80% of Americans blame Biden for growing inflation.

99.7% of economists are not worried about inflation at this time. >1% are right wing kooks who believe dumb Donald has had been robbed of his election.
Got a link for that 99.7% of economists?
So all you really have are "red herrings" and "TDS"?
99.7% of economists are not worried about inflation at this time. >1% are right wing kooks who believe dumb Donald has had been robbed of his election.
How does Biden correct inflation? What policies should he pursue? Let’s hope he doesn’t task his VP with this given her failure at the border.
Of those polled, 86 percent blame the COVID-19 pandemic for increasing prices and 79 percent blame the Biden administration’s economic policies.
So as an economist who knows "supply and demand" how do you explain that covid reduces demand (people travel less), and Xiden's shutting down pipelines and oil production (reducing supply), is the opposite of your stupid poll?
How about you prefer a fake poll to the "scientific" proof of supply and demand, proving Xiden's incompetence?
So as an economist who knows "supply and demand" how do you explain that covid reduces demand (people travel less), and Xiden's shutting down pipelines and oil production (reducing supply), is the opposite of your stupid poll?
How about you prefer a fake poll to the "scientific" proof of supply and demand, proving Xiden's incompetence?
Biden shut down a pipeline that was never completed how did that significantly stop all oil? The US has 200,000 miles of pipelines that transports petroleum...If China wants oil they can buy it from us or reroute their oil from Alberta, that they purchased by buying oil field interest in Alberta, to Vancouver with a pipeline for export to China.
Biden shut down a pipeline that was never completed how did that significantly stop all oil? The US has 200,000 miles of pipelines that transports petroleum...If China wants oil they can buy it from us or reroute their oil from Alberta, that they purchased by buying oil field interest in Alberta, to Vancouver with a pipeline for export to China.
Why is Biden begging OPEC for more fossil fuels? He and his handlers said it is bad for US.
Biden shut down a pipeline that was never completed how did that significantly stop all oil? The US has 200,000 miles of pipelines that transports petroleum...If China wants oil they can buy it from us or reroute their oil from Alberta, that they purchased by buying oil field interest in Alberta, to Vancouver with a pipeline for export to China.
Trump had the US energy independent.

Xidens' "green" EOs seriously reduced US oil production. Now he's asking OPEC to produce more oil, how's that for stupid?
Got a link for that 99.7% of economists?
So all you really have are "red herrings" and "TDS"?
Not any of the above, total bullshit. If the Trumpanzees spew bullshit, or chimp shit, I figured I'd post my own brand of crap, ludicrous and ridiculous.

The other difference is I'm honest and admit that I've mocked the bull/chimp shit that has become the majority of the threads and posts by the faux conservative / callous conservative set ad nausea.
[Biden] shutting down pipelines and oil production
The pipeline was not delivering oil. It was delivering tar sands. Converting tar sands to oil in the U.S. would have been an environmental disaster, requiring enormous amounts of water which could not be reused.

Is it a little warm for you when you go outside? Do you like forest fires? I live in CA, and when this is all over, we may not have a forest left.
Trump had the US energy independent.

Xidens' "green" EOs seriously reduced US oil production. Now he's asking OPEC to produce more oil, how's that for stupid?
That all changed when the petroleum market died during the pandemic and they capped wells, closed up refineries and laid off workers, and they have yet to re-establish the amount of activity due to the need to support pressure for a high price to replace loss of income from the pandemic. Just like mostly all industries are having to go through.
Inflation is the price we are paying for Biden's rapidly expanding economy. More people working. More money to spend.

Of course, Biden is responsible for inflation.
Trump had way more people working than Xiden has. The democrats are simply throwing money from helicopters, like extended unemployment, free rent (no evictions), all kinds of assistance, but no real economic growth or employment growth.

Then there's GM moving EVF production to Mexico. WTF, Xiden's "green jobs" going to Mexico??

Don't worry, those MI UAW workers will still vote solid democrat.
That all changed when the petroleum market died during the pandemic and they capped wells, closed up refineries and laid off workers, and they have yet to re-establish the amount of activity due to the need to support pressure for a high price to replace loss of income from the pandemic. Just like mostly all industries are having to go through.
The oil market never died, there were cutbacks, but the price of oil held steady, and now is making new highs.
With oil prices up the US producers would pump more if they could.
Xiden's policies hurt US oil production, now he has to beg OPEC to pump more. What a moron.


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