9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

So we have three videos made by some unknown voices and a blog by someone whose profile has been removed..

Not much proof there.

I am not nor have i ever pretended to be an engineer,architect, or physicist. I don't understand half the Stuff that was reported so very quickly in these videos. I did notice that while one was talking about WTC7 they showed slides from WTC1 and 2. There were other things that didn't sound right. But I'm not qualified to argue the points as to whether the guy reading the blue[prints is right or wrong. I certainly would believe some of this if I didn't know 3 things.

1. Less than 0.01% of the architects and engineers in the country agree with you.

2. In order for any of your conspiracy to be true, there would have had to be a plan of such gross magnitude that it couldn't have been pulled off without people knowing about it and talking.

3. There is no way the government needed anything even close to this magnitude to start the war in Afghanistan and even less to restart the war against Saddam. So what was the reason for it all? The so called false flag that started Vietnam was one boat being attacked And you want us to believe that someone somewhere figured we needed to destroy all this?

I'll give you one thing though, at least your videos weren't an hour long........
So we have three videos made by some unknown voices and a blog by someone whose profile has been removed..

Not much proof there.

I am not nor have i ever pretended to be an engineer,architect, or physicist. I don't understand half the Stuff that was reported so very quickly in these videos. I did notice that while one was talking about WTC7 they showed slides from WTC1 and 2. There were other things that didn't sound right. But I'm not qualified to argue the points as to whether the guy reading the blue[prints is right or wrong. I certainly would believe some of this if I didn't know 3 things.

1. Less than 0.01% of the architects and engineers in the country agree with you.

2. In order for any of your conspiracy to be true, there would have had to be a plan of such gross magnitude that it couldn't have been pulled off without people knowing about it and talking.

3. There is no way the government needed anything even close to this magnitude to start the war in Afghanistan and even less to restart the war against Saddam. So what was the reason for it all? The so called false flag that started Vietnam was one boat being attacked And you want us to believe that someone somewhere figured we needed to destroy all this?

I'll give you one thing though, at least your videos weren't an hour long........

You ability to wave information away is amazing. You could have done what I did and rewind whatever it was you had trouble with, and look up the drawings to verify the info was correct. Hey if its any consolation, I'm no physics expert, but at least I have the will to research things, and learn things especially when it involves such a life altering event like the 9-11 attacks on my country.
You'd think someone like you that is a defender of the OCT and NIST, would dig in and see what and why people don't believe them
BTW, all 3 of your premises are really full of shit, and once a person understands what the videos explain, it will be clear how stupid they are.
And yet there is still no physical proof. Such a huge operation and no physical proof nor one whistle blower...

And the Bush administration couldn't keep a wire tap secret.....

Thinking people just won't buy it......
'Thinking people' bought the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the USS Liberty coverup hook, line and sinker.

How right were they then?
Big difference between a ship coming under fire and 3000+ civilians killed........

And for your information I do not accept the Official line on the USS Liberty.... But I don't know what happened either...
So we have three videos made by some unknown voices and a blog by someone whose profile has been removed..

Not much proof there.

I am not nor have i ever pretended to be an engineer,architect, or physicist. I don't understand half the Stuff that was reported so very quickly in these videos. I did notice that while one was talking about WTC7 they showed slides from WTC1 and 2. There were other things that didn't sound right. But I'm not qualified to argue the points as to whether the guy reading the blue[prints is right or wrong. I certainly would believe some of this if I didn't know 3 things.

1. Less than 0.01% of the architects and engineers in the country agree with you.

2. In order for any of your conspiracy to be true, there would have had to be a plan of such gross magnitude that it couldn't have been pulled off without people knowing about it and talking.

3. There is no way the government needed anything even close to this magnitude to start the war in Afghanistan and even less to restart the war against Saddam. So what was the reason for it all? The so called false flag that started Vietnam was one boat being attacked And you want us to believe that someone somewhere figured we needed to destroy all this?

I'll give you one thing though, at least your videos weren't an hour long........

You ability to wave information away is amazing. You could have done what I did and rewind whatever it was you had trouble with, and look up the drawings to verify the info was correct. Hey if its any consolation, I'm no physics expert, but at least I have the will to research things, and learn things especially when it involves such a life altering event like the 9-11 attacks on my country.
You'd think someone like you that is a defender of the OCT and NIST, would dig in and see what and why people don't believe them
BTW, all 3 of your premises are really full of shit, and once a person understands what the videos explain, it will be clear how stupid they are.

You do struggle with the idea that not everyone who doubts your CTs - and you just admitted to being an "Internet physicist" - is an OCT and NIST defender. Let me say this very slowly:
One need not believe the official POV to find your CT silliness to be just that ... silly. :D
So we have three videos made by some unknown voices and a blog by someone whose profile has been removed..

Not much proof there.

I am not nor have i ever pretended to be an engineer,architect, or physicist. I don't understand half the Stuff that was reported so very quickly in these videos. I did notice that while one was talking about WTC7 they showed slides from WTC1 and 2. There were other things that didn't sound right. But I'm not qualified to argue the points as to whether the guy reading the blue[prints is right or wrong. I certainly would believe some of this if I didn't know 3 things.

1. Less than 0.01% of the architects and engineers in the country agree with you.

2. In order for any of your conspiracy to be true, there would have had to be a plan of such gross magnitude that it couldn't have been pulled off without people knowing about it and talking.

3. There is no way the government needed anything even close to this magnitude to start the war in Afghanistan and even less to restart the war against Saddam. So what was the reason for it all? The so called false flag that started Vietnam was one boat being attacked And you want us to believe that someone somewhere figured we needed to destroy all this?

I'll give you one thing though, at least your videos weren't an hour long........

You ability to wave information away is amazing. You could have done what I did and rewind whatever it was you had trouble with, and look up the drawings to verify the info was correct. Hey if its any consolation, I'm no physics expert, but at least I have the will to research things, and learn things especially when it involves such a life altering event like the 9-11 attacks on my country.
You'd think someone like you that is a defender of the OCT and NIST, would dig in and see what and why people don't believe them
BTW, all 3 of your premises are really full of shit, and once a person understands what the videos explain, it will be clear how stupid they are.

You do struggle with the idea that not everyone who doubts your CTs - and you just admitted to being an "Internet physicist" - is an OCT and NIST defender. Let me say this very slowly:
One need not believe the official POV to find your CT silliness to be just that ... silly. :D
Did not, learn to comprehend what you read and apply the intended interpretation instead of what you want it to be. Do you understand that not everyone believes in your CT?
The difference between what you believe and what I believe is that I can offer a better presentation, while you scamper and hide behind false and weak premises, that you don't even have the capacity to explain!

Tell me why it is you believe in such a wild CT, like this one-
Seriously watch it, it's short enough to accommodate your attentions spans, and actually mentions almost everything that your looney CT consist of.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98&feature=player_embedded]9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube[/ame]
And yet there is still no physical proof. Such a huge operation and no physical proof nor one whistle blower...

And the Bush administration couldn't keep a wire tap secret.....

Thinking people just won't buy it......

Proof! He says LOL! Look at the buildings and how they came down so quickly, there's your proof right in front of you everytime you watch one of the many videos in existence. But you'll have to exercise a few brain cells and re-watch the videos.
No Ollie you don't get it precisely because you don't think, or even bother to try to comprehend.
Hell ask you kid/grankids for help, geezus, man we can't help it that you don't even want to try to grasp even a little bit of it.
But, bet your ass you'll swallow every bit of BS and propaganda that comes down the pipe from NIST and the gubment, even though you are "no expert" and can't figure out their version or technical explanation either....

Look Ollie, once again we'll agree to disagree, but don't ask me for proof or to show you why we feel we have been bamboozled again, because I have produced what we know are the basics, and I would have given my thoughts on the other aspects concerning the attacks and why I feel they were a false flag event. But you just can't leave out the very important and primary reasons why these so called truth groups sprang up in the first place.

I say "so called" because some of them are just too way out there to be logical, and some of them are actually controlled opposition.
I don't subscribe to the no planes shit, and I don't subscribe to the directed energy DEW stuff either, or Zeta alien bullshit, or the fucking reptilians etc....That is the type of shit that is being used to make the honest well meaning, and sincere folks look like them...Kooks.

The science, fuel loads, and physics may be subjects that you and I are not the greatest at, but if we truly want to understand the premise behind the objections to the NIST report and the OCT, and care about this nation and our military, it is important to do our best to understand as much as possible, at least that is how I personally feel about this whole thing.

As for the videos I posted and what they are about,
I can study it and figure it out, and put together what is being presented to me.
I don't like being stumped on a subject, so I do my best to try to understand things.
Especially important things that concern my country, like the attacks on 9-11, and the wars.
I guess it's from figuring out automotive problems for many years.
NIST was charged with a monumental task and it is shameful what they have done.
They cheated the American people out of a proper diagnosis, and explanation.
I can only imagine the pressure those people had from their bosses, possibly even from the White House. Public opinion was crucial and they were needed to solidify it.
The plan for war was years in the making, and this event would galvanize and rally the people in a quest for revenge against the "ragheads".
NIST helped dupe the American public.
Just like a shady mechanic, or a dishonest lawyer have been known to do.
They get your trust and spit out some explanation they know you wont understand, and probably wont bother to check out. You just want your car fixed and move on.
Sign right here, and come back tomorrow it'll be done by then...I've seen shit like that done, and quit a couple of jobs in disgust over it.
This is the easiest most common everyday comparison I can think of off the top of my head at the moment, of how trusting and easily duped we can be.

Rent the movie Compliance, and see just how stupid people can be, and the horrible things some people have done when they don't have any fucking common sense, and assume they are being good citizens and following a police detectives orders. I couldn't believe it was a true story so I looked it up, and sadly it was, and the series of events depicted in the movie, went on for years, before anybody had the sense to fucking think, and use some common sense and at least make sure they were talking to a real police detective..This movie is a much better representation of the shear laziness, and lack of diligence and sense, that many Americans display, and you are among them.

Would you not check out the accuracy of say, a 2000.000 repair estimate before signing away on the dotted line? After hearing how other folks have been lied to and ripped off, most people I know sure would. I always encourage them to look things up themselves, to verify to the best of their ability what is being done and why, and possibly get another estimate from another shop with different eyes examining the problem. Just like we need a fresh set of objective eyes to re-examine the 9-11 attacks.

Why is it that we are so quick to accept something that is a million times more important, like the 9-11 attacks and their explanation of events and the causes, that requires the blood of our people in the wars it was used to initiate? Because people are conditioned to trust their government authority figures, without question. We want desperately to be able to believe in something that is benevolent and truly cares about us, it's human nature. But it's just like an abused wife/girlfriend that always goes back to her abuser, we the public make ourselves believe in unrealistic outcomes and continue to trust liars and our abusers.

In order to fully understand why we feel the way we do about the whole NIST report and the OCT in general, you have to understand the explanation that science and physics is at the heart of, and that includes stuff like fuel loads, conservation of momentum, available kinetic energy and things like that, and if you aren't willing to go there, then you really have no place to call us out, and call us kooks and or liars and tin foil hatters etc...
We at the very least put some time into this, and not just wave it away. You may want to believe in things that you don't understand, but many people don't, and those that do want to comprehend, they put the time in to educate themselves instead of going on some message board and making fools of themselves by proclaiming that the NIST is true, when they don't know what the hell they are even talking about. But hey people like you go with the flow and put popular opinion before common sense, instead of learning what the hell is really going on.

It really is time to stop looking at what other people say, or how many agree with whatever, or whoever and check things out for yourself, or just not participate in this part of the 9-11 discussion.
Go and argue with the hologramers and no planers, or the reptilians instead.

There are more then a few who express their displeasure, and are pissed that they were lied to.
So many who served, from the PFC's to ex Generals have been brave enough to allow their feelings on this topic to be published..with a few even joining some of the many groups that have sprung up around this whole mess.
But you carry on, after all we're all entitled to our own beliefs, but like I said, don't claim we've never tried to show you why we doubt the 9-11 attacks as told by NIST and some in the government, and how we came to our conclusions.
In Planning for years, so it started under Bush 41 or Clinton, so that Bush 43 could start a couple of wars?

Now Vietnam the only excuse they needed was a military target, (One Ship) under small arms fire. And you expect anyone to believe that it would take 3000+ civilian deaths to start a war with Saddam when we were already blowing his shit up? All that would have been needed was one plane to get "hit" by a missile. And boom the war would have been on, No buildings destroyed and no unneeded civilian deaths.

And war with Afghanistan? Why? What purpose other than going after UBL could there have been? There was no other reason for the USA to go into Afghanistan so why manufacture one?

So you see not only is there no physical proof that the Commissions Report was wrong, There is no motive for any False Flag of this size. In all the years I was a Platoon Sergeant I taught my troops the old adage KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Why take the chance of involving thousands in the planning execution and cover up, when it could have been done with less than 10 people? If war with Saddam was the ultimate goal....

You can show all the mathematics you want, We saw the buildings come down, and it was tragic, but we also have never seen any building fall the way they did from Demolitions. And no Demolitions were found in the debris.

We see cut girders shown as proof, and we see videos of the recovery people cutting girders....
We hear all the BS about no planes, and we all have seen the planes and or the wreckage.
So there is no doubt the planes did it. You seem to admit that. But there is no proof that they didn't cause all the damage. And seeing the buildings fall doesn't prove anything.

Honestly for someone to plan this operation just to start a war would have been the stupidest things ever done.
Yes, the conspiracy is solved. It happened pretty much the way 99% of the US believes it did.

Now we can all go on to something else.
And yet there is still no physical proof. Such a huge operation and no physical proof nor one whistle blower...

And the Bush administration couldn't keep a wire tap secret.....

Thinking people just won't buy it......

Proof! He says LOL! Look at the buildings and how they came down so quickly, there's your proof right in front of you everytime you watch one of the many videos in existence. But you'll have to exercise a few brain cells and re-watch the videos.
No Ollie you don't get it precisely because you don't think, or even bother to try to comprehend.
Hell ask you kid/grankids for help, geezus, man we can't help it that you don't even want to try to grasp even a little bit of it.
But, bet your ass you'll swallow every bit of BS and propaganda that comes down the pipe from NIST and the gubment, even though you are "no expert" and can't figure out their version or technical explanation either....

Look Ollie, once again we'll agree to disagree, but don't ask me for proof or to show you why we feel we have been bamboozled again, because I have produced what we know are the basics, and I would have given my thoughts on the other aspects concerning the attacks and why I feel they were a false flag event. But you just can't leave out the very important and primary reasons why these so called truth groups sprang up in the first place.

I say "so called" because some of them are just too way out there to be logical, and some of them are actually controlled opposition.
I don't subscribe to the no planes shit, and I don't subscribe to the directed energy DEW stuff either, or Zeta alien bullshit, or the fucking reptilians etc....That is the type of shit that is being used to make the honest well meaning, and sincere folks look like them...Kooks.

The science, fuel loads, and physics may be subjects that you and I are not the greatest at, but if we truly want to understand the premise behind the objections to the NIST report and the OCT, and care about this nation and our military, it is important to do our best to understand as much as possible, at least that is how I personally feel about this whole thing.

As for the videos I posted and what they are about,
I can study it and figure it out, and put together what is being presented to me.
I don't like being stumped on a subject, so I do my best to try to understand things.
Especially important things that concern my country, like the attacks on 9-11, and the wars.
I guess it's from figuring out automotive problems for many years.
NIST was charged with a monumental task and it is shameful what they have done.
They cheated the American people out of a proper diagnosis, and explanation.
I can only imagine the pressure those people had from their bosses, possibly even from the White House. Public opinion was crucial and they were needed to solidify it.
The plan for war was years in the making, and this event would galvanize and rally the people in a quest for revenge against the "ragheads".
NIST helped dupe the American public.
Just like a shady mechanic, or a dishonest lawyer have been known to do.
They get your trust and spit out some explanation they know you wont understand, and probably wont bother to check out. You just want your car fixed and move on.
Sign right here, and come back tomorrow it'll be done by then...I've seen shit like that done, and quit a couple of jobs in disgust over it.
This is the easiest most common everyday comparison I can think of off the top of my head at the moment, of how trusting and easily duped we can be.

Rent the movie Compliance, and see just how stupid people can be, and the horrible things some people have done when they don't have any fucking common sense, and assume they are being good citizens and following a police detectives orders. I couldn't believe it was a true story so I looked it up, and sadly it was, and the series of events depicted in the movie, went on for years, before anybody had the sense to fucking think, and use some common sense and at least make sure they were talking to a real police detective..This movie is a much better representation of the shear laziness, and lack of diligence and sense, that many Americans display, and you are among them.

Would you not check out the accuracy of say, a 2000.000 repair estimate before signing away on the dotted line? After hearing how other folks have been lied to and ripped off, most people I know sure would. I always encourage them to look things up themselves, to verify to the best of their ability what is being done and why, and possibly get another estimate from another shop with different eyes examining the problem. Just like we need a fresh set of objective eyes to re-examine the 9-11 attacks.

Why is it that we are so quick to accept something that is a million times more important, like the 9-11 attacks and their explanation of events and the causes, that requires the blood of our people in the wars it was used to initiate? Because people are conditioned to trust their government authority figures, without question. We want desperately to be able to believe in something that is benevolent and truly cares about us, it's human nature. But it's just like an abused wife/girlfriend that always goes back to her abuser, we the public make ourselves believe in unrealistic outcomes and continue to trust liars and our abusers.

In order to fully understand why we feel the way we do about the whole NIST report and the OCT in general, you have to understand the explanation that science and physics is at the heart of, and that includes stuff like fuel loads, conservation of momentum, available kinetic energy and things like that, and if you aren't willing to go there, then you really have no place to call us out, and call us kooks and or liars and tin foil hatters etc...
We at the very least put some time into this, and not just wave it away. You may want to believe in things that you don't understand, but many people don't, and those that do want to comprehend, they put the time in to educate themselves instead of going on some message board and making fools of themselves by proclaiming that the NIST is true, when they don't know what the hell they are even talking about. But hey people like you go with the flow and put popular opinion before common sense, instead of learning what the hell is really going on.

It really is time to stop looking at what other people say, or how many agree with whatever, or whoever and check things out for yourself, or just not participate in this part of the 9-11 discussion.
Go and argue with the hologramers and no planers, or the reptilians instead.

There are more then a few who express their displeasure, and are pissed that they were lied to.
So many who served, from the PFC's to ex Generals have been brave enough to allow their feelings on this topic to be published..with a few even joining some of the many groups that have sprung up around this whole mess.
But you carry on, after all we're all entitled to our own beliefs, but like I said, don't claim we've never tried to show you why we doubt the 9-11 attacks as told by NIST and some in the government, and how we came to our conclusions.

still feeding the paid troll huh? I guess you never get tired of handing his ass to him on a platter huh?:D Gomer Ollie can only sling shit in defeat like the paid monkey troll he is.:D

'Thinking people' bought the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the USS Liberty coverup hook, line and sinker.

How right were they then?

Be careful.Your making way too much since for Gomer Ollie to comprehend there.:D
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You ability to wave information away is amazing. You could have done what I did and rewind whatever it was you had trouble with, and look up the drawings to verify the info was correct. Hey if its any consolation, I'm no physics expert, but at least I have the will to research things, and learn things especially when it involves such a life altering event like the 9-11 attacks on my country.
You'd think someone like you that is a defender of the OCT and NIST, would dig in and see what and why people don't believe them
BTW, all 3 of your premises are really full of shit, and once a person understands what the videos explain, it will be clear how stupid they are.

You do struggle with the idea that not everyone who doubts your CTs - and you just admitted to being an "Internet physicist" - is an OCT and NIST defender. Let me say this very slowly:
One need not believe the official POV to find your CT silliness to be just that ... silly. :D
Did not, learn to comprehend what you read and apply the intended interpretation instead of what you want it to be. Do you understand that not everyone believes in your CT?
The difference between what you believe and what I believe is that I can offer a better presentation, while you scamper and hide behind false and weak premises, that you don't even have the capacity to explain!

Tell me why it is you believe in such a wild CT, like this one-
Seriously watch it, it's short enough to accommodate your attentions spans, and actually mentions almost everything that your looney CT consist of.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98&feature=player_embedded]9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube[/ame]


That video is REALLY the only thing that needs to be shown when proving it was an inside job but you dont REALLY expect paid shill Gomer Ollie to watch it when he hasnt all these years thats we been showing it now do you?

Paid trolls Gomer Ollie,Sat it and frady cat deniar predfan troll crack me up to know end,they always tell lies they have debunked us when they always run off with their tail between their legs like the chicenshit cowards they are everytime we ask them to debunk that short five minute video.all they ever come back with is pathetic one liners in defeat.:D:lmao:
You ability to wave information away is amazing. You could have done what I did and rewind whatever it was you had trouble with, and look up the drawings to verify the info was correct. Hey if its any consolation, I'm no physics expert, but at least I have the will to research things, and learn things especially when it involves such a life altering event like the 9-11 attacks on my country.
You'd think someone like you that is a defender of the OCT and NIST, would dig in and see what and why people don't believe them
BTW, all 3 of your premises are really full of shit, and once a person understands what the videos explain, it will be clear how stupid they are.

You do struggle with the idea that not everyone who doubts your CTs - and you just admitted to being an "Internet physicist" - is an OCT and NIST defender. Let me say this very slowly:
One need not believe the official POV to find your CT silliness to be just that ... silly. :D
Did not, learn to comprehend what you read and apply the intended interpretation instead of what you want it to be. Do you understand that not everyone believes in your CT?
The difference between what you believe and what I believe is that I can offer a better presentation, while you scamper and hide behind false and weak premises, that you don't even have the capacity to explain!

Tell me why it is you believe in such a wild CT, like this one-
Seriously watch it, it's short enough to accommodate your attentions spans, and actually mentions almost everything that your looney CT consist of.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98&feature=player_embedded]9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube[/ame]

Except I don't have a CT, Princess, nor do I wear a foil hat as you so clearly do. Unlike you CT loons I don't fabricate, post or defend any 9/11 CT. I do have far greater doubts about your amateurish, self-serving conclusions than I do about those of rational, qualified, professional investigators. :D
In Planning for years, so it started under Bush 41 or Clinton, so that Bush 43 could start a couple of wars?
Do you find it so hard to believe that there is a very powerful group of men that not only outlast Presidents, but control them?
Now Vietnam the only excuse they needed was a military target, (One Ship) under small arms fire. And you expect anyone to believe that it would take 3000+ civilian deaths to start a war with Saddam when we were already blowing his shit up? All that would have been needed was one plane to get "hit" by a missile. And boom the war would have been on, No buildings destroyed and no unneeded civilian deaths.
1. It took about that many on December 7, 1941.
2. Those buildings had to go for the same reason Hitler torched the Reichschtag, it had to be SPECTACULAR.
3. Additionally, they housed all the records and all the investigations into TRILLIONS of dollars of scams, cons and coverups from the SEC to the FBI.
4. Oh, I almost forgot, there was the multi-BILLION dollar asbestos abatement issue in BOTH towers.
And war with Afghanistan? Why? What purpose other than going after UBL could there have been? There was no other reason for the USA to go into Afghanistan so why manufacture one?
Google 'trans-Afghanistan pipeline'...
So you see not only is there no physical proof that the Commissions Report was wrong, There is no motive for any False Flag of this size. In all the years I was a Platoon Sergeant I taught my troops the old adage KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Why take the chance of involving thousands in the planning execution and cover up, when it could have been done with less than 10 people? If war with Saddam was the ultimate goal....
It didn't take thousands, it took maybe a couple dozen, all of whom profited quite handsomely.
You can show all the mathematics you want, We saw the buildings come down, and it was tragic, but we also have never seen any building fall the way they did from Demolitions. And no Demolitions were found in the debris.
1. The fact is they came down exactly as planned. The towers were 'Shock and Awe', while Building 7 was a typical demo.
2. Evidence of demo, in the form of thermate residues, WAS found in the rubble, and the 'pile' had molten metal at it's base for WEEKS.
3. The debris was shipped to China and 'recycled' just as fast as they could haul it off.

We see cut girders shown as proof, and we see videos of the recovery people cutting girders....
How did over 100,000 linear feet of continuous core columns get cut up into manageable, non-weightbearing pieces PRIOR to the collapses?
We hear all the BS about no planes, and we all have seen the planes and or the wreckage.
So there is no doubt the planes did it. You seem to admit that. But there is no proof that they didn't cause all the damage. And seeing the buildings fall doesn't prove anything.
Disinformation spread by the perpetrators to confuse, cloud and muddy the issues. It seems to be working just as planned, doesn't it?
Honestly for someone to plan this operation just to start a war would have been the stupidest things ever done.
It wasn't done "just to start a war", as I've explained above.
One the people who reported molten metal were in no position to tell us what it was. Two it has been proven that at least one Photo of so called molten metal was photoshopped. Once you start to fake photos, you've lost all credibility.

And no I do not believe in this phantom group of unknown unseen leaders.

And there is no way in hell you will convince anyone of sane mind that only a few dozen people could have planed executed and covered up this massive operation.......
OK Ollie, I notice you didn't even respond to several of the points I made, so no cookie for you.

I don't care about a photoshopped picture, Ollie. What did I say about disinformation? I saw video ON THE NEWS showing the molten steel 6 weeks after the towers came down.

I doesn't matter if you believe in the Shadow Government, either. They believe in you, and you're behaving just the way they want.

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