80% of the Letitia James case for "Fraud" was tossed....statute of limitations

Is this an indication that the democrat's "lawfare" against Trump will fail?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 69.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 31.0%

  • Total voters
The old cases established that Trump's whole business model was fraud. That that's the way Trump always conducted his "deals". That's how she got a summary judgment against Trump from the judge.
The summary judgement is because the "judge" is a TDS infected hack asshat.

Well ain't that a nice racket.
Yeah, I heard this discussed yesterday. You don't actually have to commit a crime. A NY judge can claim you did something wrong and the state can take everything you have.

Makes you wonder why anyone does business in that shithole state.
Yeah, I heard this discussed yesterday. You don't actually have to commit a crime. A NY judge can claim you did something wrong and the state can take everything you have.

Makes you wonder why anyone does business in that shithole state.
That’s bullshit. They can’t just take. There has to be a trial.
Yeah, I heard this discussed yesterday. You don't actually have to commit a crime. A NY judge can claim you did something wrong and the state can take everything you have.

Makes you wonder why anyone does business in that shithole state.

it's the next logical evolution from civil asset forfeiture going to the police and DA coffers.
There was no civil forfeiture. It was a bench trial, as Trump’s lawyers requested.

The comparison being made here is that in Civil Asset forfeiture, the funds go to the people pushing the forfeiture, usually the Police Department, the DA, or the local government. here the Judge could give Trump's money directly to NY State's coffers, the same government suing him AND trying him.

Awfully convenient.
The comparison being made here is that in Civil Asset forfeiture, the funds go to the people pushing the forfeiture, usually the Police Department, the DA, or the local government. here the Judge could give Trump's money directly to NY State's coffers, the same government suing him AND trying him.

Awfully convenient.
And the same government paying this hack judge's salary.
There is plenty of evidence of Democratic corruption. Do I really need to go into detail about the IRS, the FBI and the CIA? Leftists are activists by nature. They picket. They march. They loot. At the higher levels, e.g. judges, they make rulings based on their political ideology. It is what it is. This is why Democrats are always lockstep in Congress and in the SC. They do as the party wants. They don’t follow the rule of law unless it benefits the Party. Party first. Everything else, including the law, the Constitution and our country is second.

Trump could be guilty of some things. He has endured the equivalent of a life audit over the last 6-7 years thanks to the partisanship of the left. He was innocent in the overwhelming majority of charges the left has assumed him of. But, just as a through IRS audit typically turns up something on virtually everyone, they may find something, even if not severe, particularly particularly given the amount of business Trump as been involved in over the years.

Straight out of the Authoritarian's Playbook, Donald Trump and the Republicans are attacking all of the governmental agencies and institutions who have the responsibility of holding criminals accountable for their crimes.

Undermining government agencies and authorities who hold criminals accountable, and the press who reports on their crimes. Trump the Dictator wanna be, is right on target to destroy the country. Aided and abetted by Putin, Xi, and Iran.

If there was ANY evidence at all, Republicans would trot it out for you. Instead you have vague accusations, supported by disgrunted, fired employees, who were fired "for cause" - dereliction of duty, refusing to enforce laws they disagree with, and in general, being complete fuck ups.

You need evidence and/or credible witnesses to this so-called "danger" to the people.

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