9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

One gets tired of responding to the same old opinions. Please show us where there was molten steel. I'm certain there was plenty of aluminum and maybe lead. But steel? What happened to it? Who removed it without it being shown? Why did someone have to photoshop the glow from so called molten steel to make people believe it? Who determined it was steel?
One gets tired of responding to the same old opinions. Please show us where there was molten steel. I'm certain there was plenty of aluminum and maybe lead. But steel? What happened to it? Who removed it without it being shown? Why did someone have to photoshop the glow from so called molten steel to make people believe it? Who determined it was steel?

Listen to the statements of those who were there, Ollie.

Even Rudy Giuliani states in this video that the temperature was OVER 2,000 degrees WEEKS after the collapses.

Pay particular attention to the portion of the video dealing with the 'cross' @ 2:30...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm3Ot1JxNdE]Molten Steel At World Trade Center Site/Ground Zero after 9/11. - YouTube[/ame]
One the people who reported molten metal were in no position to tell us what it was. Two it has been proven that at least one Photo of so called molten metal was photoshopped. Once you start to fake photos, you've lost all credibility.

And no I do not believe in this phantom group of unknown unseen leaders.

And there is no way in hell you will convince anyone of sane mind that only a few dozen people could have planed executed and covered up this massive operation.......

The demo rigging alone at the WTC would have taken dozens of workers at least a dozen weeks per building and their work would have been noisy, dirty, noticed and challenged by the union workers who maintain the WTC. Unions are extremely protective of their turf and do not quietly allow others to get some. Add to that all those in positions of power who would have had to be involved at every decision making level, the intermediaries who would have been charged to carrying out the orders from above, our entire MS media, the FBI, the CIA, every independent investigator (pro and amateur) our Justice Dept, etc, etc, etc.
Frankly, to buy into this CT silliness one must abandon all rationality and some here have done exactly that. :D
One the people who reported molten metal were in no position to tell us what it was. Two it has been proven that at least one Photo of so called molten metal was photoshopped. Once you start to fake photos, you've lost all credibility.

And no I do not believe in this phantom group of unknown unseen leaders.

And there is no way in hell you will convince anyone of sane mind that only a few dozen people could have planed executed and covered up this massive operation.......

The demo rigging alone at the WTC would have taken dozens of workers at least a dozen weeks per building...
Are you some kind of expert at building demolition, or are you just talking out of your ass? You do know that there was work going on in those buildings 24/7 for better than 6 months prior to 9/11, right? You do know that it was "upgrading the wiring" for Internet, phones, etc., right?
...and their work would have been noisy, dirty, noticed and challenged by the union workers who maintain the WTC. Unions are extremely protective of their turf and do not quietly allow others to get some.
You don't think union cards can be counterfeited?
Add to that all those in positions of power who would have had to be involved at every decision making level, the intermediaries who would have been charged to carrying out the orders from above...
Really? Like who?
...our entire MS media, the FBI, the CIA, every independent investigator (pro and amateur) our Justice Dept, etc, etc, etc.
Frankly, to buy into this CT silliness one must abandon all rationality and some here have done exactly that. :D
You're being ridiculous, Sayit. Ask the FBI about 'Able Danger', and what happens when agents don't 'toe the line'...
And please Don't try comparing this to Pearl Harbor.......
PNAC Document:
Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force", includes the sentence: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor"
Page 51:

Can't let a good crisis go to waste right? ;)
One the people who reported molten metal were in no position to tell us what it was. Two it has been proven that at least one Photo of so called molten metal was photoshopped. Once you start to fake photos, you've lost all credibility.

And no I do not believe in this phantom group of unknown unseen leaders.

And there is no way in hell you will convince anyone of sane mind that only a few dozen people could have planed executed and covered up this massive operation.......

The demo rigging alone at the WTC would have taken dozens of workers at least a dozen weeks per building and their work would have been noisy, dirty, noticed and challenged by the union workers who maintain the WTC. Unions are extremely protective of their turf and do not quietly allow others to get some. Add to that all those in positions of power who would have had to be involved at every decision making level, the intermediaries who would have been charged to carrying out the orders from above, our entire MS media, the FBI, the CIA, every independent investigator (pro and amateur) our Justice Dept, etc, etc, etc.
Frankly, to buy into this CT silliness one must abandon all rationality and some here have done exactly that. :D

you have no clue of the logistics involved..and the fact remains..NIST has no real explanation for the collapse..if you ever read the NIST report you will see they only investigate up collapse initiation(how the collapse began)
to avoid the need to explain the entire collapse sequence
One gets tired of responding to the same old opinions. Please show us where there was molten steel. I'm certain there was plenty of aluminum and maybe lead. But steel? What happened to it? Who removed it without it being shown? Why did someone have to photoshop the glow from so called molten steel to make people believe it? Who determined it was steel?

Listen to the statements of those who were there, Ollie.

Even Rudy Giuliani states in this video that the temperature was OVER 2,000 degrees WEEKS after the collapses.

Pay particular attention to the portion of the video dealing with the 'cross' @ 2:30...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm3Ot1JxNdE]Molten Steel At World Trade Center Site/Ground Zero after 9/11. - YouTube[/ame]

This is exactly what I am talking about. Not one expert nothing but normal everyday people with their opinions. A picture of the "meteorite with rebar sticking all through the concrete, and yes rebar would have melted long before any steel that they claim made up part of the piece. And the cross? Sorry but it was not welded together during the collapse but during the construction.

You really need to check things out a little closer.....
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqb6vViKBNg]9/11 WTC Melted Steel Samples NIST - YouTube[/ame]
Bent, twisted, crumpled, Might have been a piece cut after the fact, in the first 2 minutes nothing shown being melted..........
One the people who reported molten metal were in no position to tell us what it was. Two it has been proven that at least one Photo of so called molten metal was photoshopped. Once you start to fake photos, you've lost all credibility.

And no I do not believe in this phantom group of unknown unseen leaders.

And there is no way in hell you will convince anyone of sane mind that only a few dozen people could have planed executed and covered up this massive operation.......

The demo rigging alone at the WTC would have taken dozens of workers at least a dozen weeks per building...

Are you some kind of expert at building demolition, or are you just talking out of your ass? You do know that there was work going on in those buildings 24/7 for better than 6 months prior to 9/11, right? You do know that it was "upgrading the wiring" for Internet, phones, etc., right? You don't think union cards can be counterfeited?

Work is always ongoing at large commercial buildings, Princess, and I do indeed know how much time and effort is involved in rigging even a 10 story building for demo; dozens of highly trained professionals, heavy power tools and torches and 12 weeks plus a lot of very dangerous, highly explosive materials. Rather than waste your time scouring the fetid bowels of the Internet searching for "proof" of your foil-hat CTs, try researching what it would take to do the shit you seem to believe takes a couple of Mexicans 15 minutes to accomplish. :D
Bent, twisted, crumpled, Might have been a piece cut after the fact, in the first 2 minutes nothing shown being melted..........

it requires very high temperatures to bend steel in that manner well in excess of what should of been present at the wtc...the steel that would of shown temperature well in excess of what was possible from fire where destroyed the rest shows only temperatures well below what is required...

"Spoliation of a fire scene is a basis for destroying a legal case in an investigation. Most of the steel was discarded, although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings of the little steel debris they have"

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
OK Ollie, I notice you didn't even respond to several of the points I made, so no cookie for you.

I don't care about a photoshopped picture, Ollie. What did I say about disinformation? I saw video ON THE NEWS showing the molten steel 6 weeks after the towers came down.

I doesn't matter if you believe in the Shadow Government, either. They believe in you, and you're behaving just the way they want.
do you mean this:

that "steel" is red hot but far from molten if it were it would run like thick paint.
the photo proves this.
A REAL Crime Scene is Cordoned off and an Investigation is launched that takes months and sometimes years. An Investigation that Bush RESISTED at first.

What was done at ground zero? All the evidence was hauled off and either sold to China or dumped in a landfill in N.J.
And please Don't try comparing this to Pearl Harbor.......
PNAC Document:
Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force", includes the sentence: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor"
Page 51:

Can't let a good crisis go to waste right? ;)
another intentionally misinterpreted phrase...by a debunked think tank.
One gets tired of responding to the same old opinions. Please show us where there was molten steel. I'm certain there was plenty of aluminum and maybe lead. But steel? What happened to it? Who removed it without it being shown? Why did someone have to photoshop the glow from so called molten steel to make people believe it? Who determined it was steel?

Listen to the statements of those who were there, Ollie.

Even Rudy Giuliani states in this video that the temperature was OVER 2,000 degrees WEEKS after the collapses.

Pay particular attention to the portion of the video dealing with the 'cross' @ 2:30...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm3Ot1JxNdE]Molten Steel At World Trade Center Site/Ground Zero after 9/11. - YouTube[/ame]

This is exactly what I am talking about. Not one expert nothing but normal everyday people with their opinions. A picture of the "meteorite with rebar sticking all through the concrete, and yes rebar would have melted long before any steel that they claim made up part of the piece. And the cross? Sorry but it was not welded together during the collapse but during the construction.

You really need to check things out a little closer.....

Here Ollie, I transcribed the man's words for you so you wouldn't make the same mistake again.

"And there, this cross, is fully extended, melted together with the intense heat, the two beams were never initially part of the same structure. Heat, literally melted them together, and the piece of metal that's draped over it was molten metal that had literally fallen over one of the arms."
One the people who reported molten metal were in no position to tell us what it was. Two it has been proven that at least one Photo of so called molten metal was photoshopped. Once you start to fake photos, you've lost all credibility.

And no I do not believe in this phantom group of unknown unseen leaders.

And there is no way in hell you will convince anyone of sane mind that only a few dozen people could have planed executed and covered up this massive operation.......

The demo rigging alone at the WTC would have taken dozens of workers at least a dozen weeks per building and their work would have been noisy, dirty, noticed and challenged by the union workers who maintain the WTC. Unions are extremely protective of their turf and do not quietly allow others to get some. Add to that all those in positions of power who would have had to be involved at every decision making level, the intermediaries who would have been charged to carrying out the orders from above, our entire MS media, the FBI, the CIA, every independent investigator (pro and amateur) our Justice Dept, etc, etc, etc.
Frankly, to buy into this CT silliness one must abandon all rationality and some here have done exactly that. :D

you have no clue of the logistics involved..and the fact remains..NIST has no real explanation for the collapse..if you ever read the NIST report you will see they only investigate up collapse initiation(how the collapse began)
to avoid the need to explain the entire collapse sequence
I have read it and you are so wrong it's laughable...
The demo rigging alone at the WTC would have taken dozens of workers at least a dozen weeks per building...

Are you some kind of expert at building demolition, or are you just talking out of your ass? You do know that there was work going on in those buildings 24/7 for better than 6 months prior to 9/11, right? You do know that it was "upgrading the wiring" for Internet, phones, etc., right? You don't think union cards can be counterfeited?

Work is always ongoing at large commercial buildings, Princess, and I do indeed know how much time and effort is involved in rigging even a 10 story building for demo; dozens of highly trained professionals, heavy power tools and torches and 12 weeks plus a lot of very dangerous, highly explosive materials. Rather than waste your time scouring the fetid bowels of the Internet searching for "proof" of your foil-hat CTs, try researching what it would take to do the shit you seem to believe takes a couple of Mexicans 15 minutes to accomplish. :D

You're full of shit, Sayit. CDI, the GRANDADDY of controlled demo, doesn't even HAVE "dozens of employees", and 12 weeks is the LONGEST time it's taken them to do ANY job.
Listen to the statements of those who were there, Ollie.

Even Rudy Giuliani states in this video that the temperature was OVER 2,000 degrees WEEKS after the collapses.

Pay particular attention to the portion of the video dealing with the 'cross' @ 2:30...

Molten Steel At World Trade Center Site/Ground Zero after 9/11. - YouTube

This is exactly what I am talking about. Not one expert nothing but normal everyday people with their opinions. A picture of the "meteorite with rebar sticking all through the concrete, and yes rebar would have melted long before any steel that they claim made up part of the piece. And the cross? Sorry but it was not welded together during the collapse but during the construction.

You really need to check things out a little closer.....

Here Ollie, I transcribed the man's words for you so you wouldn't make the same mistake again.

"And there, this cross, is fully extended, melted together with the intense heat, the two beams were never initially part of the same structure. Heat, literally melted them together, and the piece of metal that's draped over it was molten metal that had literally fallen over one of the arms."

The materials that could melt at 9/11 temps and fuse two pieces of steel together were present in those office buildings. You do understand the concepts of soldering and welding, right Princess? I, for one, believe you do but you willfully ignore and deny them in order to keep your loony CT love alive. After all, a rational thought would bring your whole CT World down faster than building 7. :D
The demo rigging alone at the WTC would have taken dozens of workers at least a dozen weeks per building and their work would have been noisy, dirty, noticed and challenged by the union workers who maintain the WTC. Unions are extremely protective of their turf and do not quietly allow others to get some. Add to that all those in positions of power who would have had to be involved at every decision making level, the intermediaries who would have been charged to carrying out the orders from above, our entire MS media, the FBI, the CIA, every independent investigator (pro and amateur) our Justice Dept, etc, etc, etc.
Frankly, to buy into this CT silliness one must abandon all rationality and some here have done exactly that. :D

you have no clue of the logistics involved..and the fact remains..NIST has no real explanation for the collapse..if you ever read the NIST report you will see they only investigate up collapse initiation(how the collapse began)
to avoid the need to explain the entire collapse sequence
I have read it and you are so wrong it's laughable...

NIST simply avoids these troublesome issues by placing them outside the scope of its investigation, claiming that "global collapse" was "inevitable" after the "initiation of collapse."

NIST’s “Final Report of the National Construction Safety Team on the Collapses of the World Trade Center
Tower” (hereafter referred to as “The Final Report”) states its first objective was to “Determine why and how
WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed following the initial impacts of the aircraft”

To determine this The Final Report needs to explain the events following the initial impact until the collapse of the
buildings is complete. NIST state that their approach was to simulate the behavior of the tower using “four

1. The aircraft impact into the tower, the resulting distribution of aviation fuel, and the damage to the
structure, partitions, thermal insulation materials, and building contents.
2. The evolution of multi-floor fires.
3. The heating and consequent weakening of the structural elements by the fires.

4. The response of the damaged and heated building structure, and the progression of the structural
component failures leading to the initiation of the collapse of the towers.”

Last edited:
And please Don't try comparing this to Pearl Harbor.......
PNAC Document:
Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force", includes the sentence: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor"
Page 51:

Can't let a good crisis go to waste right? ;)
another intentionally misinterpreted phrase...by a debunked think tank.

A debunked think tank?

Take a look at those involved in it and tell me those neo-cons were 'debunked'...

18 of them were in Bush II's administration, including his VP.

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scroll 2/3 down for the list.

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