80% of DC residents voted to become the 51st state, to get the same rights & privileges as everyone else. On Friday, the House will vote on statehood

A city is represented by two Senators and at least one Congressman.
You're a dingbat. Truly an idiot.
Splain what I said that is incorrect
There's a reason we don't have 1000s of senators, idiot.
Residents of a city get to vote for Congressmen and Senators
DC does not.

Since that has been the case since it was formed, everyone living there now knows what they are getting into when they move there.
Doesn’t make it right to give them partial rights as citizens
Very few of us around here believe in rights is what I see.
This entire ploy has nothing to do with rights or representation. It’s about getting more democrat/race votes in Congress. A total attempted hoodwink of morons.
I see. You disagree with it because of race. Finally someone admits that is the reason against rights.
Why wasn’t this done 2009-2011 when Obama was President and the Democrats had the entire Hill? If they couldn’t get it done then, it’s never getting done.

Republicans will never allow DC or Puerto Rico to become states.

The Republicans are that powerful when the Democrats hold the White House and The Hill? Republicans are not that united abd are arguably milquetoast.... and Democrats lose to that??? Wow.
A city is represented by two Senators and at least one Congressman.
You're a dingbat. Truly an idiot.
Splain what I said that is incorrect
There's a reason we don't have 1000s of senators, idiot.
Residents of a city get to vote for Congressmen and Senators
DC does not.

Since that has been the case since it was formed, everyone living there now knows what they are getting into when they move there.
Doesn’t make it right to give them partial rights as citizens
Very few of us around here believe in rights is what I see.
This entire ploy has nothing to do with rights or representation. It’s about getting more democrat/race votes in Congress. A total attempted hoodwink of morons.
I see. You disagree with it because of race. Finally someone admits that is the reason against rights.
I don’t disagree because of race. Racists and opportunists are using the fallacious statehood argument as an excuse to apply their racism and race opportunism.
DC was designed to house the fed and its peripheral employees. It was purposely designed so no state had jurisdiction over it. It was designed for transient employees to live there and be sequentially replaced by newly elected reps and their staffs.
Man, you are dumb!
If it was to pass, we will need to move the Capitol. There is a reason DC isnt a state.
How convenient that a group of people get to decide if they should be a state! What about the rest of the states voting on it? And a group of people who hold the nettles over the rest of us, deciding to vote themselves greater weight and power and more say in elections! And a group of people whom are by and large mostly blacks! And a group of people whom hold the seat of government!

Wasn't that the whole POINT of DC? ---That it was set apart to NOT be a state, thereby representing all of us? Now it shall represent itself and its own interests.

What do you think the odds are that the House votes this down? 50/50? 10/90? ZERO?

Hopefully the Senate or Trump can stop this dead in its tracks.

Meh. Ignore the *pResident.
A city is represented by two Senators and at least one Congressman.
You're a dingbat. Truly an idiot.
Splain what I said that is incorrect
There's a reason we don't have 1000s of senators, idiot.
Residents of a city get to vote for Congressmen and Senators
DC does not.

Since that has been the case since it was formed, everyone living there now knows what they are getting into when they move there.
Doesn’t make it right to give them partial rights as citizens

they can get "full" rights by moving. All you want DC for is the 2 extra senators.
A city is represented by two Senators and at least one Congressman.
You're a dingbat. Truly an idiot.
Splain what I said that is incorrect
There's a reason we don't have 1000s of senators, idiot.
Residents of a city get to vote for Congressmen and Senators
DC does not.

Since that has been the case since it was formed, everyone living there now knows what they are getting into when they move there.
Doesn’t make it right to give them partial rights as citizens
Very few of us around here believe in rights is what I see.

Please, all you care about is the 2 guaranteed Dem senators you would get out of it.

Spare me your concern over the people of D.C.
A city is represented by two Senators and at least one Congressman.
You're a dingbat. Truly an idiot.
Splain what I said that is incorrect
There's a reason we don't have 1000s of senators, idiot.
Residents of a city get to vote for Congressmen and Senators
DC does not.

Since that has been the case since it was formed, everyone living there now knows what they are getting into when they move there.
Doesn’t make it right to give them partial rights as citizens
Very few of us around here believe in rights is what I see.

Please, all you care about is the 2 guaranteed Dem senators you would get out of it.

Spare me your concern over the people of D.C.
You said it, not me. Good luck.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but why does this matter so much in the first place especially when you consider how long the place hasn't been a state to begin with? What good difference are they hoping to see happen?

God bless you always!!!


First we had Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia and Texas.

Now the 51st state. Less than 15 miles wide.

Not what the Founders ever thought it would be!

View attachment 354977

The State of Wyoming has 100,000 square miles but fewer people than the District of Columbia.
Those people are represented by two Senators and a Congressman.
Something DC residents don’t have

D.C. residents have 435 representative, and 100 Senators, something no state of the Union has.
More Democrat thirst for power regardless of what it takes to get there. Either it's stacking the court, or election fraud, or mail in ballots, or treason and conspiracy to remove a president, or using the media as a mass hysteria / mass propaganda tool, or shredding the constititution and our rights, or in this case creating a new state they know will be filled with their voter base. These people are truly sick!
i call it voter suppression of blacks, my friends

DC should have the same as the other 50 states... a vote in Congress.

They are not and never will be a state. I fully support giving them a vote in the House, but not in the Senate. I would also strip their representation in the electoral college to one. This would require a modification of the 23rd Amendment.
i call it voter suppression of blacks, my friends

DC is a city, not a state.

A city is represented by two Senators and at least one Congressman.

DC is not. They can vote for President but are not represented in Congress.

Their population is larger than many states
DC has a population of 705,000.
Wyoming has 580,000 and smaller than Denver.

Wyoming has mines, cattle, and other products. DC produces nothing but paperwork. They do not warrant representation in the Senate.
A city is represented by two Senators and at least one Congressman.
You're a dingbat. Truly an idiot.
Splain what I said that is incorrect
There's a reason we don't have 1000s of senators, idiot.
Residents of a city get to vote for Congressmen and Senators
DC does not.

Since that has been the case since it was formed, everyone living there now knows what they are getting into when they move there.
Doesn’t make it right to give them partial rights as citizens
Very few of us around here believe in rights is what I see.

Please, all you care about is the 2 guaranteed Dem senators you would get out of it.

Spare me your concern over the people of D.C.
You said it, not me. Good luck.

I said it, and you know it. Denying it is foolish.
Why is anyone wasting the keystrokes on this? DC statehood would require a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. You know, passage by 2/3 vote of BOTH houses of congress, the president, and ratification by 34 of the 50 states. Never fucking happen! Stop the insanity!

Statehood does NOT require a constitutional amendment. Where did you get that ignorant idea? Try reading the Constitution for once, please!
i call it voter suppression of blacks, my friends

DC is a city, not a state.

A city is represented by two Senators and at least one Congressman.

DC is not. They can vote for President but are not represented in Congress.

Their population is larger than many states
700K people ?

Go fuck yourself.
There's 3 million in my area, what if we decide we want to be an independent state, too?

Fucking loonball. Cities are not states.

Do the Democrats ever do anything good anymore?
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i call it voter suppression of blacks, my friends

DC should have the same as the other 50 states... a vote in Congress.
That’s because you’re ignorant. Every resident of DC could move a couple of miles in either direction and regain the representation they knowingly forfeited when they moved into the district designed to house the federal gov without allowing any state exclusive jurisdiction.
woof woof. You are barking like a dog.
Really, ignorant for not saying moving could regain rep? No and No.
1st, I never mentioned it because it's moot on the issue.
2nd, DC has never had Rep. Ever.
So now what dumbass?

Because D.C. was never designed to be a State and if it become one then the Federal Government is required to move because the Capital of this Country is not supposed to be within any State boundaries...

Do you understand that or will you play stupid and claim you never knew that when many in this thread made that clear already?

People of D.C. already know they live in a District that was designed for it sole purpose of being the Capital, and knew moving there they would not have the same representation as States have, so those that want to be part of a State can either move to Virginia or Maryland but D.C. itself should never become a State and if so then the Capital has to move!

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