800,000 HealthCare.gov Users Received Wrong Tax Information


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
The federal government sent incorrect tax information to about 800,000 people who purchased health insurance last year through HealthCare.gov and asked them to delay filing their returns, Obama administration officials said Friday.

800 000 HealthCare.gov users received wrong tax information - The Washington Post

It's fairly well accepted that the U.S. is the most expensive healthcare system in the world, but many continue to falsely assume that we pay more for healthcare because we get better health. And that's wrong.

now you get to PAY for it
this is what happens when we have the likes of Maxine Waters, Wasserman and Joe Biden running the White House. eventually someone will either blame Bush and/or Congress.
really does anyone expect any less

from this incompetent adminstration


the surprising thing is the low number of 800 thousand


they probably got that number wrong as well

I hope this pisses people off enough to get behind in repealing this monstrosity

those refunds they were expecting soon. well too bad how sad
The IRS is not part of the White House..........It's is run by the Treasury Dept....
I hope this pisses people off enough to get behind in repealing this monstrosity

those refunds they were expecting soon. well too bad how sad

the latest act of the prezbo cheating the law

is he wants to place some extension and amnesty on the poor

who are now facing having their "earned income" tax cash cut in half

because of the fines and penalties his law placed on the poor

for not being able to afford shitty plans to begin with

there is one thing that will turn off a democrat vote

that is to be fucked out of their free money
What we are seeing now is the equivalent of the classic Lucy VS Conveyor Belt Scene. The Conveyor Belt is Obama-Care, and Lucy is Obama!
The IRS is not part of the White House..........It's is run by the Treasury Dept....


the prezbo has no say in the IRS

get real


it is his laws that make it possible for the IRS to "take back" the earned income credit

from the poor who did not get obamacare insurance --LOL
Remember how you had to PASS the bill in order to SEE what was in the bill?

well how's that working out for you now?

Democrat/progressive party crawls lower than snakes.
Remember how you had to PASS the bill in order to SEE what was in the bill?

well how's that working out for you now?

Democrat/progressive party crawls lower than snakes.
the sheer stupidity of Democrats. Its as if the 18 Trillion Debt doesnt exist. just like the catch phrase, you cant have your cake and eat it(well Moochelle would eat the whole cake!!) Democrats! Failures In Basic Math!!! Uhm arrr, ok, so ahh, we owe 18 Trillion Dollars and uh we need to provide free health care for 30 Million legal and illegal americans. hmm, tax the rich?
if 28 million people get the earned in come credit

and 1/3 of them get shanked by the prezbos obamacare fine

that is one hell of a lot of unhappy voters --LOL

then there are those who do not get the free money

who also will get shanked by the prezbos obamacare fine

They signed a 6,000 page bill into law without reading it giving an admittedly incompetent and sometimes criminal bureaucracy the power literally over life and death and they wonder why the IRS partnership with the ironically named "affordable care act" is a shambles? Well duh.
if 28 million people get the earned in come credit

and 1/3 of them get shanked by the prezbos obamacare fine

that is one hell of a lot of unhappy voters --LOL

then there are those who do not get the free money

who also will get shanked by the prezbos obamacare fine


oh yeah, all them who supported this monster scam and believe it would be, FREE free free free, is going to get hit right square in their pocket books.
This is how Rats work, just sign the bill, don't worry about the costs. so long as we screw the middle class, thats all that matters.

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