9/11 families mount unprecedented challenge to NIST in new filing

I am saying that all the video clips of all the planes have been faked.

you can draw whatever secondary conclusions from that, that you wish, however remember where my premise begins and ends.

Explains a lot. There were no planes at the WTC either?
Got your ass handed to you on the P, so now you move the goal posts again. We arent done with the P yet.

Whats wrong with you that you would believe and worse claim that flt77 was found in the P when its wholly unverified?

You have no brain to think with?
All of the proof and facts are on my side and have been forever. I'm just slapping you around for fun at this point.

Any idea what happened to all of the planes and passengers since you don't think there were any planes that crashed on 9/11?
Yes you proved a lot irrelevant trivia.
Since you can not prove flt77 went into the P, nothing happened to anyone.
Im enjoying watching you squirm and desperately trying to move goal posts.
What P?
candy you are getting desperate and looking like a fool. You claim this and that but cant prove shit
Candy and her pals in Virginia are fishing for
witnesses. The ops that pulled it off got paid
for their loyalty, but the human conscience is a little
trickier to manipulate. ( or keep silent)
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candy you are getting desperate and looking like a fool. You claim this and that but cant prove shit
Candy and her pals in Virginia are fishing for
witnesses. The ops that pulled it off got paid
for their loyalty, but the human conscience is a little
trickier to manipulate. ( or keep silent)
corny posts more like a jtrg'r imo. Their typical MO, they get over the top insane with their responses and are too stupid to know when they have been beaten to a pulp
corny posts more like a jtrg'r imo. Their typical MO, they get over the top insane with their responses and are too stupid to know when they have been beaten to a pulp
Well, for the record I'm not a truther or conspiracy theorist but after posting on various online sites for almost 20 years, I've come to expect the candycorns and soupnazis.

The 3 main conspiracies I'm interested in are JFK's murder, the Oklahoma City operation and 9/11.

All website owners have to have conspiracy theory boards to keep the FBI and others off their ass. It goes without saying.
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Well, for the record I'm not a truther or conspiracy theorists but after posting on various online sites for almost 20 years,
yep, corny has gone full desperation mode, now that he finally realizes that no one today will fall for his bullshit anymore.

No proof it did not happen rules of engagement, works against those freaks every time because if their lips are moving or keyboard clicking they are lying.

We already have peer reviewed incontrovertable proof that fire did not bring down wtc7, more coming.

Its a fucking pity when citizens have to investigate a criminal guv out of their pockets.
yep, corny has gone full desperation mode, now that he finally realizes that no one today will fall for his bullshit anymore.

No proof it did not happen rules of engagement, works against those freaks every time because if their lips are moving or keyboard clicking they are lying.

We already have peer reviewed incontrovertable proof that fire did not bring down wtc7, more coming.

Its a fucking pity when citizens have to investigate a criminal guv out of their pockets.
And the media in their pockets of course.
It's not direct censorship like in China and Russia, but we're still being
watched by the hawks all the time. They learned from the Arab Spring how to
end an uprising .(unless it suits their agenda like the recent riots)
candy you are getting desperate and looking like a fool. You claim this and that but cant prove shit

The human remains of the passengers on Flight 77 that were found in and around the Pentagon proves that AA77 crashed there. Unless you can account for them getting there some other way. I'd be happy to hear your theory.
candy you are getting desperate and looking like a fool. You claim this and that but cant prove shit
Candy and her pals in Virginia are fishing for
witnesses. The ops that pulled it off got paid
for their loyalty, but the human conscience is a little
trickier to manipulate. ( or keep silent)
Then please explain the light poles.
Then please explain the light poles.
I'm not talking about the Pentagon.

Then please explain the light poles.
I'm not talking about the Pentagon.

Its part of the supposed conspiracy...

What you now have to account for thanks to your latest silly allegation is why the plotters would even have the light poles in the equation. A plane crash needn't necessarily have the light poles being knocked down. So now you have to account for why Mr. Big (there is always a Mr. Big) would put the guys who took down the light poles on the payroll, why they would have a cab be hit by the light poles, why they would have the driver of the cab on the payroll.

Your allegation. Support it please.
Then please explain the light poles.
I'm not talking about the Pentagon.

Its part of the supposed conspiracy...

What you now have to account for thanks to your latest silly allegation is why the plotters would even have the light poles in the equation. A plane crash needn't necessarily have the light poles being knocked down. So now you have to account for why Mr. Big (there is always a Mr. Big) would put the guys who took down the light poles on the payroll, why they would have a cab be hit by the light poles, why they would have the driver of the cab on the payroll.

Your allegation. Support it please.
A lot of times Mr Big isn't really Mr Big, but just an employee. Some of the sub-ops may have even been unwitting accomplices before the fact.
Then please explain the light poles.
I'm not talking about the Pentagon.

Its part of the supposed conspiracy...

What you now have to account for thanks to your latest silly allegation is why the plotters would even have the light poles in the equation. A plane crash needn't necessarily have the light poles being knocked down. So now you have to account for why Mr. Big (there is always a Mr. Big) would put the guys who took down the light poles on the payroll, why they would have a cab be hit by the light poles, why they would have the driver of the cab on the payroll.

Your allegation. Support it please.
A lot of times Mr Big isn't really Mr Big, but just an employee. Some of the sub-ops may have even been unwitting accomplices before the fact.

So you're now stating that the guys who supposedly took down the light poles did it for no reason, they smashed in a cab windshield and left a very confused driver in its wake and they never asked why?


The worst thing you can do to a 9/11 truther is hand them the microphone and let them talk. As Angelo just demonstrated, when they begin to put things in their own words, they sound like a fucking idiot. Why? Because they are fucking idiots.
Wow, a bunch of edited videos nobody will ever watch. Don't you get tired of being pathetic?

Again, The worst thing you can do to a 9/11 truther is hand them the microphone and let them talk. And you'll notice Angelo shuts up real quick when challenged. Koo Koo should take a lesson.

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