9-11, 19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives, nothing else

I don't have to STFU I have the right to speak and I also don't have to "walk along" the side of you to know what a real patriot is or not, or have the right to talk about honor and treason you goosestepping fascist loving bootlicker! These rights we all have are because REAL men of honor and intelligence fought for them, not because some dumb stooge like you did a stint in the army :lol:

There are many in the militia organizations that are aware of the real facts such as our bill of rights being eroded because of the double speak "Patriot Act" which came to be Because of 9-11, and absolutely do not believe the governments BS on 9-11 because they can see what the real agenda is, and continues to be and are understand that loyalty to the constitution comes FIRST.

People may not agree on certain things but we all know we were lied to, and we all admit how corrupt the government is, and we all do not trust many things about it, or the people in it, and we all agree on a new independent investigation in needed, and we all agree our rights are being infringed, and we agree NIST is lying, we agree on many of the major points. We also agree you are a stooge.

When you take all the organizations, and movements, and militia, and civilians, military, politicians, A&E folks, Pilots etc.. there are a substantial amount of Americans who don't believe, trust or agree with the governments version of 9-11, or the other criminal atrocities being forced on us, and when the SHTF they will have been left with no choice but to do what they have to do to defend the constitution and themselves and their fellow Americans from the tyranny.
You will no doubt be on the side that is against all that the nation was founded on, but will be very surprised when your estimate of "3 people on an internet forum" is proven wrong, you will find yourself on the wrong side.

Dear Mr Shitforbrains Jones,

I will always support the Constitution of the United States.
You don't know shit about the constitution, you have stated many times on here that you don't even think laws like the Patriot Act are an infringement on the Bill Of Rights, so don't go spouting off on trying to say you will "Always support the constitution" you lying fuck.

So yep you do have the right to talk shit. Talk all the shit you want. You even have the right to call me a traitor. I made sure that you had that right. We understand that you couldn't walk the walk but your keyboard allows you to talk your talk. But you got nothing that says these groups you tried to link yourself to would support your stupid theories. And yes you would have to walk with me to know if I was a patriot, you see 22 years is not a stint in the Army. It is the total devotion of ones life. And you just don't measure up to calling me anything but Sir.
I will not support some fuckwad who accepts the safety that I and millions of other vets gave them with our sweat and blood. Yeah asswipe we veterans made sure that asswipes like you still have freedom of speech.
Name one fucking war or protective action your sorry ass was in that the nations freedom of speech was ever jeopardized you lying fuck? You can't, you have to go all the way back to the revolutionary war, when THE ORIGINAL FOUNDING FATHERS insured this country and all its inhabitants would have rights such as these.
Lying shits like you that think they made "sure" our rights were protected by going off and fighting in some made up conflict "for the good of the country" make me sick, when the truth be told, your stupid ass went and enlisted and maybe participated in securing more wealth for the Military Industrial Complex, and the fucking Zionist loyal bankers that financed your damned MREs every day at the expense of stupid civilians that also believed the lies about why we needed to be at war in the first fucking place.

Spare us the golden patriot warrior routine you brainwashed idiot.
At least the Vets I know and am related to can admit how they were duped into enlisting or drafted into such BS conflicts, you on the other hand are still a stupid duped idiot whose only claim to fame is being able to still be alive after being used as cannon fodder for your 22 years.
And instead of standing up and saying something like " you know what...I served honorably, but that war or conflict was BS and they lied to me" you insist that every other American who is smart enough to realize this should feel shame and hang his head?!
Fuck you!
No sorry to break it to you, but you should know better, especially
After many of your brothers in arms are coming back maimed or dead after being lied to about "WMDS" The Gulf Of Tonkin etc..
What ...do you just ignore this so you don't have to face the truth?
It's high time you do, and use your service for the good of the nation this time, instead of for the good of the fat cat warmongering bankers, and military complex industry.

You are the one who should be ashamed for not standing up for your fellow comrades, and speaking truth to power, but you can't bring yourself to except the truth that you were used like a 2 dollar whore
and all you were told and believed in was a fucking lie.
News flash bud, it is hard for all of us to believe this shit at first, Military or civilian but it is TRUE! Ever read War Is A Racket? Ever visit the guys on IVAW and And learn something about the Real world?
Hell I am sure if you really are a Vet you are privy to the stories of how pissed off many of our guys are when they realized it was all for securing the oil fields, and the wasted money they witnessed, while being fed shit, and sleeping in 120 deg. tents, and drinking and bathing in filthy water that their Vice Presidents company supplied for them. Yeah the same motherfuckers whose ASSES YOU KISS every fucking day on these forums.

Get over it, and on with it already and stand the fuck up, and educate yourself so you can help the next generation, so they wont get duped like you, instead of hanging out at your local VFW knocking em back, while running for chapter president.

I feel sorry for folks like you, and I get infuriated seeing young kids come back in a box for FUCKING LIES! but I'll be damned if you are going to belittle me because I wasn't as stupid as you, then or now.
I enlisted in the fucking Army when I was 18, and they found out I had a heart problem, it was news to me, later testing I get told some shit about fucking valve prolapse and I was rejected. I was bummed, after telling everyone I'm going in.
I spent months at 18 yrs old working out and preparing for my journey, spent 3 days going back and forth to the recruiters office and passed all the testing, except the physical-planning and securing a place for my wife and 2 kids to live and survive, while I was going to make 410.00 a month.
I am damned glad now too, as I know that war is only good for making the above mentioned fucks billions while the common man dies in the field, or gets neglected and fucked over by the VA when he comes back a broken man.
My brother enlisted at 34 yrs. old off to kick Saddams ass for 9-11
(who of course had nothing to do with it, but that was the rumor being told all over the news at the time, remember?) and was shot in an ambush, getting his left foot blown off, while still dragging and saving his C.O, and earned a Purple Heart, in Baqubah Iraq, north of Baghdad.
I tried to talk him out of it, and he now wishes he would have listened to me, and my other friends who are Veterans. Air Force/Marines
So go take your holier then though attitude and shove it up your ass.... "Sir"

Now go ask Mommy if it's time for your ice cream yet....
No now you go and educate yourself on some real history and what the meaning of a Real Patriot is you stupid fascist loving dick head.
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I enlisted in the fucking Army when I was 18, and they found out I had a heart problem, it was news to me, later testing I get told some shit about fucking valve prolapse and I was rejected. I was bummed, after telling everyone I'm going in.
I spent months at 18 yrs old working out and preparing for my journey, spent 3 days going back and forth to the recruiters office and passed all the testing, except the physical-planning and securing a place for my wife and 2 kids to live and survive, while I was going to make 410.00 a month.
I am damned glad now too, as I know that war is only good for making the above mentioned fucks billions while the common man dies in the field, or gets neglected and fucked over by the VA when he comes back a broken man.
My brother enlisted at 34 yrs. old off to kick Saddams ass for 9-11
(who of course had nothing to do with it, but that was the rumor being told all over the news at the time, remember?) and was shot in an ambush, getting his left foot blown off, while still dragging and saving his C.O, and earned a Purple Heart, in Baqubah Iraq, north of Baghdad.
I tried to talk him out of it, and he now wishes he would have listened to me, and my other friends who are Veterans. Air Force/Marines
So go take your holier then though attitude and shove it up your ass.... "Sir"

So your brother was wounded in action and you were too worthless and weak to even show up...and you're claiming in you are the patriot. Now THAT is rich.

I enlisted in the fucking Army when I was 18, and they found out I had a heart problem, it was news to me, later testing I get told some shit about fucking valve prolapse and I was rejected. I was bummed, after telling everyone I'm going in.
I spent months at 18 yrs old working out and preparing for my journey, spent 3 days going back and forth to the recruiters office and passed all the testing, except the physical-planning and securing a place for my wife and 2 kids to live and survive, while I was going to make 410.00 a month.
I am damned glad now too, as I know that war is only good for making the above mentioned fucks billions while the common man dies in the field, or gets neglected and fucked over by the VA when he comes back a broken man.
My brother enlisted at 34 yrs. old off to kick Saddams ass for 9-11
(who of course had nothing to do with it, but that was the rumor being told all over the news at the time, remember?) and was shot in an ambush, getting his left foot blown off, while still dragging and saving his C.O, and earned a Purple Heart, in Baqubah Iraq, north of Baghdad.
I tried to talk him out of it, and he now wishes he would have listened to me, and my other friends who are Veterans. Air Force/Marines
So go take your holier then though attitude and shove it up your ass.... "Sir"

So your brother was wounded in action and you were too worthless and weak to even show up...and you're claiming in you are the patriot. Now THAT is rich.


cornyhole is soooo boring
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I enlisted in the fucking Army when I was 18, and they found out I had a heart problem, it was news to me, later testing I get told some shit about fucking valve prolapse and I was rejected. I was bummed, after telling everyone I'm going in.
I spent months at 18 yrs old working out and preparing for my journey, spent 3 days going back and forth to the recruiters office and passed all the testing, except the physical-planning and securing a place for my wife and 2 kids to live and survive, while I was going to make 410.00 a month.
I am damned glad now too, as I know that war is only good for making the above mentioned fucks billions while the common man dies in the field, or gets neglected and fucked over by the VA when he comes back a broken man.
My brother enlisted at 34 yrs. old off to kick Saddams ass for 9-11
(who of course had nothing to do with it, but that was the rumor being told all over the news at the time, remember?) and was shot in an ambush, getting his left foot blown off, while still dragging and saving his C.O, and earned a Purple Heart, in Baqubah Iraq, north of Baghdad.
I tried to talk him out of it, and he now wishes he would have listened to me, and my other friends who are Veterans. Air Force/Marines
So go take your holier then though attitude and shove it up your ass.... "Sir"

So your brother was wounded in action and you were too worthless and weak to even show up...and you're claiming in you are the patriot. Now THAT is rich.


STFU bitch, you don't know shit about it, or what I or my family did during that time you attention seeking slut, and you don't know anything at all about me either, tho we all know you would love to huh Candy faggot?
And you Mr Jones still can't stand up next to me as my equal. You talk big shit and come down on my service just so you can feel good about being an idiot, I don't give a rats ass about how you tried so hard to get into the military, I do see how anti American you are by trying to talk your Brother out of serving his country. And I see how stupid you are thinking that Saddam had anything to do with 9-11.
And hell yes I am a patriot, I will take over as Commander of my local American Legion Post in June. I don't just talk the talk, I still walk the walk. And I still put in my hours as a volunteer at the Veterans Service Commission and the local VA Clinic.

What have you done for your country? (We know, NOTHING)

My salute to your Brother for his service.:salute:

My salute to you for dissing Veterans :fu:
And you Mr Jones still can't stand up next to me as my equal. You talk big shit and come down on my service just so you can feel good about being an idiot,
I am not trying to disparage your service, I am simply pointing out you are misguided about it, like so many others have come to realize. And the fact you side with war criminals who support torture. Remember the Nuremberg trials? The US was a leader in denouncing such atrocities, now the US tortures and stooge fascists like you go along with it, and don't use your service and experience to speak out and school the next generation about anything.

I don't give a rats ass about how you tried so hard to get into the military, I do see how anti American you are by trying to talk your Brother out of serving his country. And I see how stupid you are thinking that Saddam had anything to do with 9-11.
No you are wrong. I DID realize how Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, it was obvious they were trying to push a connection and they got caught lying YET AGAIN. It was my brother and the other misguided souls who believed the BS that was being passed all through the media and the warmongers in the Bush administration, and because of that I certainly did try to talk him out of it, instead of risking his life for lies told by men who did not even serve!
And hell yes I am a patriot, I will take over as Commander of my local American Legion Post in June. I don't just talk the talk, I still walk the walk. And I still put in my hours as a volunteer at the Veterans Service Commission and the local VA Clinic.
Volunteering at the VA clinic is indeed admirable, as one of my best friends who was in Nam also did, in fact I would drive him there every week after work.
The problem I have with you is you willful blindness to the lies told to these men that ultimately made them end up at the VA hospitals, maimed and scarred for life...because of the LIES.

What have you done for your country? (We know, NOTHING)
I do my share in my limited capacity, with various organizations, none of which you would bother to care about. I also am involved in spreading awareness of government corruption, just like you are involved in spreading its destructive propaganda.

My salute to your Brother for his service.:salute:
My brother was in a TV segment called "Wounded Warriors" Sears sponsored a few chosen VETs and gave them house full of furniture, and 1000.00 gift cards and presented their heroic deeds on the program. He was well recognized, but to this day is upset about the lies told by the scum in Washington, and has still been fighting the Army to put him in a position so he can fulfill his tour, instead of just patting him on the back and throwing him in the garbage heap.

My salute to you for dissing Veterans :fu:
Back at ya for being a willfully ignorant stooge, and too much of a coward to speak truth to power.
You wouldn't know truth if it bit you on the ass.
I know the Bush administration lied their asses off, so do you but you protect them instead of speaking out, and you also turn a blind eye to all manner of injustices and lies, as you feel it is unpatriotic to point such things out. You are willfully protecting criminals, liars and thieves under the guise of patriotism, but really it is treasonous.
You go great lengths to run around in circles and become incredulous and indignant, when it comes to the most obvious of infractions committed by the crooks in power.
You readily except "proof" from known liars, and dismiss credible evidence that is explained to you from men who never lied or have any reason to lie to you.
You call them liars and slander them without any proof to back up your claims what so ever.
However it should be understood that

Truth is truth, regardless of the source. This is why criminals are allowed to testify against other criminals. Where a motive to lie may truly exist, only actual evidence that the testimony itself IS a lie renders it completely invalid. Were a known "liar's" testimony to stand on its own without supporting fact, it might certainly be of questionable value, but if the testimony (argument) is based on verifiable or otherwise demonstrable facts, it matters not who does the presenting or what their motives are, or if they have lied in the past or even if motivated to lie in this instance -- the facts or links would and should stand or fall on their own merit and their part in the matter will merely be supportive.

So the truth is the truth no matter who is exposing it, and many of the evidence that have been put on these forums do support facts that organizations like NIST and the government have lied, about 9-11 and the intelligence to advance wars.

Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation - Picasso Dreams
I enlisted in the fucking Army when I was 18, and they found out I had a heart problem, it was news to me, later testing I get told some shit about fucking valve prolapse and I was rejected. I was bummed, after telling everyone I'm going in.
I spent months at 18 yrs old working out and preparing for my journey, spent 3 days going back and forth to the recruiters office and passed all the testing, except the physical-planning and securing a place for my wife and 2 kids to live and survive, while I was going to make 410.00 a month.
I am damned glad now too, as I know that war is only good for making the above mentioned fucks billions while the common man dies in the field, or gets neglected and fucked over by the VA when he comes back a broken man.
My brother enlisted at 34 yrs. old off to kick Saddams ass for 9-11
(who of course had nothing to do with it, but that was the rumor being told all over the news at the time, remember?) and was shot in an ambush, getting his left foot blown off, while still dragging and saving his C.O, and earned a Purple Heart, in Baqubah Iraq, north of Baghdad.
I tried to talk him out of it, and he now wishes he would have listened to me, and my other friends who are Veterans. Air Force/Marines
So go take your holier then though attitude and shove it up your ass.... "Sir"

So your brother was wounded in action and you were too worthless and weak to even show up...and you're claiming in you are the patriot. Now THAT is rich.


cornyhole is soooo boring

so boring thats all he can come up with for truthers these days.He always cracks me up,so many times he gets frustrated and pissed after getting his ass handed to him on a platter that he exposes it getting mad like he is now and has to start swearing.:lol::lol::lol:
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This is how these dumbfucks Parrot,Candyfag, Briantoll,and Gomer Pyle Ollie sloppily expose themselves as agents for the government.only agents come on boards constantly everyday like they do here posting bilble length posts full of bullshit and crap with half truths mixed in with disinformation ans lies and evade facts and constantly changing the subject.

That poster Baccus,he isnt like them,he is just a brainwashed Bush dupe afraid of the truth.Notice how he left when confronted with evidence and facts he could not refute and has left? thats how you can tell they are not agents,thats what they always do when cornered is they leave,they dont constantly come back psoting like morons by trying to save face in their posts when they know they are defeated with bible lengh ramblings that have been debunked hundreds of times over and over again like the agents I mentioned at the very begging do.This thread starter isnt an agent either,he is just a retard.he has exposed himself as one with his alzhemiers diseace he has repeating the same questions that have already been answered many times before,over and over and over again.

Truthers,DONT FEED THE TROLLS!!!! They are just here to occupy you and take away your time from the REAL plans they have for us in the next couple of years.Better be more concerned about that,than 9/11.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems right now.terral seems to be the only one here that realises that besides myself.granted,some of his threads are way off target,but some like the nuclear disaster at japen and a couple others,he has nailed to a tee and done his research on.thats what truthers here should start getting prepared for instead of feeding these trolls.I can only preach this so many times.
This is how these dumbfucks Parrot,Candyfag, Briantoll,and Gomer Pyle Ollie sloppily expose themselves as agents for the government.only agents come on boards constantly everyday like they do here posting bilble length posts full of bullshit and crap with half truths mixed in with disinformation ans lies and evade facts and constantly changing the subject.

That poster Baccus,he isnt like them,he is just a brainwashed Bush dupe afraid of the truth.Notice how he left when confronted with evidence and facts he could not refute and has left? thats how you can tell they are not agents,thats what they always do when cornered is they leave,they dont constantly come back psoting like morons by trying to save face in their posts when they know they are defeated with bible lengh ramblings that have been debunked hundreds of times over and over again like the agents I mentioned at the very begging do.This thread starter isnt an agent either,he is just a retard.he has exposed himself as one with his alzhemiers diseace he has repeating the same questions that have already been answered many times before,over and over and over again.

Truthers,DONT FEED THE TROLLS!!!! They are just here to occupy you and take away your time from the REAL plans they have for us in the next couple of years.Better be more concerned about that,than 9/11.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems right now.terral seems to be the only one here that realises that besides myself.granted,some of his threads are way off target,but some like the nuclear disaster at japen and a couple others,he has nailed to a tee and done his research on.thats what truthers here should start getting prepared for instead of feeding these trolls.I can only preach this so many times.

Has ANYONE seen the sycophant 911 inside job ever come up with a coherent post much less one that actually makes a point? :lol: What a sad, pathetic creature!
This is how these dumbfucks Parrot,Candyfag, Briantoll,and Gomer Pyle Ollie sloppily expose themselves as agents for the government.only agents come on boards constantly everyday like they do here posting bilble length posts full of bullshit and crap with half truths mixed in with disinformation ans lies and evade facts and constantly changing the subject.

That poster Baccus,he isnt like them,he is just a brainwashed Bush dupe afraid of the truth.Notice how he left when confronted with evidence and facts he could not refute and has left? thats how you can tell they are not agents,thats what they always do when cornered is they leave,they dont constantly come back psoting like morons by trying to save face in their posts when they know they are defeated with bible lengh ramblings that have been debunked hundreds of times over and over again like the agents I mentioned at the very begging do.This thread starter isnt an agent either,he is just a retard.he has exposed himself as one with his alzhemiers diseace he has repeating the same questions that have already been answered many times before,over and over and over again.

Truthers,DONT FEED THE TROLLS!!!! They are just here to occupy you and take away your time from the REAL plans they have for us in the next couple of years.Better be more concerned about that,than 9/11.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems right now.terral seems to be the only one here that realises that besides myself.granted,some of his threads are way off target,but some like the nuclear disaster at japen and a couple others,he has nailed to a tee and done his research on.thats what truthers here should start getting prepared for instead of feeding these trolls.I can only preach this so many times.

well i see none of the truthers replied here.Looks like me and terral are the only ones that are going to be prepared for what they have planned against us in the next couple of years.I cant understand why you all dont get it that 9/11 is the least of our problems right now,that its all a smokescreen these agents I mentioned at the beginning are getting paid by their handlers to keep you occupied and waste your time on.They got you taking the bait.Okay if you want to keep feeding the trolls,then thats your perogative but when the shit hits the fan in the next couple of years and you are unprepared for it,cant say i didnt warn you.Oh and its not the posts that Terral is making that is what we need to be worried about,its something else he has talked about before in the past which is dead on like the japan nuclear reactor problem is.
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This is how these dumbfucks Parrot,Candyfag, Briantoll,and Gomer Pyle Ollie sloppily expose themselves as agents for the government.only agents come on boards constantly everyday like they do here posting bilble length posts full of bullshit and crap with half truths mixed in with disinformation ans lies and evade facts and constantly changing the subject.

That poster Baccus,he isnt like them,he is just a brainwashed Bush dupe afraid of the truth.Notice how he left when confronted with evidence and facts he could not refute and has left? thats how you can tell they are not agents,thats what they always do when cornered is they leave,they dont constantly come back psoting like morons by trying to save face in their posts when they know they are defeated with bible lengh ramblings that have been debunked hundreds of times over and over again like the agents I mentioned at the very begging do.This thread starter isnt an agent either,he is just a retard.he has exposed himself as one with his alzhemiers diseace he has repeating the same questions that have already been answered many times before,over and over and over again.

Truthers,DONT FEED THE TROLLS!!!! They are just here to occupy you and take away your time from the REAL plans they have for us in the next couple of years.Better be more concerned about that,than 9/11.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems right now.terral seems to be the only one here that realises that besides myself.granted,some of his threads are way off target,but some like the nuclear disaster at japen and a couple others,he has nailed to a tee and done his research on.thats what truthers here should start getting prepared for instead of feeding these trolls.I can only preach this so many times.

well i see none of the truthers replied here.Looks like me and terral are the only ones that are going to be prepared for what they have planned against us in the next couple of years.I cant understand why you all dont get it that 9/11 is the least of our problems right now,that its all a smokescreen these agents I mentioned at the beginning are getting paid by their handlers to keep you occupied and waste your time on.They got you taking the bait.Okay if you want to keep feeding the trolls,then thats your perogative but when the shit hits the fan in the next couple of years and you are unprepared for it,cant say i didnt warn you.Oh and its not the posts that Terral is making that is what we need to be worried about,its something else he has talked about before in the past which is dead on like the japan nuclear reactor problem is.

Better wrap that tin foil beanie on extra tight 911 inside job! It's going to be a LOOOOOOOONG couple of decades! Out of curiosity, how many times does terrel have to be dead wrong before someone as fucking clueless as you finally figures out terrel is as full of shit as the rest of the truthtards?

Better yet, explain this paradox. If 9/11 was done for various reasons (power, money, oil etc.) why bother when they know the world is going to end here real soon? :lol:
This is how these dumbfucks Parrot,Candyfag, Briantoll,and Gomer Pyle Ollie sloppily expose themselves as agents for the government.only agents come on boards constantly everyday like they do here posting bilble length posts full of bullshit and crap with half truths mixed in with disinformation ans lies and evade facts and constantly changing the subject.

That poster Baccus,he isnt like them,he is just a brainwashed Bush dupe afraid of the truth.Notice how he left when confronted with evidence and facts he could not refute and has left? thats how you can tell they are not agents,thats what they always do when cornered is they leave,they dont constantly come back psoting like morons by trying to save face in their posts when they know they are defeated with bible lengh ramblings that have been debunked hundreds of times over and over again like the agents I mentioned at the very begging do.This thread starter isnt an agent either,he is just a retard.he has exposed himself as one with his alzhemiers diseace he has repeating the same questions that have already been answered many times before,over and over and over again.

Truthers,DONT FEED THE TROLLS!!!! They are just here to occupy you and take away your time from the REAL plans they have for us in the next couple of years.Better be more concerned about that,than 9/11.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems right now.terral seems to be the only one here that realises that besides myself.granted,some of his threads are way off target,but some like the nuclear disaster at japen and a couple others,he has nailed to a tee and done his research on.thats what truthers here should start getting prepared for instead of feeding these trolls.I can only preach this so many times.

well i see none of the truthers replied here.Looks like me and terral are the only ones that are going to be prepared for what they have planned against us in the next couple of years.I cant understand why you all dont get it that 9/11 is the least of our problems right now,that its all a smokescreen these agents I mentioned at the beginning are getting paid by their handlers to keep you occupied and waste your time on.They got you taking the bait.Okay if you want to keep feeding the trolls,then thats your perogative but when the shit hits the fan in the next couple of years and you are unprepared for it,cant say i didnt warn you.Oh and its not the posts that Terral is making that is what we need to be worried about,its something else he has talked about before in the past which is dead on like the japan nuclear reactor problem is.

Better wrap that tin foil beanie on extra tight 911 inside job! It's going to be a LOOOOOOOONG couple of decades! Out of curiosity, how many times does terrel have to be dead wrong before someone as fucking clueless as you finally figures out terrel is as full of shit as the rest of the truthtards?

Better yet, explain this paradox. If 9/11 was done for various reasons (power, money, oil etc.) why bother when they know the world is going to end here real soon? :lol:

I wrote a thread they keep moving around that asks the simple question
If Obama can give the UAW (GM) billions more than anyone ever made off of the wars
why fight the wars to start with?
whats the reason?
I mean if Obama can give away billions, why would bush have to create all this kaos?
This is how these dumbfucks Parrot,Candyfag, Briantoll,and Gomer Pyle Ollie sloppily expose themselves as agents for the government.only agents come on boards constantly everyday like they do here posting bilble length posts full of bullshit and crap with half truths mixed in with disinformation ans lies and evade facts and constantly changing the subject.

That poster Baccus,he isnt like them,he is just a brainwashed Bush dupe afraid of the truth.Notice how he left when confronted with evidence and facts he could not refute and has left? thats how you can tell they are not agents,thats what they always do when cornered is they leave,they dont constantly come back psoting like morons by trying to save face in their posts when they know they are defeated with bible lengh ramblings that have been debunked hundreds of times over and over again like the agents I mentioned at the very begging do.This thread starter isnt an agent either,he is just a retard.he has exposed himself as one with his alzhemiers diseace he has repeating the same questions that have already been answered many times before,over and over and over again.

Truthers,DONT FEED THE TROLLS!!!! They are just here to occupy you and take away your time from the REAL plans they have for us in the next couple of years.Better be more concerned about that,than 9/11.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems right now.terral seems to be the only one here that realises that besides myself.granted,some of his threads are way off target,but some like the nuclear disaster at japen and a couple others,he has nailed to a tee and done his research on.thats what truthers here should start getting prepared for instead of feeding these trolls.I can only preach this so many times.

well i see none of the truthers replied here.Looks like me and terral are the only ones that are going to be prepared for what they have planned against us in the next couple of years.I cant understand why you all dont get it that 9/11 is the least of our problems right now,that its all a smokescreen these agents I mentioned at the beginning are getting paid by their handlers to keep you occupied and waste your time on.They got you taking the bait.Okay if you want to keep feeding the trolls,then thats your perogative but when the shit hits the fan in the next couple of years and you are unprepared for it,cant say i didnt warn you.Oh and its not the posts that Terral is making that is what we need to be worried about,its something else he has talked about before in the past which is dead on like the japan nuclear reactor problem is.

You're a fucking joke.
The people who wrote the 9/11 commission report are saying it was a joke that they where either stonewalled or lied to by the administration and people who testified.

Do I think it was an inside Job? No
Should it have been prevented? Yes

the problem I have is if you ask questions you are attacked, when did it become Unamerican to ask questions? Maybe if we asked questions we wouldn't be in Iraq right now. There is more to 9/11 then they are letting on and the heads of the 9/11 Commission even say so.
The people who wrote the 9/11 commission report are saying it was a joke that they where either stonewalled or lied to by the administration and people who testified.
Don't listen to the lies. The people who wrote the 9/11 commission report did indeed complain about stonewalling and lying..... while the report was being written, not after. If they didn't believe the report was true and accurate, they wouldn't have signed their names to it.

The other thing is that the 9/11 commission report was NOT the criminal investigation into the 9/11 attack. That was done by the FBI and was, by a HUGE margine, the largest investigation in US history.

STREICHER187 said:
Do I think it was an inside Job? No
Should it have been prevented? Yes
We had lots of opportunities that we missed. Serious mistakes were made, many of which were done through lame policies trying to keep the FBI and the CIA separate.

STREICHER187 said:
the problem I have is if you ask questions you are attacked, when did it become Unamerican to ask questions?
No, this is untrue and is propagated by the truthtards. Asking questions is not un-American, nor will it get you attacked by most people. Asking questions doesn't make you a truthtard, especially since truthtards aren't asking questions, they're stating their theories as fact.

What makes a truthtard a truthtard most of all is ignoring evidence and the lack of evidence. Once you start doing that, I've lost all respect for you and will treat you accordingly.

For example, Mr. Jones is currently pushing the theory that WTC 7 HAD to be a controlled demolition because it collapsed completely and for 2.25 seconds it was in freefall. He ignores the fact that the collapse started several seconds before the big collapse as internal structures failed as evidenced by the penthouse collapsing as caught on numerous cameras. He ignores the fact that his claim would require high explosives to get the timing right, yet there is no evidence of high explosives or any other kind of explosives cutting all the supports simultaniously as he claims happened. There is no seismic evidence. There is no audio evidence. There is no physical evidence in the form of cut steel, wiring, detonators or any of the other paraphanalia associated with a controlled demolition. You also have the NIST, a world wide recognized expert organization in structural investigations, which did a report that has been vetted world wide, yet no credible organization has stepped forward to question the fundamentals of the report claiming none of the buildings could have collapsed from the events of that day without explosives.

They also can't answer questions that HAVE to be answered before their theories can be considered. Things like who wired up the buildings and how did they do it? All three buildings were fully occupied. Much smaller buildings take MONTHS to wire and rig for controlled demolition which includes cutting supports by as much as 90%. Yet nobody saw a thing. Nobody discovered the explosives, the wiring, or the detonators.

Despite all this, Mr. Jones refuses to give up on his theory and ignores all evidence it is wrong. He cannot provide a single shred of real evidence despite his claims he has loads of evidence and despite repeated claims to present even one piece of real evidence.

That isn't asking questions. That is blindly holding on to a theory to push an anti-government agenda. THAT is what gets him attacked, not asking questions.

Have questions? Ask away! I would be glad to answer questions and back up my answers with real evidence.

STREICHER187 said:
Maybe if we asked questions we wouldn't be in Iraq right now.
I doubt it. When you have three administrations all saying the same thing, every major intelligence agency without a stake in the events saying the same thing, and Saddam willfully ignoring the demands of the world, you're going to get your ass kicked.

STREICHER187 said:
There is more to 9/11 then they are letting on and the heads of the 9/11 Commission even say so.
No, go read what they say. They say the final report is true and accurate. They caught the lies because the lies didn't match the evidence.

From the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the report:
We file no additional views. We have no dissents. We have each decided that we will play no active role in the fall presidential campaign. We will, instead, work together in
support of the recommendations in this report. We believe that in acting together, we can
make a difference. We can make our nation safer and more secure.

What do you think we don't know about 9/11 that would have led to us NOT attacking Iraq? Don't you think if the 9/11 commission had any inkling that there was more to the story that they wouldn't have pursued it?
How do you prevent this event?
It was legal to have a leather man on your person
At that time what was we suppose to do?
there was nothing anyone could do today really

But for those who think this could have been prevented

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