8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

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Trump says experienced mountain climbers can’t scale his wall
This entire string is farce. Not a single one of you Trump haters can show me a video of someone climbing that wall without cheating to do it.

What s cheating?

Is someone going to be stationed at the wall to yell.......Hey, you are cheating!
This entire string is farce. Not a single one of you Trump haters can show me a video of someone climbing that wall without cheating to do it.

What s cheating?

Is someone going to be stationed at the wall to yell.......Hey, you are cheating!

"Cheating" is claiming to have climbed the wall when what you've REALLY done is climb the wall's edge like that little girl did! It's a simple request that I keep making, Winger...SHOW ME A VIDEO OF SOMEONE CLIMBING THAT WALL WITHOUT HAVING TO USE THE EDGE TO GET OVER THE TOP PART!!!

As a life long climber I'm embarrassed for those people who perpetrated this scam! They know damn well that little girl couldn't climb that wall without using the edge of the wall to get over the top part yet they sat there and claimed that she'd climbed it legitimately? They obviously believe that the end justifies the means. Sad on their part!
People in medieval times didn't have cameras, heat sensors, drones, and ground sensors to help stop them.

Border barriers have worked every place they are tried in the world, and here in the US as well.

How does one define "worked"?
In dictatorships, they keep out information and keep in underpaid workers.
But is that "good"?
What is wrong with people attempting to gain employment with the highest pay?
Isn't that an inherent individual right?

And think about the 8 states we purchased from Mexico?
Those states were supposed to retain full Mexican citizenship rights if the people wanted to.
They were contractually protected by specific treaty language, that they did not have to become US citizens, lose any land or transportation rights, etc.

Exactly what is the purpose of building a wall?

The purpose of having a wall is that IF you dont have a wall, then people can drive across in vehicles to the point the border patrol cant keep up with it at all, and people can run across at the same time. Point is your not only talking about Mexican citizens as well, but every other nationality of the world including central and south america, who wants to walk across the Mexican border.

If you only have a fence, it can be cut through in seconds or pulled over, so for the reason that no one respects the border, you need to have a wall.

The left will always claim walls don't work. They've been programmed to believe it. Well if walls don't work, why do all prisons have them?

There is no wall that can't be breached, but reducing crossings by 90% or better makes the structures well worth the investment; an investment that will pay for itself in just a couple of years.
That’s just funny

Guarding a few hundred yards of prison is the same as guarding 2000 miles of border

Then tell me, what good are the guards without the fence? Do you think if the guards fell asleep, the prisoners could then get out of the prison?

Again you compare securing a prison compound to securing the entire United States

Not nearly the same is it?
Plus, you have dangerous criminals in a prison vs people wanting to pick our crops, mow our lawns and make our beds
Could you climb the wall, BULLDOG?

Moving the goal post AGAIN. Whether I can climb it doesn't matter. Trump didn't say Bulldog can't climb this fence. He said NOBODY can climb this fence.

I've asked this same thing repeatedly, Bullshit and you continue to duck the question! Show me a video of SOMEBODY who can climb that fence!
Rock climbers scale replica of border wall in Wolfe Co. as quickly as 13 seconds

You proved my point, Bullshit! You just provided a video that DIDN'T show anyone climbing the fence while claiming that they did! I can only assume that the reason the video DIDN'T show someone actually doing the climb is that they all cheated to get over and that the news story was as bogus as your video!

Now did you want to show me a video of someone legitimately climbing that wall or did you want to admit that it's really hard to climb?

I suppose you can assume anything you care to assume. No reason to believe they were lying, unless you are one of those idiots that don't believe news reports. Trump didn't say it was really hard to climb. The orange fool said it couldn't be climbed. Why do you always try to move the goal posts?
Plus, you have dangerous criminals in a prison vs people wanting to pick our crops, mow our lawns and make our beds

That is a simplistic assessment of the consequences of allowing them to come across the border.

Yes, some of them do pick our crops and mow our lawns and make our beds.

They also force our schools to slow down and teach is TWO languages so Juan and Maria can also learn, which means our own children are being stunted by only being able to move forward at the speed of the slowest illegal immigrant student.

They also seem unable to live in an area for any length of time without turning it into another festering crime-ridden cesspool of filth like Tijuana, with crap piled everywhere, bars on the windows, cannibalized cars parked on the streets, and T-shirts and jeans used for window curtains.

They also cannot seem to get through a day without succumbing to the overpowering desire to release the contents of a can of spray paint or a paint marker, simply gouging their indecipherable drivel into things like restaurant tables and bathroom mirrors at someone's private property. This behavior is not unlike a dog pissing on a tree to mark its territory.

They also break into our homes and our cars, and rape our daughters, and make us sick with their POOR understanding of personal hygiene. They also steal lawnmowers and garden hoses and anything else that is not bolted down or welded to something.

They also drive around in uninsured, unregistered cars, and when they cause a terrible accident with injuries, their doors fling open and they scatter like cockroaches in a Vietnamese kitchen when the lights come on, leaving their victims to deal with the injuries, death and the huge costs of repairing their vehicles.

They also steal bicycles, and cell phones, and hand and power tools and anything else they can grab as they scamper around.

They also form gangs in our schools and make it unsafe for our own children to attend school without the fear of being selected as today's victim of whatever crime they have in mind.

They also take or construction jobs in numbers that force an American foreman to hire a translator just to communicate with them.

They also come over ready to POP and drop little Julio or Juanita onto American soil so they can claim the larvae as an "anchor baby" and an excuse to bring all of the relatives across the border to help raise it.

They also "escape" the Mexican culture using the "Refugee" excuse to circumvent our laws, only to drag their culture across the border with them, and then DEMAND that we all recognize and respect "La Raza" and the "Latino community" (Read: Mexican Ghetto Gangs and bottom of the barrel social vermin) and then band together and challenge any single individual to fight them when they do something wrong. Watch the video of the girl who is head punched by the very creatures we are talking about, outside of a MAGA rally where they are NOT picking our crops, mowing our lawns and making our beds.
You just had to prove that you are a dumbass! If you could build a dam there to generate electricity, don't you think it would have already been done?

No. There is currently no need for a power source at the end of the Colorado River where it crosses the border. Why would they build a power station to provide power to NOTHING?

It is obvious that you don't know anything about generating electricity and then transmitting along power lines over great distances. Please shut up and leave the conversation to the adults. Your claptrap is neither desired nor appreciated.

Oh, let's play the "Adult card!" I am 61. I don't know how old you are, but I assure you, I am an adult. As for claptrap, that seems to be your specialty.

It is obvious that you are insecure about your own existence, to the extent of needing to put other people down to make yourself feel superior.

I know that if a steel fence is made in two sections, no power lines are needed. The two sections of the fence ARE the conductors. Do you know how a bug zapper works? You electrify both sections, and let the illegals make the connection like a filament in a light bulb. The fence would need to be isolated from Earth ground in order for it to work properly.

Using a moving river to generate power is not a new concept, nor one that requires great intellectual minds. YOU believe it would require GIGAWATTS of power to electrify a steel fence. Those who DO know about electricity know that electric POTENTIAL does not require such a powerhouse. Since the fence would not be lighting a city on a 24/7 basis, a minimal amount of power to each side of a fence is all that would be required. High voltage at a low amperage. That is how stun guns work. That is how electric fences work ... 12 miles of electric fence, powered by a golf cart battery.

The fence could be built so that a battery bank could provide the deadly ZAP power needed to deal with the occasional illegal crossing the fence. The batteries could be recharged by a 24/7 trickle of power from the river's generator.

The only time the power would be used AT ALL, is when Juan reaches across and makes a connection between the two halves of the fence. THEN the power for THAT section of fence would ALL go through Juan, the local animals would get a brief light show, there would be the lingering scent of overly cooked meat, and the many miles of undisturbed fence would just stand idly by waiting for another bug to zap.

You seem to need to put others down in order to feel superior. I suppose it works for you, but I am not at all impressed.
For reasons that are hard to phantom [fathom], Trumpettes seem to have a hard time visualizing a ladder leaning against a wall.

For reasons, that are hard to FATHOM, Trump haters have a hard time visualizing drones, cameras, helicopters, patrols, on the border as well.

If walls and borders work effectively in other countries and other parts of our own Southern border, why should extending it not work?

Yep, look at all those 30-foot ladders! They're probably going to pick them up at Home Depot on the way! Oh wait, don't they have to get down the other side? That means they have to buy TWO 30+ foot ladders at Home Depot and drag them through the desert.

Vandalshandle, you're a hoot! How about this? This might work!


Hey Markle, it is really a poor idea to post about things that you know nothing about. I live 35 miles from the border, and every night, I watch drones fly down the Santa Cruz river bed with heat seeking technology, looking for illegals. They also have motion sensors along the border that coyote's routinely set off. Such technology already is in use, and does not need a wall to work. As for the ladder, when they climb over it, they often use a knotted rope to climb down the other side. I know that seems high tech to you, but Mexicans know how to do that. Your wall is 10,000 year old technology that can be overcome with 9,000 year old technology.
Did you take the photos. Don’t believe everything you see online. Liberal media 99% of the time are lying. Your photos for example

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I knew you were ignorant but just goes to show liberals won’t stop at ignorant, they strive to be the best.

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...and you seem to be so impacted by your ADD that you don't know that this thread is not about me.
Did you take the photos. Don’t believe everything you see online. Liberal media 99% of the time are lying. Your photos for example

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I knew you were ignorant but just goes to show liberals won’t stop at ignorant, they strive to be the best.

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Liberals are brainwashed. As I said before, ignorant as all hell

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...and if we wait long enough, you might even contribute something to the subject matter, but I am not counting on it.
Trump claimed his silly wall couldn't be climbed, even by the top mountain climbers. I guess nobody told this 8 year old girl it couldn't be done.

Trump Boasted That His Border Wall Was 'Virtually Impenetrable.' Then an 8-Year-Old Girl Climbed a Replica
View attachment 283807

I'd like to know how that little girl got over that six foot tall piece of metal at the top??

Went around the edge. Which she couldn't do if it were a complete fence.

Not amazing at all.
Could you climb the wall, BULLDOG?

Moving the goal post AGAIN. Whether I can climb it doesn't matter. Trump didn't say Bulldog can't climb this fence. He said NOBODY can climb this fence.

I've asked this same thing repeatedly, Bullshit and you continue to duck the question! Show me a video of SOMEBODY who can climb that fence!
Rock climbers scale replica of border wall in Wolfe Co. as quickly as 13 seconds

You proved my point, Bullshit! You just provided a video that DIDN'T show anyone climbing the fence while claiming that they did! I can only assume that the reason the video DIDN'T show someone actually doing the climb is that they all cheated to get over and that the news story was as bogus as your video!

Now did you want to show me a video of someone legitimately climbing that wall or did you want to admit that it's really hard to climb?

I suppose you can assume anything you care to assume. No reason to believe they were lying, unless you are one of those idiots that don't believe news reports. Trump didn't say it was really hard to climb. The orange fool said it couldn't be climbed. Why do you always try to move the goal posts?

So basically all the libtards are repeating is Trump said. That’s all you clowns have. You sound like a bunch of school kids. Who cares. With the wall, cameras, sensors, watch stations and patrols they will catch most. Why can’t they just enter the legal way. I know they’re criminals, drug and gun smugglers and just plain and simple pieces of shit. That’s why they come in Illegally.

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Did you take the photos. Don’t believe everything you see online. Liberal media 99% of the time are lying. Your photos for example

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I knew you were ignorant but just goes to show liberals won’t stop at ignorant, they strive to be the best.

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...and you seem to be so impacted by your ADD that you don't know that this thread is not about me.

I know. It’s about ignorance of the liberals who have noting better to complain about. You just proved yourself wrong. Cameras, sensors, drones, watch towers and patrols cover the area along with the wall. So it makes it that much more difficult to attempt to climb it.

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Did you take the photos. Don’t believe everything you see online. Liberal media 99% of the time are lying. Your photos for example

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I knew you were ignorant but just goes to show liberals won’t stop at ignorant, they strive to be the best.

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...and you seem to be so impacted by your ADD that you don't know that this thread is not about me.

I know. It’s about ignorance of the liberals who have noting better to complain about. You just proved yourself wrong. Cameras, sensors, drones, watch towers and patrols cover the area along with the wall. So it makes it that much more difficult to attempt to climb it.

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You realize, of course, that there is no law in Mexico making it illegal to build a stairway right up against the Mexican side of the wall, don't you?
Well then we just have to pressure Mexico and if that doesn’t work do what Israel does and shoot the scum trying to climb over illegally. Since you live so close you can have them move in with you. Why would you sneak over illegally if you have nothing to hide. The problem with America is we have gotten soft because Democrats want to change the way we think and force there agenda on us. All this politicly correct bullshit. Our valises have change and it’s a disgracewhat Demtards are doing to our schools and the gender appeasing crap. So let’s just say we agree to disagree. This post was ignorant and should have never gone on this long. Why it’s just libtards taking another shot at the President. It’s been going on for 3 years and the Democrats look like idiots and have and proved zero.

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Well then we just have to pressure Mexico and if that doesn’t work do what Israel does and shoot the scum trying to climb over illegally. Since you live so close you can have them move in with you. Why would you sneak over illegally if you have nothing to hide. The problem with America is we have gotten soft because Democrats want to change the way we think and force there agenda on us. All this politicly correct bullshit. Our valises have change and it’s a disgracewhat Demtards are doing to our schools and the gender appeasing crap. So let’s just say we agree to disagree. This post was ignorant and should have never gone on this long. Why it’s just libtards taking another shot at the President. It’s been going on for 3 years and the Democrats look like idiots and have and proved zero.

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Okey dokie. Whenever one of you RW nuts starts advocating that we shred the constitution and give law enforcement officers the authority to kill suspects who may be committing a misdemeanor, without due process or a trial, I know that I am talking to someone who left their luggage at the station, and I press my magic button to make them disappear. {Poof!}

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