9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

as I stated before there were millions of tons of gypsum wallboard, plastics, wood, paper, cardboard, ink, toner batteries.. just to name a few...
ever hare the term "banking a fire"?
if you had you'd know how a fire could burn for weeks in a low oxygen environment
also Mr. one live brain cell try googling coal mime fires.. some have burned for decades.

You obviously missed my post explaining to you that gypsum DOESN'T BURN!

Coal is VERY combustible which is why it's used for home heat, power generation, etc.

IOW, it AIN'T gypsum!

Drywall, sometimes called gypsum or sheetrock, does naturally provide some fire resistance. The predominant material in the drywall sheet, gypsum, does not burn. However, the paper the sheet is encased in does burn and heat does transfer through the drywall, increasing the possibility of combustion within the wall.
The PAPER? Yeah, you run with that...
"Iron commences to 'burn' at 2500[F],
"At 1000C iron burns as easily as wood."
"With bellows blowing additional air through the fire, it can reach temperatures of about 3,000° Fahrenheit. Iron burns at 2,800°,

Jet Fuel

SLCOJet Fuel is a type of aviation fuel designed for use in jet-engined aircraft.

The most common fuel is an unleaded/paraffin oil-based fuel classified as JET A-1, which is produced to an internationally standardized set of specifications. In the United States only, a version of JET A-1 known as JET A is also used.

The only other jet fuel that is commonly used in civilian aviation is called JET B. JET B is a fuel in the naptha-kerosene region that is used for its enhanced cold-weather performance. However, JET B's lighter composition makes it more dangerous to handle, and it is thus restricted only to areas where its cold-weather characteristics are absolutely necessary.


Flash point 38°C
Auto-ignition temperature 210°C
Freezing point -47°C (-40°C for JET A)
Open air burning temperatures 260-315°C (500-599°F)
Maximum burning temperature 980°C (1796 °F)
Density at 15 °C (60 °F) 0.775-0.840 kg/L
:: ME Petroleum :: Jet Fuel

In other words, even at MAXIMUM burning temperature it doesn't get hot enough to ignite iron.

Try again?
You obviously missed my post explaining to you that gypsum DOESN'T BURN!

Coal is VERY combustible which is why it's used for home heat, power generation, etc.

IOW, it AIN'T gypsum!

Drywall, sometimes called gypsum or sheetrock, does naturally provide some fire resistance. The predominant material in the drywall sheet, gypsum, does not burn. However, the paper the sheet is encased in does burn and heat does transfer through the drywall, increasing the possibility of combustion within the wall.
The PAPER? Yeah, you run with that...
"Iron commences to 'burn' at 2500[F],
"At 1000C iron burns as easily as wood."
"With bellows blowing additional air through the fire, it can reach temperatures of about 3,000° Fahrenheit. Iron burns at 2,800°,

Jet Fuel

SLCOJet Fuel is a type of aviation fuel designed for use in jet-engined aircraft.

The most common fuel is an unleaded/paraffin oil-based fuel classified as JET A-1, which is produced to an internationally standardized set of specifications. In the United States only, a version of JET A-1 known as JET A is also used.

The only other jet fuel that is commonly used in civilian aviation is called JET B. JET B is a fuel in the naptha-kerosene region that is used for its enhanced cold-weather performance. However, JET B's lighter composition makes it more dangerous to handle, and it is thus restricted only to areas where its cold-weather characteristics are absolutely necessary.


Flash point 38°C
Auto-ignition temperature 210°C
Freezing point -47°C (-40°C for JET A)
Open air burning temperatures 260-315°C (500-599°F)
Maximum burning temperature 980°C (1796 °F)
Density at 15 °C (60 °F) 0.775-0.840 kg/L
:: ME Petroleum :: Jet Fuel

In other words, even at MAXIMUM burning temperature it doesn't get hot enough to ignite iron.

Try again?
it was not the jet fuel that kept the fire burning
nice job of cherry picking that's soo twoofer of you!
the office furniture deny was more than hot enough to set the steel burring.
guess you've never been to Manhattan there is an almost constant wind off the river and the Atlantic to fan the fire.
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Gee it wasn't the stuff in the building but they don't know what it was..........

It was all the stuff that was in the building..... And nothing else..... Except for a little bit of stuff that was on the planes......
Drywall, sometimes called gypsum or sheetrock, does naturally provide some fire resistance. The predominant material in the drywall sheet, gypsum, does not burn. However, the paper the sheet is encased in does burn and heat does transfer through the drywall, increasing the possibility of combustion within the wall.
The PAPER? Yeah, you run with that...
"Iron commences to 'burn' at 2500[F],
"At 1000C iron burns as easily as wood."
"With bellows blowing additional air through the fire, it can reach temperatures of about 3,000° Fahrenheit. Iron burns at 2,800°,

Jet Fuel

SLCOJet Fuel is a type of aviation fuel designed for use in jet-engined aircraft.

The most common fuel is an unleaded/paraffin oil-based fuel classified as JET A-1, which is produced to an internationally standardized set of specifications. In the United States only, a version of JET A-1 known as JET A is also used.

The only other jet fuel that is commonly used in civilian aviation is called JET B. JET B is a fuel in the naptha-kerosene region that is used for its enhanced cold-weather performance. However, JET B's lighter composition makes it more dangerous to handle, and it is thus restricted only to areas where its cold-weather characteristics are absolutely necessary.


Flash point 38°C
Auto-ignition temperature 210°C
Freezing point -47°C (-40°C for JET A)
Open air burning temperatures 260-315°C (500-599°F)
Maximum burning temperature 980°C (1796 °F)
Density at 15 °C (60 °F) 0.775-0.840 kg/L
:: ME Petroleum :: Jet Fuel

In other words, even at MAXIMUM burning temperature it doesn't get hot enough to ignite iron.

Try again?
it was not the jet fuel that kept the fire burning
nice job of cherry picking that's soo twoofer of you!
the office furniture deny was more than hot enough to set the steel burring.
guess you've never been to Manhattan there is an almost constant wind off the river and the Atlantic to fan the fire.
Please name me the component of office furniture that burns at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Please explain to us how the wind was getting under and through 12 stories worth of debris.

The PAPER? Yeah, you run with that...

Jet Fuel

SLCOJet Fuel is a type of aviation fuel designed for use in jet-engined aircraft.

The most common fuel is an unleaded/paraffin oil-based fuel classified as JET A-1, which is produced to an internationally standardized set of specifications. In the United States only, a version of JET A-1 known as JET A is also used.

The only other jet fuel that is commonly used in civilian aviation is called JET B. JET B is a fuel in the naptha-kerosene region that is used for its enhanced cold-weather performance. However, JET B's lighter composition makes it more dangerous to handle, and it is thus restricted only to areas where its cold-weather characteristics are absolutely necessary.


Flash point 38°C
Auto-ignition temperature 210°C
Freezing point -47°C (-40°C for JET A)
Open air burning temperatures 260-315°C (500-599°F)
Maximum burning temperature 980°C (1796 °F)
Density at 15 °C (60 °F) 0.775-0.840 kg/L
:: ME Petroleum :: Jet Fuel

In other words, even at MAXIMUM burning temperature it doesn't get hot enough to ignite iron.

Try again?
it was not the jet fuel that kept the fire burning
nice job of cherry picking that's soo twoofer of you!
the office furniture deny was more than hot enough to set the steel burring.
guess you've never been to Manhattan there is an almost constant wind off the river and the Atlantic to fan the fire.
Please name me the component of office furniture that burns at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Please explain to us how the wind was getting under and through 12 stories worth of debris.


Please tell us what else it could have been? Jet fuel burned up within minutes and if there had been any thermite it burned up in seconds. C4 would have went boom. So what else is left? You don't have to be Einstein here......
And what has to have caused it to be so hot? Thermite burns out in a few seconds.........

Whatever it was, was able to achieve temperatures hot enough to turn whatever metal it contacted red hot, and according to witnesses, hot enough to melt metal.

It is well known that thermite/mate is able to be used underwater, where it burns with out the aid of surrounding oxygen, as it has its own oxygen supply. This is one of the reasons it is speculated it was one of the incendiaries used at the WTC.
Speculation has revolved around the nano thermite/mate.
NIST has done much research with respect to the nano technology compounds, so they are familiar with this, and it's rather strange they seemed to act as though it is some obscure chemical.
Whatever was used was super hot, and required little to no oxygen.
It is amazing when watching videos of the towers seemingly exploding, and ejecting tons of massive steel components away from the building, while observing the rapidness of their descents, and the squibs that protrude way down below the collapse fronts. 2 huge buildings destroyed with equal manifestations, coming down through the parts of themselves that were built with so much more reinforcement....and to observe the lengths that NIST and others have gone to in trying to obscure reality is even more shocking.
did you miss the point about thermite burning out after a few seconds even if there were tons of It, it would not last more then a few hours, [ame=http://youtu.be/dkODHlDQpeU]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 5 - YouTube[/ame]
No but you seemed to have missed out on a few years worth of discussion on these boards, that this video and the strawman argument it tries to make has been totally fucking answered and debunked long ago!
You once again display a lack of knowledge and display an ignorant lack of up to date information...It ain't sparkler thermite that is being claimed was used you fucking dummy!

The narrator of this videos states "the real evidence of any CD is in the aftermath"
well this is disingenuous of her to say, as we all know the majority of the steel that should have been analyzed was immediately taken away, and made unavailable for inspection and diagnosis. Take away the evidence, then say there was no evidence?

No "detonators or "tell tale signs" she says....Well what the fuck do expect to find, if A-
the majority of the steel was hauled away and NOT made available for detailed analysis, and
B-They admitted they didn't even bother to look for any signs of a CD in the first place!

This video is evidence of the slight of hand and deception that took place while saying there was no evidence because there wasn't much to inspect.
However FEMA did mention the eutectic pieces of steel that they admitted left them puzzled.

Two structural steel members with unusual erosion patterns were observed in the WTC debris field. The first appeared to be from WTC 7 and the second from either WTC 1 or WTC 2. Samples were taken from these beams and labeled Sample 1 and Sample 2, respectively. A metallurgic examination was conducted.

Summary for Sample 1
The thinning of the steel occurred by a high-temperture corrosion due to a combination of oxidation and sulfidation.
Heating of the steel into a hot corrosive environment approaching 1,000 °C (1,800 °F) results in the formation of a eutectic mixture of iron, oxygen, and sulfur that liquefied the steel.
The sulfidation attack of steel grain boundaries accelerated the corrosion and erosion of the steel.

No mention of this readily available fact about what FEMA found in your video..

And to equate a child's sparkler with what is alleged to have been found in the WTC dust in nano form!! At least she admitted how fucking hot it burns...4500 deg. F.

And again in this video, they use 100's of lbs. of thermite while avoiding the allegations that a military grade of nano thermate would be the better and most likely compound used ...Not the same shit that is used in children's sparklers!!
This video and the absurd, disingenuous explanations may be sufficient for those of you that don't know, or most likely refuse to admit that there is a military grade of nano thermate that has been used for decades, but for those of us who have looked into this further we know better, and most likely so do the people that put this strawman video together.
Anyone who has been following this should know by now of the allegations that
the compound that has been theorized to have been used does not have to be in 1000's of lbs, or has to be held in place..
.And yes thermite/mate has been used to burn through steel beams..Good God this video and the BS in it has been debunked, and thrown in the garbage bin of discussion because it is based on lies, and is nothing more then a strawman argument, and is just as much bullshit as them declaring that there was "nothing in the debris to indicate a CD was ever found" for the reasons I stated above-- no steel to examine, and no one bothering to look for evidence of a CD, even though the "collapses" had many of the tell tale characteristics of one..

Furthermore, you people are asking someone on a message board what kept the rubble piles burning??
Are you fucking serious?? We all would like to know the answer to that question, and we all depended on NIST or someone to explain this to us, but how can you expect an answer when they denied these molten rubble piles even existed??
This video is but one of a long line of examples of evasiveness and strawman tactics they, and NIST have used to avoid the real issues while ignoring evidence or refusing to even acknowledge other facts that make their theory total fucking BS, and physically impossible.

Why don't you people stop with the non sense and strawman tactics and try to find out and explain how these massive steel structures could fall in on themselves, through the path of MOST resistance, in such short amount of time???
NIST hasn't explained any of this with any scientific clarity, yet you fucks expect us to explain what they were supposed to???

But at least you people have at last admitted to the existence of these peculiar rubble pile fires, and the molten metal they produced, I'll give credit for that and though your guesses are extremely ridiculous,(wood, Gypsum board??) you are at least past being fearful and ignoring them and at least trying to tackle it and think it through, so some progress is being made!!! :clap2:

But NO....wood and office furnishings are not very likely to continue to burn for 3 months, and be unable to be extinguished even with 1000's of gallons of industrial Pyrocool being applied. But don't feel bad, many other people are just as frustrated if not more about this, as we truly were looking forward to a viable and reasonable explanation to this oddity, but NIST decided to ignore a lot of things.

The fact remains that something was used that assisted the demise of those 1/4 mile vertical humongous hirises, and the WTC 7. There is no doubt about that, and ignoring this fact does not explain it away, or makes it a non issue.

Enhanced Explosive Materials Using Nano-Particulate Metal Fuels
Metal fluorocarbon mixtures have been recognized since World War II as highly reactive pyrotechnics. Their use as explosives, however, has, until recently, been limited due to the inherently low reaction rates of the metal particles with the fluorocarbon material. Scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory have discovered that these slow reaction rates can be greatly enhanced by substituting nano-sized aluminum for the conventional micron-sized metal powders, enabling various applications heretofore not possible with metal fluorocarbon mixtures.

Since metallic fuels have long been used in rocketry and ballistics, there is a great deal of information on the subject that operatives planning the 9/11 attack could draw upon. Additionally, they would be able to take advantage of recent advances in nano-thermite research by some of the same entities that were involved in the official WTC investigations.

Nano-Thermites and NIST: Connections

By reading NIST's responses to questions about the use of aluminothermic incendiaries, one could get the impression that NIST's investigators had never heard of super-thermites or nano-thermites. Their August 2006 FAQ asserts:
Thermite burns slowly relative to explosive materials and can require several minutes in contact with a massive steel section to heat it to a temperature that would result in substantial weakening.

But, as Kevin Ryan points out in his July 2008 article The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites, NIST, including its leadership, has been on the forefront of research into advanced aluminothermic mixutures, also described as energetic nanocomposites, metastable intermolecular composites, and superthermites.

The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites

Perhaps this explains why NIST's answers to questions about aluminothermic arson seem so transparently disingenuous, and why NIST avoided even mentioning the material in Appendix C of FEMA's Report.

And also not mentioned in your BS video....

9-11 Research: Aluminothermic Technology
it was not the jet fuel that kept the fire burning
nice job of cherry picking that's soo twoofer of you!
the office furniture deny was more than hot enough to set the steel burring.
guess you've never been to Manhattan there is an almost constant wind off the river and the Atlantic to fan the fire.
Please name me the component of office furniture that burns at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Please explain to us how the wind was getting under and through 12 stories worth of debris.


Please tell us what else it could have been? Jet fuel burned up within minutes and if there had been any thermite it burned up in seconds. C4 would have went boom. So what else is left? You don't have to be Einstein here......

At least you're willing to admit that the jet fuel burned up in minutes, certainly not enough time to weaken massive steel beams...
Conspiracy or SNAFU, either way the government completely failed us.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdMqX_F66rE&feature=endscreen&NR=1]Fresh Kills (Landfill) - WTC Debris Burial Ground, pt. 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1aXxIVitZU]Rare pieces of wtc debris w "plane" parts. - YouTube[/ame]
But there was no investigation.......
No, there was no Proper investigation.

Sending all the steel immediately to China then putting the rest of the wreckage in a landfill is not part of a proper Investigation.

9-11 Research: NTSB Reports
In late 2001 and early 2002, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) filed reports detailing information of the four commandeered flights, based on a combination of air traffic control recordings and, in the case of United Flight 93, the plane's flight data recorder. However, these reports remained hidden from public view for years. Even today, the entries in the NTSB database for the 9/11/2001 crashes state:
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Safety Board provided requested technical assistance to the FBI, and this material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI. The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report or open a public docket.
Please name me the component of office furniture that burns at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Please explain to us how the wind was getting under and through 12 stories worth of debris.


Please tell us what else it could have been? Jet fuel burned up within minutes and if there had been any thermite it burned up in seconds. C4 would have went boom. So what else is left? You don't have to be Einstein here......

At least you're willing to admit that the jet fuel burned up in minutes, certainly not enough time to weaken massive steel beams...

Straw Man alert!
No one said it was the jet fuel that destroyed the horizontal beam's connections to their vertical supports. Stop playing amateur physicist here and get busy compiling your case, Princess. There's big bucks, fame and glory awaiting those who can recover that insurance money. :D
But there was no investigation.......
No, there was no Proper investigation.

Sending all the steel immediately to China then putting the rest of the wreckage in a landfill is not part of a proper Investigation.

9-11 Research: NTSB Reports
In late 2001 and early 2002, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) filed reports detailing information of the four commandeered flights, based on a combination of air traffic control recordings and, in the case of United Flight 93, the plane's flight data recorder. However, these reports remained hidden from public view for years. Even today, the entries in the NTSB database for the 9/11/2001 crashes state:
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Safety Board provided requested technical assistance to the FBI, and this material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI. The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report or open a public docket.

Evidently your case is based on a LIE. None of the steel was "sent immediately to China," not all of it was recycled and it took 8 months to remove the last of the steel from the site. No wonder you dabble here instead of preparing your case for trial ... you have no case. :D
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Please tell us what else it could have been? Jet fuel burned up within minutes and if there had been any thermite it burned up in seconds. C4 would have went boom. So what else is left? You don't have to be Einstein here......

At least you're willing to admit that the jet fuel burned up in minutes, certainly not enough time to weaken massive steel beams...

Straw Man alert!
No one said it was the jet fuel that destroyed the horizontal beam's connections to their vertical supports. Stop playing amateur physicist here and get busy compiling your case, Princess. There's big bucks, fame and glory awaiting those who can recover that insurance money. :D
Bullshit Alert! NIST said it!
FAQs - NIST WTC Towers Investigation
(1) the impact of the planes severed and damaged support columns, dislodged fireproofing insulation coating the steel floor trusses and steel columns, and widely dispersed jet fuel over multiple floors; and (2) the subsequent unusually large number of jet-fuel ignited multi-floor fires (which reached temperatures as high as 1,000 degrees Celsius, or 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) significantly weakened the floors and columns with dislodged fireproofing to the point where floors sagged and pulled inward on the perimeter columns. This led to the inward bowing of the perimeter columns and failure of the south face of WTC 1 and the east face of WTC 2, initiating the collapse of each of the towers.
I'm still awaiting PM of your personal info but I'm having serious doubts as to your ability to argue ANY case.
Evidently your case is based on a LIE. None of the steel was "sent immediately to China" and it took 8 months to remove all the steel from the site. No wonder you dabble here instead of preparing your case for trial ... you have no case. :D
More Bullshit from the uninformed! From Jan 2002:
Baosteel Will Recycle World Trade Center Debris
A shipment of scrap steel from New York's collapsed World Trade Center will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow, according to media reports. The steel was bought by Shanghai Baosteel Group Corp. and several other domestic mills, which are always eager to buy scrap metal.
At least you're willing to admit that the jet fuel burned up in minutes, certainly not enough time to weaken massive steel beams...

Straw Man alert!
No one said it was the jet fuel that destroyed the horizontal beam's connections to their vertical supports. Stop playing amateur physicist here and get busy compiling your case, Princess. There's big bucks, fame and glory awaiting those who can recover that insurance money. :D
Bullshit Alert! NIST said it!
FAQs - NIST WTC Towers Investigation
(1) the impact of the planes severed and damaged support columns, dislodged fireproofing insulation coating the steel floor trusses and steel columns, and widely dispersed jet fuel over multiple floors; and (2) the subsequent unusually large number of jet-fuel ignited multi-floor fires (which reached temperatures as high as 1,000 degrees Celsius, or 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) significantly weakened the floors and columns with dislodged fireproofing to the point where floors sagged and pulled inward on the perimeter columns. This led to the inward bowing of the perimeter columns and failure of the south face of WTC 1 and the east face of WTC 2, initiating the collapse of each of the towers.
I'm still awaiting PM of your personal info but I'm having serious doubts as to your ability to argue ANY case.

We really do need some reading comprehension skills. Jet fuel ignited does not mean jet fuel.
Straw Man alert!
No one said it was the jet fuel that destroyed the horizontal beam's connections to their vertical supports. Stop playing amateur physicist here and get busy compiling your case, Princess. There's big bucks, fame and glory awaiting those who can recover that insurance money. :D
Bullshit Alert! NIST said it!
FAQs - NIST WTC Towers Investigation
(1) the impact of the planes severed and damaged support columns, dislodged fireproofing insulation coating the steel floor trusses and steel columns, and widely dispersed jet fuel over multiple floors; and (2) the subsequent unusually large number of jet-fuel ignited multi-floor fires (which reached temperatures as high as 1,000 degrees Celsius, or 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) significantly weakened the floors and columns with dislodged fireproofing to the point where floors sagged and pulled inward on the perimeter columns. This led to the inward bowing of the perimeter columns and failure of the south face of WTC 1 and the east face of WTC 2, initiating the collapse of each of the towers.
I'm still awaiting PM of your personal info but I'm having serious doubts as to your ability to argue ANY case.

We really do need some reading comprehension skills. Jet fuel ignited does not mean jet fuel.
You really need reading comprehension skills. Jet Fuel means Jet Fuel. You wanna' say the Jet Fuel ignited something else that burned hotter? What would that be? Phone system? Office Furniture? Post-It Notes?

Remember: You also stated previously that Concrete and Steel "rubbing together" on the way down would cause the wreckage to smolder for months.

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