75k "New" voters registered in Georgia for the upcoming run off

And according to Georgia law 75K newly registered voters can't vote in a run off election.
Cry more.

Cheat more....then gfy asshole

Actually anyone who is registered by December 7th can vote in the election next month.

Only those who registered after December 7th can't vote.
Seems that it has to be repeated a lot for trumpanzees, doesn't it?
Do you cheaters get to use their names to fill out fake leftyvirus mail-in ballots for this election too??
Yes. And our dogs will be voting too.
View attachment 430952View attachment 430953
My oldest and me on this song.

I still lost

If you're liking the VR, I heartily recommend Subnautica.

Puke central...pass. I have a hard time with Half Life Alyx. But Elite Dangerous VR is almost as good as LSD

Not sure what you've experienced, but Subnautica is different (or was for me) regarding nausea. You use a regular game controller, seated. They took a lot of flack for that, but I found it to be a "feature" not a bug. It quickly fades into the background and leaves great immersion in the game, without the awkward means of the touch controllers.

And a big yes on Elite Dangerous.

46% of them onder 35 years of age and the vast majority of them are first time voters.

Seems odd that the most excited to vote are people who typically show little interest in politics much less a Senate race. I mean a radical preacher type & a rich white woman. How do either of them generate this much inspiration in our youth???

Veritas needs to do a sting on this. Didn't Andrew Yang register in Georgia as part of the Communist effort to defraud the vote again?
Veritas discredited itself after the post office guy was found to be a liar.
They discredited themselves with ACORN.
View attachment 430952View attachment 430953
My oldest and me on this song.

I still lost

If you're liking the VR, I heartily recommend Subnautica.

Puke central...pass. I have a hard time with Half Life Alyx. But Elite Dangerous VR is almost as good as LSD

Not sure what you've experienced, but Subnautica is different (or was for me) regarding nausea. You use a regular game controller, seated. They took a lot of flack for that, but I found it to be a "feature" not a bug. It quickly fades into the background and leaves great immersion in the game, without the awkward means of the touch controllers.

And a big yes on Elite Dangerous.

If you play ED hit me up on Steam. H8Laggers

Love that game and the new update for 2021 looks incredible

46% of them onder 35 years of age and the vast majority of them are first time voters.

Seems odd that the most excited to vote are people who typically show little interest in politics much less a Senate race. I mean a radical preacher type & a rich white woman. How do either of them generate this much inspiration in our youth???
You are asking the wrong question. Are any of these new voters ineligible to vote? How many are not citizens of voting age? Neither the candidates who are a "radical preacher type & a rich white woman" or the two radical type candidates, rich themselves, who oppose them are relevant.

Are you against an eligible citizen voting?
Just make sure you have your ballot printers set up and ready to go,
FYI- that kind of fraud is impossible to do in our voting system.

You cant have ballots, without the envelopes with the voter's address preprinted, drawn from approved voter registration rolls.

A voter must request an absentee ballot in Georgia. BASICALLY, When the ballot and return envelope is sent to them by their town election office, the envelope has markings with specific info. Without a preprinted ballot envelope, w/ this info, the ballot and envelope is rejected.

A printed ballot, cant just show up out o f nowhere and be counted.

And every envelope is counted, and every separated ballot is counted.... the TWO counts have to match.
Nah, we're not talking about an absentee ballot system, we're talking about a mass mail out ballot system. Its going to be wonderful. Besides, who's talking about fraud? I'm not..

46% of them onder 35 years of age and the vast majority of them are first time voters.

Seems odd that the most excited to vote are people who typically show little interest in politics much less a Senate race. I mean a radical preacher type & a rich white woman. How do either of them generate this much inspiration in our youth???

Imagine that. Young people waking up to the consequences of letting Republicans run the country.
Maybe they could nominate someone besides a two-bit carnie huckster. Hell, they almost won with a complete douchebag. Think what they could do with someone who wasn't so offensive.

I mean, if it were Jeb! or Mitt you would have voted for them.

How dare we uppity deplorables back an outsider, a usurper who isn't part of the elite.

You hate us for bucking the status quo. Now we can get back to being ruled by those who are in it for the elite.
It's become another referendum on Trump. This could spell trouble for the Republicans..if the right wing turnout is depressed.

Yes, you Maoists picked up what, 22 seats in the house?

Oh wait, that was the Americans.

Well, you'll try to cheat again and steal the Georgia elections. If you get away with it I blame the Americas for not standing up to you.
FYI- that kind of fraud is impossible to do in our voting system.

You misspelled "easy."

Yes, that kind of fraud is very easy to do with Dominion systems.

You cant have ballots, without the envelopes with the voter's address preprinted, drawn from approved voter registration rolls.

A voter must request an absentee ballot in Georgia. BASICALLY, When the ballot and return envelope is sent to them by their town election office, the envelope has markings with specific info. Without a preprinted ballot envelope, w/ this info, the ballot and envelope is rejected.

A printed ballot, cant just show up out o f nowhere and be counted.

And every envelope is counted, and every separated ballot is counted.... the TWO counts have to match.

But you can have dead cats and voters who haven't lived in the state sent ballots by the thousands - just as you Maoists did to steal the presidential election.

No doubt you'll have famous trunks of "found" ballots yet again.
Nah, you guys are doing it wrong. I think we should be ENCOURAGING voter fraud in the system.

It would be great if, during this runoff, we had a 500% total population participation! Overwhelm the system, force change. Destabilize confidence in our election system.

I say go the other way, cheat and cheat often!

46% of them onder 35 years of age and the vast majority of them are first time voters.

Seems odd that the most excited to vote are people who typically show little interest in politics much less a Senate race. I mean a radical preacher type & a rich white woman. How do either of them generate this much inspiration in our youth???

Veritas needs to do a sting on this. Didn't Andrew Yang register in Georgia as part of the Communist effort to defraud the vote again?
Veritas discredited itself after the post office guy was found to be a liar.
They discredited themselves with ACORN.

By telling the truth?
View attachment 430952View attachment 430953
My oldest and me on this song.

I still lost

If you're liking the VR, I heartily recommend Subnautica.

Puke central...pass. I have a hard time with Half Life Alyx. But Elite Dangerous VR is almost as good as LSD

Not sure what you've experienced, but Subnautica is different (or was for me) regarding nausea. You use a regular game controller, seated. They took a lot of flack for that, but I found it to be a "feature" not a bug. It quickly fades into the background and leaves great immersion in the game, without the awkward means of the touch controllers.

And a big yes on Elite Dangerous.

If you play ED hit me up on Steam. H8Laggers

Love that game and the new update for 2021 looks incredible

Can non-VR cross play with VR? I dabble in ED but not VR.
Nah, you guys are doing it wrong. I think we should be ENCOURAGING voter fraud in the system.

It would be great if, during this runoff, we had a 500% total population participation! Overwhelm the system, force change. Destabilize confidence in our election system.

I say go the other way, cheat and cheat often!

There is no confidence in our election system. The Communist Chinese and their lackey democrats have already destroyed that.
Maybe they could nominate someone besides a two-bit carnie huckster. Hell, they almost won with a complete douchebag. Think what they could do with someone who wasn't so offensive.

I mean, if it were Jeb! or Mitt you would have voted for them.

How dare we uppity deplorables back an outsider, a usurper who isn't part of the elite.

You hate us for bucking the status quo. Now we can get back to being ruled by those who are in it for the elite.

You didn't "back an outsider", you elected a criminal conman - one with a long, sad history of lies, bankruptcy, and failure. He was fighting a multi-million dollar fraud suit when you elected him. All of this was known about him before you elected him, and you ignored it.

And then there's the racism, xenophobia, the mismanagement of everything he touched, the lies, and 300,000 people dying of covid. Oh yeah, and the crashed economy, millions facing eviction, and lining up for food banks.

Much of the blame falls on the Republican Party for not flat out saying that they would never support a man with his background, criminal and financial history, or morals. American Banks will not lend to Donald Trump, which is why he deals with Deutches Banke. He should never have been a candidate for any major political party, for ANY office, much less President.

The reason he's pardoning himself and everyone who worked for him is because they've all stolen as much money as they could stuff into their pockets for themselves and their rich friends, as an audit will soon disclose.

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