9/11 Truth Activist Sues Glenn Beck and Fox News for Defamation


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

My favorite TV News personality, Glenn Beck, is being sued for defamation of character by a 9/11 Truth Activist for many very good reasons. Greg Hoover is taking it upon himself to set things right, because Glenn Beck runs diversion for the Official Cover Stories and regularly attacks 911Truthers using every underhanded form of trickery under the sun. This is exactly the kind of Glenn Beck BS that ruins his own 9/12 Program (link), because the talk show host turned 9/11 Govt Stooge never took the time to get 9/11 right.

Infowars.com Article

9/11 Truth Activist Sues Glenn Beck and Fox News for Defamation

Washington’s Blog
June 12, 2009

An East Coast 9/11 truth activist is preparing to file a defamation lawsuit against TV / radio personality, Glenn Beck, the producers of the Glenn Beck Program, and the Fox News Channel.

Specifically, Greg Hoover will be suing the above-described defendants in Federal Court for Beck’s having repeatedly broadcast statements characterizing those who question the government’s official version of the events of 9/11 as, “anarchists,” “terrorists” and as persons denying the Holocaust.

The complaint will note that - on October 22, 2007 - Beck suggested that those identifying themselves as associated with the 9/11 truth movement are “dangerous” “anarchists” who deny the Holocaust, and are “the kind of group that Timothy McVeigh would come from.”

The suit will also note that during Beck’s June 10th broadcast Beck linked the murder of the Washington D.C. holocaust museum guard with “9/11 truthers.”

As I have previously written, suing people for defamation who falsely claim that 9/11 activists are terrorists could be a good way to stand up to these bullies. (Continued)
Let the truth be told that I like Glenn Beck and consider his work to be very good in most areas, but the man simply has 9/11 DEAD WRONG. This is the letter I am sending off to my favorite TV personality in hopes that he will pull his head out of the sand . . .

Subject: Glenn Beck Lawsuit: Playing The 9/11 Govt Stooge

Hi Glenn:

I watch your Fox News TV Show every day and love Glenn Beck like a brother, but you really must pull your head out of the sand and wake-the-hell up to the 911Truth that 9/11 Was DEFINITELY An Inside Job (my blog @ Link #1). Your 9/12 Program depends upon Glenn Beck getting 9/11 right and thus far you appear very much to be "The 9/11 Govt Stooge" selling Loyal Bushie LIES without one clue as to what in the hell you are even talking about. All of the Shanksville pictures show the SAME EMPTY HOLE (Link #2) and Glenn Beck has the gall to sit there on the TV every night and pretend that a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed in that empty field (my USMB Topic @ Link #3).

Now you are facing a defamation lawsuit (Link #4 = rightfully so) for standing with Loyal Bushie LIARS and attacking real 911Truthers like me (#3 @ Link #5). Here is a little News Flash for Glenn Beck:

Those among us helping to perpetuate the Official Cover Story LIES (like you) are just as guilty as the inside-job terrorists that planned and carried out the murder innocent Americans on 9/11. Glenn Beck has every opportunity to make things right by simply presenting 'the 911Truth' about Flight 93 (Link #3 again), Flight 77 (Link #6 = what really happened) and the WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Implosion Case (Link #7), OR stand with the real inside-job bad guys as just one of their many little helpers running diversion for the out-of-control Bushie and Obama Administrations.

I am more than happy to come onto your show anytime and lay out ‘the’ 911Truth evidence for ‘all’ of these related inside-job cases, so that Glenn Beck and all of your supporters can make up your own minds ‘from the evidence.’ This is more like alcoholism than you might realize ‘and’ Glenn Beck has to actually ‘want’ to help himself, before anyone on God’s Green Earth can even begin to show you the Light . . .

PS. A link to my new USMB Glenn Beck Lawsuit Topic including this email is at Link #8.


Terral L. Croft
xxx xxx-xxxx
[email protected]

Link #1 >> 9/11 Was An Inside Job
Link #2 >> http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c266/Terral03/93crash2.jpg
Link #3 >> http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...d-in-the-empty-field-outside-shanksville.html
Link #4 >> 9/11 Truth Activist Sues Glenn Beck and Fox News for Defamation
Link #5 >> People with demolition expertise questioning 9/11: huhtikuu 2008
Link #6 >> http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...-what-happened-at-the-pentagon-on-9-11-a.html
Link #7 >> http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...7-was-a-controlled-demolition-inside-job.html
Link #8 >> [FONT=&quot]http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...-and-fox-news-for-defamation.html#post1274531 [/FONT]



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Greetings to All:

This is the kind of Loyal Bushie LIES about 911Truthers that Glenn Beck pushes all the time.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUTATYaIZYI"]Glenn Beck On 911Truthers[/ame]

For the record, I never heard of James von Brunn (story) before he decided to murder anybody. Glenn Beck has made the gross error of trying to force 'all' 911Truthers into his little stereotypical box.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gJ3z9PCtkI&NR=1]A Message To Glenn Beck!!![/ame]


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Greetings to All:

Let us cut to the chase and expose the Fox News Network as the Loyal Bushie Inside-Job Counterintelligence Disinformation Media Outlet that Glenn Beck uses to attack real 911Truthers. The real Inside-Job Bad Guys that planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks include George Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld (my blog), John Ashcroft, FEMA and the Justice Department (Tripod 2), NORAD (wargames cover) the FBI, CIA, NSA and all of their subordinate agencies. Most of you fail to realize that George Bush was accompanied by his chief adviser (Karl Rove), while the president sat in the "Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida" (from the 9/11 Timeline). This is where the 9/11 LIES begin . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60"]Bush Caught LYING About 9/11[/ame]

Karl Rove used his 'self-purging' (every 30 days) Republican Party ‘Blackberry’ Cell Phone (many stories = used to fire 8 U.S. Attorneys via Monica Goodling), but somehow Senor Bushie did not receive the News about the WTC attacks in a timely manner. In fact, Senor Bushie and his “top adviser” continued reading about pet goats in Sarasota for more than a half hour, before finally leaving the school at precisely 9:31 AM when the Pentagon was struck by the Raytheon Missile (story = from my blog entry). Senor Rove is commonly called “Bush’s Brain” (link), because he has more mental prowess than anybody inside the corrupt Bushie Administration ‘and’ he obviously had a very large role in planning and carrying out the 9/11 Inside Job Attacks.

Senor Bushie and his senior adviser were hiding in plain sight in Florida, while everyone capable of foiling the Inside Job attack was murdered at the Pentagon (diagram = Navy and Defense Intelligence); which also included all of the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) responsible for tracking down the missing 2.3 Trillion Dollars (link). An interesting side note is that Dick Cheney was also moved to his remote hiding place (White House Bunker) at precisely 9:31 AM at the very same time.

So, Karl Rove leaves Senor Bushie’s side as his chief adviser to go where??? Oh yeah, Karl Rove joined the Media Propaganda Bandwagon by signing on with Fox News as a ‘Contributor’ (story). Now Glenn Beck can ask Karl Rove to join his show for testimony about from his ‘inside-job’ insight into the 9/11 attacks, or on any other Loyal Bushie/Obama Topic, that might help the out-of-control Govt push yet another Inside Job Cover Story.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZuPYWpiDRo"]Glenn Beck Playing Govt Stooge – Again[/ame]

Asking Karl Rove about ANYTHING is like questioning Charles Manson about his views on basic human rights . . .


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Greetings to All:

Glenn Beck dropped the ball in exposing the REX 84 FEMA Concentration Camps by ‘setting out to get the truth’ (right Glenn) from another Loyal Bushie/Obama LIAR Jim Meigs from Popular Mechanics.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8LZ2pCuHOM"]Glenn Beck And Loyal Bushie Propaganda[/ame]

My work exposing Jim Meigs and his 9/11 Official Cover Story Disinformation Propaganda is here at the old LooseChange Board. Jim Meigs has been running diversion for the Official 9/11 Govt Cover Stories for years and years, which is the very reason that Glenn Beck Handlers chose him to ‘debunk’ testimony about the FEMA Death Camps and the “Plan” to bring the USA under Martial Law (my thread).

The REX 84 FEMA Concentration Camps are very real and the stories about them are everywhere.

GlobalResearch.ca Story

Wiki on REX 84

Beach Grove Indiana Footage

LibertyForLife.com Story

UWeb.Txstate.edu Story

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_gD25lwjAk"]Congress Is Kept Away from REX 84 FEMA Plan[/ame]

Everyone here should realize that Congress had the famous “Secret Meeting” on this very topic of REX 84 FEMA Camps and Martial Law (story) on March 13, 2008 of last year, but Glenn Beck and Jim Meigs have ‘debunked’ everything to do with the FEMA Camps and Martial Law (yeah right).

Secret Meeting Plans Revealed << tons of links

Click the link above and get ready to wake-the-hell-up about what is really happening with the REX 84 Camps (link) that Glenn Beck and his Loyal Bushie/Obama Disinformation Propaganda Agent supposedly &#8216;debunked&#8217; in a few minutes of &#8216;talk.&#8217;

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qftn3xWjUzg"]Update On Martial Law Preparations[/ame]

This video provides information on what the Govt is doing to prepare for Martial Law.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXfXuk6aWJc"]Martial Law Plans Revealed???[/ame]

This video shows how Congress is funding Halliburton-built FEMA Death Camps (PacificNews.org story) right here in the USA. Glenn Beck needs to put down the Loyal Bushie Kool-aid and step back from the Govt Cover Story Disinformation Propaganda and stop playing the Official Govt Stooge on the TV every night by attacking real 911Truthers doing everything possible to show you the Light.


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Hi Retired:

Noone will play with Terral so he just keeps responding to himself, how cute.:eusa_whistle:

None of you guys :)confused:) can 'quote >>' one word from my work to prove one thing 'wrong' using evidentiary support of your own (as usual). I am very much surprised that the Retired Guy :)cuckoo:) removed his head from the sand long enough to type out the fourteen words above. Thank you once again for taking the time to make your excellent contribution to the Topic . . .


And their hands never get tired . . . :0)

Hey don't blame me, I was just trying to get your thread noticed by someone besides yourself or your troofer buddies. (from below)

Noticed? The Retired 911DENIER (the middle stooge) has 15,000+ empty posts that include one-liner stupidity in the very same way your hearty stench appears on this thread. The lack of one-liner nonsense on my Topic means somebody is actually taking the time to 'read' about what is really going on. If you have no contribution to make on this 911Truther Topic (this Guy is worthless Loyal Bushie Chat-Monkey #1), because in 'your mind' :)cuckoo:) no conspiracies exist anyway (my signature), the wise choice is to remain silent to appear wise (Proverb 17:28) to somebody.

Too late for that. :0)


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Hey don't blame me, I was just trying to get your thread noticed by someone besides yourself or your troofer buddies.
What Beck, Oreilly, Oberman, Matthews et al do is NOT news. It is opinion and commentary.
It's opinion and comentary packaged as facts which is worse

Terral, I just showed my granma a part of the zeitgeist movie, and I know it's old and not the greatest movie on any subject, but what are your thoughts on the movie? Thanks for putting all these videos in one post, my "friend" works for glenn beck as an intern so I love giving him shit about it and fox news.
It's opinion and comentary packaged as facts which is worse

Terral, I just showed my granma a part of the zeitgeist movie, and I know it's old and not the greatest movie on any subject, but what are your thoughts on the movie? Thanks for putting all these videos in one post, my "friend" works for glenn beck as an intern so I love giving him shit about it and fox news.

The sad thing is that most people are too stupid to know the difference or even worse just don't care
None of you guys () can 'quote >>' one word from my work to prove one thing 'wrong' using evidentiary support of your own (as usual). I am very much surprised that the Retired Guy () removed his head from the sand long enough to type out the fourteen words above. Thank you once again for taking the time to make your excellent contribution to the Topic . . .


Terral. who is John Haller? John Murtha is the rep. for Pennsylvanias 12th deitrict. Please give me a link to his congressional website.
Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Grand Chessboard
"The attitude of the American public toward the external projection of American power has been much more ambivalent. The public supported America's engagement in World War II largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.&#8221; p.24-25

"Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat." p.211

Lo and behold, the Twin Towers happened to club together public support just as the US was ready to project its direct power over ME!

If Americans will not demand a proper international investigation into the 9/11 crime, the next time US mafia in charge of the country will subject the USA and the rest of the world to even greater tragedy in order to fashion a consensus on US foreign policy issues.

Speaking of tragedies, what's the story with those 500000 Fema Plastic Coffins in Atlanta Georgia USA?
Hi Wvulax:

It's opinion and commentary packaged as facts which is worse

Terral, I just showed my grandma a part of the zeitgeist movie, and I know it's old and not the greatest movie on any subject, but what are your thoughts on the movie?

Zeitgeist, The Movie (link) is a blend of fact (about the privately-owned FED) and fiction (Christ/astrology misrepresentations) and myth (2Tim. 4:3-4).

Thanks for putting all these videos in one post, my "friend" works for glenn beck as an intern so I love giving him shit about it and fox news.

I hope that Glenn Beck will raise his head from the sand and do something about getting 9/11 right, so his 9/12 Program begins to make sense. Everyone running diversion for the 'real' Inside-job Bad Guys are just as guilty as Senor Bushie, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft and all of their New World Order Puppeteers with names like Rothschild, Warburg, Morgan and Rockefeller.

Glenn Beck has time to stand for 'the' 911Truth, but he will likely keep his head buried in the sand. BTW, your movie (around 1:08:00) documents how 'exercises' were underway when these 'attacks' took place. We have FEMA Bio-terror Exercises (using Foreign Troops) scheduled for July 27, 2009 (Swine Flu Update: Post #133) . . .


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oh boy
i look forward to this case
please do keep us updated

and dont be too disappointed if the judge throws it out
None of you guys :)confused:) can 'quote >>' one word from my work to prove one thing 'wrong' using evidentiary support of your own (as usual).
You mean this thread or anything you've ever posted?

I've already debunked your "No Plane Crashed in Pennsylvania on 9/11" thread.
None of you guys () can 'quote >>' one word from my work to prove one thing 'wrong' using evidentiary support of your own (as usual). I am very much surprised that the Retired Guy () removed his head from the sand long enough to type out the fourteen words above. Thank you once again for taking the time to make your excellent contribution to the Topic . . .


Again I ask Terral. Who is John Haller? John Murtha is the rep. for Pennsylvanias 12th district. Please give me a link to his congressional website.
Hi Walt:

Again I ask Terral. Who is John Haller? John Murtha is the rep. for Pennsylvanias 12th district. Please give me a link to his congressional website.

Walt is the only guy talking about John Haller and John Murtha for some strange reason. Next time try using your search engine. :0)



Geeze you must be dense. See you own post number 4. You use a video for evidence with John Haller's name on it. This is the wording over the video.

This video provides information on what the Govt is doing to prepare for Martial Law.

Martial Law Plans Revealed???

According to said video you provide as "proof" he represents the 12th district in Pennsylvania. You do not even seem to know who is in the videos you provide as "proof".

Here is what I responded to.

None of you guys () can 'quote >>' one word from my work to prove one thing 'wrong' using evidentiary support of your own (as usual). I am very much surprised that the Retired Guy () removed his head from the sand long enough to type out the fourteen words above. Thank you once again for taking the time to make your excellent contribution to the Topic . . .


So I am showing you words from your post to prove you wrong. Then I find out it is worse than that. You do not even read your own "proof" or watch the videos.
Hi Walt:

Again I ask Terral. Who is John Haller? John Murtha is the rep. for Pennsylvanias 12th district. Please give me a link to his congressional website.

Walt is the only guy talking about John Haller and John Murtha for some strange reason. Next time try using your search engine. :0)



Geeze you must be dense. See you own post number 4. You use a video for evidence with John Haller's name on it. This is the wording over the video.

This video provides information on what the Govt is doing to prepare for Martial Law.

Martial Law Plans Revealed???

According to said video you provide as "proof" he represents the 12th district in Pennsylvania. You do not even seem to know who is in the videos you provide as "proof".

Here is what I responded to.

None of you guys () can 'quote >>' one word from my work to prove one thing 'wrong' using evidentiary support of your own (as usual). I am very much surprised that the Retired Guy () removed his head from the sand long enough to type out the fourteen words above. Thank you once again for taking the time to make your excellent contribution to the Topic . . .


So I am showing you words from your post to prove you wrong. Then I find out it is worse than that. You do not even read your own "proof" or watch the videos.
terral only knows what Alex Jones tells him to know

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