8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

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I'm not playing your game, Markle. If you are not going to tell me exactly what you are challenging, I'm out of here.

Exactly? In this quote, you can't figure it out? WOW!


For the FOURTH time!

"Okey dokie. Whenever one of you RW nuts starts advocating that we shred the constitution and give law enforcement officers the authority to kill suspects who may be committing a misdemeanor, without due process or a trial, I know that I am talking to someone who left their luggage at the station, and I press my magic button to make them disappear. {Poof!}"

Once again, go for it! Either that or admit you lied.
Without gear? I couldn't, and I'm in pretty good shape.

8-year-old girl scales replica of Trump's 'un-climbable ...
8-year-old girl scales replica of Trump's 'un-climbable' border wall in seconds
An 18-foot replica of Donald Trump's border wall has been scaled in a matter of seconds by novice climbers, an eight-year-old girl and a man who returned for another attempt while juggling with ...

8-year-old girl scales a replica of Trump's border wall in ...
Moment an 8-year-old girl scales a replica of President Trump's border wall in under ONE MINUTE | Daily Mail Online
8-year-old Lucy Hancock from South Carolina scaled an 18-foot tall replica of President Trump's border wall in under one minute - despite Trump's claims that the wall is 'impenetrable' Home U.K.
VIDEO: 8-year-old scales border wall replica - in one minute ...
Lucy Hancock, an 8-year-old from Kentucky, is proving otherwise. The girl's mother posted a video to Facebook this week of the third-grader scaling an exact replica of the 18-foot wall going up along miles of the southern border, and it took just over a minute for the youngster to crest the structure.
8-Year-Old Girl Climbs Replica Of Border Wall Trump Boasted ...
8-Year-Old Girl Climbs Replica Of Border Wall Trump Boasted Was 'Impossible To Climb'
Several mountain climbers have successfully scaled a replica of President Trump's border wall in under one minute, with one person juggling during their climb and an 8-year-old girl reaching the top of the wall as well.
VIDEO: 8-year-old scales border wall replica - in one minute ...
VIDEO: 8-year-old scales border wall replica – in one minute! | Prime Patriot
"He will run from the cop," elementary school gives anti-police homework…
An 8-Year-Old Girl Climbed a Replica of Trump's Border Wall ...
Trump Boasted That His Border Wall Was 'Virtually Impenetrable.' Then an 8-Year-Old Girl Climbed a Replica
Rock climbing expert Rick Weber built a replica of Trump's "virtually impenetrable" border wall. Then an 8-year-old girl climbed it.
Eight-year-old girl scales replica of Trump's 'virtually ...
Climber, 8, tackles replica of Trump's 'virtually impenetrable' border wall
An eight-year-old girl has climbed a replica of the border wall that U.S. President Donald Trump has called 'virtually impenetrable.' Election 2019: Breaking news, features and daily poll ...
8-Year-Old Girl Successfully Climbs Replica of Trump's So ...
8-Year-Old Girl Successfully Climbs Replica of Trump's So-Called 'Impenetrable' Wall
TIME reports the replica has already been climbed by several people, including 8-year-old Lucy Hanock.
8-year-old girl scales 'un-climbable' border wall in sec ...
An 18-foot replica of Donald Trump's border wall has been scaled in a matter of seconds by novice climbers, an eight-year-old girl and a man who returned for another attempt while juggling with one hand.
Incredible moment an 8-year-old girl scales a 18-foot tall ...
8-year-old Lucy Hancock (pictured) scaled an 18-foot-replica of President Donald Trump's southern border wall under a minute +7 In the video posted by Lucy's mother, Karla, the young girl is seen climbing from the base of the 18-foot high replica and swiftly climbing towards the top.
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What is your point? Repeated times you posted the same thing. That an eight-year-old girl, scaled an EIGHTEEN-FOOT (the actual fence is 30 to 40 feet depending on local) with the aid of a climbing harness and not scaling the top six feet.

So again, what is you point?
Well then we just have to pressure Mexico and if that doesn’t work do what Israel does and shoot the scum trying to climb over illegally. Since you live so close you can have them move in with you. Why would you sneak over illegally if you have nothing to hide. The problem with America is we have gotten soft because Democrats want to change the way we think and force there agenda on us. All this politicly correct bullshit. Our valises have change and it’s a disgracewhat Demtards are doing to our schools and the gender appeasing crap. So let’s just say we agree to disagree. This post was ignorant and should have never gone on this long. Why it’s just libtards taking another shot at the President. It’s been going on for 3 years and the Democrats look like idiots and have and proved zero.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Okey dokie. Whenever one of you RW nuts starts advocating that we shred the constitution and give law enforcement officers the authority to kill suspects who may be committing a misdemeanor, without due process or a trial, I know that I am talking to someone who left their luggage at the station, and I press my magic button to make them disappear. {Poof!}

Someone scaling a border wall "may be committing a misdemeanor"? Gee, do you think? Simple question for you, Vandal...should we have secure borders or not?

Look it up for yourself, Oldy. Crossing the US border illegally for the first time is a misdemeanor, which is equivalent to a speeding ticket.
A speeding ticket would be a Class C misdemeanor...Crossing the US border illegally would be a Class A misdemeanor. Getting caught crossing the US border illegally a second time is a felony.
Without gear? I couldn't, and I'm in pretty good shape.


If you are a Trump supporters trying to defend that sexy wall...... Of course you can’t.
Like I already said it’s not that difficult to breach that wall. By simply using 2 size of ropes provided by paid coyotes.

1. Tie a rock to the end of the small rope. Tie the other end to the bigger rope to be use for climbing.

2. Throw the rope with the rock to the other side of the wall.
( throw it to US side not to Mexico side).

3. See the openings. Pull the rope with the rock. Till you have the bigger rope. Tie the bigger rope to the fence.

4. WALA....... now you can climb that sexy wall.

Don’t forget to make knots of the bigger rope before anything.

Any questions?
it is not the wall that works in Palestine and N. Korea. It is the machine guns and the land mines. Trump's wall does not even have the protection of the Chinese, or Adrian's wall. They both were patrolled 24/7 by armed guards within arrow shot of each other.

You already stated that the wall would have support. Drones. sensors, patrols, cameras as well. No one has ever said that the wall/fence/barrier would stand alone without support.

How much do illegal aliens cost our country on an annual basis?

Well, now, in view of the fact that a person can fly over the wall, tunnel under it, climb over it, boat around it, or just cross through the port of entry and not go back, all of which makes the wall not only useless, but is also an environmental disaster, why not do something equally useless, like put up signs say, "no trespassing"? It would have the same effect, and save billions of dollars, as well as about 50 species if animals that migrate across the border on a regular basis.

Then, since your doors can be pushed in, kicked in, locks picked, window broken you leave them standing open 24/7, right?

Specifically, what 50 species of animals will become extinct should the desperately needed wall be built. Careful, you're sowing more and more desperation.

Once again, you ignored responding to my challenge about your post. Why?


"Okey dokie. Whenever one of you RW nuts starts advocating that we shred the constitution and give law enforcement officers the authority to kill suspects who may be committing a misdemeanor, without due process or a trial, I know that I am talking to someone who left their luggage at the station, and I press my magic button to make them disappear. {Poof!}"

Come on Vandalshandle, show us the source and link for your above statement or admit you that you LIED!

As a matter of fact, I have lived 35 miles from the border for the last 9 years, and I have never locked my doors at all.

As for the rest of your trolling, all I can say, is get bent.
As a matter of fact, I have lived 35 miles from the border for the last 9 years, and I have never locked my doors at all.

As for the rest of your trolling, all I can say, is get bent.

Once again, you ignored responding to my challenge about your post. Why?


"Okey dokie. Whenever one of you RW nuts starts advocating that we shred the constitution and give law enforcement officers the authority to kill suspects who may be committing a misdemeanor, without due process or a trial, I know that I am talking to someone who left their luggage at the station, and I press my magic button to make them disappear. {Poof!}"

Come on Vandalshandle, show us the source and link for your above statement or admit you that you LIED!
Well then we just have to pressure Mexico and if that doesn’t work do what Israel does and shoot the scum trying to climb over illegally. Since you live so close you can have them move in with you. Why would you sneak over illegally if you have nothing to hide. The problem with America is we have gotten soft because Democrats want to change the way we think and force there agenda on us. All this politicly correct bullshit. Our valises have change and it’s a disgracewhat Demtards are doing to our schools and the gender appeasing crap. So let’s just say we agree to disagree. This post was ignorant and should have never gone on this long. Why it’s just libtards taking another shot at the President. It’s been going on for 3 years and the Democrats look like idiots and have and proved zero.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Okey dokie. Whenever one of you RW nuts starts advocating that we shred the constitution and give law enforcement officers the authority to kill suspects who may be committing a misdemeanor, without due process or a trial, I know that I am talking to someone who left their luggage at the station, and I press my magic button to make them disappear. {Poof!}

Someone scaling a border wall "may be committing a misdemeanor"? Gee, do you think? Simple question for you, Vandal...should we have secure borders or not?

Look it up for yourself, Oldy. Crossing the US border illegally for the first time is a misdemeanor, which is equivalent to a speeding ticket.
A speeding ticket would be a Class C misdemeanor...Crossing the US border illegally would be a Class A misdemeanor. Getting caught crossing the US border illegally a second time is a felony.

Thank you. Now, we have collaborating evidence that there are posters on this board who advocate giving the government authority to shoot suspects who may have committed a misdemeanor, without a trial or due process.
You just had to prove that you are a dumbass! If you could build a dam there to generate electricity, don't you think it would have already been done?

No. There is currently no need for a power source at the end of the Colorado River where it crosses the border. Why would they build a power station to provide power to NOTHING?

It is obvious that you don't know anything about generating electricity and then transmitting along power lines over great distances. Please shut up and leave the conversation to the adults. Your claptrap is neither desired nor appreciated.

Oh, let's play the "Adult card!" I am 61. I don't know how old you are, but I assure you, I am an adult. As for claptrap, that seems to be your specialty.

It is obvious that you are insecure about your own existence, to the extent of needing to put other people down to make yourself feel superior.

I know that if a steel fence is made in two sections, no power lines are needed. The two sections of the fence ARE the conductors. Do you know how a bug zapper works? You electrify both sections, and let the illegals make the connection like a filament in a light bulb. The fence would need to be isolated from Earth ground in order for it to work properly.

Using a moving river to generate power is not a new concept, nor one that requires great intellectual minds. YOU believe it would require GIGAWATTS of power to electrify a steel fence. Those who DO know about electricity know that electric POTENTIAL does not require such a powerhouse. Since the fence would not be lighting a city on a 24/7 basis, a minimal amount of power to each side of a fence is all that would be required. High voltage at a low amperage. That is how stun guns work. That is how electric fences work ... 12 miles of electric fence, powered by a golf cart battery.

The fence could be built so that a battery bank could provide the deadly ZAP power needed to deal with the occasional illegal crossing the fence. The batteries could be recharged by a 24/7 trickle of power from the river's generator.

The only time the power would be used AT ALL, is when Juan reaches across and makes a connection between the two halves of the fence. THEN the power for THAT section of fence would ALL go through Juan, the local animals would get a brief light show, there would be the lingering scent of overly cooked meat, and the many miles of undisturbed fence would just stand idly by waiting for another bug to zap.

You seem to need to put others down in order to feel superior. I suppose it works for you, but I am not at all impressed.

Impressive! I did not think anyone capable of making a bigger fool of themselves than you just did.

When the Hoover Dam was built, where were the cities for which it provided power?

One word that you have ignored in your entire plan. Resistance.

Unless your name is Rube Goldberg, and you are just designing a whatchamacallit to solve a problem easily solved by a thingamajig, you need to take your silly ideas and go educate yourself on how electricity works on a large scale.
Thank you. Now, we have collaborating [corroborating] evidence that there are posters on this board who advocate giving the government authority to shoot suspects who may have committed a misdemeanor, without a trial or due process.

The first time I thought it might be a one-off. But you keep doing it.

You really need to stick to one-syllable words. More than that confuses you and helps make you look uneducated.

The first time I noticed it was, and I quote: For reasons that are hard to phantom [fathom], Trumpettes seem to have a hard time visualizing a ladder leaning against a wall.

phantom definition: a ghost or figment of the imagination

fathom definition: understand (a difficult problem or an enigmatic person) after much thought.

Now you wrote: "Now, we have collaborating [corroborating] evidence [...]"

collaborating definition: work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create something...or... cooperate traitorously with an enemy.

The word you wanted is corroborating.

corroborating definition:
corroborating (present participle)
  1. confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding).
    "the witness had corroborated the boy's account of the attack"
Remember, ONE SYLLABLE WORDS! Got it? :D
Thank you. Now, we have collaborating evidence that there are posters on this board who advocate giving the government authority to shoot suspects who may have committed a misdemeanor, without a trial or due process.


Well, by god, no person who misspells a word is safe around you! Keep up your major goal of removing from the world, people who make typos! I think that you have found your place in life! In fact, in view of your opinions on Trump's wall (which you tend to avoid), being a spelling NAZI is probably the best thing for you.

Mark, I know that you are trying to get my goat, but it isn't going to happen. You are a Trump supporter, which means that you are somewhere between an idiot, and a moron. Good luck defending him as we remove him from office.
Thank you. Now, we have collaborating evidence that there are posters on this board who advocate giving the government authority to shoot suspects who may have committed a misdemeanor, without a trial or due process.


Well, by god, no person who misspells a word is safe around you! Keep up your major goal of removing from the world, people who make typos! I think that you have found your place in life! In fact, in view of your opinions on Trump's wall (which you tend to avoid), being a spelling NAZI is probably the best thing for you.

Mark, I know that you are trying to get my goat, but it isn't going to happen. You are a Trump supporter, which means that you are somewhere between an idiot, and a moron. Good luck defending him as we remove him from office.

Misspelled? Misspelled?

As You know, I didn't bust your chops for spelling. You were trying to appear somewhat intelligent by using words you had heard without knowing the word. You simply proved the opposite. You proved you do not learn and you are ignorant of the English language. Why go out of your way to prove your ignorance? Remember, stick with one syllable words. Maybe two if you look them up first. You failed one of those too! Good luck!

You have yet to provide a reliable source and working link supporting one of your more desperate allegations. Why?

Typical Progressive, you repeatedly prove your ignorance but retaliate by calling me names.

You must be so proud!!
Last edited:
it is not the wall that works in Palestine and N. Korea. It is the machine guns and the land mines. Trump's wall does not even have the protection of the Chinese, or Adrian's wall. They both were patrolled 24/7 by armed guards within arrow shot of each other.

You already stated that the wall would have support. Drones. sensors, patrols, cameras as well. No one has ever said that the wall/fence/barrier would stand alone without support.

How much do illegal aliens cost our country on an annual basis?

Well, now, in view of the fact that a person can fly over the wall, tunnel under it, climb over it, boat around it, or just cross through the port of entry and not go back, all of which makes the wall not only useless, but is also an environmental disaster, why not do something equally useless, like put up signs say, "no trespassing"? It would have the same effect, and save billions of dollars, as well as about 50 species if animals that migrate across the border on a regular basis.

Then, since your doors can be pushed in, kicked in, locks picked, window broken you leave them standing open 24/7, right?

Specifically, what 50 species of animals will become extinct should the desperately needed wall be built. Careful, you're sowing more and more desperation.

Once again, you ignored responding to my challenge about your post. Why?


"Okey dokie. Whenever one of you RW nuts starts advocating that we shred the constitution and give law enforcement officers the authority to kill suspects who may be committing a misdemeanor, without due process or a trial, I know that I am talking to someone who left their luggage at the station, and I press my magic button to make them disappear. {Poof!}"

Come on Vandalshandle, show us the source and link for your above statement or admit you that you LIED!

As a matter of fact, I have lived 35 miles from the border for the last 9 years, and I have never locked my doors at all.

As for the rest of your trolling, all I can say, is get bent.
I live 7 miles north of the border and I sleep with my windows open at night to take advantage of the free Pacific Ocean air conditioning.

I also spend a decent amount of time in Tijuana, by myself sometimes. Do not try it yourself. Way too scary for snowflake red state voters who can't leave the house without a fully loaded gun. They won't let you take a gun into Mexico. Not legally. Or marijuana, just fyi.
it is not the wall that works in Palestine and N. Korea. It is the machine guns and the land mines. Trump's wall does not even have the protection of the Chinese, or Adrian's wall. They both were patrolled 24/7 by armed guards within arrow shot of each other.

You already stated that the wall would have support. Drones. sensors, patrols, cameras as well. No one has ever said that the wall/fence/barrier would stand alone without support.

How much do illegal aliens cost our country on an annual basis?

Well, now, in view of the fact that a person can fly over the wall, tunnel under it, climb over it, boat around it, or just cross through the port of entry and not go back, all of which makes the wall not only useless, but is also an environmental disaster, why not do something equally useless, like put up signs say, "no trespassing"? It would have the same effect, and save billions of dollars, as well as about 50 species if animals that migrate across the border on a regular basis.

Then, since your doors can be pushed in, kicked in, locks picked, window broken you leave them standing open 24/7, right?

Specifically, what 50 species of animals will become extinct should the desperately needed wall be built. Careful, you're sowing more and more desperation.

Once again, you ignored responding to my challenge about your post. Why?


"Okey dokie. Whenever one of you RW nuts starts advocating that we shred the constitution and give law enforcement officers the authority to kill suspects who may be committing a misdemeanor, without due process or a trial, I know that I am talking to someone who left their luggage at the station, and I press my magic button to make them disappear. {Poof!}"

Come on Vandalshandle, show us the source and link for your above statement or admit you that you LIED!

As a matter of fact, I have lived 35 miles from the border for the last 9 years, and I have never locked my doors at all.

As for the rest of your trolling, all I can say, is get bent.
I live 7 miles north of the border and I sleep with my windows open at night to take advantage of the free Pacific Ocean air conditioning.

I also spend a decent amount of time in Tijuana, by myself sometimes. Do not try it yourself. Way too scary for snowflake red state voters who can't leave the house without a fully loaded gun. They won't let you take a gun into Mexico. Not legally. Or marijuana, just fyi.

So you live in that isolated desert community called San Diego? You are a libtard Californian who sees no problem with an open border. Why not go down to Mexico, pick up a few illegals, sneak them across the border, and have them stay at your house, on your dime?
You already stated that the wall would have support. Drones. sensors, patrols, cameras as well. No one has ever said that the wall/fence/barrier would stand alone without support.

How much do illegal aliens cost our country on an annual basis?

Well, now, in view of the fact that a person can fly over the wall, tunnel under it, climb over it, boat around it, or just cross through the port of entry and not go back, all of which makes the wall not only useless, but is also an environmental disaster, why not do something equally useless, like put up signs say, "no trespassing"? It would have the same effect, and save billions of dollars, as well as about 50 species if animals that migrate across the border on a regular basis.

Then, since your doors can be pushed in, kicked in, locks picked, window broken you leave them standing open 24/7, right?

Specifically, what 50 species of animals will become extinct should the desperately needed wall be built. Careful, you're sowing more and more desperation.

Once again, you ignored responding to my challenge about your post. Why?


"Okey dokie. Whenever one of you RW nuts starts advocating that we shred the constitution and give law enforcement officers the authority to kill suspects who may be committing a misdemeanor, without due process or a trial, I know that I am talking to someone who left their luggage at the station, and I press my magic button to make them disappear. {Poof!}"

Come on Vandalshandle, show us the source and link for your above statement or admit you that you LIED!

As a matter of fact, I have lived 35 miles from the border for the last 9 years, and I have never locked my doors at all.

As for the rest of your trolling, all I can say, is get bent.
I live 7 miles north of the border and I sleep with my windows open at night to take advantage of the free Pacific Ocean air conditioning.

I also spend a decent amount of time in Tijuana, by myself sometimes. Do not try it yourself. Way too scary for snowflake red state voters who can't leave the house without a fully loaded gun. They won't let you take a gun into Mexico. Not legally. Or marijuana, just fyi.

So you live in that isolated desert community called San Diego? You are a libtard Californian who sees no problem with an open border. Why not go down to Mexico, pick up a few illegals, sneak them across the border, and have them stay at your house, on your dime?
I am south of San Diego. I'm sure I have had more than one illegal at my house for a meal more than a few times. Like I said before, these people are just my friends and neighbors, we don't ask each other about legal status.

Isolated? lmao. Dumbass Dotard.
Well, now, in view of the fact that a person can fly over the wall, tunnel under it, climb over it, boat around it, or just cross through the port of entry and not go back, all of which makes the wall not only useless, but is also an environmental disaster, why not do something equally useless, like put up signs say, "no trespassing"? It would have the same effect, and save billions of dollars, as well as about 50 species if animals that migrate across the border on a regular basis.

Then, since your doors can be pushed in, kicked in, locks picked, window broken you leave them standing open 24/7, right?

Specifically, what 50 species of animals will become extinct should the desperately needed wall be built. Careful, you're sowing more and more desperation.

Once again, you ignored responding to my challenge about your post. Why?


"Okey dokie. Whenever one of you RW nuts starts advocating that we shred the constitution and give law enforcement officers the authority to kill suspects who may be committing a misdemeanor, without due process or a trial, I know that I am talking to someone who left their luggage at the station, and I press my magic button to make them disappear. {Poof!}"

Come on Vandalshandle, show us the source and link for your above statement or admit you that you LIED!

As a matter of fact, I have lived 35 miles from the border for the last 9 years, and I have never locked my doors at all.

As for the rest of your trolling, all I can say, is get bent.
I live 7 miles north of the border and I sleep with my windows open at night to take advantage of the free Pacific Ocean air conditioning.

I also spend a decent amount of time in Tijuana, by myself sometimes. Do not try it yourself. Way too scary for snowflake red state voters who can't leave the house without a fully loaded gun. They won't let you take a gun into Mexico. Not legally. Or marijuana, just fyi.

So you live in that isolated desert community called San Diego? You are a libtard Californian who sees no problem with an open border. Why not go down to Mexico, pick up a few illegals, sneak them across the border, and have them stay at your house, on your dime?
I am south of San Diego. I'm sure I have had more than one illegal at my house for a meal more than a few times. Like I said before, these people are just my friends and neighbors, we don't ask each other about legal status.

Isolated? lmao. Dumbass Dotard.

Your sarcasm detector needs calibration!

So you harbor illegals? Then you should be prosecuted. Fair enough!
I deal with Latinos all the time. Some of them are quite interesting. For example, Jesus prunes my citrus trees. I don't know if he is illegal or not, but every time he comes up , I feel blessed!
The left will always claim walls don't work. They've been programmed to believe it. Well if walls don't work, why do all prisons have them?

There is no wall that can't be breached, but reducing crossings by 90% or better makes the structures well worth the investment; an investment that will pay for itself in just a couple of years.
That’s just funny

Guarding a few hundred yards of prison is the same as guarding 2000 miles of border

Then tell me, what good are the guards without the fence? Do you think if the guards fell asleep, the prisoners could then get out of the prison?

Again you compare securing a prison compound to securing the entire United States

Not nearly the same is it?
Plus, you have dangerous criminals in a prison vs people wanting to pick our crops, mow our lawns and make our beds

So I don't understand what you're getting at. Are you telling me that picking crops and mowing lawns makes a person more desperate to bust through a fence than freedom?

Prisons use fencing to keep prisoners in. People erect walls and fences to keep people off their property, like Piglosi does. Industries use fences to help secure the building inside. Amusement parks use fences to keep kids from entering the park without paying. Countries use border walls and fences for the same reason we need them.

But that won't work here, just everywhere else, right?

Trump telling the country we need a wall IS NOT A F'N REASON !


Then, since your doors can be pushed in, kicked in, locks picked, window broken you leave them standing open 24/7, right?

Specifically, what 50 species of animals will become extinct should the desperately needed wall be built. Careful, you're sowing more and more desperation.

Once again, you ignored responding to my challenge about your post. Why?


"Okey dokie. Whenever one of you RW nuts starts advocating that we shred the constitution and give law enforcement officers the authority to kill suspects who may be committing a misdemeanor, without due process or a trial, I know that I am talking to someone who left their luggage at the station, and I press my magic button to make them disappear. {Poof!}"

Come on Vandalshandle, show us the source and link for your above statement or admit you that you LIED!

As a matter of fact, I have lived 35 miles from the border for the last 9 years, and I have never locked my doors at all.

As for the rest of your trolling, all I can say, is get bent.
I live 7 miles north of the border and I sleep with my windows open at night to take advantage of the free Pacific Ocean air conditioning.

I also spend a decent amount of time in Tijuana, by myself sometimes. Do not try it yourself. Way too scary for snowflake red state voters who can't leave the house without a fully loaded gun. They won't let you take a gun into Mexico. Not legally. Or marijuana, just fyi.

So you live in that isolated desert community called San Diego? You are a libtard Californian who sees no problem with an open border. Why not go down to Mexico, pick up a few illegals, sneak them across the border, and have them stay at your house, on your dime?
I am south of San Diego. I'm sure I have had more than one illegal at my house for a meal more than a few times. Like I said before, these people are just my friends and neighbors, we don't ask each other about legal status.

Isolated? lmao. Dumbass Dotard.

Your sarcasm detector needs calibration!

So you harbor illegals? Then you should be prosecuted. Fair enough!
Oh I never take anything for granted with red state voters, who are generally uneducated. I doubt many of them could find San Diego on a map.

You want to arrest my next door neighbor's abuelita? But she makes the very best tamales on the planet. And she taught me how to make sopes.

I guess you better bring an army with you because abuelita is a real danger at 85 years old and 92 pounds. This is who you are so afraid of???

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