9-11, 19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives, nothing else

How do you prevent this event?
It was legal to have a leather man on your person
At that time what was we suppose to do?
there was nothing anyone could do today really

But for those who think this could have been prevented

There were opportunities that might have prevented 9/11 that become obvious in hindsight. Given what we knew at the time, there was nothing that really gave away 9/11. It was a very small operation that they played very close to the vest. Those kinds of operations are very hard to detect even now when people are more aware.

Even the people that said there were warnings from source a or source b have to realize that the warnings were one warning amongst a veritable flood of warnings our intelligence communities deal with on a daily basis. This fact along with the political wall built between the CIA and FBI hurt the chances we had of catching Al Qaeda prior to 9/11.

That being said, when one looks at the truthtard versions of what they say happened on 9/11, one has to seriously question how a massive operation like that could ever get off the ground without every news agency in the world finding out about it months before.
How do you prevent this event?
It was legal to have a leather man on your person
At that time what was we suppose to do?
there was nothing anyone could do today really

But for those who think this could have been prevented

There were opportunities that might have prevented 9/11 that become obvious in hindsight. Given what we knew at the time, there was nothing that really gave away 9/11. It was a very small operation that they played very close to the vest. Those kinds of operations are very hard to detect even now when people are more aware.

Even the people that said there were warnings from source a or source b have to realize that the warnings were one warning amongst a veritable flood of warnings our intelligence communities deal with on a daily basis. This fact along with the political wall built between the CIA and FBI hurt the chances we had of catching Al Qaeda prior to 9/11.

That being said, when one looks at the truthtard versions of what they say happened on 9/11, one has to seriously question how a massive operation like that could ever get off the ground without every news agency in the world finding out about it months before.

No matter how you look at this event, there was no way to stop it with the laws we had in place at that time
I wonder ho many of these have been stopped because of the patriot act?
Yes, the 19 hijackers, along with pilots barely qualified to fly a Cessna, some of which were found alive after 9/11, flew the commercial airplanes into the towers causing them to have a total collapse falling symmetrically at free fall speed into their own foundations leaving pools of molten steel and thermite residue behind even though the twin towers were engineered to withstand multiple commercial airline impacts as well as causing the total collapse of nearby WTC7 8 hours later which also fell symmetrically at free fall speed into its foundation despite not being hit by a plane and leaving pools of molten steel and thermite residue.

Amazing the first 3 steel buildings to ever have a total collapse caused by fire happened on 9/11

All while causing NORAD to stand down for an hour and a half deviating from their SOP of intercepting hijacked planes giving the almost Cessna qualified pilots time to pull off a nearly impossible flight maneuver flying a commercial jet into the side of pentagon that incredibly left only a 15ft hole with little scattered debris.

Not to mention Shanksvilles "Crash" with its 8 miles of scattered debris unlike any other land based commercial airline crash.

Yes Regina, there is a Santa Claus!
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And anyone who disputes the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is simply a truthtard, tin hat wearing, Kool-Aid drinking, lunatic
And anyone who disputes the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is simply a truthtard, tin hat wearing, Kool-Aid drinking, lunatic

If your posts are any indication; yes.

There was no freefall speed collapse of the towers
Pilots who can't fly crash; all of them did
Flight 93 was different because the pilot didn't try to save the aircraft by reducing air speed
NORAD did not stand down
There was no "thermite residue found", it was paint

Either you're retarded, a liar, or simply not that bright. I'm guessing you hit the truthtard triple crown.
Yes, the 19 hijackers, along with pilots barely qualified to fly a Cessna, some of which were found alive after 9/11, flew the commercial airplanes into the towers causing them to have a total collapse falling symmetrically at free fall speed into their own foundations leaving pools of molten steel and thermite residue behind even though the twin towers were engineered to withstand multiple commercial airline impacts as well as causing the total collapse of nearby WTC7 8 hours later which also fell symmetrically at free fall speed into its foundation despite not being hit by a plane and leaving pools of molten steel and thermite residue.
Wow! Thanks for proving just how ignorant and fucking stupid you really are! Bravo! Hijackers still alive?!? :lol: Yes, there were some people who THOUGHT they were the ones the FBI was talking about..... until the pictures were released. You won't find a single report from a credible source past the time the FBI released the pictures on September 23rd I believe. Yet an ignorant fuck like you hears the hijackers are still alive and instead of doing any research to find out, simply regurgitates the same old tired disproven bullshit. You make me sick!

Triton said:
Amazing the first 3 steel buildings to ever have a total collapse caused by fire happened on 9/11
There were lots of firsts on 9/11. A shame you're too wrapped up in your own ignorance to look at the big picture instead of focusing on one fact and pretending it has some kind of relevance.

Triton said:
All while causing NORAD to stand down for an hour and a half deviating from their SOP of intercepting hijacked planes giving the almost Cessna qualified pilots time to pull off a nearly impossible flight maneuver flying a commercial jet into the side of pentagon that incredibly left only a 15ft hole with little scattered debris.
More ignorant bullshit from you. A stand down order? Really? So produce the order. Orders are recorded. People would have been given the order and would have stated they were ordered to stand down. So where are they? And if there was a standdown order, why were there fighter jets in the air actively looking for hijacked planes?

Thanks for proving yet again that you're just an ignorant fuck who got spoon fed bullshit and like a good sheep, repeat it whenever you want to try and pretend you're "in" on some special information. :lol: Instead you end up looking like a pathetic fool who can't think for himself and allows himself to be led by the short hairs with no evidence to back up what his betters tell him.

Triton said:
Not to mention Shanksvilles "Crash" with its 8 miles of scattered debris unlike any other land based commercial airline crash.
Wrong again. You're batting .000. It isn't uncommon for light debris to be as far as eight miles out. Take, for example, Flight 1771 back in 1987. It was very similar to flight 93. The plane was flown into the ground. All they found was a crater. No large pieces of debris and people couldn't believe it was a commercial airline that crashed. AND.... they found debris eight miles away.

Anything else you want to make a jackass out of yourself over?
And anyone who disputes the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is simply a truthtard, tin hat wearing, Kool-Aid drinking, lunatic

When they ignore the evidence and only believe the conspiratard sites? Absolutely. Someone who simply has questions isn't a truthtard. It is a name that has to be earned through ignorance and willful dismissal of evidence in order to believe the theories. You well and truly deserve my distain and disgust and have earned the title truthtard. Congratulations!! :lol:
And anyone who disputes the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is simply a truthtard, tin hat wearing, Kool-Aid drinking, lunatic

the two gay lover agents hated it that you told the truth just now so much that they just came on to sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls that they are.:lol: btw,couldnt you have posted this on THIS thread http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...s-families-want-to-air-new-9-11-truth-ad.html
instead of resurrecting a thread of a troll?
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And anyone who disputes the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is simply a truthtard, tin hat wearing, Kool-Aid drinking, lunatic

If your posts are any indication; yes.

There was no freefall speed collapse of the towers
Pilots who can't fly crash; all of them did
Flight 93 was different because the pilot didn't try to save the aircraft by reducing air speed
NORAD did not stand down
There was no "thermite residue found", it was paint

Either you're retarded, a liar, or simply not that bright. I'm guessing you hit the truthtard triple crown.

-The towers fell at a rate just short of no resistance, a fraction below free fall. This is indisputable and has been demonstrated repeatedly.

-The most experienced pilots cannot pull off the alleged maneuver the plane flew into the side of the pentagon. a commercial airplane would leave more than a 15 ft hole with little debris.

-The debris field from Flight 93 is unlike any other land based commercial airplane crash despite air speed. There was a crater and 8 miles of scattered debris.

-NORAD did not intercept any of the airplanes after they deviated from their flight path, this is normally done in about 15 minutes. The planes had deviated for an hour and a half

-Thermite samples were taken from ground zero and have been studied, you're statement is insane.
-The towers fell at a rate just short of no resistance, a fraction below free fall. This is indisputable and has been demonstrated repeatedly.
And? At the START of the collapse you had around ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TONS of debris falling down on the lower structures. Those structures weren't able to handle anywhere near that amount of weight, so they collapsed and added their mass to the total hitting the next structures down.

A semi tractor trailor is a big, heavy piece of equipment, yet when a train hits it, the train doesn't even show any kind of evidence that a big heavy piece of equipment was just hit. Why? The total amount of energy of the moving mass of the train was far greater than the resistance put up by the mass of the semi.

Think about it if you are able.

Triton said:
-The most experienced pilots cannot pull off the alleged maneuver the plane flew into the side of the pentagon.
Seriously?!? I take it you have failed miserably at doing your research again. Have you WATCHED the maneuver? It was a 300 degree turn that took three MINUTES to perform. An airliner can do that turn in a matter of seconds if one were to push it.

I am not a pilot, yet I've performed the same maneuver several times without any problems. Funny how you insult pilots everywhere with your ignorance and arrogance.

Triton said:
a commercial airplane would leave more than a 15 ft hole with little debris.
Really? And you are an expert on this? :lol: Want to guess what the diameter of a 757 is? 13'. Source.

Triton said:
-The debris field from Flight 93 is unlike any other land based commercial airplane crash despite air speed. There was a crater and 8 miles of scattered debris.
I see you are too fucking ignorant to look at anything other than conspiratard sites. No skin off my nose. It only makes you look like the fool.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff7h7Ll8Dl4]YouTube - PSA Flight 1771: Eerily Similar To Shanksville[/ame]

Triton said:
-NORAD did not intercept any of the airplanes after they deviated from their flight path, this is normally done in about 15 minutes. The planes had deviated for an hour and a half
More extreme bullshit from the truthtards. First off, it is an outright lie to say interception occurs in about 15 minutes. Payne Stewarts jet wasn't intercepted for almost two hours after it deviated from it's flight path.

Second, why do you insist on lying like this by pretending the planes had deviated for an hour and a half? NONE of the planes deviated for that amount of time. Just more evidence of the outright lies bullshit artists like you like to spread.

Flight 11: Hijacked at 8:13. Crashed at 8:46. Time from deviation to crash? 33 minutes
Flight 175: Hijacked at 8:47. Crashed at 9:03. Time from deviation to crash? 16 minutes.
Flight 93: Hijacked at 9:28. Crashed at 10:03. Time from deviation to crash? 35 minutes.
Flight 77: Hijacked at 8:54. Crashed at 9:37. Time from deviation to crash? 39 minutes

What.... you thought people would be as gullible as you and pretend the truthtard lies are truth without doing some research? :lol:

Triton said:
-Thermite samples were taken from ground zero and have been studied, you're statement is insane.
Wrong yet again, you lying piece of shit! Jones and company found, and I quote, "an active thermitic material". It wasn't thermite. It wasn't much of anything. They couldn't even tell what it really was. They got it to react at a temperature lower than thermite and the energy output was less than thermite would have delivered. Big whoop.

Maybe next time you should actually READ their report so you don't look like such an ASS when you lie to everyone.
And anyone who disputes the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is simply a truthtard, tin hat wearing, Kool-Aid drinking, lunatic

If your posts are any indication; yes.

There was no freefall speed collapse of the towers
Pilots who can't fly crash; all of them did
Flight 93 was different because the pilot didn't try to save the aircraft by reducing air speed
NORAD did not stand down
There was no "thermite residue found", it was paint

Either you're retarded, a liar, or simply not that bright. I'm guessing you hit the truthtard triple crown.

-The towers fell at a rate just short of no resistance, a fraction below free fall. This is indisputable and has been demonstrated repeatedly.
So according to you, you lied earlier. How not surprising. Not accurate in this case either by the way.

-The most experienced pilots cannot pull off the alleged maneuver the plane flew into the side of the pentagon. a commercial airplane would leave more than a 15 ft hole with little debris.
Most experienced pilots are not trying to crash their plane into a building either.
The light poles prove it was a 757; the wreckage proves it was AA77. Your post proves You're full of shit.

-The debris field from Flight 93 is unlike any other land based commercial airplane crash despite air speed. There was a crater and 8 miles of scattered debris.
Craters occur when heavy objects hit the earth. Not surprised by large debris fields caused by explosions...you shouldn't be either unless you're a dumbfuck. World, please meat Mr. Dumbfuck.

-NORAD did not intercept any of the airplanes after they deviated from their flight path, this is normally done in about 15 minutes. The planes had deviated for an hour and a half
Bullshit. 2 years ago or so, pilots overshot MSP by an hour. Nobody shot them down or even scrambled aircraft. You're full of shit boy.

-Thermite samples were taken from ground zero and have been studied, you're statement is insane.

The samples didn't come from ground zero; there is no chain of custody.

And even the pieces of shit pulled from all over manhattan were
Not studied by real scientists with no agenda to follow
If your posts are any indication; yes.

There was no freefall speed collapse of the towers
Pilots who can't fly crash; all of them did
Flight 93 was different because the pilot didn't try to save the aircraft by reducing air speed
NORAD did not stand down
There was no "thermite residue found", it was paint

Either you're retarded, a liar, or simply not that bright. I'm guessing you hit the truthtard triple crown.

-The towers fell at a rate just short of no resistance, a fraction below free fall. This is indisputable and has been demonstrated repeatedly.
So according to you, you lied earlier. How not surprising. Not accurate in this case either by the way.

Most experienced pilots are not trying to crash their plane into a building either.
The light poles prove it was a 757; the wreckage proves it was AA77. Your post proves You're full of shit.

Craters occur when heavy objects hit the earth. Not surprised by large debris fields caused by explosions...you shouldn't be either unless you're a dumbfuck. World, please meat Mr. Dumbfuck.

-NORAD did not intercept any of the airplanes after they deviated from their flight path, this is normally done in about 15 minutes. The planes had deviated for an hour and a half
Bullshit. 2 years ago or so, pilots overshot MSP by an hour. Nobody shot them down or even scrambled aircraft. You're full of shit boy.

-Thermite samples were taken from ground zero and have been studied, you're statement is insane.

The samples didn't come from ground zero; there is no chain of custody.

And even the pieces of shit pulled from all over manhattan were
Not studied by real scientists with no agenda to follow

-The crater wasn't that large, nothing that indicates the plane crashed on the ground,how did debris spread 8 miles from the crater?

-At least you admitted the towers fell at near free fall speed, which is conducive of a controlled demolition.

-Who cares about a plane overshooting MSP 2 years ago. If you were referring to the one diverted by storms back in '09, this was coordinated by Air Traffic Control unlike the 4 planes on 9/11. Hows that shit taste?

-Then where did the scientists obtain the dust samples that provided evidence of a thermite reaction? Are you accusing them of falsifying their study?

You can't come up with any reasonable argument against the OVERWHELMING evidence that the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition.

Instead you will send me a PM telling me to go fuck myself. The last resort of a fool with no argument
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Is this clown for real?

Do we really have to back up and debunk all this BS again?

There is no overwhelming evidence of a controlled Demolition.
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-The crater wasn't that large, nothing that indicates the plane crashed on the ground,how did debris spread 8 miles from the crater?

-At least you admitted the towers fell at near free fall speed, which is conducive of a controlled demolition.

-Who cares about a plane overshooting MSP 2 years ago. If you were referring to the one diverted by storms back in '09, this was coordinated by Air Traffic Control unlike the 3 planes on 9/11. Hows that shit taste?

-Then where did the scientists obtain the dust samples that provided evidence of a thermite reaction? Are you accusing them of falsifying their study?

You can't come up with any reasonable argument against the OVERWHELMING evidence that the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition.

Instead you will send me a PM telling me to go fuck myself. The last resort of a fool with no argument

:lol: Anyone else need more proof that this piece of shit is nothing but a joke? He can't respond to my posts and runs away like the chickenshit truthtard that he is. :lol:
Is this clown for real?

Do we really have to back up and debunk all this BS again?

There is no overwhelming evidence of a controlled Demolition.

Slight correction. There is no evidence of a controlled demolition at all. I keep asking and not one of these idiots can produce any piece of real evidence. They still haven't learned that their own retarded opinions aren't evidence! :lol:
Is this clown for real?

Do we really have to back up and debunk all this BS again?

There is no overwhelming evidence of a controlled Demolition.

How about I rephrase your post:

Is this clown for real?

Do we really have to back up and debunk all this BS again?

There is no evidence at all, whatsoever, nada, of the collapses being the result of anything other than controlled demolition.

The good thing is that people who share your delusional thinking are now in the minority in this country as a majority of Americans no longer believe the Pancake theory, boxcutting hijackers, and the rest of the lies purported by the government about that day.
Is this clown for real?

Do we really have to back up and debunk all this BS again?

There is no overwhelming evidence of a controlled Demolition.

How about I rephrase your post:

Is this clown for real?

Do we really have to back up and debunk all this BS again?

There is no evidence at all, whatsoever, nada, of the collapses being the result of anything other than controlled demolition.

The good thing is that people who share your delusional thinking are now in the minority in this country as a majority of Americans no longer believe the Pancake theory, boxcutting hijackers, and the rest of the lies purported by the government about that day.

Leave it to a retard to think opinion polls define the truth! :lol: What a jackass!

So, since I've asked all the other truthtards, now it is your turn.

Please present us with one piece of real evidence that it was a controlled demolition. Remember, opinons are NOT evidence, especially when it is the opinion of a retard like yourself.
Is this clown for real?

Do we really have to back up and debunk all this BS again?

There is no overwhelming evidence of a controlled Demolition.

How about I rephrase your post:

Is this clown for real?

Do we really have to back up and debunk all this BS again?

There is no evidence at all, whatsoever, nada, of the collapses being the result of anything other than controlled demolition.

The good thing is that people who share your delusional thinking are now in the minority in this country as a majority of Americans no longer believe the Pancake theory, boxcutting hijackers, and the rest of the lies purported by the government about that day.

Instead of rephrasing my posts, as I say exactly what I mean, why don't you present some actual evidence that says you are right. You know evidence that could be taken into court. Something other than opinion.
Be careful what you wish for Patriot911

Let's start with WTC 7, the most obvious

The Second Law of Thermodynamics implies that the likelihood of complete and symmetrical collapse due to random fires is very small as asymmetrical failure is far more likely.

The building had only 7-8 floors with sporadic fires on it, this is not sufficient to cause a total symmetrical free fall collapse of a 47 story steel framed building.

HOWEVER, a controlled demolition is sufficient in causing a total symmetrical free fall collapse of a 47 story steel framed building

There's one, ready for another?

Unless of course you don't believe the building had a total symmetrical free fall collapse 8 hours after not being impacted by a plane, which you probably don't.
And what have you said of any substance Ollie? You don't seem to be supporting the official story at all

Where is your evidence?

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