85-year-old woman French-Jewish Holocaust survivor raped, stabbed, burned by Muslim neighbor


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Is it open season on Jews in France?...It's not safe for Jews in France anymore...They're importing too many muslim nutjobs

When it was reported that holocaust survivor, Mireille Knoll, 85, of Paris, France, was stabbed 11 times and set on fire by a Muslim youth, the story was so grim that few could accept the details without becoming overcome with grief. Sadly, the Daily Caller has found a few more elements that make the nightmare even worse than first reported.

The so-called “peaceful” neighbor who conducted the slaying (along with a second arrested suspect) is a 21-year-old Islamic man who Knoll had known since he was only seven years old!


Only a month ago, a similar lady in France was thrown out a window as the culprit shouted “God is great” (“Allahu Akbar“), so this is not an isolated crime, either.

In 1942, those who longed to kill Mrs. Knoll for her heritage failed. But, a 21-year-old “friend” with the same kind of hate as Hitler accomplish the vile act in 2018.

If that is not a standing testimony against the open door migration created in Europe, nothing ever will be.

Update: 85-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor Murdered By “Idiot” Muslim Neighbor
It takes a TRUE BELIEVER to rape and murder an 85 year old
woman for the GLORY OF ALLAH

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