78 million millennial's hate unions

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Say it ain't so..
They don't want to pay union dues?
They don't want to fund bloated unfunded pensions?
Why 78 Million Millennials Are Choosing Non-Union Jobs - Yahoo Finance

With union pension plans in such poor shape, young people see little value in having part of their paychecks go towards propping up what is essentially a Ponzi scheme. In 2014, the Department of Labor found that seven UFCW pension planshad reached “critical status”—meaning they are less than 65 percent funded. Some of these plans have been in critical status for seven years. Without a heavy influx of new members, these plans will be completely insolvent long before millennials retire. SEIU, AFL-CIO, and the Teamsters Union all also have plans that are in critical status.

One action that unions are not taking to get their finances in order is cutting pay to union bosses. At least ten UFCW bosses earn over $250,000 annually, and AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt-Bakers brings home $370,000. These extravagant salaries (along with the generous political contributions) are funded by entry-level workers’ dues
Say it ain't so..
They don't want to pay union dues?
They don't want to fund bloated unfunded pensions?
Why 78 Million Millennials Are Choosing Non-Union Jobs - Yahoo Finance

With union pension plans in such poor shape, young people see little value in having part of their paychecks go towards propping up what is essentially a Ponzi scheme. In 2014, the Department of Labor found that seven UFCW pension planshad reached “critical status”—meaning they are less than 65 percent funded. Some of these plans have been in critical status for seven years. Without a heavy influx of new members, these plans will be completely insolvent long before millennials retire. SEIU, AFL-CIO, and the Teamsters Union all also have plans that are in critical status.

One action that unions are not taking to get their finances in order is cutting pay to union bosses. At least ten UFCW bosses earn over $250,000 annually, and AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt-Bakers brings home $370,000. These extravagant salaries (along with the generous political contributions) are funded by entry-level workers’ dues
Maybe it's a cycle... businesses fuck workers, who form unions to fuck businesses, who get overly fucked by unions that then fuck over workers, who then stop supporting unions, which causes them to lose power against businesses, that let's businesses fuck workers....
Unions can not even offer Cadillac health care plans anymore thanks to obozo care

Obamacare s Cadillac Tax Hits the College Campus - Yahoo Finance

Politiconotes that “a mix of business groups and labor unions” are arm in arm — and up in arms — fighting to kill this tax. Unnoted in the article is that higher education also will be hit especially hard. The dramatic impact of the “Cadillac” tax on higher education has been noticed before, such as on this site (“Obamacare Hits Adjuncts Hard”) and Megan McArdle’s delicious putdown, “Whining Harvard Professors Discover Obamacare.”
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Say it ain't so..
They don't want to pay union dues?
They don't want to fund bloated unfunded pensions?
Why 78 Million Millennials Are Choosing Non-Union Jobs - Yahoo Finance

With union pension plans in such poor shape, young people see little value in having part of their paychecks go towards propping up what is essentially a Ponzi scheme. In 2014, the Department of Labor found that seven UFCW pension planshad reached “critical status”—meaning they are less than 65 percent funded. Some of these plans have been in critical status for seven years. Without a heavy influx of new members, these plans will be completely insolvent long before millennials retire. SEIU, AFL-CIO, and the Teamsters Union all also have plans that are in critical status.

One action that unions are not taking to get their finances in order is cutting pay to union bosses. At least ten UFCW bosses earn over $250,000 annually, and AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt-Bakers brings home $370,000. These extravagant salaries (along with the generous political contributions) are funded by entry-level workers’ dues

Unions are like "Government". Big money always corrupts. Taking a 100% stance against is good for business. But not good for the people. Note we had about 60% Union status when the Great Depression started and the only time that was similar is today because the top is keeping all the profits instead of paying it's WORKERS.
Millennials want everything for free. Say it ain't so lol.
As opposed to anyone else, right?
You miss the point. In the past a nice union job was an aspiration for many people. Today, young people understand unions are corrupt lousy organizations that are about helping their leadership and rewarding incompetence. Joe will be along shortly to demonstrate this fact.
Speaking of unions read that they lost another vote in Houston yesterday and at The SC Boeing plant, The unions vote may be postpone that was scheduled for April 22 for 6 months, to much opposition to them at the plant.

On a side note in most debates on political forums boards over the past 10 years the pro union vote always brings out we are faux news sheep

So do 78 million kids now watch fox? Great news they get The real facts of unions today :)
Hey bear, why don't you describe the workers paradise that will exist when there are no more unions.
Can you do that?

When there are no more union scale wages to compare to, what will stop a company from cutting your wages to whatever level they choose in the right to work for less states?

You (and others) seem to believe that there will be a great advantage to be had by the workers when there are not more unions. What is that great advantage?
Speaking of unions read that they lost another vote in Houston yesterday and at The SC Boeing plant, The unions vote may be postpone that was scheduled for April 22 for 6 months, to much opposition to them at the plant.

On a side note in most debates on political forums boards over the past 10 years the pro union vote always brings out we are faux news sheep

So do 78 million kids now watch fox? Great news they get The real facts of unions today :)
Damn the police unions!!!
Hey bear, why don't you describe the workers paradise that will exist when there are no more unions.
Can you do that?

When there are no more union scale wages to compare to, what will stop a company from cutting your wages to whatever level they choose in the right to work for less states?

You (and others) seem to believe that there will be a great advantage to be had by the workers when there are not more unions. What is that great advantage?
You do know that the wealthy were about to wage a war against workers before WWI broke out, and here it is 100 years later and the wealthy are winning the war against unions and workers....have fun in your slum....
You do know that the wealthy were about to wage a war against workers before WWI broke out, and here it is 100 years later and the wealthy are winning the war against unions and workers....have fun in your slum....

I am the most pro union person posting. Why you asking me such a strange question?
Say it ain't so..
They don't want to pay union dues?
They don't want to fund bloated unfunded pensions?
Why 78 Million Millennials Are Choosing Non-Union Jobs - Yahoo Finance

With union pension plans in such poor shape, young people see little value in having part of their paychecks go towards propping up what is essentially a Ponzi scheme. In 2014, the Department of Labor found that seven UFCW pension planshad reached “critical status”—meaning they are less than 65 percent funded. Some of these plans have been in critical status for seven years. Without a heavy influx of new members, these plans will be completely insolvent long before millennials retire. SEIU, AFL-CIO, and the Teamsters Union all also have plans that are in critical status.

One action that unions are not taking to get their finances in order is cutting pay to union bosses. At least ten UFCW bosses earn over $250,000 annually, and AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt-Bakers brings home $370,000. These extravagant salaries (along with the generous political contributions) are funded by entry-level workers’ dues

Unions are like "Government". Big money always corrupts. Taking a 100% stance against is good for business. But not good for the people. Note we had about 60% Union status when the Great Depression started and the only time that was similar is today because the top is keeping all the profits instead of paying it's WORKERS.
You.are probably right American style unions are so dead, but they could change to a German style one, who I adore.

But I Don't know, we are not all German.
Say it ain't so..
They don't want to pay union dues?
They don't want to fund bloated unfunded pensions?

Mostly what it has to do with is the ability to use brown-nosing and fraternizaation to get ahead in their careers. That doesn't work in a Union enviroenment. It can in a non-Union environment.

I dealt with this back between 2007-09 when we were Unionizing the Engineering/Design Department at the utility company I work for. The anti-Union individuals were all younger individuals who felt that they could "get ahead" in a non-Union environment by being buddies with the boss and kissing ass, even though they had no idea how to really do the work. One went so far as to tell me that he knew he could get ahead by doing 10 hours of unpaid OT each week. I told him that the 10 hours each week he spent fellating his boss didn't count as OT. To an individual, those people didn't want an environment where work would be distributed evenly and where time in grade was more important than being best friends with the boss.
Maybe unions should stop supporting illegal immigration and democrats and refocus on the people who pay the dues.

A couple of tweaks to unions and they freakin' thrive.

But no, that would require cooperation, give & take.

Can't have that.

That's what I am saying also, read the United auto workers are working with VW for free I guess, even Though the plant Workers said no, I was very surprised, but not really, VW wants a union

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