9,200 Purely Covid Deaths in the USA

We tried to tell you what is called "Comobidity! See attached chart...
94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying health problems, 6% died of virus alone: CDC
Only 6% of coronavirus deaths in the United States mention COVID-19 as the only cause, while the remaining 94% of deaths with the virus had other “health conditions and contributing causes” as well, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned,” says the CDC report. This comes to 9,683 deaths.

The top conditions contributing to deaths involving coronavirus disease include influenza and pneumonia, respiratory failure, hypertensive disease, diabetes, vascular and unspecified dementia, cardiac arrest, heart failure, renal failure, intentional and unintentional injury and poisoning, the report shows.

View attachment 382847
Herman Cain agrees with you as he tweets, today.
View attachment 382858
Cain was going through chemo therapy jackass.....
Thanks for the useless insult Bone Head. What about this?:
Herman Cain Died of COVID-19, Not Cancer
By Bala Thenappan
Quick Take
Within hours after his passing, Facebook posts falsely claimed that former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain died of colon cancer, not COVID-19. Cain did battle and survive cancer in 2006, but his staff confirmed online that his death was due to the novel coronavirus.

He had a weakened immune system and stop crying...you sound like a snowflake bitch....
For the math and stats disabled plus those who like the lock down life let me once again be your beacon of reality.

In round figures the CDC has admitted to 10,000 of the 187,000 deaths to be only Covid
That leaves 177,000 that were mixed causes. The CDC states that for every “Covid plus..” that the “plus” contained 2.5 other morbidities affiliated with the decedent. So 1 part Covid plus 2.5 parts other equals 3.5. 177,000 deaths divided by 3.5 equals 50,500.
50,500 plus the original 10,000 equals 60,500. No way to tell if Covid in those 177,000 was the final straw or just another log on the fire so it was assigned a lethality value equal to the other morbidities that the deceased was afflicted with.
So the reality is that some people did die for sure from Covid alone (10,000) and Covid combo (50,500) and about 127,000 deaths were Incorrectly attributed to Covid and should have been attributed to the other 2-3 morbidities that each decedent had.
So lockdowners and Hoaxers, 60,500 valid and true Covid deaths is a somber number. It has been exaggerated and Hoaxed into something far worse which was wrong.
330 million America’s should have never put put into this lockdown mess over 10,000 for sure deaths and another 50,500 statistically likely ones. The release from this intentional oversight should begin immediately

Let me say again dunce that covid killed the ones with pre existing conditions. I guess someone who roams the streets of DC looking for trouble can't comprehend.
If they caught the flu, THAT would have been listed as the cause of death. The point is, these people, for the most part, were old, frail, and SOMETHING would have taken them out.

We know you need to keep up the panic as long as possible, but it's over. Better start working on your next crisis to lay at the feet of Donald
Yes, people that already have other heath problems are more likely to die if they catch the Covid. Some people that "died of Covid" had one foot in the grave already and probably would not of lived another 6 months anyway. Others that were old and not of perfect health could of possibly of lived another 20 to 30 years. So in many cases, Covid-19 was the straw that "broke the camel's back", killing thousands of Americans. A quite large percentage of people over 60 have health problems that when combined with covid will be deadly.
We tried to tell you what is called "Comobidity! See attached chart...
94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying health problems, 6% died of virus alone: CDC
Only 6% of coronavirus deaths in the United States mention COVID-19 as the only cause, while the remaining 94% of deaths with the virus had other “health conditions and contributing causes” as well, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned,” says the CDC report. This comes to 9,683 deaths.

The top conditions contributing to deaths involving coronavirus disease include influenza and pneumonia, respiratory failure, hypertensive disease, diabetes, vascular and unspecified dementia, cardiac arrest, heart failure, renal failure, intentional and unintentional injury and poisoning, the report shows.

View attachment 382847
Herman Cain agrees with you as he tweets, today.
View attachment 382858
Cain was going through chemo therapy jackass.....
Thanks for the useless insult Bone Head. What about this?:
Herman Cain Died of COVID-19, Not Cancer
By Bala Thenappan
Quick Take
Within hours after his passing, Facebook posts falsely claimed that former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain died of colon cancer, not COVID-19. Cain did battle and survive cancer in 2006, but his staff confirmed online that his death was due to the novel coronavirus.

He had a weakened immune system and stop crying...you sound like a snowflake bitch....
Your pitiful retort sound weak and feeble. Here is your updated picture as you really are:
We tried to tell you what is called "Comobidity! See attached chart...
94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying health problems, 6% died of virus alone: CDC
Only 6% of coronavirus deaths in the United States mention COVID-19 as the only cause, while the remaining 94% of deaths with the virus had other “health conditions and contributing causes” as well, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned,” says the CDC report. This comes to 9,683 deaths.

The top conditions contributing to deaths involving coronavirus disease include influenza and pneumonia, respiratory failure, hypertensive disease, diabetes, vascular and unspecified dementia, cardiac arrest, heart failure, renal failure, intentional and unintentional injury and poisoning, the report shows.

View attachment 382847
Please stop repeating this lie.

Its as if these pieces of shit are happy with 10,000 deaths.

They are some sad fucks.
(feign surprise), GASP! I wear the masks, I do the dance. I don't know a person that actually was affected by the covid 19 any more than the common flu two years ago that our compadres at the CDC didn't shut down THEN. Something isn't adding up. In a pandemic, if it was real, it would be hard to deny or ignore. I am just not seeing it, the covid thing. I don't know anyone afflicted by it to be rated a (excuse me) pandemic. In 1918 you couldn't ignore the Spanish flu, it afflicted almost everyone. And it was more virulent and deadly. This lockdown is something else.
I saw on the news the other day that we had our first case of somebody being reinfected with the coronavirus. According to what they said, it was because it was a different kind of coronavirus. Seeing how there is only one kind causing any kind of widespread effects, I am guessing that it is a mutated coronavirus. A Covid-20. President Trump is a complete shithead for not taking decisive steps to contain it when he first even heard the word. Somebody should have told him it was a version of SARS. Which stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Maybe he did. But the words SEVERE and ACUTE went over his head. Even his sister, who is a retired judge, called him a liar with no principles. So far, that silver spoon, affluenza suffering slimeball has caused the deaths of over 280,000 people. I call him a murderer. And now, with apparently different kinds of coronavirus coming into existence, a vaccine is even less likely to be effective. If it ever gets here.
Your brain just blew a fuse. Roll your ass into a repair shop soon.

First of all where the hell did you just decide to add 100k deaths to the total? Exaggerating for effect?

The rest of your stupid ass rant is as fact based as your death count. Karen.
I saw on the news the other day that we had our first case of somebody being reinfected with the coronavirus. According to what they said, it was because it was a different kind of coronavirus. Seeing how there is only one kind causing any kind of widespread effects, I am guessing that it is a mutated coronavirus. A Covid-20. President Trump is a complete shithead for not taking decisive steps to contain it when he first even heard the word. Somebody should have told him it was a version of SARS. Which stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Maybe he did. But the words SEVERE and ACUTE went over his head. Even his sister, who is a retired judge, called him a liar with no principles. So far, that silver spoon, affluenza suffering slimeball has caused the deaths of over 280,000 people. I call him a murderer. And now, with apparently different kinds of coronavirus coming into existence, a vaccine is even less likely to be effective. If it ever gets here.
What a completely ignorant post. There are at least 6 strains of Covid 19 that have been known about for months. The west coast got the Wuhan strain known as L. The east coast got the most widespread strain G and GR. The L strain is gradually disappearing. GR and GH mutated back in February.
Despite this there is little variability which is good news for researchers.
Your quote...
"I am guessing".
Well, your goddamn wrong.
We tried to tell you what is called "Comobidity! See attached chart...
94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying health problems, 6% died of virus alone: CDC
Only 6% of coronavirus deaths in the United States mention COVID-19 as the only cause, while the remaining 94% of deaths with the virus had other “health conditions and contributing causes” as well, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned,” says the CDC report. This comes to 9,683 deaths.

The top conditions contributing to deaths involving coronavirus disease include influenza and pneumonia, respiratory failure, hypertensive disease, diabetes, vascular and unspecified dementia, cardiac arrest, heart failure, renal failure, intentional and unintentional injury and poisoning, the report shows.

View attachment 382847
Please stop repeating this lie.

Its as if these pieces of shit are happy with 10,000 deaths.

They are some sad fucks.
Where the fuck did you get that from? You morons are are actually disappointed it’s only 9700? Really?
We tried to tell you what is called "Comobidity! See attached chart...
94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying health problems, 6% died of virus alone: CDC
Only 6% of coronavirus deaths in the United States mention COVID-19 as the only cause, while the remaining 94% of deaths with the virus had other “health conditions and contributing causes” as well, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned,” says the CDC report. This comes to 9,683 deaths.

The top conditions contributing to deaths involving coronavirus disease include influenza and pneumonia, respiratory failure, hypertensive disease, diabetes, vascular and unspecified dementia, cardiac arrest, heart failure, renal failure, intentional and unintentional injury and poisoning, the report shows.

View attachment 382847
Please stop repeating this lie.

Its as if these pieces of shit are happy with 10,000 deaths.

They are some sad fucks.
Where the fuck did you get that from? You morons are are actually disappointed it’s only 9700? Really?

We're disappointed that it's 180,000+.
(feign surprise), GASP! I wear the masks, I do the dance. I don't know a person that actually was affected by the covid 19 any more than the common flu two years ago that our compadres at the CDC didn't shut down THEN. Something isn't adding up. In a pandemic, if it was real, it would be hard to deny or ignore. I am just not seeing it, the covid thing. I don't know anyone afflicted by it to be rated a (excuse me) pandemic. In 1918 you couldn't ignore the Spanish flu, it afflicted almost everyone. And it was more virulent and deadly. This lockdown is something else.
It's a political act by forces desperate to derail Trump by any means necessary.
The most insidious hoax ever perpetrated. I’m confident 10k died from it alone but honestly believe 50-60k is more likely with almost 130k of the previous tally being incorrectly classified as Covid.
If ultimately proven true the info today that less than 1000 under 55 have died is beyond words.
It’s so bad that all the powers invested in the perpetuation of it will be very resistant to truth being restored
So the CDC that the MSM Loved to get us locked down is now roundly criticized by the MSM as inaccurate

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