80% of the Letitia James case for "Fraud" was tossed....statute of limitations

Is this an indication that the democrat's "lawfare" against Trump will fail?

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    Votes: 20 69.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 31.0%

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Every time he inflated and deflated values to suit a particular deal, he was stealing from everyone that played by the rules.
They couldn't care less if he lies or defrauds. They're at war, and he's saving America from Satan 'n stuff.
It’s becoming common knowledge, because of the trial. Is he supposed to get some kind of credit for keeping his crimes well hidden?!?! :rolleyes-41:
what crime? This is a civil case.

What testimony at trial? Provide the transcript.

What bank is claiming they were defrauded? Are any even a party to this lawsuit?
that's not a link to any testimony, in fact it's a link to a motion.

that's not evidence at all.

epic fail
Actually it's the judge's ruling.

"For the reasonsstatedherein, it is herebyORDERED that defendants motion for summaryjudgment is denied; and itisfurtherORDERED that plaintiff's motion for sanctions is granted in part, to the extent of sanctioningMichael Madaio, Esq. (Habba Madaio & Associates , LLP), Clifford S. Robert, Esq (Robert &Robert PLLC), Michael Farina Esq (Robert & Robert PLLC) , Christopher M. Kise, Esq.,( admitted pro hac vice) (Continental PLLC) , and Armen Morian (Morian Law PLLC) intheamount of $7,500 each, to be paid to the Lawyer's Fund for Client Protection of the State of NewYork no later than 30 days from the date of this Decision and Order; and it is furtherORDERED that plaintiff's motion for partial summary judgment on its first cause of action isgranted inpart, to the extent of finding defendants Donald J. Trump , Donald Trump, Jr., EricTrump Allen Weisselberg , Jeffrey McConney , the DJT Revocable Trust, the TrumpOrganization Inc, the Trump Organization LLC, DJT Holdings LLC, DJT Holdings ManagingMember LLC, Trump Endeavor 12 LLC, 401 North Wabash Venture LLC, Trump Old PostOffice LLC, 40 Wall Street LLC, and Seven Springs LLC to be liable as a matter of law forpersistent violations of Executive Law 63 (12) ; and itis furtherORDEREDthatany certificatesfiled underand by virtue ofGBL 130by anyoftheentitydefendantsor byany otherentitycontrolledor beneficiallyownedbyDonaldJ. Trump, DonaldTrump, Jr., EricTrump, AllenWeisselberg, andJeffreyMcConneyare canceled; and itis furtherORDEREDthatwithin 10days ofthe date ofthis order, the parties are directedto recommendthe namesofno morethanthree potential independentreceivers to managethe dissolutionofthecanceledLLCs; anditisfurtherORDERED that the Hon. Barbara S. Jones (ret.) shall continue to serve as an independentmonitor ofthe Trump Organization until further Court order; and itis furtherORDEREDthat the Clerk shall enterjudgment accordingly."

Copying PDFs messes with spacing, and I'm not going through all that.

It's a bad thing. :(

They could do this to any company in NY.

Oh, but it's a non-final disposition.

Idk, I'm not a lawyer.
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Trump just left the court house praising the judge for being fair, since he just tossed 80% of Latitia James' case.
The democrat's "prosecutorial misconduct" exposed.
Trump said it so it must be right. :laugh:
ah, either way it's not a transcript of testimony. It's not testimony at all.

It's a partial ruling on summary judgement as to one count
It's bad, one judge ordered the dissolution of Trump's New York businesses.

If that's not corrupt, I don't know what is. They're going after his businesses, his homes, everything..for nothing.

With no real good reason whatsoever.
It's bad, one judge ordered the dissolution of Trump's New York businesses.

If that's not corrupt, I don't know what is. They're going after his businesses, his homes, everything..for nothing.
haha obviously you didn't read your link
That you didn't read your link...and that your link isn't testimony or evidence from a trial...like you claimed to have
I said I have a link, not that it's a link to testimony or evidence.

That's more than the leftist shitbag and you had; So there's that. :dunno:

It is relevant information to the case.
How can she claim damages from entities in other states, who never sought litigation for the reclamation of money, if not for the remittance of monies back to those defrauded?

Two things:

#1 Then "entities" are property owned by New York companies under the Trump Org.

#2 Technically the case is about engorgement not damages. Engorgement is excessive profits derived from fraudulant means.

I can understand him being sued for any money owed to the state of New York, for any taxes he may have not paid, but how can she sue in behalf of other people who didn’t seek litigation, and keep the money gained from that lawsuit? Seems like if she was suing because he defrauded other people, the money gained should go to them, not New York.

She's not suing "on behalf" of banks for insurers.

She's suing under New York business law. And the New York law empowers the State Attorney General to do that.


Also, I’m curious how she came up with the 250M figure. I’d be interested in seeing her calculations that that was the amount he had gained, over the decades, from his alleged fraud.

That is a recommendation to the court. Don't know how it was arrived at.

However the final determination on the amount will be up to the Judge based on this trial.

Trump just left the court house praising the judge for being fair, since he just tossed 80% of Latitia James' case.
The democrat's "prosecutorial misconduct" exposed.

Trump is suffering from delusions born of fear and desperation, and anyone who takes anything that he says at face value clearly has problems of their own

Engoron clarified a comment he made Monday about testimony related to 2011 financial statements being a “waste of time.” He told Kevin Wallace, a lawyer for the attorney general’s office, to get to his point after three hours of testimony from a former Trump accountant.

"Mr. Wallace promised to connect the dots,” Engoron said.
Trumps rant was based on this:
An appellate court ruled that the statute of limitations applied to 2014, and Trump’s lawyers have pushed to dismiss allegations about deals that occurred before then.


Engoron, however, said that he has not changed last week’s ruling and his comments in court Monday afternoon only addressed evidence and testimony admissible at trial.

Engoron noted that the attorney general is suing Trump not on the underlying transactions but on the financial statements that referenced them, which occurred after 2014 and are included in the AG’s claims.

"Every use of a false financial statements in business starts the statute of limitations running again,” Engoron said. "I understand that the defendants strongly disagree with this and will appeal on those grounds."

So your boy is still screwed,
Two things:

#1 Then "entities" are property owned by New York companies under the Trump Org.

#2 Technically the case is about engorgement not damages. Engorgement is excessive profits derived from fraudulant means.

She's not suing "on behalf" of banks for insurers.

She's suing under New York business law. And the New York law empowers the State Attorney General to do that.

View attachment 837736

That is a recommendation to the court. Don't know how it was arrived at.

However the final determination on the amount will be up to the Judge based on this trial.


Who received 'excessive profits', and what is 'excessive'? What were the profits and how did they compare to others in the same industries?

And speaking of that, I wonder if all of the other large real estate developers in New York are worried about the government coming after them for valuations now? Why would they not be looking at everyone's deals and scrutinizing claimed valuations, or is it only Trump that gets this scrutiny? And I'm sure the banks are now worried that SEC audits are coming to ensure that they're doing proper due diligence in valuing collateral and not taking the borrowers word for valuation purposes. I wonder how many other people we can bring charges against if we start looking at all of them?
Trump just left the court house praising the judge for being fair, since he just tossed 80% of Latitia James' case.
The democrat's "prosecutorial misconduct" exposed.

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