80% of the Letitia James case for "Fraud" was tossed....statute of limitations

Is this an indication that the democrat's "lawfare" against Trump will fail?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 69.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 31.0%

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On a lot of forums, it is not debates. It is partisan name calling. And for the most part Republicans do not come from the position of strength in a nation where most of it is controlled from liberal agendas. We get into personalities over the substance of what they represent to reduce their influence. Republicans have a percentage within their own party who seem to be closer to Progs than those that show any view of conservatism.
This Votar Roja has plenty of views, he just can't articulate them.
The Democratic corruption that there's no evidence even exists.

Every time Trump loses, you have excuses for him. It's never because he's guilty of the crimes of which he is accused. The prosecutor hates him. The judge is corrupt. His lawyer is incompetent. It's never because he's fucking guilty as hell!!!!

There is plenty of evidence of Democratic corruption. Do I really need to go into detail about the IRS, the FBI and the CIA? Leftists are activists by nature. They picket. They march. They loot. At the higher levels, e.g. judges, they make rulings based on their political ideology. It is what it is. This is why Democrats are always lockstep in Congress and in the SC. They do as the party wants. They don’t follow the rule of law unless it benefits the Party. Party first. Everything else, including the law, the Constitution and our country is second.

Trump could be guilty of some things. He has endured the equivalent of a life audit over the last 6-7 years thanks to the partisanship of the left. He was innocent in the overwhelming majority of charges the left has assumed him of. But, just as a through IRS audit typically turns up something on virtually everyone, they may find something, even if not severe, particularly particularly given the amount of business Trump as been involved in over the years.
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. . . . partisan name calling . . . .

That is something that your side has perfected. We are all called MAGAt's by you pigs, and the filthy names you people use for Trump are countless.

You are an A Class hypocrite
So that whole “80% “claim was TRUMP mouthing off?

The trial is just starting. The judge's "opinion" is soon to be proven incorrect.

What do we have left? The Truth.
Nah, you still have your fantasies. Remember JFK jr is going to come down and annoint your orange fuhrer. Sweet dreams. :itsok:
Trump just left the court house praising the judge for being fair, since he just tossed 80% of Latitia James' case.
The democrat's "prosecutorial misconduct" exposed.

Funny how Latitia James is completely unaware of simple statute of limitation laws.
What crime? There is no victim, this is a civil case, not a criminal one.
No victim, hence no crime? Then why are there laws against prostitution, gambling, or public nudity?

In each, it can be argued there are no victims, and yet... you idiots keep repeating the same line over and over again.

Are you guys really that retarded or did we catch you all on a bad day?
No victim, hence no crime? Then why are there laws against prostitution, gambling, or public nudity?

In each, it can be argued there are no victims, and yet... you idiots keep repeating the same line over and over again.

Are you guys really that retarded or did we catch you all on a bad day?

No criminal prosecution, hence no crime.

Who lost something in these transactions?
Trump just left the court house praising the judge for being fair, since he just tossed 80% of Latitia James' case.
The democrat's "prosecutorial misconduct" exposed.

One litttle problem. I am willing to bet that the only person that anyone actually heard say this is Trump.
What crime? There is no victim, this is a civil case, not a criminal one.
Civil or criminal, he’s still a crook. I didn’t say crime, but they often go hand-in-hand.
The trial will take months, so the preliminary judge "guilty" isn't set in stone.
80% gone, 20% soon to be gone. There was no fraud because there was no victim.

Two things.

#1 The 80% is "gone" is incorrect. (Top Image) - While there can't be charges based on activity between 2011 and 2013, they can be used to demonstrate the persistent fraudulant activity that occurred in 2014 and later. (The time from of statute of limitations for the actual charges.)

#2 Second image, the idea that the back or insurer must make a claim or there is no "victim" is irrelevant to the law (top image) and as discussed already by the Judge (bottom image). Being engorged by excess profits based on persistent fraudulent activity is sill against the law.

Hope this helps.



Again, if trump is fined, who does he pay the money to? James has said he defrauded the citizens of New York, banks, and insurers. So, is the 250 million the amount he defrauded New York for? Or combined New York, banks, and insurers?

If it’s all 3, does she plan on writing checks to all those people whom he defrauded, or is she going to sue on behalf of all those other people, but keep all the money for New York?

Any disgorgement will go to the New York State Treasury.


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