80% of the Letitia James case for "Fraud" was tossed....statute of limitations

Is this an indication that the democrat's "lawfare" against Trump will fail?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 69.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 31.0%

  • Total voters
You claimed he "feels" he should be able to bribe judges.

Prove it.

We don't have to prove anything to YOU, FuckBoi. The Courts are doing it all for us. You're just howling at the moon.

Why don't you try reading the links you keep demanding. You're clearly too stupid to be one person.
We don't have to prove anything to YOU, FuckBoi. The Courts are doing it all for us. You're just howling at the moon.

Why don't you try reading the links you keep demanding. You're clearly too stupid to be one person.

Just like a "Good" German in 1938 letting the Nazis do their dirty work for them.

"We didn't burn down that Synagogue, it was the SS"
WTF does your obsession with his bankruptcies have to do with this hack judge and sham trial, Dumbass?

As a former banker, I require fiscal competence and good judgement at a minimum, when voting for a politician. You have no standards whatsoever. I just keep pointing out how gullible and stupid you are for believing he's a billionaire.

Trump's bankruptcies, and the refusal of American banks to lend to him, is proof positive he's an incompetent and dishonest businessman.

Why do you keep pretending he's a billionaire, or that he's a successful businessman when there is absolutely no evidence that this is true?
Just like a "Good" German in 1938 letting the Nazis do their dirty work for them.

"We didn't burn down that Synagogue, it was the SS"
Comparing Trump to the Jews in Germany?!?! What a joke! If anything, Trump’s speeches saying what he would do if re-elected make him the Nazi.
There was no civil forfeiture. It was a bench trial, as Trump’s lawyers requested.

2 things here -

The question to you was, are you familiar with civil fioriture, as you seemed not to be.

There was no request for a Bench Trial or a Jury trial by President Trump's lawyers, the law that is being applied dictated that it would be a Bench trial.
2 things here -

The question to you was, are you familiar with civil fioriture, as you seemed not to be.

There was no request for a Bench Trial or a Jury trial by President Trump's lawyers, the law that is being applied dictated that it would be a Bench trial.
It was a bench trial because Trump’s lawyers forgot to ask for a jury trial. He had the right, but did not make the request.
Comparing Trump to the Jews in Germany?!?! What a joke! If anything, Trump’s speeches saying what he would do if re-elected make him the Nazi.

No comparing Dragonlady to the Germans saying "its not us it's THEM"
Pleading ignorance on the fist question, I guess.
Simply false on #2
I think you’re listening to people who don’t know how things work. If the law demanded a jury trial, he could have got one. Complaining now falls on deaf ears, when it comes from the guy who always claims he hires the best.
Documentary evidence of overvaluation and inflation of square footage. (Submissions, documents, emails, texts, etc.)

Testimony by insiders showing that the overvaluations were done on purpose.

Testimony by expert witnesses showing that the valuations greatly exceeded standard business practices.

Same as any other way that claims are proven in court.

LOL When the actual companies to which the company submitted the statements expressly testify they were not defrauded. This entire lawsuit is nothing more than a partisan scam
Any disgorgement will go to the New York State Treasury.


How can she claim damages from entities in other states, who never sought litigation for the reclamation of money, if not for the remittance of monies back to those defrauded?

I can understand him being sued for any money owed to the state of New York, for any taxes he may have not paid, but how can she sue in behalf of other people who didn’t seek litigation, and keep the money gained from that lawsuit? Seems like if she was suing because he defrauded other people, the money gained should go to them, not New York.

Also, I’m curious how she came up with the 250M figure. I’d be interested in seeing her calculations that that was the amount he had gained, over the decades, from his alleged fraud.
We don't have to prove anything to YOU, FuckBoi. The Courts are doing it all for us. You're just howling at the moon.

Why don't you try reading the links you keep demanding. You're clearly too stupid to be one person.
You are a little more unhinged today than usual, Simp.

Not sure WTF your babbling post has to do with mine, but whatever.

Go fix your own shithole country, you KKKanadian fuckwit.
The comparison being made here is that in Civil Asset forfeiture, the funds go to the people pushing the forfeiture, usually the Police Department, the DA, or the local government. here the Judge could give Trump's money directly to NY State's coffers, the same government suing him AND trying him.

Awfully convenient.
That’s a good point. Seems like that would pose a conflict of interest…using the proceeds of the person you are suing..to fill the funds of the people who are suing you…
As a former banker, I require fiscal competence and good judgement at a minimum, when voting for a politician. You have no standards whatsoever. I just keep pointing out how gullible and stupid you are for believing he's a billionaire.

Trump's bankruptcies, and the refusal of American banks to lend to him, is proof positive he's an incompetent and dishonest businessman.

Why do you keep pretending he's a billionaire, or that he's a successful businessman when there is absolutely no evidence that this is true?
Link to my post saying he is a billionaire, Simp.

I don't give a rats ass how rich his is.

Oh, and we are still waiting for your "credible" link you claim you always have showing Mar a Lago has "zero value". :auiqs.jpg:
That’s a good point. Seems like that would pose a conflict of interest…using the proceeds of the person you are suing..to fill the funds of the people who are suing you…

It's one of the many issues people have with civil asset forfeiture. Another example of something created to go after a specific group, i.e. organized crime that was expanded outside it's intended scope.
Trump did the crime. I don’t see why anyone should cry for him. He was already on top of the world and did it not because he needed it it, as a petty theif might do, but just because he always has to have more.

I’ll speak for myself personally, but, I couldn’t care less about what happens to trump. I agree, if he committed crimes, he should be charged and punished for them if convicted. My issue is that, I don’t believe for a second that all of this is because the left are seeking justice. Despite what trump may or may not have done, ALL of this is political, and designed to hinder trumps election.

Trump was right when he said that if he hadn’t ran for president, none of this would be happening and he would be on a beach somewhere.
That’s a good point. Seems like that would pose a conflict of interest…using the proceeds of the person you are suing..to fill the funds of the people who are suing you…
The people suing Trump are “The People”. What you’re calling the “funding” of those suing Trump is actually the public taking back what was stolen and issuing fines as punishment. It’s what we all face, but the MAGA crowd wants a two-tier system in Trump’s favor!

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