8th Grader arrested and suspended for wearing NRA T-Shirt to school

Unfrikking believeable.

I would guess that a Teacher and School Administrator were Liberal Gun Grabbers and still butthurt over the Gungrabber bills losing in the Senate so they took their anger out on this young man.

8th grader gun T-shirt arrest: Arrest for NRA t-shirt has a father outraged - Jacksonville Top News | Examiner.com

New details on the 8th grader gun T-shirt arrest story have came in. Jared Marcum, an eighth grade student who attends Logan Middle School in West Virginia, has been arrested because he wore an NRA T-shirt. On April 19, Yahoo! revealed that the boy was suspended and is now facing charges for wearing the shirt to school which contained an image of a gun printed on it with the words "Protect Your Right."

After getting in a dispute with a teacher at the school, Marcum was arrested. He was shocked when he was arrested and he told WBOY that he didn't think there would be an issue.

“"I never thought it would go this far because honestly I don't see a problem with this. There shouldn't be a problem with this," Marcum said.

Jared's father Allen Lardieri is outraged at his 8th grade son's gun T-shirt arrest arrest and he told the local media,

“"I don't' see how anybody would have an issue with a hunting rifle and NRA put on a t-shirt, especially when policy doesn't forbid it," Lardieri said.

According to Logan Middle School, there policy regarding dress is as follows:

“"A student will not dress or groom in a manner that disrupts the educational process or is detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of others. A student will not dress in a manner that is distractive or indecent, to the extent that it interferes with the teaching and learning process, including wearing any apparel that displays or promotes any drug-, alcohol- or tobacco-related product that is prohibited in school buildings, on school grounds, in school-leased or owned vehicles, and at all school-affiliated functions."

The boy's father, Allen Lardieri, doesn't believe that the shirt violates the policy. He later said,

“"I will go to the ends of the earth, I will call people, I will write letters, I will do everything in the legal realm to make sure this does not happen again."

Jared Marcum was released, however the student is facing charges which include obstruction and disturbing the education process.

I wonder if the school allows those pro-gay T-Shirts?

Why don't they just use a gun to defend their liberty?
Debauched and nearly illiterate reactionary and libertarian crazees are trying unsuccessfully to destroy the public school system. Most parents understand that sending students to public school is often the best choice. There wacky political and religious nonsense cannot intrude on the course subjects.

"Debauched and nearly illiterate reactionary crazees." Well said. That describes the current state of our Public School System quite well. So i'll ask you again, can you personally guarantee the safety & security of children in today's Public Schools?
Can you guarantee personally every child who is being home schooled? The dark side of home schooling.

CBS News Links Homeschooling to Murder and Abuse
Zan Tyler

The CBS Web site promoted the story this way:

Home schooling is becoming an educational option for more and more families across the country, but is it also keeping abused and neglected children away from the eyes of authorities? Our Vince Gonzales will take a look in tonight's Eye on America, and he'll bring us the story of a household in North Carolina where kids hidden from public sight met a tragic end.

Leading up to, and during the course of, the CBS Evening News, CBS touted their story this way: “The Trouble with Homeschooling,” “Child Abuse Undetected,” and “Eye on America investigates a dark side of homeschooling.”

Can you guarantee personally every child who is being home schooled? The dark side of home schooling.

CBS News Links Homeschooling to Murder and Abuse
Zan Tyler

The CBS Web site promoted the story this way:

Home schooling is becoming an educational option for more and more families across the country, but is it also keeping abused and neglected children away from the eyes of authorities? Our Vince Gonzales will take a look in tonight's Eye on America, and he'll bring us the story of a household in North Carolina where kids hidden from public sight met a tragic end.

Leading up to, and during the course of, the CBS Evening News, CBS touted their story this way: “The Trouble with Homeschooling,” “Child Abuse Undetected,” and “Eye on America investigates a dark side of homeschooling.”


Wow, the Government/Media Complex opposes Homeschooling. What a shocker there. More & more Parents are growing comfortable with the Homeschooling option. You just don't know who they're allowing to be around your children in Public Schools. Perverts and Political kooks are running rampant. Why would a Parent want to send their child there? Why take the risk?
Can you guarantee personally every child who is being home schooled? The dark side of home schooling.

CBS News Links Homeschooling to Murder and Abuse
Zan Tyler

The CBS Web site promoted the story this way:

Home schooling is becoming an educational option for more and more families across the country, but is it also keeping abused and neglected children away from the eyes of authorities? Our Vince Gonzales will take a look in tonight's Eye on America, and he'll bring us the story of a household in North Carolina where kids hidden from public sight met a tragic end.

Leading up to, and during the course of, the CBS Evening News, CBS touted their story this way: “The Trouble with Homeschooling,” “Child Abuse Undetected,” and “Eye on America investigates a dark side of homeschooling.”


Wow, the Government/Media Complex opposes Homeschooling. What a shocker there. More & more Parents are growing comfortable with the Homeschooling option. You just don't know who they're allowing to be around your children in Public Schools. Perverts and Political kooks are running rampant. Why would a Parent want to send their child there? Why take the risk?

Wow, what a shocker that Paulitician does not want to protect the children in homeschooling.
Paulitician, folks remember, was claiming first Ron Paul would the GOP candidate and second that Obama would be destroyed in a landslide.

Pauli here is what he is. Let it go, Paulitician.
Wow! The CBS Evening News is licking the boots of the NEA. Imagine that!
How many parents who don't home school abuse or kill their kids?
One out of a thousand priests abuse kids: All priests are pedophiles. One out of a million home schooled kid is being hidden from abuse and home schooling is evil.
I'm sure the odds of finding a public school teacher abusing a student are far better than finding a pedophile priest and infinitely better than finding a home school parent who abuses his own child.
Negged for hypocrisy!
Can you guarantee personally every child who is being home schooled? The dark side of home schooling.

CBS News Links Homeschooling to Murder and Abuse
Zan Tyler

The CBS Web site promoted the story this way:

Home schooling is becoming an educational option for more and more families across the country, but is it also keeping abused and neglected children away from the eyes of authorities? Our Vince Gonzales will take a look in tonight's Eye on America, and he'll bring us the story of a household in North Carolina where kids hidden from public sight met a tragic end.

Leading up to, and during the course of, the CBS Evening News, CBS touted their story this way: “The Trouble with Homeschooling,” “Child Abuse Undetected,” and “Eye on America investigates a dark side of homeschooling.”


Wow, the Government/Media Complex opposes Homeschooling. What a shocker there. More & more Parents are growing comfortable with the Homeschooling option. You just don't know who they're allowing to be around your children in Public Schools. Perverts and Political kooks are running rampant. Why would a Parent want to send their child there? Why take the risk?

Wow, what a shocker that Paulitician does not want to protect the children in homeschooling.

You cannot guarantee childrens' safety & security in Public Schools. So parents have the right to decide whether or not it's worth the risk sending them there. All options should be on the table. But i'm a big proponent of the Homeschooling option.
Can you guarantee personally every child who is being home schooled? The dark side of home schooling.

CBS News Links Homeschooling to Murder and Abuse
Zan Tyler

The CBS Web site promoted the story this way:

Home schooling is becoming an educational option for more and more families across the country, but is it also keeping abused and neglected children away from the eyes of authorities? Our Vince Gonzales will take a look in tonight's Eye on America, and he'll bring us the story of a household in North Carolina where kids hidden from public sight met a tragic end.

Leading up to, and during the course of, the CBS Evening News, CBS touted their story this way: “The Trouble with Homeschooling,” “Child Abuse Undetected,” and “Eye on America investigates a dark side of homeschooling.”


Wow, the Government/Media Complex opposes Homeschooling. What a shocker there. More & more Parents are growing comfortable with the Homeschooling option. You just don't know who they're allowing to be around your children in Public Schools. Perverts and Political kooks are running rampant. Why would a Parent want to send their child there? Why take the risk?

Wow, what a shocker that Paulitician does not want to protect the children in homeschooling.

argumentum ad hominem
Wow! The CBS Evening News is licking the boots of the NEA. Imagine that!
How many parents who don't home school abuse or kill their kids?
One out of a thousand priests abuse kids: All priests are pedophiles. One out of a million home schooled kid is being hidden from abuse and home schooling is evil.
I'm sure the odds of finding a public school teacher abusing a student are far better than finding a pedophile priest and infinitely better than finding a home school parent who abuses his own child.
Negged for hypocrisy!

Lets be honest, Perverts and Political nutters have found a comfortable safe-haven in our Public School System. They're protected. And more & more Parents are becoming aware of that reality. Other options have to be considered.
Wow! The CBS Evening News is licking the boots of the NEA. Imagine that!
How many parents who don't home school abuse or kill their kids?
One out of a thousand priests abuse kids: All priests are pedophiles. One out of a million home schooled kid is being hidden from abuse and home schooling is evil.
I'm sure the odds of finding a public school teacher abusing a student are far better than finding a pedophile priest and infinitely better than finding a home school parent who abuses his own child.
Negged for hypocrisy!

Lets be honest, Perverts and Political nutters have found a comfortable safe-haven in our Public School System. They're protected. And more & more Parents are becoming aware of that reality. Other options have to be considered.

Fake would be fine with home schooling if the parents paid dues to the NEA. He doesn't care about kids, just about power over them.
Wow! The CBS Evening News is licking the boots of the NEA. Imagine that!
How many parents who don't home school abuse or kill their kids?
One out of a thousand priests abuse kids: All priests are pedophiles. One out of a million home schooled kid is being hidden from abuse and home schooling is evil.
I'm sure the odds of finding a public school teacher abusing a student are far better than finding a pedophile priest and infinitely better than finding a home school parent who abuses his own child.
Negged for hypocrisy!

Lets be honest, Perverts and Political nutters have found a comfortable safe-haven in our Public School System. They're protected. And more & more Parents are becoming aware of that reality. Other options have to be considered.

Fake would be fine with home schooling if the parents paid dues to the NEA. He doesn't care about kids, just about power over them.

He's just a poor misguided soul. He believes in the State above all else. Freedom & Liberty just scares him. It's all about the years & years of Authority-Worship indoctrination. He may be too old to shake it. Hopefully, younger generations can and will. The State really isn't all that.
The libertarians and reactionaries are simple minded as the communists. One wants the state to run matters, the others want "societies of equals" to run communities. Yup, the freaks can end up being warlords and shield maidens.

Completely lost folks the far righties and the liberts, who are merely wailing of the past and unable to comprehend the future.
Fake would be fine with home schooling if the parents paid dues to the NEA. He doesn't care about kids, just about power over them.

Nah, Jakematters would also demand that parents teach from the Howard Zinn workbook and have all materials approved by DNC Apparatchiks.
Good News..

The Kid won.

Case Against Student Who Wore NRA T-Shirt to School Dismissed

Posted on June 28, 2013

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On June 27th, in a positive resolution to a case which has captured the attention of advocates for First and Second Amendment rights, the case against 14-year-old Logan Middle School Honor Student Jared Marcum of Logan, W.V., was dismissed with prejudice. Marcum had been charged with obstructing an officer following an incident stemming from a Logan Middle School faculty member's reaction to Marcum wearing to school an NRA t-shirt featuring the words "Protect Your Right" and an image of a semiautomatic rifle. The charge against Jared carried a possible sentence of incarceration.

The entire episode started back on April 18th when Marcum was wearing his NRA t-shirt in school and a Logan Middle School band teacher took exception to Marcum's choice of attire. The Logan County Schools' Dress Code, however, had no restriction on clothing featuring firearms. Nevertheless, the teacher demanded that Marcum remove his shirt or turn it inside out. Marcum refused, citing his First Amendment rights, at which point the other Logan County school officials became involved. During the incident, Marcum's classmates were vocal in support of him.

As Jared persisted in asserting his rights and refusing to remove the shirt, school officials called the Logan Police Department, complaining of an "unruly student." Police arrived to find Jared in the principal's office, still wearing the shirt. An officer ultimately arrested Marcum, claiming that his repeated assertions of his rights, even after being warned to be quiet, constituted obstruction of a police officer. Marcum was also given a one-day suspension from school.

Upon his return to school, Marcum again wore the t-shirt that sparked the controversy and was greeted by a show of support from his classmates, many of whom chose to wear similar attire in solidarity. In the days that followed, support continued to pour in from students all around the country, along with rights advocates across the political spectrum. In support of his client, Marcum's attorney, Ben White, made clear Jared's motivation for his behavior, stating, "Jared respects firearms and has training to use them, and believes in the Second Amendment... He believes it's being threatened by current legislation. He wore [the shirt] as an expression of political speech and the need to protect the Second Amendment."

On June 17th, Logan County prosecutors charged Marcum with obstructing a police officer, claiming that Marcum had hindered the responding officer's ability to do his job by "interrupting" and refusing to be quiet when told to do so. The charge carried with it the possibility of incarceration in a juvenile facility. In contesting the charge, White noted that "In my view of the facts, Jared didn't do anything wrong," going on to say, "I think [the officer] could have done something differently."

Thankfully, on June 27th, common sense prevailed, as the parties agreed no further legal action would arise from the case. In the agreement underlying the order of dismissal, Jared did not admit guilt to any offense, and the State made clear that "nder [the] circumstances [it] is not interested in the possibility of creating a juvenile criminal record for this Defendant." For his part, Marcum has offered an apology for any perceived disrespect to the officer, and he and his mother agreed to forego any civil action against the City of Logan, its police department, the police officers involved. During the episode, NRA was in contact with and provided assistance to Marcum's attorney.
I actually feel sorry for this kid. His parents most likely are gun nuts and he is in training to be one too.
Gotta love those addled-minded cliches like "gun nuts".
They're usually uttered by the same intellectully lazy dolts that carry "racist", "hate-mongering", "disenfranchising", "homophobic", "extremist", etc. as part of their arsenal of debate comebacks when they are losing the debate.

Or keep repeating "liberals" like parrots.
Or keep repeating "conservatives" like parrots.
The child in question is too young to have an opinion on gun control, ask him how he feels about the right to bear arms, and I bet he channels the opinions of his father.

You know this how? Because when you were 12, you couldn't form rational opinions on issues that were of importance to you and your family?
Sorry, dismissing a child's opinion because you disagree with it is self righteous, at best. Dishonest at the worst.

How does the kid know that having a gun is important? Because he has been told that by his parents.
His father is a gun nut, who allowed his son to wear a shirt he KNEW would cause problems.
"His father is a gun nut,"
Name calling the best you have?
The libertarians and reactionaries are simple minded as the communists. One wants the state to run matters, the others want "societies of equals" to run communities. Yup, the freaks can end up being warlords and shield maidens.

Completely lost folks the far righties and the liberts, who are merely wailing of the past and unable to comprehend the future.
Said a colostomy bag with ears.

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