9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Fuck you slime ball, my family has served. I at least support the poor bastards by exposing the lies they went overseas for, unlike you who would gladly send them off to die while you sit in front of your TV while being able bodied to go your self.
But just the same-

No, I Have Never Been in the Military by Laurence M. Vance
no fuck you, you lying pretentious shit.
my dad was a lifer in the marines so was my grandfather...I've forgotten more about military life than you'll ever know.
btw sister jones my dad insisted I go to college and not serve.

You don't seem to know jack shit you lying sack of shit. Funny how you wish to glorify your lies, without stopping to think that the military took their orders from asshole chickenhawks that never served, but are more then willing to send kids off to die in wars they built on lies. These are the same scumbags that you crotch sniff and glorify, while claiming to "support the troops"..

A simple search will reveal I'm right, and that most of the assholes you glorify that put the "war on terrorism" into play are Israeli loyalists, and never served in the US military, unlike my family and many others. Many kids serve in the military and go to college, apparently you didn't have the guts your old man had, if that is even true.

The WTC was destroyed by something other then planes and office fires, and the subsequent wars initiated for revenge were fabricated, and built on BS, but you and others are too stupid to realize this, and in the process you ignore the military personnel who have spoken out on this, and tried to expose the truth, why do you not support them you hypocritical little bitch?
Fuck you slime ball, my family has served. I at least support the poor bastards by exposing the lies they went overseas for, unlike you who would gladly send them off to die while you sit in front of your TV while being able bodied to go your self.
But just the same-

No, I Have Never Been in the Military by Laurence M. Vance
no fuck you, you lying pretentious shit.
my dad was a lifer in the marines so was my grandfather...I've forgotten more about military life than you'll ever know.
btw sister jones my dad insisted I go to college and not serve.

You don't seem to know jack shit you lying sack of shit. Funny how you wish to glorify your lies, without stopping to think that the military took their orders from asshole chickenhawks that never served, but are more then willing to send kids off to die in wars they built on lies. These are the same scumbags that you crotch sniff and glorify, while claiming to "support the troops"..

A simple search will reveal I'm right, and that most of the assholes you glorify that put the "war on terrorism" into play are Israeli loyalists, and never served in the US military, unlike my family and many others. Many kids serve in the military and go to college, apparently you didn't have the guts your old man had, if that is even true.

The WTC was destroyed by something other then planes and office fires, and the subsequent wars initiated for revenge were fabricated, and built on BS, but you and others are too stupid to realize this, and in the process you ignore the military personnel who have spoken out on this, and tried to expose the truth, why do you not support them you hypocritical little bitch?

And yet you can offer no true physical evidence to disprove the official reports. You keep telling us long enough we still aren't going to believe you. Show me anything that proves those planes weren't there. Show me some det cord, or a receiver, Show me one charge that didn't go off. Show me one of the thousands of people who would have to know about some part of the operation who will step forward and tell us about it. I don't give a rats ass about opinion, that proves nothing and it's all you've got. You only believe the witnesses who you think are telling what you want to be the truth. You refuse the majority of testimony that would disprove what you want the truth to be.

I'm sorry for you. I am a Commander of my local American Legion Post, i have turned down the vice Commander position for the county. I have likewise turned down Vice commander of the united Veterans Council. I know a lot of veterans locally. I don't know one of them that would believe your BS.
Ollie pumping himself up again I see. Did you turn down those positions because of ill health? Tell us. What after bypass surgery drugs your taking Ollie (3 possible that I know of)

Since you guys brought up bullshit wars, I gotta' add my 2 cents:

Afghanistan has been totaly worth it because just look at all the Heroin that the US controls now. Afghanistan went from 10 percent to 90 percent of world opium poppy production in the time we've been there!

Think of that next time you salute the flag.
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Ollie pumping himself up again I see. Did you turn down those positions because of ill health? Tell us. What after bypass surgery drugs your taking Ollie (3 possible that I know of)

Since you guys brought up bullshit wars, I gotta' add my 2 cents:

Afghanistan has been totaly worth it because just look at all the Heroin that the US controls now. Afghanistan went from 10 percent to 90 percent of world opium poppy production in the time we've been there!

Think of that next time you salute the flag.
not even 2 cents even with inflation.
Ollie pumping himself up again I see. Did you turn down those positions because of ill health? Tell us. What after bypass surgery drugs your taking Ollie (3 possible that I know of)

Since you guys brought up bullshit wars, I gotta' add my 2 cents:

Afghanistan has been totaly worth it because just look at all the Heroin that the US controls now. Afghanistan went from 10 percent to 90 percent of world opium poppy production in the time we've been there!

Think of that next time you salute the flag.

What ever medications I take because of my surgery is none of your business.
My involvement with veterans is in line with the current discussion, I could add some more but then it would be bragging. and you aren't worth it. But then facts aren't bragging are they.... I'm sorry i forgot you don't like facts...

Now please show us some proof of your claim on the poppy production......
I will salute my flag whenever it is right and proper to do so, and I have serious doubts that i will think of you or poppy fields at the time. at the time. Fact is next time I salute the flag should be one week from tonight.
I will salute my flag whenever it is right and proper to do so, and I have serious doubts that i will think of you or poppy fields at the time. at the time. Fact is next time I salute the flag should be one week from tonight.
See? You give KFC Ollie the facts and he just ignores them.
Ah but after you made up a number......

Isn't it a good thing that you actually had to educate yourself?

Now if you ever saw me in the politics section you might understand that my position on Afghanistan is the mission has been accomplished, set the poppy fields on fire on our way out the door.......

But none of this has shit to do with the lack of facts you have about 9-11
if you've never served and it's obvious you haven't... your pathetic
bitching is meaningless.

Fuck you slime ball, my family has served. I at least support the poor bastards by exposing the lies they went overseas for, unlike you who would gladly send them off to die while you sit in front of your TV while being able bodied to go your self.
But just the same-

No, I Have Never Been in the Military by Laurence M. Vance
no fuck you, you lying pretentious shit.
my dad was a lifer in the marines so was my grandfather...I've forgotten more about military life than you'll ever know.
btw sister jones my dad insisted I go to college and not serve.

True that.
Ah but after you made up a number......

Isn't it a good thing that you actually had to educate yourself?

Now if you ever saw me in the politics section you might understand that my position on Afghanistan is the mission has been accomplished, set the poppy fields on fire on our way out the door.......
So it wasn't 90% it was 80%. That's somehow better in your mind? That's a "win" for you? :confused:

Also I already commented that the US is NEVER gonna' "set the poppy fields on fire" because the US Gov't is the one helping to produce it. The US Marine Corp is guarding Opium Poppy fields there.

Drug profits are laundered through US Banks. That's on record!
How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug gangs | World news | The Observer
Wow, some people really do hate the Government.

I don't like this administration, I didn't really like the last one either. But to want them to be evil??? You are one sick fuck.......
Wow, some people really do hate the Government. I don't like this administration, I didn't really like the last one either. But to want them to be evil??? You are one sick fuck.......
That's your problem. You think the Gov't is Evil because I WANT them to. (I WISH I had that Power!) I provide facts and YOU call ME Evil! How delusional can a person get? :confused:


The Gov't does Evil things because they're FAR too powerful and no one calls them on it. Yourself included!

Serving 22 years in the Army doesn't make all Gov't actions legitimate.


The Gov't committing criminal acts doesn't make your service criminal.

Are you too insecure to see that or are you too scared to admit it?
Ah but after you made up a number......

Isn't it a good thing that you actually had to educate yourself?

Now if you ever saw me in the politics section you might understand that my position on Afghanistan is the mission has been accomplished, set the poppy fields on fire on our way out the door.......

But none of this has shit to do with the lack of facts you have about 9-11

In a twist of irony, burning the fields is only going to hurt, and kill the farmer, who upon receiving a forced loan to grow the poppy, he wont be able to deliver the goods from the harvest, and they take their sons and daughters away from the families as ransom, or forced labor.
Perhaps the US should have given them better incentives to grow something else, instead of the lucrative poppy.
The US and her military men and women were duped into finding OBL, and getting revenge for a false flag attack, that upon intelligent scrutiny, was all bullshit.
Still waiting after over 11 years for proof of a false flag......

You still wouldn't believe it. Your Authority-Worship brainwashing is too thorough. But i'm not just singling you out. Unfortunately, most Americans are just like you. And that's just the way Big Brother likes it.
Still waiting after over 11 years for proof of a false flag......
All one needs to do is observe the information that is available that disproves the NIST report.
There is much on it, that includes physics calculations, and fire fuel loads. This is why, and where the questioning, and the objections started. It was not nor could not have been kerosene, and plane damage, nor thermal expansion that would have had to rip out thousands of shear studs in WTC 7.

Here is a concise, detailed rebuttal. Feel free to rebuttal with your own concise, detailed rebuttal that explains why the information in the video may be incorrect.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFpbZ-aLDLY&playnext=1&list=PL6FCD384DA1DCA55C&index=8]NIST Report on WTC7 debunked and exposed! - YouTube[/ame]

Here is another one with more detail that counters NIST using real diagrams, and shows how NIST lied, using their own report.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGe0E9cjUbI]Shear Ignorance - NIST and WTC7 - YouTube[/ame]

Again if you have any objections please feel free to rebuttal what this explains.

Here's one explaining the missing resistance that should have been noticeable, but wasn't, and that should have clearly slowed the collapse front, but didn't.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjSd9wB55zk]Downward Acceleration of the North Tower - YouTube[/ame]

There will be no one coming forward to confess anything, and this is all one needs to know that this was a conspiracy on a massive scale, that could not have originated in Afghanistan.
Wow, some people really do hate the Government.

I don't like this administration, I didn't really like the last one either. But to want them to be evil??? You are one sick fuck.......

Ollie, it's not that anyone WANTS them to be evil, it's that sooner or later you realize they ARE evil, REGARDLESS of anyone's wants.

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