9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Please tell us what else it could have been? Jet fuel burned up within minutes and if there had been any thermite it burned up in seconds. C4 would have went boom. So what else is left? You don't have to be Einstein here......

At least you're willing to admit that the jet fuel burned up in minutes, certainly not enough time to weaken massive steel beams...
it's no admission, it's a statement of fact no one has ever denied .
all of the wtc buildings were damaged directly or in directly by the planes.
to deny this is just plain idiocy.
the point is, you've made no brownie points thinking that you've somehow got an admission of a cover up!

Why do you constantly deny what so many people already know? And..if you deny what so many people know, and insist that they are somehow wrong, it is customary in discussions on line or in person, to stand your ground and prove your point.
You always seem to point out how everyone is wrong but you never point out how it is that you are right....Whats the matter dawgshit....have you nothing that substantiates any of your stated positions? :doubt:
You run from a challenge like a little girl who just saw a spider!! You make no "brownie" points of your own thinking you somehow proved whatever point you were thinking you made!
I don't know why the OCT crowd would not try to answer this. It's fucking obvious something other then jetfuel was used to cause the rapid descents..This is another part that is avoided in their explanations....The only thing that comes to mind is the military grade nano thermate
that was mentioned years ago..

"Was the steel tested for explosives or thermite residues? . . . NIST did not test for the residue of these compounds in the steel." -- NIST Responses to FAQs, August 2006

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has had considerable difficulty determining a politically correct sequence of events for the unprecedented destruction of three World Trade Center (WTC) buildings on 9/11 (Douglas 2006, Ryan 2006, Gourley 2007). But despite a number of variations in NIST’s story, it never considered explosives or pyrotechnic materials in any of its hypotheses. This omission is at odds with several other striking facts; first, the requirement of the national standard for fire investigation (NFPA 921), which calls for testing related to thermite and other pyrotechnics, and second, the extensive experience NIST investigators have with explosive and thermite materials.

The extensive evidence that explosives were used at the WTC includes witness testimony (MacQueen 2006), overwhelming physical evidence (Griffin 2005, Hoffman et al 2005, Jones and Legge et al 2008) and simple common sense (Legge 2007). There is also substantial evidence that aluminothermic (thermite) materials were present at the WTC (Jones 2007), and the presence of such materials can explain the existence of intense fire where it would not otherwise have existed. Additionally, despite agreement from all parties that the assumed availability of fuel allowed for the fires in any given location of each of the WTC buildings to last only twenty minutes (NIST 2007), the fires lasted much longer and produced extreme temperatures (Jones and Farrer et al 2008).

These inexplicable fires are a reminder that the WTC buildings were not simply demolished, but were demolished in a deceptive way. That is, the buildings were brought down so as to make it look like the impact of the planes and the resulting fires might have caused their unprecedented, symmetrical destruction. Therefore, shaped charges and other typical explosive configurations were likely used, but there was more to it than that. Those committing the crimes needed to create fire where it would not have existed otherwise, and draw attention toward the part of the buildings where the planes impacted (or in the case of WTC 7, away from the building altogether).

This was most probably accomplished through the use of nano-thermites, which are high-tech energetic materials made by mixing ultra fine grain (UFG) aluminum and UFG metal oxides; usually iron oxide, molybdenum oxide or copper oxide, although other compounds can be used (Prakash 2005, Rai 2005). The mixing is accomplished by adding these reactants to a liquid solution where they form what are called “sols”, and then adding a gelling agent that captures these tiny reactive combinations in their intimately mixed state (LLNL 2000). The resulting “sol-gel” is then dried to form a porous reactive material that can be ignited in a number of ways.

The high surface area of the reactants within energetic sol-gels allows for the far higher rate of energy release than is seen in “macro” thermite mixtures, making nano-thermites “high explosives” as well as pyrotechnic materials (Tillotson et al 1999). Sol-gel nano-thermites, are often called energetic nanocomposites, metastable intermolecular composites (MICs) or superthermite (COEM 2004, Son et al 2007), and silica is often used to create the porous, structural framework (Clapsaddle et al 2004, Zhao et al 2004). Nano-thermites have also been made with RDX (Pivkina et al 2004), and with thermoplastic elastomers (Diaz et al 2003). But it is important to remember that, despite the name, nano-thermites pack a much bigger punch than typical thermite materials.

The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites

This or what else could it have been???

The Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST – formerly the National Bureau of Standards, NBS) is a measurement standards laboratory, expected to produce scientifically verifiable, not falsified, analysis.
9/11 Mythology: The Big Lie of Our Time | Veterans Today

What you have succeeded in proving is that despite legions of 9/11 CTs - some of whom are professionals in their field - and an almost infinite number of web sites dedicated to proving 9/11 was something other than what we've been told, not one has found a smoking gun which would give their speculation, pseudoscience and fabrications at least some legitimacy. Eleven years of braying and still nothing. Amazing! Carry on, Princess. :D

Give us some insight as to why you consider what is available that counters your version of the CT, nothing? You certainly haven't posted anything that does, and all that you do is simply rely on the fact that Federal courts have been ignoring the evidence that you don't even have the guts to respond to directly.
They way you see it, is if the US government, you know the entity that is basically the defendant in this case, doesn't want to defend itself against the allegations that are being made, then there is no case..You never address the proof that is presented against their narrative....You simply hide behind the fact that if they wont even consider the evidence or facts against them, you don't have to respond or address what we and others have to say...You are nothing but a pussy, and a coward...Hows about you engage in what is presented by posters in this thread and the scientific, and physical facts that we point to and the anomalies of what happened instead of hiding behind skirts and strawmen?

This is what you OCT lunatics do....Always avoid the facts presented in these threads and hide behind the skirts of NIST...What a bunch of sorry, sissy little bitches you all are!

C'mon now you little fucking twink, address the facts that we put up with some of your own!

Like you I am neither a physicist nor engineer. Unlike you I don't pretend to be. :D
it's no admission, it's a statement of fact no one has ever denied .
all of the wtc buildings were damaged directly or in directly by the planes.
to deny this is just plain idiocy.
the point is, you've made no brownie points thinking that you've somehow got an admission of a cover up!

The CT's desperation is evidenced by their shrill delusions. Pathetic, really. :D

The desperation of you sissy's is evident, as you never ever respond with anything other then cowardly evasion. We are discussing the jetfuel, and its effects and this is all you have as a response? It's the same with all of your posts, and idiotic threads. You are terrible at advancing the lunacy of your conspiracy theory, and always hide behind false premises, and BS speculation. How about you explain why you theorize that the jetfuel could actually have been the cause of the 3 month long rubble fires?
Or how about you substantiate your position that it is possible for 2 massive hirises to explode, and accelerate their collapses through the path of most resistance? Or how about you substantiate the reasons why you believe that the NIST report is correct, even though we have pointed out evidence of how they lied about their fuel loads, and left out the shear studs in WTC 7 in 2008?

You don't, and I'll bet you won't because you are a coward, pussy little trolling twink, that can't even fathom a coherent response and run away from a challenge in this discussion.
You have been discredited, and exposed as another idiot that knows nothing about what is even being discussed in this section of the USMB.
the wtc towers did not explode. that intentional misstatement of fact destroys any imagined credibility your fantasy HAS.
A false premise is an incorrect proposition that forms the basis of an argument or syllogism. Since the premise (proposition, or assumption) is not correct, the conclusion drawn may be in error. However, the logical validity of an argument is a function of its internal consistency, not the truth value of its premises.
your whole argument is based on a false and unprovable premise I.E. the government did it.
you have no proof of this , therefore any speculation, report, story, stemming from that false premise is also false.
At least you're willing to admit that the jet fuel burned up in minutes, certainly not enough time to weaken massive steel beams...
it's no admission, it's a statement of fact no one has ever denied .
all of the wtc buildings were damaged directly or in directly by the planes.
to deny this is just plain idiocy.
the point is, you've made no brownie points thinking that you've somehow got an admission of a cover up!

Why do you constantly deny what so many people already know? And..if you deny what so many people know, and insist that they are somehow wrong, it is customary in discussions on line or in person, to stand your ground and prove your point.
You always seem to point out how everyone is wrong but you never point out how it is that you are right....Whats the matter dawgshit....have you nothing that substantiates any of your stated positions? :doubt:
You run from a challenge like a little girl who just saw a spider!! You make no "brownie" points of your own thinking you somehow proved whatever point you were thinking you made!
there's that old non point, point you always fall back on when your ass is in a crack .
this so many people you rave about is in reality very small, so small in fact it's not even 1 tenth of 1% of the US population.
it's getting smaller all the time.
as to standing my ground, I've done that in the only way that matters.
I present the facts.
by presenting them ,it's a given that I agree with them, they substantiate themselves.
you on the other hand, yammer endlessly about substance yet in reality you've presented nothing that could be remotely classified as substantive.
it's all subjective, specious, bias bullshit.
so shut the fuck up about substance, you got none.
The CT's desperation is evidenced by their shrill delusions. Pathetic, really. :D

The desperation of you sissy's is evident, as you never ever respond with anything other then cowardly evasion. We are discussing the jetfuel, and its effects and this is all you have as a response? It's the same with all of your posts, and idiotic threads. You are terrible at advancing the lunacy of your conspiracy theory, and always hide behind false premises, and BS speculation. How about you explain why you theorize that the jetfuel could actually have been the cause of the 3 month long rubble fires?
Or how about you substantiate your position that it is possible for 2 massive hirises to explode, and accelerate their collapses through the path of most resistance? Or how about you substantiate the reasons why you believe that the NIST report is correct, even though we have pointed out evidence of how they lied about their fuel loads, and left out the shear studs in WTC 7 in 2008?

You don't, and I'll bet you won't because you are a coward, pussy little trolling twink, that can't even fathom a coherent response and run away from a challenge in this discussion.
You have been discredited, and exposed as another idiot that knows nothing about what is even being discussed in this section of the USMB.
the wtc towers did not explode. that intentional misstatement of fact destroys any imagined credibility your fantasy HAS.
A false premise is an incorrect proposition that forms the basis of an argument or syllogism. Since the premise (proposition, or assumption) is not correct, the conclusion drawn may be in error. However, the logical validity of an argument is a function of its internal consistency, not the truth value of its premises.
your whole argument is based on a false and unprovable premise I.E. the government did it.
you have no proof of this , therefore any speculation, report, story, stemming from that false premise is also false.

Bullshit, to anyone that objectively observes the pictures and better yet the videos, they are exploding, and ejecting tons of steel components considerable distances away.
The required energy to do this AND crush the lower buildings resistance is not consistent with a natural, asymmetrically damaged building, the energy involved can not regenerate itself idiot! Plus where is the jolt, that should have taken place as the descending top halves made contact with the more robust lower sections of the undamaged parts??

But as always, you of course must deny the obvious and what your own eyes see.
The same way that NIST denied the obvious and pretended things relevant to the WTC did not exists, therefore they assumed they didn't have to answer anything about it, and YOU hide behind they're denial, and obfuscations, and never answer or respond directly to what we post that sheds light on this..
You start with a false premise, that concerns the fire temps, and steels properties, and leave out anything that has to do with what actually is expected to happen when 2 masses collide. You do not think, and do not care to try to put what we are saying together. We provide much more information and facts, while you ignore the biggest and most obvious oddities about the collapses.
You can't win an argument by leaving out facts pertaining to it dipshit! :cuckoo:
it's no admission, it's a statement of fact no one has ever denied .
all of the wtc buildings were damaged directly or in directly by the planes.
to deny this is just plain idiocy.
the point is, you've made no brownie points thinking that you've somehow got an admission of a cover up!

Why do you constantly deny what so many people already know? And..if you deny what so many people know, and insist that they are somehow wrong, it is customary in discussions on line or in person, to stand your ground and prove your point.
You always seem to point out how everyone is wrong but you never point out how it is that you are right....Whats the matter dawgshit....have you nothing that substantiates any of your stated positions? :doubt:
You run from a challenge like a little girl who just saw a spider!! You make no "brownie" points of your own thinking you somehow proved whatever point you were thinking you made!

there's that old non point, point you always fall back on when your ass is in a crack .
this so many people you rave about is in reality very small, so small in fact it's not even 1 tenth of 1% of the US population.
it's getting smaller all the time.
Really? Show us the numbers that substantiate this claim..

as to standing my ground, I've done that in the only way that matters.
I present the facts.
This is a bold face lie, as I've been trying to challenge you to post facts that substantiate your positions on this matter since you signed up to the USMB. All anyone has to do is follow your insane post trail, and see that they are full of instances where you avoid putting up anything that resembles one standing their ground. The only thing you stand your ground on is your dodging of what is posted, and your ignorance about the topic.

by presenting them ,it's a given that I agree with them, they substantiate themselves.
By you NOT presenting any facts that support your positions, you appear to not even have any substantiated facts, so it's a given that you talk out of your ass.

you on the other hand, yammer endlessly about substance yet in reality you've presented nothing that could be remotely classified as substantive.
it's all subjective, specious, bias bullshit.
so shut the fuck up about substance, you got none.
Again you have an opinion, and a claim with nothing to show for it. You believe in a conspiracy theory, and the destruction of massive steel hirises, and we don't..We provide evidence that substantiates our position, show you instances where NIST deliberately lied to achieve their insane theory, and you provide response like the ones above. Imaginary, and non existent, IOW, you even lie about your own made up lies!
The desperation of you sissy's is evident, as you never ever respond with anything other then cowardly evasion. We are discussing the jetfuel, and its effects and this is all you have as a response? It's the same with all of your posts, and idiotic threads. You are terrible at advancing the lunacy of your conspiracy theory, and always hide behind false premises, and BS speculation. How about you explain why you theorize that the jetfuel could actually have been the cause of the 3 month long rubble fires?
Or how about you substantiate your position that it is possible for 2 massive hirises to explode, and accelerate their collapses through the path of most resistance? Or how about you substantiate the reasons why you believe that the NIST report is correct, even though we have pointed out evidence of how they lied about their fuel loads, and left out the shear studs in WTC 7 in 2008?

You don't, and I'll bet you won't because you are a coward, pussy little trolling twink, that can't even fathom a coherent response and run away from a challenge in this discussion.
You have been discredited, and exposed as another idiot that knows nothing about what is even being discussed in this section of the USMB.
the wtc towers did not explode. that intentional misstatement of fact destroys any imagined credibility your fantasy HAS.
A false premise is an incorrect proposition that forms the basis of an argument or syllogism. Since the premise (proposition, or assumption) is not correct, the conclusion drawn may be in error. However, the logical validity of an argument is a function of its internal consistency, not the truth value of its premises.
your whole argument is based on a false and unprovable premise I.E. the government did it.
you have no proof of this , therefore any speculation, report, story, stemming from that false premise is also false.

Bullshit, to anyone that objectively observes the pictures and better yet the videos, they are exploding, and ejecting tons of steel components considerable distances away.
The required energy to do this AND crush the lower buildings resistance is not consistent with a natural, asymmetrically damaged building, the energy involved can not regenerate itself idiot! Plus where is the jolt, that should have taken place as the descending top halves made contact with the more robust lower sections of the undamaged parts??

But as always, you of course must deny the obvious and what your own eyes see.
The same way that NIST denied the obvious and pretended things relevant to the WTC did not exists, therefore they assumed they didn't have to answer anything about it, and YOU hide behind they're denial, and obfuscations, and never answer or respond directly to what we post that sheds light on this..
You start with a false premise, that concerns the fire temps, and steels properties, and leave out anything that has to do with what actually is expected to happen when 2 masses collide. You do not think, and do not care to try to put what we are saying together. We provide much more information and facts, while you ignore the biggest and most obvious oddities about the collapses.
You can't win an argument by leaving out facts pertaining to it dipshit! :cuckoo:
the deeper the bullshit the longer the post.
Big Brother is good and knows what's best for you. And if you believe otherwise, you're an 'America-Hating Tinfoil Hat-Wearing Nutjob.'

That sums up the loyal Goose Stepper sentiment. You're never gonna get through to most of em. The best you can hope for, is that you get through to a few.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThLaswlmDSQ]9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - Everything you ever wanted to know about 9/11 in under 5 minutes - YouTube[/ame]
Why do you constantly deny what so many people already know? And..if you deny what so many people know, and insist that they are somehow wrong, it is customary in discussions on line or in person, to stand your ground and prove your point.
You always seem to point out how everyone is wrong but you never point out how it is that you are right....Whats the matter dawgshit....have you nothing that substantiates any of your stated positions? :doubt:
You run from a challenge like a little girl who just saw a spider!! You make no "brownie" points of your own thinking you somehow proved whatever point you were thinking you made!

there's that old non point, point you always fall back on when your ass is in a crack .
this so many people you rave about is in reality very small, so small in fact it's not even 1 tenth of 1% of the US population.
it's getting smaller all the time.
Really? Show us the numbers that substantiate this claim..

This is a bold face lie, as I've been trying to challenge you to post facts that substantiate your positions on this matter since you signed up to the USMB. All anyone has to do is follow your insane post trail, and see that they are full of instances where you avoid putting up anything that resembles one standing their ground. The only thing you stand your ground on is your dodging of what is posted, and your ignorance about the topic.

By you NOT presenting any facts that support your positions, you appear to not even have any substantiated facts, so it's a given that you talk out of your ass.

you on the other hand, yammer endlessly about substance yet in reality you've presented nothing that could be remotely classified as substantive.
it's all subjective, specious, bias bullshit.
so shut the fuck up about substance, you got none.
Again you have an opinion, and a claim with nothing to show for it. You believe in a conspiracy theory, and the destruction of massive steel hirises, and we don't..We provide evidence that substantiates our position, show you instances where NIST deliberately lied to achieve their insane theory, and you provide response like the ones above. Imaginary, and non existent, IOW, you even lie about your own made up lies!
this is nothing more than a long winded
get over it sister jones.
stop being a pissy school girl.
What you have succeeded in proving is that despite legions of 9/11 CTs - some of whom are professionals in their field - and an almost infinite number of web sites dedicated to proving 9/11 was something other than what we've been told, not one has found a smoking gun which would give their speculation, pseudoscience and fabrications at least some legitimacy. Eleven years of braying and still nothing. Amazing! Carry on, Princess. :D

Give us some insight as to why you consider what is available that counters your version of the CT, nothing? You certainly haven't posted anything that does, and all that you do is simply rely on the fact that Federal courts have been ignoring the evidence that you don't even have the guts to respond to directly.
They way you see it, is if the US government, you know the entity that is basically the defendant in this case, doesn't want to defend itself against the allegations that are being made, then there is no case..You never address the proof that is presented against their narrative....You simply hide behind the fact that if they wont even consider the evidence or facts against them, you don't have to respond or address what we and others have to say...You are nothing but a pussy, and a coward...Hows about you engage in what is presented by posters in this thread and the scientific, and physical facts that we point to and the anomalies of what happened instead of hiding behind skirts and strawmen?

This is what you OCT lunatics do....Always avoid the facts presented in these threads and hide behind the skirts of NIST...What a bunch of sorry, sissy little bitches you all are!

C'mon now you little fucking twink, address the facts that we put up with some of your own!

Like you I am neither a physicist nor engineer. Unlike you I don't pretend to be. :D

You don't have to be a physicist, or engineer to grasp the basics, and the ones that NIST avoids...What are you afraid of? You boast of your representation abilities, like some off the wall narcissist, but you can't even muster the ability to learn what the first, and most important, and glaring issues are, that dismisses the conspiracy theory that you believe in
as extremely inaccurate, not workable, and places it at an extremely low level of possibility and even remotely close to being anywhere near accurate.

You are lame, and lazy and hide behind a theory that has been exposed as being full of flaws, in its data, evidence collection, and results, especially the results of WTC 7, specifically the computer simulation, and its hidden data...

You avoid the basic issues, by hiding behind weak opinions that do not at all dismiss the facts that we posted. We ask you to substantiate your positions with some insight, and you refuse to, while thanking others that do the exact same thing as you do.
You simply generalize this topic as another "CT", while feining ignorance, about what WE post. One can reasonably infer then, that you also don't have the capacity to understand that which you claim to believe in, IE: the NIST theory!
So how is it you DO understand what the NIST is theorizing, but claim ignorance to the information others have against it???

You avoid this glaring discrepancy at every step, and every post that challenges your insane CT is met with non answers or excuses while you are admitting you are simply too dumb and can't understand things, this truly reflects very poorly on you, and shows what a dumb, non thinking, coward pompous twink you are.
So to summarize your stance on this topic, we can infer that you are too dumb and or lazy to study what the main objections are to the wild conspiracy theory that you wholeheartedly believe in, while believing that your CT is correct....while not even knowing what it is really about, or what it even consists of???
You are all talk, and no substance and are a very weak link among the OCT worshiping tin foil hatters!!!

From a tyrant who knew a thing or two about mass propaganda and how it applied in his era, and in your case....now.

“All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be.” –Adolf Hitler

This statement fits you like a glove, twinkie!
the wtc towers did not explode. that intentional misstatement of fact destroys any imagined credibility your fantasy HAS.
A false premise is an incorrect proposition that forms the basis of an argument or syllogism. Since the premise (proposition, or assumption) is not correct, the conclusion drawn may be in error. However, the logical validity of an argument is a function of its internal consistency, not the truth value of its premises.
your whole argument is based on a false and unprovable premise I.E. the government did it.
you have no proof of this , therefore any speculation, report, story, stemming from that false premise is also false.

Bullshit, to anyone that objectively observes the pictures and better yet the videos, they are exploding, and ejecting tons of steel components considerable distances away.
The required energy to do this AND crush the lower buildings resistance is not consistent with a natural, asymmetrically damaged building, the energy involved can not regenerate itself idiot! Plus where is the jolt, that should have taken place as the descending top halves made contact with the more robust lower sections of the undamaged parts??

But as always, you of course must deny the obvious and what your own eyes see.
The same way that NIST denied the obvious and pretended things relevant to the WTC did not exists, therefore they assumed they didn't have to answer anything about it, and YOU hide behind they're denial, and obfuscations, and never answer or respond directly to what we post that sheds light on this..
You start with a false premise, that concerns the fire temps, and steels properties, and leave out anything that has to do with what actually is expected to happen when 2 masses collide. You do not think, and do not care to try to put what we are saying together. We provide much more information and facts, while you ignore the biggest and most obvious oddities about the collapses.
You can't win an argument by leaving out facts pertaining to it dipshit! :cuckoo:
the deeper the bullshit the longer the post.

The shorter your post, the more correct we are about you, dipshit!
Again an epic dodge, and fail. You can't even muster a defense against the claims I made against YOU!!! What a pussy you are!
Really? Show us the numbers that substantiate this claim..

This is a bold face lie, as I've been trying to challenge you to post facts that substantiate your positions on this matter since you signed up to the USMB. All anyone has to do is follow your insane post trail, and see that they are full of instances where you avoid putting up anything that resembles one standing their ground. The only thing you stand your ground on is your dodging of what is posted, and your ignorance about the topic.

By you NOT presenting any facts that support your positions, you appear to not even have any substantiated facts, so it's a given that you talk out of your ass.

Again you have an opinion, and a claim with nothing to show for it. You believe in a conspiracy theory, and the destruction of massive steel hirises, and we don't..We provide evidence that substantiates our position, show you instances where NIST deliberately lied to achieve their insane theory, and you provide response like the ones above. Imaginary, and non existent, IOW, you even lie about your own made up lies!
this is nothing more than a long winded
get over it sister jones.
stop being a pissy school girl.

Actually my post to you is on point, factual and true, and by your lack of even an attempt to defend yourself, and the claim that you "stand your ground" and present "facts" proves what a weak, little coward bitch you truly are dawgshit101!! :clap2:
Thanks for helping to prove my point, and substantiating my claims about you yet AGAIN!
Bullshit, to anyone that objectively observes the pictures and better yet the videos, they are exploding, and ejecting tons of steel components considerable distances away.
The required energy to do this AND crush the lower buildings resistance is not consistent with a natural, asymmetrically damaged building, the energy involved can not regenerate itself idiot! Plus where is the jolt, that should have taken place as the descending top halves made contact with the more robust lower sections of the undamaged parts??

But as always, you of course must deny the obvious and what your own eyes see.
The same way that NIST denied the obvious and pretended things relevant to the WTC did not exists, therefore they assumed they didn't have to answer anything about it, and YOU hide behind they're denial, and obfuscations, and never answer or respond directly to what we post that sheds light on this..
You start with a false premise, that concerns the fire temps, and steels properties, and leave out anything that has to do with what actually is expected to happen when 2 masses collide. You do not think, and do not care to try to put what we are saying together. We provide much more information and facts, while you ignore the biggest and most obvious oddities about the collapses.
You can't win an argument by leaving out facts pertaining to it dipshit! :cuckoo:
the deeper the bullshit the longer the post.

The shorter your post, the more correct we are about you, dipshit!
Again an epic dodge, and fail. You can't even muster a defense against the claims I made against YOU!!! What a pussy you are!

Probably time for him or her to whip out one of their Sock Trolls. The countdown is on till the SAYIT/Candyass/del Socks show up. 5 4 3 2...
Last edited:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMZ-nkYr46w]9/11 Debunked: World Trade Center's Collapse Explained - YouTube[/ame]
Give us some insight as to why you consider what is available that counters your version of the CT, nothing? You certainly haven't posted anything that does, and all that you do is simply rely on the fact that Federal courts have been ignoring the evidence that you don't even have the guts to respond to directly.
They way you see it, is if the US government, you know the entity that is basically the defendant in this case, doesn't want to defend itself against the allegations that are being made, then there is no case..You never address the proof that is presented against their narrative....You simply hide behind the fact that if they wont even consider the evidence or facts against them, you don't have to respond or address what we and others have to say...You are nothing but a pussy, and a coward...Hows about you engage in what is presented by posters in this thread and the scientific, and physical facts that we point to and the anomalies of what happened instead of hiding behind skirts and strawmen?

This is what you OCT lunatics do....Always avoid the facts presented in these threads and hide behind the skirts of NIST...What a bunch of sorry, sissy little bitches you all are!

C'mon now you little fucking twink, address the facts that we put up with some of your own!

Like you I am neither a physicist nor engineer. Unlike you I don't pretend to be. :D

You don't have to be a physicist, or engineer to grasp the basics, and the ones that NIST avoids...What are you afraid of? You boast of your representation abilities, like some off the wall narcissist ... blah, blah, blah...

You now have the opportunity to repost anything of mine in which I boast of any of my abilities. Like all your silly CT "facts" my alleged boasting is simply another of your ever-growing list of fabrications. Your entire life is just lies piled on lies. Pathetic, but you are a complete waste of a human being. Carry on, Princess. :D
Ha Ha! Right on cue. One of dawgshit's Sock Trolls shows up. So predictable. Man, can i call em or what? lol! :)
this is nothing more than a long winded
get over it sister jones.
stop being a pissy school girl.

Actually my post to you is on point, factual and true, and by your lack of even an attempt to defend yourself, and the claim that you "stand your ground" and present "facts" proves what a weak, little coward bitch you truly are dawgshit101!! :clap2:
Thanks for helping to prove my point, and substantiating my claims about you yet AGAIN!

Delusional. I love when these foil-hatters, after making complete fools of themselves, stand up and pat themselves on the back. What a bunch of lame-dicked freaks. :D
Actually my post to you is on point, factual and true, and by your lack of even an attempt to defend yourself, and the claim that you "stand your ground" and present "facts" proves what a weak, little coward bitch you truly are dawgshit101!! :clap2:
Thanks for helping to prove my point, and substantiating my claims about you yet AGAIN!

Delusional. I love when these foil-hatters, after making complete fools of themselves, stand up and pat themselves on the back. What a bunch of lame-dicked freaks. :D

Sure, whatever you say dawgshit/Candyass/del. Such cowardly lameness.
Bullshit, to anyone that objectively observes the pictures and better yet the videos, they are exploding, and ejecting tons of steel components considerable distances away.
The required energy to do this AND crush the lower buildings resistance is not consistent with a natural, asymmetrically damaged building, the energy involved can not regenerate itself idiot! Plus where is the jolt, that should have taken place as the descending top halves made contact with the more robust lower sections of the undamaged parts??

But as always, you of course must deny the obvious and what your own eyes see.
The same way that NIST denied the obvious and pretended things relevant to the WTC did not exists, therefore they assumed they didn't have to answer anything about it, and YOU hide behind they're denial, and obfuscations, and never answer or respond directly to what we post that sheds light on this..
You start with a false premise, that concerns the fire temps, and steels properties, and leave out anything that has to do with what actually is expected to happen when 2 masses collide. You do not think, and do not care to try to put what we are saying together. We provide much more information and facts, while you ignore the biggest and most obvious oddities about the collapses.
You can't win an argument by leaving out facts pertaining to it dipshit! :cuckoo:
the deeper the bullshit the longer the post.

The shorter your post, the more correct we are about you, dipshit!
Again an epic dodge, and fail. You can't even muster a defense against the claims I made against YOU!!! What a pussy you are!
you would think that, but it has about much credibility as all the other shit you post.
no need to muster anything lol I'm immune to mental disorders and bogus challenges
Like you I am neither a physicist nor engineer. Unlike you I don't pretend to be. :D

You don't have to be a physicist, or engineer to grasp the basics, and the ones that NIST avoids...What are you afraid of? You boast of your representation abilities, like some off the wall narcissist ... blah, blah, blah...

You now have the opportunity to repost anything of mine in which I boast of any of my abilities. Like all your silly CT "facts" my alleged boasting is simply another of your ever-growing list of fabrications. Your entire life is just lies piled on lies. Pathetic, but you are a complete waste of a human being. Carry on, Princess. :D

Your offer to represent people, that you obviously feel you are competent about your abilities enough to offer on a message board, but sadly in disgrace now you back track and try to slither and slide away from your grandiose illusion like the little twinkie slimely slug that you have been exposed to really be, but for anyone who wishes to undertake a search, there is evidence of this but you have been discredited and are nothing but a bore. You continuously respond with meaningless BS, and run away from the challenges posed to you, carry on with your little fantasy, twinkie, your are at least providing some good humor. :clap2:

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