9-11, 19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives, nothing else

Yet these supposed scientists couldn't even identify what it was they were looking at or why it reacted when it did. :lol: In other words, through massive amounts of refinement, they got it to spark. That's it.

So, like all your other retarded theories, this goes on the shit pile.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZNQq7XBLwc]YouTube - 9/11: EXPLOSIVE TESTIMONY EXCLUSIVE Mark Basile Chemical Engineer.m4v[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23n0Vr_A1TQ]YouTube - 9/11: EXPLOSIVE TESTIMONY EXCLUSIVE Jeff Farrer Physicist 1 of 3 .m4v[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_gE4wZEh0g]YouTube - Geraldo Rivera changes mind on AE911Truth and BuildingWhat.m4v[/ame]

why stop the crises?
why plan to wreck the place with 2 passenger jets and then blow it up?
people are jumping out of buildings when it blows up, why stop the horror?
When did these people put the explosives in?
How did they transport them from the street to all the locations needed to blow up a building that is on fire and has had a 747 cut it in 2, 2/3 up the building
what happens if the jets are stopped?
how long where the explosives there?
where they on every floor?
How did they know what floor to stop on?

its a simple question

Once again the dufass asks the same questions that were already answered over and over again, is this the only part of your job you know how to do on here? I mean it's getting pretty old seeing you post the same old shit, ..:lol:
You are definitely the worst troll I have ever encountered anywhere :lol:
I no longer think you are just playing stupid, but actually are.
Here's a few simple questions...why do you bother to breathe? Someone else could use the oxygen you are wasting...why are you even here?
Last edited:
Once again the dufass asks the same questions that were already answered over and over again, is this the only part of your job you know how to do on here?
Aside from the irony of a truthtard whining his lilly livered ass off over the exact same thing truthtards do (repeat the same tired debunked bullshit over and over again), JRK's questions have never been answered with any kind of real answer.

When something makes absolutely no sense, like wiring three buildings to be collapsed when only two are going to be hit by planes and then trying to cover up this massive endeavor while risking exposure, asking why ANYONE would do this is a logical question to ask. Nobody has given a good answer.

Mr. Jones said:
I mean it's getting pretty old seeing you post the same old shit, ..:lol:
Yet we never see you bitching at PE when he posts the same thing over and over again, or Creativedreams when he posts the exact same thing in thread after thread. You're a hypocritical piece of shit. You know it. I know it. And now everyone else knows it.

Mr. Jones said:
You are definitely the worst troll I have ever encountered anywhere :lol:
Oh come on. 911 inside job is a MUCH worse troll, and JRK's posts are actually on topic. Is it because 911 inside job is your own personal little bitch that follows you around sucking up to you?

Mr. Jones said:
I no longer think you are just playing stupid, but actually are.
We've known just how retarded you are for quite some time.... which makes you a piss poor judge of other people's intelligence.

Mr. Jones said:
Here's a few simple questions...why do you bother to breathe? Someone else could use the oxygen you are wasting...why are you even here?
Yet those questions have a very simple, straightforward answer. JRK's questions don't have a simple answer, nor one that makes any sense. There is no advantage to blowing the buildings. It adds an exponential amount of risk for no gain.

But you sick fucks aren't going to answer because any answer you give only exposes your idiocy for everyone to see. Instead you will just keep attacking the people asking the questions that should be asked if ANYONE is going to believe your bullshit and doing what you want them to do, which is treason.

Where is the honor in being made a fool of? There is no evidence to back up your bullshit, which means people are working off opinion alone. That isn't honor. That is lunacy! It is you and your fellow truthtards who steal these people's honor through your lies and bullshit. You truly are scum of the earth!

After this fool has been there, then and only then, what he has to say about honor will be worth listening to. Now if any of those veterans want to look in my face and tell me the same thing, I will salute them, shake my head, and walk away.

Well then you obviously don't agree or adhere to the beliefs of these other patriotic Americans, who know what is going on in our country, and wont just "follow orders" like your treasonous ass would do.
There are millions of militia, and civilian supporters in the freedom, and truth movements, many ex and current public servants that know about the abuses and lies of past administrations, and are prepared to fight for the constitution and what the nation was founded on, including our rights.
You are an example of a government and party loyalist who thinks is a patriot because he served in the military, when actually a patriot is a loyalist to the constitution first and foremost, political party be damned.
It is good to know that there are good honest free thinkers in the militias, and movements that know what is happening and are not happy about it. Unlike tyrannical government loyalist spooks like you. You would do well to learn a lesson from these real patriots.

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Declaration Of Orders We Will Not Obey

U.A.F.F. Salute Our Heroic American Militia

Freedom Fighter Radio | About

Yet these supposed scientists couldn't even identify what it was they were looking at or why it reacted when it did. :lol: In other words, through massive amounts of refinement, they got it to spark. That's it.

So, like all your other retarded theories, this goes on the shit pile.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZNQq7XBLwc]YouTube - 9/11: EXPLOSIVE TESTIMONY EXCLUSIVE Mark Basile Chemical Engineer.m4v[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23n0Vr_A1TQ]YouTube - 9/11: EXPLOSIVE TESTIMONY EXCLUSIVE Jeff Farrer Physicist 1 of 3 .m4v[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_gE4wZEh0g]YouTube - Geraldo Rivera changes mind on AE911Truth and BuildingWhat.m4v[/ame]

why stop the crises?
why plan to wreck the place with 2 passenger jets and then blow it up?

why not just crash the planes in downtown NY..Why pick such difficult targets with such difficult flight maneuvers ?
why have a plane that would most certainly fail if not for a long list of unforeseeable intelligence and air defense failures ?

jumping out of buildings when it blows up, why stop the horror

to control the chaos..to limit infrastructure damage and to remove these old damaged buildings ?

When did these people put the explosives in?

good question lets find out

How did they transport them from the street to all the locations needed to blow up a building that is on fire and has had a 747 cut it in 2, 2/3 up the building

most likely done in advance

what happens if the jets are stopped?

they insured they would not be

how long where the explosives there?
where they on every floor?
How did they know what floor to stop on?

how can they put a man on the moon ?..build an atom bomb..they have great expertises available

its a simple question

for a pearl harbor like incident to gain public support for wars of conquest and a limiting of constitutional rights
Last edited:
Where is the honor in being made a fool of? There is no evidence to back up your bullshit, which means people are working off opinion alone. That isn't honor. That is lunacy! It is you and your fellow truthtards who steal these people's honor through your lies and bullshit. You truly are scum of the earth!

After this fool has been there, then and only then, what he has to say about honor will be worth listening to. Now if any of those veterans want to look in my face and tell me the same thing, I will salute them, shake my head, and walk away.

Well then you obviously don't agree or adhere to the beliefs of these other patriotic Americans, who know what is going on in our country, and wont just "follow orders" like your treasonous ass would do.
There are millions of militia, and civilian supporters in the freedom, and truth movements, many ex and current public servants that know about the abuses and lies of past administrations, and are prepared to fight for the constitution and what the nation was founded on, including our rights.
You are an example of a government and party loyalist who thinks is a patriot because he served in the military, when actually a patriot is a loyalist to the constitution first and foremost, political party be damned.
It is good to know that there are good honest free thinkers in the militias, and movements that know what is happening and are not happy about it. Unlike tyrannical government loyalist spooks like you. You would do well to learn a lesson from these real patriots.

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Declaration Of Orders We Will Not Obey

U.A.F.F. Salute Our Heroic American Militia

Freedom Fighter Radio | About

YouTube - Powerful message from former (C.I.A. Agent) to all Americans!

Again, if you have walked the walk along side of me then you can talk about honor and treason. Until then STFU.

What is funny here is that you are now making a very lame attempt to rope these Militias into your truther movement...

You can't even get 3 people on an internet forum to agree with each others theories.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
we all agree on the need for a real investigation and full discloser

Now why would ANYONE spend hundreds of millions of dollars MORE on another investigation you fucking liars would just ignore because it would come to the same conclusions as the numerous investigations that have already been done? Let's face it. An investigation HAS to go off the evidence, not off opinion like you truthtards do. The evidence hasn't changed. You shits haven't produced one piece of real evidence in over nine years and it doesn't look like you ever will.

So yeah. You all agree on a new investigation. Big whoopdedoo. If your bullshit were true, you would all be agreeing on the same thing, not having numerous conflicting stories.
we all agree on the need for a real investigation and full discloser

Now why would ANYONE spend hundreds of millions of dollars MORE on another investigation you fucking liars would just ignore because it would come to the same conclusions as the numerous investigations that have already been done? Let's face it. An investigation HAS to go off the evidence, not off opinion like you truthtards do. The evidence hasn't changed. You shits haven't produced one piece of real evidence in over nine years and it doesn't look like you ever will.

So yeah. You all agree on a new investigation. Big whoopdedoo. If your bullshit were true, you would all be agreeing on the same thing, not having numerous conflicting stories.

evidence is what one finds during a real investigation as opposed to a 15 million dollar cover-up
hundreds of millions more ?????

Spent on Whitewater + Monica Lewinsky Investigations $40 million

Spent on 9/11 Commission $15 million

Let me guess. The hick claimed that a new investigation would costs hundreds of millions and would produce the same outcome. :lmao:

I'll also bet he thinks dropping 100 million dollars in tomahawk missiles on Libya, interferring with their civil war, was money well appropriated. :cuckoo:
hundreds of millions more ?????

Spent on Whitewater + Monica Lewinsky Investigations $40 million

Spent on 9/11 Commission $15 million

Thanks for proving your ignorance for everyone to see once again, chuckles!

The 9/11 commission was NOT the 9/11 criminal investigation. That would be the PENTTBOM investigation by the FBI. As of 2002, almost four MILLION hours had been spent by the FBI, most of that with special agents according to the GAO. Let's see.... how much do you think they get per hour? Not to mention all the travel and other expenses that would go into a worldwide investigation.

Keep trying to pretend, eots. The more you pretend, the more it is obvious you're nothing but a loon!
we all agree on the need for a real investigation and full discloser

Now why would ANYONE spend hundreds of millions of dollars MORE on another investigation you fucking liars would just ignore because it would come to the same conclusions as the numerous investigations that have already been done? Let's face it. An investigation HAS to go off the evidence, not off opinion like you truthtards do. The evidence hasn't changed. You shits haven't produced one piece of real evidence in over nine years and it doesn't look like you ever will.

So yeah. You all agree on a new investigation. Big whoopdedoo. If your bullshit were true, you would all be agreeing on the same thing, not having numerous conflicting stories.

evidence is what one finds during a real investigation as opposed to a 15 million dollar cover-up

So what new evidence do you possibly think they could uncover almost ten years later? And we both still know you would ignore the outcome unless it says what you want to hear, and we both know that isn't going to happen.
hundreds of millions more ?????

Spent on Whitewater + Monica Lewinsky Investigations $40 million

Spent on 9/11 Commission $15 million

Let me guess. The hick claimed that a new investigation would costs hundreds of millions and would produce the same outcome. :lmao:

I'll also bet he thinks dropping 100 million dollars in tomahawk missiles on Libya, interferring with their civil war, was money well appropriated. :cuckoo:

Takeashit, are you still trying to pretend you're not hanging on to my every word? :lol: Shame on you, you dishonest fuck!
After this fool has been there, then and only then, what he has to say about honor will be worth listening to. Now if any of those veterans want to look in my face and tell me the same thing, I will salute them, shake my head, and walk away.

Well then you obviously don't agree or adhere to the beliefs of these other patriotic Americans, who know what is going on in our country, and wont just "follow orders" like your treasonous ass would do.
There are millions of militia, and civilian supporters in the freedom, and truth movements, many ex and current public servants that know about the abuses and lies of past administrations, and are prepared to fight for the constitution and what the nation was founded on, including our rights.
You are an example of a government and party loyalist who thinks is a patriot because he served in the military, when actually a patriot is a loyalist to the constitution first and foremost, political party be damned.
It is good to know that there are good honest free thinkers in the militias, and movements that know what is happening and are not happy about it. Unlike tyrannical government loyalist spooks like you. You would do well to learn a lesson from these real patriots.

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Declaration Of Orders We Will Not Obey

U.A.F.F. Salute Our Heroic American Militia

Freedom Fighter Radio | About

YouTube - Powerful message from former (C.I.A. Agent) to all Americans!

Again, if you have walked the walk along side of me then you can talk about honor and treason. Until then STFU.
I don't have to STFU I have the right to speak and I also don't have to "walk along" the side of you to know what a real patriot is or not, or have the right to talk about honor and treason you goosestepping fascist loving bootlicker! These rights we all have are because REAL men of honor and intelligence fought for them, not because some dumb stooge like you did a stint in the army :lol:

What is funny here is that you are now making a very lame attempt to rope these Militias into your truther movement...
There are many in the militia organizations that are aware of the real facts such as our bill of rights being eroded because of the double speak "Patriot Act" which came to be Because of 9-11, and absolutely do not believe the governments BS on 9-11 because they can see what the real agenda is, and continues to be and are understand that loyalty to the constitution comes FIRST.

You can't even get 3 people on an internet forum to agree with each others theories.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
People may not agree on certain things but we all know we were lied to, and we all admit how corrupt the government is, and we all do not trust many things about it, or the people in it, and we all agree on a new independent investigation in needed, and we all agree our rights are being infringed, and we agree NIST is lying, we agree on many of the major points. We also agree you are a stooge.

When you take all the organizations, and movements, and militia, and civilians, military, politicians, A&E folks, Pilots etc.. there are a substantial amount of Americans who don't believe, trust or agree with the governments version of 9-11, or the other criminal atrocities being forced on us, and when the SHTF they will have been left with no choice but to do what they have to do to defend the constitution and themselves and their fellow Americans from the tyranny.
You will no doubt be on the side that is against all that the nation was founded on, but will be very surprised when your estimate of "3 people on an internet forum" is proven wrong, you will find yourself on the wrong side.
Well then you obviously don't agree or adhere to the beliefs of these other patriotic Americans, who know what is going on in our country, and wont just "follow orders" like your treasonous ass would do.
There are millions of militia, and civilian supporters in the freedom, and truth movements, many ex and current public servants that know about the abuses and lies of past administrations, and are prepared to fight for the constitution and what the nation was founded on, including our rights.
You are an example of a government and party loyalist who thinks is a patriot because he served in the military, when actually a patriot is a loyalist to the constitution first and foremost, political party be damned.
It is good to know that there are good honest free thinkers in the militias, and movements that know what is happening and are not happy about it. Unlike tyrannical government loyalist spooks like you. You would do well to learn a lesson from these real patriots.

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Declaration Of Orders We Will Not Obey

U.A.F.F. Salute Our Heroic American Militia

Freedom Fighter Radio | About

YouTube - Powerful message from former (C.I.A. Agent) to all Americans!

I don't have to STFU I have the right to speak and I also don't have to "walk along" the side of you to know what a real patriot is or not, or have the right to talk about honor and treason you goosestepping fascist loving bootlicker! These rights we all have are because REAL men of honor and intelligence fought for them, not because some dumb stooge like you did a stint in the army :lol:

There are many in the militia organizations that are aware of the real facts such as our bill of rights being eroded because of the double speak "Patriot Act" which came to be Because of 9-11, and absolutely do not believe the governments BS on 9-11 because they can see what the real agenda is, and continues to be and are understand that loyalty to the constitution comes FIRST.

You can't even get 3 people on an internet forum to agree with each others theories.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
People may not agree on certain things but we all know we were lied to, and we all admit how corrupt the government is, and we all do not trust many things about it, or the people in it, and we all agree on a new independent investigation in needed, and we all agree our rights are being infringed, and we agree NIST is lying, we agree on many of the major points. We also agree you are a stooge.

When you take all the organizations, and movements, and militia, and civilians, military, politicians, A&E folks, Pilots etc.. there are a substantial amount of Americans who don't believe, trust or agree with the governments version of 9-11, or the other criminal atrocities being forced on us, and when the SHTF they will have been left with no choice but to do what they have to do to defend the constitution and themselves and their fellow Americans from the tyranny.
You will no doubt be on the side that is against all that the nation was founded on, but will be very surprised when your estimate of "3 people on an internet forum" is proven wrong, you will find yourself on the wrong side.

Dear Mr Shitforbrains Jones,

I will always support the Constitution of the United States. I will not support some fuckwad who accepts the safety that I and millions of other vets gave them with our sweat and blood. Yeah asswipe we veterans made sure that asswipes like you still have freedom of speech. So yep you do have the right to talk shit. Talk all the shit you want. You even have the right to call me a traitor. I made sure that you had that right. We understand that you couldn't walk the walk but your keyboard allows you to talk your talk. But you got nothing that says these groups you tried to link yourself to would support your stupid theories. And yes you would have to walk with me to know if I was a patriot, you see 22 years is not a stint in the Army. It is the total devotion of ones life. And you just don't measure up to calling me anything but Sir.

Now go ask Mommy if it's time for your ice cream yet....

why stop the crises?
why plan to wreck the place with 2 passenger jets and then blow it up?
people are jumping out of buildings when it blows up, why stop the horror?
When did these people put the explosives in?
How did they transport them from the street to all the locations needed to blow up a building that is on fire and has had a 747 cut it in 2, 2/3 up the building
what happens if the jets are stopped?
how long where the explosives there?
where they on every floor?
How did they know what floor to stop on?

its a simple question

Once again the dufass asks the same questions that were already answered over and over again, is this the only part of your job you know how to do on here? I mean it's getting pretty old seeing you post the same old shit, ..:lol:
You are definitely the worst troll I have ever encountered anywhere :lol:
I no longer think you are just playing stupid, but actually are.
Here's a few simple questions...why do you bother to breathe? Someone else could use the oxygen you are wasting...why are you even here?

Where is the honor in being made a fool of? There is no evidence to back up your bullshit, which means people are working off opinion alone. That isn't honor. That is lunacy! It is you and your fellow truthtards who steal these people's honor through your lies and bullshit. You truly are scum of the earth!

After this fool has been there, then and only then, what he has to say about honor will be worth listening to. Now if any of those veterans want to look in my face and tell me the same thing, I will salute them, shake my head, and walk away.

Well then you obviously don't agree or adhere to the beliefs of these other patriotic Americans, who know what is going on in our country, and wont just "follow orders" like your treasonous ass would do.
There are millions of militia, and civilian supporters in the freedom, and truth movements, many ex and current public servants that know about the abuses and lies of past administrations, and are prepared to fight for the constitution and what the nation was founded on, including our rights.
You are an example of a government and party loyalist who thinks is a patriot because he served in the military, when actually a patriot is a loyalist to the constitution first and foremost, political party be damned.
It is good to know that there are good honest free thinkers in the militias, and movements that know what is happening and are not happy about it. Unlike tyrannical government loyalist spooks like you. You would do well to learn a lesson from these real patriots.

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Declaration Of Orders We Will Not Obey

U.A.F.F. Salute Our Heroic American Militia

Freedom Fighter Radio | About

YouTube - Powerful message from former (C.I.A. Agent) to all Americans!

thats because they are not government disinfo agents like Gomer Pyle Ollie and wont sell their soul down the river for money either.

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