9/11 Conspiracy

not even close... <snip>...
Not to cast aspersions on your source there (Wikipedia, wasn't it?), but from The Oxford English Dictionary*:

Used to convey that a fact or situation demonstrates the truth of one’s theory or claim, especially to mark the conclusion of a formal proof. ...

Accordingly, the fact that your childish "loser says what?" post "demonstrate[d] the truth of [my] claim" that you're at the emotional level of the average 9 year-old...fully justified my use of the phrase.

...faux intellectualism is a hallmark of the conspiracy obsessed....

And there you go projecting again. :blahblah:

*quod erat demonstrandum definition of quod erat demonstrandum in Oxford dictionary American English US
not even close... <snip>...
Not to cast aspersions on your source there (Wikipedia, wasn't it?), but from The Oxford English Dictionary*:

Used to convey that a fact or situation demonstrates the truth of one’s theory or claim, especially to mark the conclusion of a formal proof. ...

Accordingly, the fact that your childish "loser says what?" post "demonstrate[d] the truth of [my] claim" that you're at the emotional level of the average 9 year-old...fully justified my use of the phrase.

...faux intellectualism is a hallmark of the conspiracy obsessed....

And there you go projecting again. :blahblah:

*quod erat demonstrandum definition of quod erat demonstrandum in Oxford dictionary American English US
funny, if you were as emotionally mature as you play at, this answer would be

making this statement true :"]...faux intellectualism is a hallmark of the conspiracy obsessed.
What made my most recent forgoing reply to you unnecessary was the self-evident way in which you engaged in the very thing you accused me of doing, soaking yourself with the bucketful of faux intellectuality you tried to throw my way (I'm talking about your appeal to the stunted definition you apparently thought would make you look smart...:laugh: ), and thereby projected your own behavior onto me for the likely subconscious purposes of displacement and reaction formation, just like the brain-dead character in the cartoon I posted earlier. Of course, I don't only act out of necessity, Daws; sometimes it's fun to engage half-wits like you because your actions on this board have so beautifully demonstrated just how richly you deserve the ridicule. :thup:
What made my most recent forgoing reply to you unnecessary was the self-evident way in which you engaged in the very thing you accused me of doing, soaking yourself with the bucketful of faux intellectuality you tried to throw my way (I'm talking about your appeal to the stunted definition you apparently thought would make you look smart...:laugh: ), and thereby projected your own behavior onto me for the likely subconscious purposes of displacement and reaction formation, just like the brain-dead character in the cartoon I posted earlier. Of course, I don't only act out of necessity, Daws; sometimes it's fun to engage half-wits like you because your actions on this board have so beautifully demonstrated just how richly you deserve the ridicule. :thup:
right... funny, if you were as emotionally mature as you play at, this answer would be
not getting along with the gullible and ignorant is my forte..

This constitutes arbitrary judgement and has no moral foundation, can we please stick to the actual subject and that is the conspiracy to commit fraud in the case of the 9/11 attack.?
not getting along with the gullible and ignorant is my forte..

This constitutes arbitrary judgement and has no moral foundation, can we please stick to the actual subject and that is the conspiracy to commit fraud in the case of the 9/11 attack.?

Powerful insurers with deep investigative pockets who were on the hook for BILLIONS in claims tried mightily to find proof of living conspirators (like some gov't officials) that could get them off the hook. They would love any real proof you may have which would give them a case for recovery of the big bucks they paid out and I'm certain they would pay handsomely for it. Hell ... just the book and speaking tour you most certainly would land would make you a wealthy rock star. Get busy, Sucker.
not getting along with the gullible and ignorant is my forte..

This constitutes arbitrary judgement and has no moral foundation, can we please stick to the actual subject and that is the conspiracy to commit fraud in the case of the 9/11 attack.?
sure we could if that had actually happened, since there is no evidence for it ...no.

It's is profoundly ironic that a 9/11 "Truther" would even consider mentioning fraud:

"This is absolute horseshit, which brings me to why I've formally distanced myself from this sorry excuse for a movement. Loose Change, 9/11 Mysteries, Alex Jones, and all the other kooks out there are fucking lying about, distorting, and misrepresenting the facts to further their personal agendas. And what is their agenda, you ask? Money, in the words of Shaggy 2 Dope, 'mutha fuckin bitch ass money.' Not only are they desecrating 3,000 graves, but they are profiting off of it. That, my friends, makes me sick to my fuckin stomach." - Mike Metzger, co-founder of 9/11 Truth UAlbany

Confessions of an Ex-Truther Letter of Resignation Scroll Down for Newer Posts
a few charlatans who profit off of the "truth movement" is somehow cited as proof that the quest for TRUTH really isn't and it is at least alleged that there are no real truth seekers, only crooks & their victims?

examine closely the facts of the whole alleged hijacked airliners fiasco + the untimely demise of WTC1,2 & 7 .... what do you see?
a few charlatans who profit off of the "truth movement" is somehow cited as proof that the quest for TRUTH really isn't and it is at least alleged that there are no real truth seekers, only crooks & their victims?

examine closely the facts of the whole alleged hijacked airliners fiasco + the untimely demise of WTC1,2 & 7 .... what do you see?

Yanno ... it takes a certain kind of hubris to assume that anyone who does not agree with you is somehow ignorant of the facts and as repeatedly stated, the NIST findings are not perfect but such is the nature of human endeavors. When the alternatives proffered by the "Truther" Movement are viewed with the same skepticism you reserve strictly for the official findings, those alternatives appear not just absurd but downright silly. Case in point: the "alleged hijacked airliners" theory you so desperately cling to which has even your fellow 9/11 CT loons rolling their eyes.
viewed with the same skepticism you reserve strictly for the official findings,

May I suggest that the skepticism for the truther points be applied to the work of the NIST and you would see similar results in the dismantling of the official story. Fact is that events such as the airliner crashes & non-accounting for wreckage + the total destruction of WTC1, 2 & 7 = an engineered event, speculation about WHO done it and whatever else, doesn't negate the fact that the events as observed, constitute proof of an engineered event.
viewed with the same skepticism you reserve strictly for the official findings,

May I suggest that the skepticism for the truther points be applied to the work of the NIST and you would see similar results in the dismantling of the official story. Fact is that events such as the airliner crashes & non-accounting for wreckage + the total destruction of WTC1, 2 & 7 = an engineered event, speculation about WHO done it and whatever else, doesn't negate the fact that the events as observed, constitute proof of an engineered event.
bias observation by parties with a vested interest in the conspiracy myth is not by any standard, proof.
Can anyone here simply for a moment totally ignore anything from Alex Jones or anybody else who seems to have something to sell, and just examine the events of 9/11/2001 as seen in the actual record compiled by the "news media".

You will note the crash of "FLT11" as it penetrates completely into the skyscraper not dropping any bit of itself outside the building, and also "FLT175" disappears completely into the skyscraper never to be seen again. and also "FLT77" also disappears into the PENTAGON, and then "FLT93" disappears into the ground ..... ( there is a pattern here )

First the South tower, and then the North tower and then WTC7 are completely destroyed, by what, "office fires"?

Examine carefully what you have, you do NOT have to pay any attention at all to anybody who is hawking their wares in the marketplace, there is plenty to be seen in the raw footage of the day.

Therefore the complaint about the hucksters & charlatans in the business, is totally irrelevant because one can simply ignore them and continue on with research about the events of the false flag attack that was 9/11/2001.
Can anyone here simply for a moment totally ignore anything from Alex Jones or anybody else who seems to have something to sell, and just examine the events of 9/11/2001 as seen in the actual record compiled by the "news media".

You will note the crash of "FLT11" as it penetrates completely into the skyscraper not dropping any bit of itself outside the building, and also "FLT175" disappears completely into the skyscraper never to be seen again. and also "FLT77" also disappears into the PENTAGON, and then "FLT93" disappears into the ground ..... ( there is a pattern here )

First the South tower, and then the North tower and then WTC7 are completely destroyed, by what, "office fires"?

Examine carefully what you have, you do NOT have to pay any attention at all to anybody who is hawking their wares in the marketplace, there is plenty to be seen in the raw footage of the day.

Therefore the complaint about the hucksters & charlatans in the business, is totally irrelevant because one can simply ignore them and continue on with research about the events of the false flag attack that was 9/11/2001.
you are an expert at ignoring ...reality that is...

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