when it's not.

Trump says no one has been tougher on Russia than he has, and yet his presidency has been a total gift to Vladmir Putin, weakening NATO, and the all of the western alliances, and giving him a free hand in the Middle East. None of the sanctions Trump announced, have been imposed. Trump fired the White House National Cyber Security team, and Putin's hackers infiltrated every aspect of US government. As well as freeing Putin to build his nuclear arsenal.

Now, after everything Trump has done to aid and abet China and Russia, Republicans are trying to claim that Biden is the real problem.

Bitches, please.

Yeah, those tariffs and sanctions were just what China wanted - I mean that's why they backed Quid Pro so heavily.

Dumbest fucking post of the year, ChiCom Lady.
That doesn't work with me. Trade wars are socialism on an international basis not free market Capitalism like right wingers allege to be for in socialism threads.

Capitalism, what is That sayeth the Right Wing when not in socialism threads.

46% of them onder 35 years of age and the vast majority of them are first time voters.

Seems odd that the most excited to vote are people who typically show little interest in politics much less a Senate race. I mean a radical preacher type & a rich white woman. How do either of them generate this much inspiration in our youth???
Are they alive, live in the state and are US citizens?
Imagine that. Young people waking up to the consequences of letting Republicans run the country.

And dead people waking up to stand for Xi!

What is the right wing's current obsession with China. Donald J. Trump has been the biggest ally and friend to President Xi of any American President in history.

Trump pulled out of the TransPacific Partnership, allowing China to slide into the Lead Nation role in the TPP, and increase trade with the rest of the TPP nations, and exclude the USA. Trump's tariff's on Chinese goods resulted in China taking it's soy bean business elsewhere, namely South America, and they're not coming back. They're busy building financing the building deep sea shipping ports along the Pacific side of South America using all of those trade surplus dollars they now have, while American farmers are going bankrupt in record numbers.

Trump tore up all of your trade agreements with Europe and Asia, and started trade wars on 7 fronts. Many of your trading partners are busy making their own deals excluding the USA from alliances being formed because the USA has become an unstable and unreliable ally. The biggest beneficiaries of these shifting trade alliances has been China. He also lifted sanctions on ZTE after Xi approved a $500 million loan to Trump Indonesia.

As the USA has stopped providing non-military aide to "shithole countries", in Trump's "America First" policy, China has rushed in with his massive trade surplus bank account to fill that void, building friendship and alliances, as quickly as Trump can destroy them.

Xi and Putin have both been the two big winners in the Trump Presidency. Putin saw NATO irrevocably fractured, the USA pull out of the Middle East ceded Syria and Iraq to Turkey and Russia. And the nuclear proliferation treaty torn up.

So stop with Biden being a friend of the Chinese. No one could possible have done more for Xi or Putin than Donald Trump.

You idiot....let China trade with everyone else...all they do is cheat their trade partners anyway.
China's aid to third world countries is not real aid you clueless ninny....it's a gradual purchasing process of the entire economy and actual hard assets like real estate.
Those are not trade deals...they are death warrants.

Man you're not even a canadian are you? You're a Chinese apologist that does nothing but sell China policy here on this Board...
Who gives a fuck if WE buy NOTHING from China? China needs the US market more than we need them....going back to being self supplied would be the best thing that ever happened to this country. Made in America beats made in China all day long every day forever.....there is nothing made there that is not somehow defective or doesn't use polluting technologies, slave labor and intellectual property theft.

I'm not selling China policy. I'm telling you how China has benefitted from the presidency of Donald J. Trump - BIGLY. Something you deny even as the evidence is right in front of your face.

You wouldn't be so dependent on Chinese goods if the Republican Party hadn't encouraged offshoring and higher profits for the investor class over all else. Nixon was the guy who started trade with China and every Republican President right up to and including Donald Trump has openly encouraged off-shoring.

Stop pretending that Biden has been "soft" on China, when Trump encouraged Xi to build concentration camps and other human rights abuses, and said nothing about their incursions into the South China Sea.

I don't listen to what Trump says. He's never truthful anyway so there's no point. I watch what he does. Donald Trump frequently says one other and does another - or tries to spin something he has done as being good for the nation when it's not.

Trump says no one has been tougher on Russia than he has, and yet his presidency has been a total gift to Vladmir Putin, weakening NATO, and the all of the western alliances, and giving him a free hand in the Middle East. None of the sanctions Trump announced, have been imposed. Trump fired the White House National Cyber Security team, and Putin's hackers infiltrated every aspect of US government. As well as freeing Putin to build his nuclear arsenal.

Now, after everything Trump has done to aid and abet China and Russia, Republicans are trying to claim that Biden is the real problem.

Bitches, please.

Yeah, those tariffs and sanctions were just what China wanted - I mean that's why they backed Quid Pro so heavily.

Dumbest fucking post of the year, ChiCom Lady.
That doesn't work with me. Trade wars are socialism on an international basis not free market Capitalism like right wingers allege to be for in socialism threads.

Capitalism, what is That sayeth the Right Wing when not in socialism threads.

And you are wandering off topic.
Imagine that. Young people waking up to the consequences of letting Republicans run the country.

And dead people waking up to stand for Xi!

What is the right wing's current obsession with China. Donald J. Trump has been the biggest ally and friend to President Xi of any American President in history.

Trump pulled out of the TransPacific Partnership, allowing China to slide into the Lead Nation role in the TPP, and increase trade with the rest of the TPP nations, and exclude the USA. Trump's tariff's on Chinese goods resulted in China taking it's soy bean business elsewhere, namely South America, and they're not coming back. They're busy building financing the building deep sea shipping ports along the Pacific side of South America using all of those trade surplus dollars they now have, while American farmers are going bankrupt in record numbers.

Trump tore up all of your trade agreements with Europe and Asia, and started trade wars on 7 fronts. Many of your trading partners are busy making their own deals excluding the USA from alliances being formed because the USA has become an unstable and unreliable ally. The biggest beneficiaries of these shifting trade alliances has been China. He also lifted sanctions on ZTE after Xi approved a $500 million loan to Trump Indonesia.

As the USA has stopped providing non-military aide to "shithole countries", in Trump's "America First" policy, China has rushed in with his massive trade surplus bank account to fill that void, building friendship and alliances, as quickly as Trump can destroy them.

Xi and Putin have both been the two big winners in the Trump Presidency. Putin saw NATO irrevocably fractured, the USA pull out of the Middle East ceded Syria and Iraq to Turkey and Russia. And the nuclear proliferation treaty torn up.

So stop with Biden being a friend of the Chinese. No one could possible have done more for Xi or Putin than Donald Trump.

You idiot....let China trade with everyone else...all they do is cheat their trade partners anyway.
China's aid to third world countries is not real aid you clueless ninny....it's a gradual purchasing process of the entire economy and actual hard assets like real estate.
Those are not trade deals...they are death warrants.

Man you're not even a canadian are you? You're a Chinese apologist that does nothing but sell China policy here on this Board...
Who gives a fuck if WE buy NOTHING from China? China needs the US market more than we need them....going back to being self supplied would be the best thing that ever happened to this country. Made in America beats made in China all day long every day forever.....there is nothing made there that is not somehow defective or doesn't use polluting technologies, slave labor and intellectual property theft.

I'm not selling China policy. I'm telling you how China has benefitted from the presidency of Donald J. Trump - BIGLY. Something you deny even as the evidence is right in front of your face.

You wouldn't be so dependent on Chinese goods if the Republican Party hadn't encouraged offshoring and higher profits for the investor class over all else. Nixon was the guy who started trade with China and every Republican President right up to and including Donald Trump has openly encouraged off-shoring.

Stop pretending that Biden has been "soft" on China, when Trump encouraged Xi to build concentration camps and other human rights abuses, and said nothing about their incursions into the South China Sea.

I don't listen to what Trump says. He's never truthful anyway so there's no point. I watch what he does. Donald Trump frequently says one other and does another - or tries to spin something he has done as being good for the nation when it's not.

Trump says no one has been tougher on Russia than he has, and yet his presidency has been a total gift to Vladmir Putin, weakening NATO, and the all of the western alliances, and giving him a free hand in the Middle East. None of the sanctions Trump announced, have been imposed. Trump fired the White House National Cyber Security team, and Putin's hackers infiltrated every aspect of US government. As well as freeing Putin to build his nuclear arsenal.

Now, after everything Trump has done to aid and abet China and Russia, Republicans are trying to claim that Biden is the real problem.

Bitches, please.

Yeah, those tariffs and sanctions were just what China wanted - I mean that's why they backed Quid Pro so heavily.

Dumbest fucking post of the year, ChiCom Lady.
That doesn't work with me. Trade wars are socialism on an international basis not free market Capitalism like right wingers allege to be for in socialism threads.

Capitalism, what is That sayeth the Right Wing when not in socialism threads.

And you are wandering off topic.
I am not the only one.
Imagine that. Young people waking up to the consequences of letting Republicans run the country.

And dead people waking up to stand for Xi!

What is the right wing's current obsession with China. Donald J. Trump has been the biggest ally and friend to President Xi of any American President in history.

Trump pulled out of the TransPacific Partnership, allowing China to slide into the Lead Nation role in the TPP, and increase trade with the rest of the TPP nations, and exclude the USA. Trump's tariff's on Chinese goods resulted in China taking it's soy bean business elsewhere, namely South America, and they're not coming back. They're busy building financing the building deep sea shipping ports along the Pacific side of South America using all of those trade surplus dollars they now have, while American farmers are going bankrupt in record numbers.

Trump tore up all of your trade agreements with Europe and Asia, and started trade wars on 7 fronts. Many of your trading partners are busy making their own deals excluding the USA from alliances being formed because the USA has become an unstable and unreliable ally. The biggest beneficiaries of these shifting trade alliances has been China. He also lifted sanctions on ZTE after Xi approved a $500 million loan to Trump Indonesia.

As the USA has stopped providing non-military aide to "shithole countries", in Trump's "America First" policy, China has rushed in with his massive trade surplus bank account to fill that void, building friendship and alliances, as quickly as Trump can destroy them.

Xi and Putin have both been the two big winners in the Trump Presidency. Putin saw NATO irrevocably fractured, the USA pull out of the Middle East ceded Syria and Iraq to Turkey and Russia. And the nuclear proliferation treaty torn up.

So stop with Biden being a friend of the Chinese. No one could possible have done more for Xi or Putin than Donald Trump.

You idiot....let China trade with everyone else...all they do is cheat their trade partners anyway.
China's aid to third world countries is not real aid you clueless ninny....it's a gradual purchasing process of the entire economy and actual hard assets like real estate.
Those are not trade deals...they are death warrants.

Man you're not even a canadian are you? You're a Chinese apologist that does nothing but sell China policy here on this Board...
Who gives a fuck if WE buy NOTHING from China? China needs the US market more than we need them....going back to being self supplied would be the best thing that ever happened to this country. Made in America beats made in China all day long every day forever.....there is nothing made there that is not somehow defective or doesn't use polluting technologies, slave labor and intellectual property theft.

I'm not selling China policy. I'm telling you how China has benefitted from the presidency of Donald J. Trump - BIGLY. Something you deny even as the evidence is right in front of your face.

You wouldn't be so dependent on Chinese goods if the Republican Party hadn't encouraged offshoring and higher profits for the investor class over all else. Nixon was the guy who started trade with China and every Republican President right up to and including Donald Trump has openly encouraged off-shoring.

Stop pretending that Biden has been "soft" on China, when Trump encouraged Xi to build concentration camps and other human rights abuses, and said nothing about their incursions into the South China Sea.

I don't listen to what Trump says. He's never truthful anyway so there's no point. I watch what he does. Donald Trump frequently says one other and does another - or tries to spin something he has done as being good for the nation when it's not.

Trump says no one has been tougher on Russia than he has, and yet his presidency has been a total gift to Vladmir Putin, weakening NATO, and the all of the western alliances, and giving him a free hand in the Middle East. None of the sanctions Trump announced, have been imposed. Trump fired the White House National Cyber Security team, and Putin's hackers infiltrated every aspect of US government. As well as freeing Putin to build his nuclear arsenal.

Now, after everything Trump has done to aid and abet China and Russia, Republicans are trying to claim that Biden is the real problem.

Bitches, please.

Yeah, those tariffs and sanctions were just what China wanted - I mean that's why they backed Quid Pro so heavily.

Dumbest fucking post of the year, ChiCom Lady.

As always, you totally missed the fucking point. Tearing up the trade deals was a huge mistake causing the USA to lose at every turn. You don't have better trade deals as a result. Canada was the big winner in NAFTA 2.0.

Whether China wanted the tariffs or not, they used them to punish Trump. Instead of them helping the USA get a better deal, they allowed China to find cheaper soybeans else, build new trade alliances, and make even more money. American farmers went had their highest rates of bankruptcy in history in the three years following Trump's tariffs. And US taxpayers are bailing out others.
Imagine that. Young people waking up to the consequences of letting Republicans run the country.

And dead people waking up to stand for Xi!

What is the right wing's current obsession with China. Donald J. Trump has been the biggest ally and friend to President Xi of any American President in history.

Trump pulled out of the TransPacific Partnership, allowing China to slide into the Lead Nation role in the TPP, and increase trade with the rest of the TPP nations, and exclude the USA. Trump's tariff's on Chinese goods resulted in China taking it's soy bean business elsewhere, namely South America, and they're not coming back. They're busy building financing the building deep sea shipping ports along the Pacific side of South America using all of those trade surplus dollars they now have, while American farmers are going bankrupt in record numbers.

Trump tore up all of your trade agreements with Europe and Asia, and started trade wars on 7 fronts. Many of your trading partners are busy making their own deals excluding the USA from alliances being formed because the USA has become an unstable and unreliable ally. The biggest beneficiaries of these shifting trade alliances has been China. He also lifted sanctions on ZTE after Xi approved a $500 million loan to Trump Indonesia.

As the USA has stopped providing non-military aide to "shithole countries", in Trump's "America First" policy, China has rushed in with his massive trade surplus bank account to fill that void, building friendship and alliances, as quickly as Trump can destroy them.

Xi and Putin have both been the two big winners in the Trump Presidency. Putin saw NATO irrevocably fractured, the USA pull out of the Middle East ceded Syria and Iraq to Turkey and Russia. And the nuclear proliferation treaty torn up.

So stop with Biden being a friend of the Chinese. No one could possible have done more for Xi or Putin than Donald Trump.

You idiot....let China trade with everyone else...all they do is cheat their trade partners anyway.
China's aid to third world countries is not real aid you clueless ninny....it's a gradual purchasing process of the entire economy and actual hard assets like real estate.
Those are not trade deals...they are death warrants.

Man you're not even a canadian are you? You're a Chinese apologist that does nothing but sell China policy here on this Board...
Who gives a fuck if WE buy NOTHING from China? China needs the US market more than we need them....going back to being self supplied would be the best thing that ever happened to this country. Made in America beats made in China all day long every day forever.....there is nothing made there that is not somehow defective or doesn't use polluting technologies, slave labor and intellectual property theft.

I'm not selling China policy. I'm telling you how China has benefitted from the presidency of Donald J. Trump - BIGLY. Something you deny even as the evidence is right in front of your face.

You wouldn't be so dependent on Chinese goods if the Republican Party hadn't encouraged offshoring and higher profits for the investor class over all else. Nixon was the guy who started trade with China and every Republican President right up to and including Donald Trump has openly encouraged off-shoring.

Stop pretending that Biden has been "soft" on China, when Trump encouraged Xi to build concentration camps and other human rights abuses, and said nothing about their incursions into the South China Sea.

I don't listen to what Trump says. He's never truthful anyway so there's no point. I watch what he does. Donald Trump frequently says one other and does another - or tries to spin something he has done as being good for the nation when it's not.

Trump says no one has been tougher on Russia than he has, and yet his presidency has been a total gift to Vladmir Putin, weakening NATO, and the all of the western alliances, and giving him a free hand in the Middle East. None of the sanctions Trump announced, have been imposed. Trump fired the White House National Cyber Security team, and Putin's hackers infiltrated every aspect of US government. As well as freeing Putin to build his nuclear arsenal.

Now, after everything Trump has done to aid and abet China and Russia, Republicans are trying to claim that Biden is the real problem.

Bitches, please.

Yeah, those tariffs and sanctions were just what China wanted - I mean that's why they backed Quid Pro so heavily.

Dumbest fucking post of the year, ChiCom Lady.

As always, you totally missed the fucking point. Tearing up the trade deals was a huge mistake causing the USA to lose at every turn. You don't have better trade deals as a result. Canada was the big winner in NAFTA 2.0.

Whether China wanted the tariffs or not, they used them to punish Trump. Instead of them helping the USA get a better deal, they allowed China to find cheaper soybeans else, build new trade alliances, and make even more money. American farmers went had their highest rates of bankruptcy in history in the three years following Trump's tariffs. And US taxpayers are bailing out others.

You're lying
Imagine that. Young people waking up to the consequences of letting Republicans run the country.

And dead people waking up to stand for Xi!

What is the right wing's current obsession with China. Donald J. Trump has been the biggest ally and friend to President Xi of any American President in history.

Trump pulled out of the TransPacific Partnership, allowing China to slide into the Lead Nation role in the TPP, and increase trade with the rest of the TPP nations, and exclude the USA. Trump's tariff's on Chinese goods resulted in China taking it's soy bean business elsewhere, namely South America, and they're not coming back. They're busy building financing the building deep sea shipping ports along the Pacific side of South America using all of those trade surplus dollars they now have, while American farmers are going bankrupt in record numbers.

Trump tore up all of your trade agreements with Europe and Asia, and started trade wars on 7 fronts. Many of your trading partners are busy making their own deals excluding the USA from alliances being formed because the USA has become an unstable and unreliable ally. The biggest beneficiaries of these shifting trade alliances has been China. He also lifted sanctions on ZTE after Xi approved a $500 million loan to Trump Indonesia.

As the USA has stopped providing non-military aide to "shithole countries", in Trump's "America First" policy, China has rushed in with his massive trade surplus bank account to fill that void, building friendship and alliances, as quickly as Trump can destroy them.

Xi and Putin have both been the two big winners in the Trump Presidency. Putin saw NATO irrevocably fractured, the USA pull out of the Middle East ceded Syria and Iraq to Turkey and Russia. And the nuclear proliferation treaty torn up.

So stop with Biden being a friend of the Chinese. No one could possible have done more for Xi or Putin than Donald Trump.

You idiot....let China trade with everyone else...all they do is cheat their trade partners anyway.
China's aid to third world countries is not real aid you clueless ninny....it's a gradual purchasing process of the entire economy and actual hard assets like real estate.
Those are not trade deals...they are death warrants.

Man you're not even a canadian are you? You're a Chinese apologist that does nothing but sell China policy here on this Board...
Who gives a fuck if WE buy NOTHING from China? China needs the US market more than we need them....going back to being self supplied would be the best thing that ever happened to this country. Made in America beats made in China all day long every day forever.....there is nothing made there that is not somehow defective or doesn't use polluting technologies, slave labor and intellectual property theft.

I'm not selling China policy. I'm telling you how China has benefitted from the presidency of Donald J. Trump - BIGLY. Something you deny even as the evidence is right in front of your face.

You wouldn't be so dependent on Chinese goods if the Republican Party hadn't encouraged offshoring and higher profits for the investor class over all else. Nixon was the guy who started trade with China and every Republican President right up to and including Donald Trump has openly encouraged off-shoring.

Stop pretending that Biden has been "soft" on China, when Trump encouraged Xi to build concentration camps and other human rights abuses, and said nothing about their incursions into the South China Sea.

I don't listen to what Trump says. He's never truthful anyway so there's no point. I watch what he does. Donald Trump frequently says one other and does another - or tries to spin something he has done as being good for the nation when it's not.

Trump says no one has been tougher on Russia than he has, and yet his presidency has been a total gift to Vladmir Putin, weakening NATO, and the all of the western alliances, and giving him a free hand in the Middle East. None of the sanctions Trump announced, have been imposed. Trump fired the White House National Cyber Security team, and Putin's hackers infiltrated every aspect of US government. As well as freeing Putin to build his nuclear arsenal.

Now, after everything Trump has done to aid and abet China and Russia, Republicans are trying to claim that Biden is the real problem.

Bitches, please.

Yeah, those tariffs and sanctions were just what China wanted - I mean that's why they backed Quid Pro so heavily.

Dumbest fucking post of the year, ChiCom Lady.

As always, you totally missed the fucking point. Tearing up the trade deals was a huge mistake causing the USA to lose at every turn. You don't have better trade deals as a result. Canada was the big winner in NAFTA 2.0.

Whether China wanted the tariffs or not, they used them to punish Trump. Instead of them helping the USA get a better deal, they allowed China to find cheaper soybeans else, build new trade alliances, and make even more money. American farmers went had their highest rates of bankruptcy in history in the three years following Trump's tariffs. And US taxpayers are bailing out others.

You're lying
About what is she lying? You need a valid argument for rebuttal not just you alleging your opinion as fact.
Imagine that. Young people waking up to the consequences of letting Republicans run the country.

And dead people waking up to stand for Xi!

What is the right wing's current obsession with China. Donald J. Trump has been the biggest ally and friend to President Xi of any American President in history.

Trump pulled out of the TransPacific Partnership, allowing China to slide into the Lead Nation role in the TPP, and increase trade with the rest of the TPP nations, and exclude the USA. Trump's tariff's on Chinese goods resulted in China taking it's soy bean business elsewhere, namely South America, and they're not coming back. They're busy building financing the building deep sea shipping ports along the Pacific side of South America using all of those trade surplus dollars they now have, while American farmers are going bankrupt in record numbers.

Trump tore up all of your trade agreements with Europe and Asia, and started trade wars on 7 fronts. Many of your trading partners are busy making their own deals excluding the USA from alliances being formed because the USA has become an unstable and unreliable ally. The biggest beneficiaries of these shifting trade alliances has been China. He also lifted sanctions on ZTE after Xi approved a $500 million loan to Trump Indonesia.

As the USA has stopped providing non-military aide to "shithole countries", in Trump's "America First" policy, China has rushed in with his massive trade surplus bank account to fill that void, building friendship and alliances, as quickly as Trump can destroy them.

Xi and Putin have both been the two big winners in the Trump Presidency. Putin saw NATO irrevocably fractured, the USA pull out of the Middle East ceded Syria and Iraq to Turkey and Russia. And the nuclear proliferation treaty torn up.

So stop with Biden being a friend of the Chinese. No one could possible have done more for Xi or Putin than Donald Trump.

You idiot....let China trade with everyone else...all they do is cheat their trade partners anyway.
China's aid to third world countries is not real aid you clueless ninny....it's a gradual purchasing process of the entire economy and actual hard assets like real estate.
Those are not trade deals...they are death warrants.

Man you're not even a canadian are you? You're a Chinese apologist that does nothing but sell China policy here on this Board...
Who gives a fuck if WE buy NOTHING from China? China needs the US market more than we need them....going back to being self supplied would be the best thing that ever happened to this country. Made in America beats made in China all day long every day forever.....there is nothing made there that is not somehow defective or doesn't use polluting technologies, slave labor and intellectual property theft.

I'm not selling China policy. I'm telling you how China has benefitted from the presidency of Donald J. Trump - BIGLY. Something you deny even as the evidence is right in front of your face.

You wouldn't be so dependent on Chinese goods if the Republican Party hadn't encouraged offshoring and higher profits for the investor class over all else. Nixon was the guy who started trade with China and every Republican President right up to and including Donald Trump has openly encouraged off-shoring.

Stop pretending that Biden has been "soft" on China, when Trump encouraged Xi to build concentration camps and other human rights abuses, and said nothing about their incursions into the South China Sea.

I don't listen to what Trump says. He's never truthful anyway so there's no point. I watch what he does. Donald Trump frequently says one other and does another - or tries to spin something he has done as being good for the nation when it's not.

Trump says no one has been tougher on Russia than he has, and yet his presidency has been a total gift to Vladmir Putin, weakening NATO, and the all of the western alliances, and giving him a free hand in the Middle East. None of the sanctions Trump announced, have been imposed. Trump fired the White House National Cyber Security team, and Putin's hackers infiltrated every aspect of US government. As well as freeing Putin to build his nuclear arsenal.

Now, after everything Trump has done to aid and abet China and Russia, Republicans are trying to claim that Biden is the real problem.

Bitches, please.

Yeah, those tariffs and sanctions were just what China wanted - I mean that's why they backed Quid Pro so heavily.

Dumbest fucking post of the year, ChiCom Lady.

As always, you totally missed the fucking point. Tearing up the trade deals was a huge mistake causing the USA to lose at every turn. You don't have better trade deals as a result. Canada was the big winner in NAFTA 2.0.

Whether China wanted the tariffs or not, they used them to punish Trump. Instead of them helping the USA get a better deal, they allowed China to find cheaper soybeans else, build new trade alliances, and make even more money. American farmers went had their highest rates of bankruptcy in history in the three years following Trump's tariffs. And US taxpayers are bailing out others.

You're lying

One of your lamer retorts, but how is it lying to point out that everything Trump did, China turned it around on him. That was true of the European tariffs as well.
As always, you totally missed the fucking point. Tearing up the trade deals was a huge mistake causing the USA to lose at every turn. You don't have better trade deals as a result. Canada was the big winner in NAFTA 2.0.

Whether China wanted the tariffs or not, they used them to punish Trump. Instead of them helping the USA get a better deal, they allowed China to find cheaper soybeans else, build new trade alliances, and make even more money. American farmers went had their highest rates of bankruptcy in history in the three years following Trump's tariffs. And US taxpayers are bailing out others.

You lied because you are conditioned to hate Trump.

What you said is beyond stupid. Because you are conditioned by the party to hate, even the most insane shit seems right to you.

Trump is the ONLY enemy China has faced in decades, every democrat in Washington is bought and paid for, For you to lie that he is "working for china" isn't just a stupid fucking lie, it's literally insane. Trump stood up to China, for the first time in decades. it's the FACT he stood up to China that caused the party to train you to hate him so bitterly.

China doesn't "help" America, you fucking moron. They are our enemy - not your's, but the the enemy of America.

And no, your fucking lie about farmers doesn't cut it. TWO CROPS, Soy Beans and Pork were affected - you are flat out lying about the impact on agriculture. You don't know it, you're programmed to vomit our bullshit, but what you claim is a flat out lie.
Imagine that. Young people waking up to the consequences of letting Republicans run the country.

And dead people waking up to stand for Xi!

What is the right wing's current obsession with China. Donald J. Trump has been the biggest ally and friend to President Xi of any American President in history.

Trump pulled out of the TransPacific Partnership, allowing China to slide into the Lead Nation role in the TPP, and increase trade with the rest of the TPP nations, and exclude the USA. Trump's tariff's on Chinese goods resulted in China taking it's soy bean business elsewhere, namely South America, and they're not coming back. They're busy building financing the building deep sea shipping ports along the Pacific side of South America using all of those trade surplus dollars they now have, while American farmers are going bankrupt in record numbers.

Trump tore up all of your trade agreements with Europe and Asia, and started trade wars on 7 fronts. Many of your trading partners are busy making their own deals excluding the USA from alliances being formed because the USA has become an unstable and unreliable ally. The biggest beneficiaries of these shifting trade alliances has been China. He also lifted sanctions on ZTE after Xi approved a $500 million loan to Trump Indonesia.

As the USA has stopped providing non-military aide to "shithole countries", in Trump's "America First" policy, China has rushed in with his massive trade surplus bank account to fill that void, building friendship and alliances, as quickly as Trump can destroy them.

Xi and Putin have both been the two big winners in the Trump Presidency. Putin saw NATO irrevocably fractured, the USA pull out of the Middle East ceded Syria and Iraq to Turkey and Russia. And the nuclear proliferation treaty torn up.

So stop with Biden being a friend of the Chinese. No one could possible have done more for Xi or Putin than Donald Trump.

You idiot....let China trade with everyone else...all they do is cheat their trade partners anyway.
China's aid to third world countries is not real aid you clueless ninny....it's a gradual purchasing process of the entire economy and actual hard assets like real estate.
Those are not trade deals...they are death warrants.

Man you're not even a canadian are you? You're a Chinese apologist that does nothing but sell China policy here on this Board...
Who gives a fuck if WE buy NOTHING from China? China needs the US market more than we need them....going back to being self supplied would be the best thing that ever happened to this country. Made in America beats made in China all day long every day forever.....there is nothing made there that is not somehow defective or doesn't use polluting technologies, slave labor and intellectual property theft.

I'm not selling China policy. I'm telling you how China has benefitted from the presidency of Donald J. Trump - BIGLY. Something you deny even as the evidence is right in front of your face.

You wouldn't be so dependent on Chinese goods if the Republican Party hadn't encouraged offshoring and higher profits for the investor class over all else. Nixon was the guy who started trade with China and every Republican President right up to and including Donald Trump has openly encouraged off-shoring.

Stop pretending that Biden has been "soft" on China, when Trump encouraged Xi to build concentration camps and other human rights abuses, and said nothing about their incursions into the South China Sea.

I don't listen to what Trump says. He's never truthful anyway so there's no point. I watch what he does. Donald Trump frequently says one other and does another - or tries to spin something he has done as being good for the nation when it's not.

Trump says no one has been tougher on Russia than he has, and yet his presidency has been a total gift to Vladmir Putin, weakening NATO, and the all of the western alliances, and giving him a free hand in the Middle East. None of the sanctions Trump announced, have been imposed. Trump fired the White House National Cyber Security team, and Putin's hackers infiltrated every aspect of US government. As well as freeing Putin to build his nuclear arsenal.

Now, after everything Trump has done to aid and abet China and Russia, Republicans are trying to claim that Biden is the real problem.

Bitches, please.

Yeah, those tariffs and sanctions were just what China wanted - I mean that's why they backed Quid Pro so heavily.

Dumbest fucking post of the year, ChiCom Lady.

As always, you totally missed the fucking point. Tearing up the trade deals was a huge mistake causing the USA to lose at every turn. You don't have better trade deals as a result. Canada was the big winner in NAFTA 2.0.

Whether China wanted the tariffs or not, they used them to punish Trump. Instead of them helping the USA get a better deal, they allowed China to find cheaper soybeans else, build new trade alliances, and make even more money. American farmers went had their highest rates of bankruptcy in history in the three years following Trump's tariffs. And US taxpayers are bailing out others.

You're lying

Yes, she absolutely is.
Imagine that. Young people waking up to the consequences of letting Republicans run the country.

And dead people waking up to stand for Xi!

What is the right wing's current obsession with China. Donald J. Trump has been the biggest ally and friend to President Xi of any American President in history.

Trump pulled out of the TransPacific Partnership, allowing China to slide into the Lead Nation role in the TPP, and increase trade with the rest of the TPP nations, and exclude the USA. Trump's tariff's on Chinese goods resulted in China taking it's soy bean business elsewhere, namely South America, and they're not coming back. They're busy building financing the building deep sea shipping ports along the Pacific side of South America using all of those trade surplus dollars they now have, while American farmers are going bankrupt in record numbers.

Trump tore up all of your trade agreements with Europe and Asia, and started trade wars on 7 fronts. Many of your trading partners are busy making their own deals excluding the USA from alliances being formed because the USA has become an unstable and unreliable ally. The biggest beneficiaries of these shifting trade alliances has been China. He also lifted sanctions on ZTE after Xi approved a $500 million loan to Trump Indonesia.

As the USA has stopped providing non-military aide to "shithole countries", in Trump's "America First" policy, China has rushed in with his massive trade surplus bank account to fill that void, building friendship and alliances, as quickly as Trump can destroy them.

Xi and Putin have both been the two big winners in the Trump Presidency. Putin saw NATO irrevocably fractured, the USA pull out of the Middle East ceded Syria and Iraq to Turkey and Russia. And the nuclear proliferation treaty torn up.

So stop with Biden being a friend of the Chinese. No one could possible have done more for Xi or Putin than Donald Trump.

You idiot....let China trade with everyone else...all they do is cheat their trade partners anyway.
China's aid to third world countries is not real aid you clueless ninny....it's a gradual purchasing process of the entire economy and actual hard assets like real estate.
Those are not trade deals...they are death warrants.

Man you're not even a canadian are you? You're a Chinese apologist that does nothing but sell China policy here on this Board...
Who gives a fuck if WE buy NOTHING from China? China needs the US market more than we need them....going back to being self supplied would be the best thing that ever happened to this country. Made in America beats made in China all day long every day forever.....there is nothing made there that is not somehow defective or doesn't use polluting technologies, slave labor and intellectual property theft.

I'm not selling China policy. I'm telling you how China has benefitted from the presidency of Donald J. Trump - BIGLY. Something you deny even as the evidence is right in front of your face.

You wouldn't be so dependent on Chinese goods if the Republican Party hadn't encouraged offshoring and higher profits for the investor class over all else. Nixon was the guy who started trade with China and every Republican President right up to and including Donald Trump has openly encouraged off-shoring.

Stop pretending that Biden has been "soft" on China, when Trump encouraged Xi to build concentration camps and other human rights abuses, and said nothing about their incursions into the South China Sea.

I don't listen to what Trump says. He's never truthful anyway so there's no point. I watch what he does. Donald Trump frequently says one other and does another - or tries to spin something he has done as being good for the nation when it's not.

Trump says no one has been tougher on Russia than he has, and yet his presidency has been a total gift to Vladmir Putin, weakening NATO, and the all of the western alliances, and giving him a free hand in the Middle East. None of the sanctions Trump announced, have been imposed. Trump fired the White House National Cyber Security team, and Putin's hackers infiltrated every aspect of US government. As well as freeing Putin to build his nuclear arsenal.

Now, after everything Trump has done to aid and abet China and Russia, Republicans are trying to claim that Biden is the real problem.

Bitches, please.

Yeah, those tariffs and sanctions were just what China wanted - I mean that's why they backed Quid Pro so heavily.

Dumbest fucking post of the year, ChiCom Lady.

As always, you totally missed the fucking point. Tearing up the trade deals was a huge mistake causing the USA to lose at every turn. You don't have better trade deals as a result. Canada was the big winner in NAFTA 2.0.

Whether China wanted the tariffs or not, they used them to punish Trump. Instead of them helping the USA get a better deal, they allowed China to find cheaper soybeans else, build new trade alliances, and make even more money. American farmers went had their highest rates of bankruptcy in history in the three years following Trump's tariffs. And US taxpayers are bailing out others.

You're lying

One of your lamer retorts, but how is it lying to point out that everything Trump did, China turned it around on him. That was true of the European tariffs as well.

It is true - you are lying. Whether through intent or just because you are a mindless automaton spewing lies from the party - you are still flat out lying.
As always, you totally missed the fucking point. Tearing up the trade deals was a huge mistake causing the USA to lose at every turn. You don't have better trade deals as a result. Canada was the big winner in NAFTA 2.0.

Whether China wanted the tariffs or not, they used them to punish Trump. Instead of them helping the USA get a better deal, they allowed China to find cheaper soybeans else, build new trade alliances, and make even more money. American farmers went had their highest rates of bankruptcy in history in the three years following Trump's tariffs. And US taxpayers are bailing out others.

You lied because you are conditioned to hate Trump.

What you said is beyond stupid. Because you are conditioned by the party to hate, even the most insane shit seems right to you.

Trump is the ONLY enemy China has faced in decades, every democrat in Washington is bought and paid for, For you to lie that he is "working for china" isn't just a stupid fucking lie, it's literally insane. Trump stood up to China, for the first time in decades. it's the FACT he stood up to China that caused the party to train you to hate him so bitterly.

China doesn't "help" America, you fucking moron. They are our enemy - not your's, but the the enemy of America.

And no, your fucking lie about farmers doesn't cut it. TWO CROPS, Soy Beans and Pork were affected - you are flat out lying about the impact on agriculture. You don't know it, you're programmed to vomit our bullshit, but what you claim is a flat out lie.
And, right wingers have not problem "selling their souls" in regard to free market Capitalism by resorting to Big Government nanny-Statism at ever Capital opportunity. Capitalism, What is That sayeth the Right Wing.

46% of them onder 35 years of age and the vast majority of them are first time voters.

Seems odd that the most excited to vote are people who typically show little interest in politics much less a Senate race. I mean a radical preacher type & a rich white woman. How do either of them generate this much inspiration in our youth???
I think that if you don't vote in the primary...you shouldn't be allowed to vote in the general election.

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