9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

No deflection to it. All the things in an office building is all that was there to fuel any fires. The jet fuel would have been gone almost instantaneously and any explosive or cutting material you can dream up would have been gone within seconds. So what is left? Fiberglass, plastics, wood, rubber, etc etc etc........

And is it your contention that amidst all the concrete, steel and gypsum enough of those flammable materials gathered together AT THE BOTTOM of the pile and burned for 2 months in a low oxygen environment?


Well there wasn't anyone down there with a pack of matches........

Seriously, the fires smouldering under the rubble could not have had anything to do with any controlled demolition....Simply a natural side effect of the collapse.
There simply isn't any other explanation......
And what has to have caused it to be so hot? Thermite burns out in a few seconds.........

Whatever it was, was able to achieve temperatures hot enough to turn whatever metal it contacted red hot, and according to witnesses, hot enough to melt metal.

It is well known that thermite/mate is able to be used underwater, where it burns with out the aid of surrounding oxygen, as it has its own oxygen supply. This is one of the reasons it is speculated it was one of the incendiaries used at the WTC.
Speculation has revolved around the nano thermite/mate.
NIST has done much research with respect to the nano technology compounds, so they are familiar with this, and it's rather strange they seemed to act as though it is some obscure chemical.
Whatever was used was super hot, and required little to no oxygen.
It is amazing when watching videos of the towers seemingly exploding, and ejecting tons of massive steel components away from the building, while observing the rapidness of their descents, and the squibs that protrude way down below the collapse fronts. 2 huge buildings destroyed with equal manifestations, coming down through the parts of themselves that were built with so much more reinforcement....and to observe the lengths that NIST and others have gone to in trying to obscure reality is even more shocking.
I don't know how much real research anyone on these boards actually do. ( I expect very little independent study) But I happen to do a lot of reading on different subjects. And I don't claim to be an expert, but I have read about 18 different Papers and reports about nanotechnology (not related to 9-11), and the earliest 2 articles I have found were dated in 2001.

Well there wasn't anyone down there with a pack of matches........
Seriously, the fires smouldering under the rubble could not have had anything to do with any controlled demolition....Simply a natural side effect of the collapse. There simply isn't any other explanation......
So you're saying that all that stuff coming down from the Towers rubbed together and created all that heat that lasted for months eh? That's a "Natural Side Effect of the Collapse" huh?

And YOU come in here and make fun of US? :confused:
Well there wasn't anyone down there with a pack of matches........
Seriously, the fires smouldering under the rubble could not have had anything to do with any controlled demolition....Simply a natural side effect of the collapse. There simply isn't any other explanation......
So you're saying that all that stuff coming down from the Towers rubbed together and created all that heat that lasted for months eh? That's a "Natural Side Effect of the Collapse" huh?

And YOU come in here and make fun of US? :confused:

Please tell us of your great wisdom and explain what caused these fires to smoulder for weeks......

We could always use a laugh to start the week with......
Well there wasn't anyone down there with a pack of matches........
Seriously, the fires smouldering under the rubble could not have had anything to do with any controlled demolition....Simply a natural side effect of the collapse. There simply isn't any other explanation......
So you're saying that all that stuff coming down from the Towers rubbed together and created all that heat that lasted for months eh? That's a "Natural Side Effect of the Collapse" huh?

And YOU come in here and make fun of US? :confused:

True Believers are True Believers. And obviously Ollie is one of them. They'll always truly believe Big Brother knows what's best and is here to help. You'll never get through to those people. They're lost causes. But there is hope. Many others are open-minded and willing to ask questions. And those are the people worth trying to reach. So don't bother with Ollie anymore. His Authority-Worship Brainwashing is just way too thorough. You're not gonna get through. Direct your energy towards people who are willing to ask questions. Just my thoughts anyway. Keep fighting the good fight. :)
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And YOU come in here and make fun of US? :confused:
Please tell us of your great wisdom and explain what caused these fires to smoulder for weeks......

We could always use a laugh to start the week with......
Make a list of things that would smoulder for months by themselves and think about it.

Concrete and Steel "rubbing together" aint one of them!
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True Believers are True Believers. And obviously Ollie is one of them. They'll always believe Big Brother knows what's best and is here to help. You'll never get through to those people. They're lost causes. But there is hope. Many others are open-minded and willing to ask questions. And those are the people worth trying to reach. So don't bother with Ollie anymore. His Authority-Worship Brainwashing is just way too thorough. You're not gonna get through. Direct your energy towards people who are willing to ask questions. Just my thoughts anyway. Keep fighting the good fight. :)
That's where I disagree. Ollie was in the Military so he know first hand how wasteful and stupid the Gov't can be. There's a chance he'll wake up when things get really bad here shortly.

The problem is he has a huge emotional investment at stake. He thinks that him serving Honorably for 20+ years means that the US Gov't is Honorable too. Nothing could be further from the truth, he's just Highly Compartmentalized.

He's like the Bank Teller that thinks he's guilty by association if a Middle Management figure was found guilty of Embezzlement so he won't say anything about other fraudulent acts he knows of, or is suspicious of.
True Believers are True Believers. And obviously Ollie is one of them. They'll always believe Big Brother knows what's best and is here to help. You'll never get through to those people. They're lost causes. But there is hope. Many others are open-minded and willing to ask questions. And those are the people worth trying to reach. So don't bother with Ollie anymore. His Authority-Worship Brainwashing is just way too thorough. You're not gonna get through. Direct your energy towards people who are willing to ask questions. Just my thoughts anyway. Keep fighting the good fight. :)
That's where I disagree. Ollie was in the Military so he know first hand how wasteful and stupid the Gov't can be. There's a chance he'll wake up when things get really bad here shortly.

The problem is he has a huge emotional investment at stake. He thinks that him serving Honorably for 20+ years means that the US Gov't is Honorable too. Nothing could be further from the truth, he's just Highly Compartmentalized.

He's like the Bank Teller that thinks he's guilty by association if a Middle Management figure was found guilty of Embezzlement so he won't say anything about other fraudulent acts he knows of, or is suspicious of.

I hear ya. There's a slight chance he'll come around. But i doubt it. He's an Authority-Worship zealot. It's all he knows. He was trained to shut up and obey. And i don't think that training can be reversed at this point. It's very likely too late for that to happen. But hey, you go ahead and try if you want. That's your call i guess. Good luck. :)
Well there wasn't anyone down there with a pack of matches........
Seriously, the fires smouldering under the rubble could not have had anything to do with any controlled demolition....Simply a natural side effect of the collapse. There simply isn't any other explanation......
So you're saying that all that stuff coming down from the Towers rubbed together and created all that heat that lasted for months eh? That's a "Natural Side Effect of the Collapse" huh?

And YOU come in here and make fun of US? :confused:

True Believers are True Believers. And obviously Ollie is one of them. They'll always truly believe Big Brother knows what's best and is here to help. You'll never get through to those people. They're lost causes. But there is hope. Many others are open-minded and willing to ask questions. And those are the people worth trying to reach. So don't bother with Ollie anymore. His Authority-Worship Brainwashing is just way too thorough. You're not gonna get through. Direct your energy towards people who are willing to ask questions. Just my thoughts anyway. Keep fighting the good fight. :)

Instead of attacking, why don't you tell us what smouldered for weeks after the collapse.
obviously you don't know or forgot the three things a fire needs 1.fuel 2. ignition source 3. oxygen .
lose any one of those you have no fire.
so logically there must have been oxygen.
so your bullshit about no oxygen is just that, bullshit.

The workers on the pile spoke of these things erupting into flames when exposed to air, so obviously there was MUCH LESS oxygen available while this red hot steel was buried.

What fuel was available to this red hot steel that it would burn in a LOW OXYGEN environment
for 8 weeks?

Fucking sanctimonious prick.
as I stated before there were millions of tons of gypsum wallboard, plastics, wood, paper, cardboard, ink, toner batteries.. just to name a few...
ever hare the term "banking a fire"?
if you had you'd know how a fire could burn for weeks in a low oxygen environment
also Mr. one live brain cell try googling coal mime fires.. some have burned for decades.
And what has to have caused it to be so hot? Thermite burns out in a few seconds.........

Whatever it was, was able to achieve temperatures hot enough to turn whatever metal it contacted red hot, and according to witnesses, hot enough to melt metal.

It is well known that thermite/mate is able to be used underwater, where it burns with out the aid of surrounding oxygen, as it has its own oxygen supply. This is one of the reasons it is speculated it was one of the incendiaries used at the WTC.
Speculation has revolved around the nano thermite/mate.
NIST has done much research with respect to the nano technology compounds, so they are familiar with this, and it's rather strange they seemed to act as though it is some obscure chemical.
Whatever was used was super hot, and required little to no oxygen.
It is amazing when watching videos of the towers seemingly exploding, and ejecting tons of massive steel components away from the building, while observing the rapidness of their descents, and the squibs that protrude way down below the collapse fronts. 2 huge buildings destroyed with equal manifestations, coming down through the parts of themselves that were built with so much more reinforcement....and to observe the lengths that NIST and others have gone to in trying to obscure reality is even more shocking.
did you miss the point about thermite burning out after a few seconds even if there were tons of It, it would not last more then a few hours, [ame=http://youtu.be/dkODHlDQpeU]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 5 - YouTube[/ame]
But that's not fair national Geographic was obviously in on it.......... LOL

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypl6mhb0-4U]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 6 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CLCwkcHdmw]National Geographic Science & Conpsiracy Part 7 - YouTube[/ame]
obviously you don't know or forgot the three things a fire needs 1.fuel 2. ignition source 3. oxygen .
lose any one of those you have no fire.
so logically there must have been oxygen.
so your bullshit about no oxygen is just that, bullshit.

The workers on the pile spoke of these things erupting into flames when exposed to air, so obviously there was MUCH LESS oxygen available while this red hot steel was buried.

What fuel was available to this red hot steel that it would burn in a LOW OXYGEN environment
for 8 weeks?

Fucking sanctimonious prick.
as I stated before there were millions of tons of gypsum wallboard, plastics, wood, paper, cardboard, ink, toner batteries.. just to name a few...
ever hare the term "banking a fire"?
if you had you'd know how a fire could burn for weeks in a low oxygen environment
also Mr. one live brain cell try googling coal mime fires.. some have burned for decades.

You obviously missed my post explaining to you that gypsum DOESN'T BURN!

Coal is VERY combustible which is why it's used for home heat, power generation, etc.

IOW, it AIN'T gypsum!
The workers on the pile spoke of these things erupting into flames when exposed to air, so obviously there was MUCH LESS oxygen available while this red hot steel was buried.

What fuel was available to this red hot steel that it would burn in a LOW OXYGEN environment
for 8 weeks?

Fucking sanctimonious prick.
as I stated before there were millions of tons of gypsum wallboard, plastics, wood, paper, cardboard, ink, toner batteries.. just to name a few...
ever hare the term "banking a fire"?
if you had you'd know how a fire could burn for weeks in a low oxygen environment
also Mr. one live brain cell try googling coal mime fires.. some have burned for decades.

You obviously missed my post explaining to you that gypsum DOESN'T BURN!

Coal is VERY combustible which is why it's used for home heat, power generation, etc.

IOW, it AIN'T gypsum!

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How to Fireproof With Drywall thumbnail Using the proper drywall material improves fire resistance for home walls.

Drywall, sometimes called gypsum or sheetrock, does naturally provide some fire resistance. The predominant material in the drywall sheet, gypsum, does not burn. However, the paper the sheet is encased in does burn and heat does transfer through the drywall, increasing the possibility of combustion within the wall

Read more: How to Fireproof With Drywall | eHow.com How to Fireproof With Drywall | eHow.com

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Myths - Iron Burns!!!

Ancient Wisdom about burning iron:

Thomas Aquinas and other theologians remarked on the famous burning property of Iron:

Aquinas maintains that:

The head causes an influx of sensation and motion to all members of the body. ... omeone can understand “to flow into” (“influere”) in two ways according to the spiritual sense and mode. One mode as principal agent: And thus it belongs to God alone to provide an influx of grace in the members of the Church. In another mode instrumentally: And thus even the humanity of Christ is a cause of the said influx; because as Damascene says ... as iron burns on account of the fire conjoined to it, so were the actions of the humanity of Christ on account of the united divinity, of which the humanity itself was an instrument. Christ, nevertheless, according to the two last conditions of head [governance, influence] is able to be called head of the angels according to human nature, and head of both according to divine nature; not, however, according to the first condition [namely, sameness in nature], unless one takes what is common according to the nature of the genus, according as man and angel agree in rational nature, and further what is common according to analogy, according as it is common to the Son along with all creatures to receive from the Father, as Basil says, by reason of which he is said to be the first-born of all creatures, Col. 1:15.16 The Catholic Faith, Scripture, and the Question of the Existence of Intelligent Extra-terrestrial Life

DAMASCENUS, (lib. 3, cap. 17) wrote:

"For not according to its [the flesh's] own operation, but by the Word united to it, He wrought divine things, the Word displaying through it His own operation. For glowing iron burns not by possessing in a natural manner the power to burn, but by possessing this from its union with the fire. Therefore in itself it was mortal, and on account of its personal union to the Word, quickening." Index of /pub/resources/text/wittenberg/concord/web

19th Century:

"Iron commences to 'burn' at 2500[F], while at the end of the operation in the Bessemer process, when the temperature reaches some 3000[F], the iron burns violently, as demonstrated by examination of the Bessemer flame with the spectro- scope. (See p. 46, Vol. II.)"

Paints Made of Copper. [Manufacturer and builder / Volume 3, Issue 6, June 1871]

Manufacturer and builder / Volume 3, Issue 6, June 1871

"At 1000C iron burns as easily as wood." Learning-Org Sep 2001: Reflections on September 11 LO27277

Iron smiths (Blacksmiths) modern and ancient are aware that glowing Iron Burns:

"With bellows blowing additional air through the fire, it can reach temperatures of about 3,000° Fahrenheit. Iron burns at 2,800°, however, so the smith has to be careful to not ruin his work! … The smith's fire contains too much oxygen to allow iron to melt; as it approaches its melting point the iron burns instead."


Also of note: Faraday's lectures and a demonstration of iron powder burning incandescent in air (and more brightly in pure oxygen): http://www.fordham.edu/HALSALL/MOD/1859Faraday-forces.html ("Michael Faraday was the son of a blacksmith, and was born at Newington Butts

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