9,200 Purely Covid Deaths in the USA

So in other words, if you are totally healthy COVID 19 is no different than the common flu.
Apparently about half as threatening as flu. 0.04% mortality for Wuhan and 0.1% for flu.
Guess we have to shut down the world every year for flu.
We only had to do that one-time shut down to prep the medical; industry reserves and logistics.

We should not ever have to do that again.

Trying to stop the spread of a disease entirely by shutdowns is lunacy.
Most people succumbed so easily and got corkscrewed in so tight that they don’t want out. This is what libbie fakers and hoaxers hoped for-Stockholm syndrome.
MSM should be ringing the bells of freedom but instead are hiding and altering the story
CDC finally came clean with what we've all been wondering. Has ANYBODY actually died from Covid ALONE?

Apparently 9,200. Who knows what underlying circumstances caused the rest to die

And those living years with underlying conditions would have continued to live if they had not contracted Covid. Get your head out of your ass.
Here's the actual CDC link for the tards who'll cry about the Gateway pundit:

For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death

But that’s inaccurate.

In truth, the CDC data says 6% of death certificates that list COVID-19 indicate it was the only factor in the fatality. The other 94% percent of patients had, on average, two to three “contributing causes” mentioned in addition to COVID-19 on their death certificates.

"That woman didn't die because I ran over her with my car, she'd just gone to the doctor with a cold!" - dumb ass Trumpist
The hurricane didn’t kill that guy, the flying Yield sign decapitated him
Why is everything about Trump with your people. The Celtics won today.

Candycorn: Trump sucks and he hates the Celtics.

Get some help.
Probably because of the desire to find ways to minimize the seriousness and impact of a virus just to placate a certain someone and his fragile base..
Here's the actual CDC link for the tards who'll cry about the Gateway pundit:

For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death

The Hoax we knew it was. 6% pure Covid and rest Covid plus 2-3 other conditions. It was Criminal to include all as Covid death
Now. With such damning information., how do the powers that be save face and release us from the Hoax?

You idiot the fucking covid killed them. Pre x didn't matter they'd been living with diabetes, kidney disease, etc for years and probably had quite a few forward.
The CDC Fakey Fauci info was good enough to shut us down but not good enough to open us back up
Lib 101
Here's the actual CDC link for the tards who'll cry about the Gateway pundit:

For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death

The Hoax we knew it was. 6% pure Covid and rest Covid plus 2-3 other conditions. It was Criminal to include all as Covid death
Now. With such damning information., how do the powers that be save face and release us from the Hoax?

You idiot the fucking covid killed them. Pre x didn't matter they'd been living with diabetes, kidney disease, etc for years and probably had quite a few forward.
Overly emotional that you little scam is unraveling
Interesting that you would falsely contend that all people on life support due to stroke and heart attack who also later contracted Covid were ALL killed by the Covid.
That fear mongeting worst case scenario was part of this Hoax
Last night, I learned that my 45 year old cousin, Matt, died yesterday morning.

While it's believed to have likely been a blood clot, the result of some sort of issue with pancreatitis (I'm not a doctor so I might have that wrong), but we have to wait for the autopsy to know for sure.

I called Matt's sister and her husband answered the phone. Apparently, Matt had been having a great deal of abdominal pain since Friday, and he finally relented to his girlfriend's and his Mom's demands that he go to the ER. While he was in the ER he flat-lined. They worked on him for 45 minutes, but they couldn't bring him back.

Then Steve (my cousin's husband) said something which I (and the rest of the family) thought was incredible: They were going to test to see if Matt was positive for Covid. He'd been routinely tested because of his job and every test was negative.

I can only believe they're doing that so they can pad their Covid numbers...
CDC finally came clean with what we've all been wondering. Has ANYBODY actually died from Covid ALONE?

Apparently 9,200. Who knows what underlying circumstances caused the rest to die

And those living years with underlying conditions would have continued to live if they had not contracted Covid. Get your head out of your ass.
Your idea is utter pie in the sky that You know that absent the Covid that all serious to critical patients would have lived. Complete and total assumptive fraud just like Covid
Last night, I learned that my 45 year old cousin, Matt, died yesterday morning.

While it's believed to have likely been a blood clot, the result of some sort of issue with pancreatitis (I'm not a doctor so I might have that wrong), but we have to wait for the autopsy to know for sure.

I called Matt's sister and her husband answered the phone. Apparently, Matt had been having a great deal of abdominal pain since Friday, and he finally relented to his girlfriend's and his Mom's demands that he go to the ER. While he was in the ER he flat-lined. They worked on him for 45 minutes, but they couldn't bring him back.

Then Steve (my cousin's husband) said something which I (and the rest of the family) thought was incredible: They were going to test to see if Matt was positive for Covid. He'd been routinely tested because of his job and every test was negative.

I can only believe they're doing that so they can pad their Covid numbers...
They who??
CDC finally came clean with what we've all been wondering. Has ANYBODY actually died from Covid ALONE?

Apparently 9,200. Who knows what underlying circumstances caused the rest to die

And those living years with underlying conditions would have continued to live if they had not contracted Covid. Get your head out of your ass.
Your idea is utter pie in the sky that You know that absent the Covid that all serious to critical patients would have lived. Complete and total assumptive fraud just like Covid
It is just like when Obama was going on and on about H1N1 being a hoax and faking the numbers...oh wait!

That never happened.......

Ok here is a better example......it is like how FDR and Eisenhower were padding the numbers on polio just so to scare people and give Jonas Salk a chance to be some kind of hero by forcing everyone to take his Commie vaccine...
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For the math and stats disabled plus those who like the lock down life let me once again be your beacon of reality.

In round figures the CDC has admitted to 10,000 of the 187,000 deaths to be only Covid
That leaves 177,000 that were mixed causes. The CDC states that for every “Covid plus..” that the “plus” contained 2.5 other morbidities affiliated with the decedent. So 1 part Covid plus 2.5 parts other equals 3.5. 177,000 deaths divided by 3.5 equals 50,500.
50,500 plus the original 10,000 equals 60,500. No way to tell if Covid in those 177,000 was the final straw or just another log on the fire so it was assigned a lethality value equal to the other morbidities that the deceased was afflicted with.
So the reality is that some people did die for sure from Covid alone (10,000) and Covid combo (50,500) and about 127,000 deaths were Incorrectly attributed to Covid and should have been attributed to the other 2-3 morbidities that each decedent had.
So lockdowners and Hoaxers, 60,500 valid and true Covid deaths is a somber number. It has been exaggerated and Hoaxed into something far worse which was wrong.
330 million America’s should have never put put into this lockdown mess over 10,000 for sure deaths and another 50,500 statistically likely ones. The release from this intentional oversight should begin immediately
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Trump had to ruin the economy because the stock market tanked.
wrong again--as usual---you must have forgotten that the brain dead demoncrats are the idiots who wanted the country closed---not the borders
CDC finally came clean with what we've all been wondering. Has ANYBODY actually died from Covid ALONE?

Apparently 9,200. Who knows what underlying circumstances caused the rest to die

I've known this, definitively, since NY-State intentionally conflated all seasonal flu death with wuhan fever! Such gets absolutely no airtime in the media-sphere, specifically, when 2019 seasonal flu season wrapped-up(worst is a decade)the so-called wuhan fever fatality ratios plummeted! Explained for you folk, they were intentionally counting ALL seasonal flu death, as wuhan fever death, a lie!
For the math and stats disabled plus those who like the lock down life let me once again be your beacon of reality.

In round figures the CDC has admitted to 10,000 of the 187,000 deaths to be only Covid
That leaves 177,000 that were mixed causes. The CDC states that for every “Covid plus..” that the “plus” contained 2.5 other morbidities affiliated with the decedent. So 1 part Covid plus 2.5 parts other equals 3.5. 177,000 deaths divided by 3.5 equals 50,500.
50,500 plus the original 10,000 equals 60,500. No way to tell if Covid in those 177,000 was the final straw or just another log on the fire so it was assigned a lethality value equal to the other morbidities that the deceased was afflicted with.
So the reality is that some people did die for sure from Covid alone (10,000) and Covid combo (50,500) and about 127,000 deaths that were Incorrectly attributed to Covid and should have been attributed to the other 2-3 morbidities that the decedent had.
So lockdiwbers and Hoaxers, 60,500 valid and true Covid deaths is a somber number. It has been exaggerated and Hoaxed into something far worse which was wrong.
330 million America’s should have never put put into this lockdown mess over 10,000 for sure deaths and another 50,500 statistically likely ones. The release from this intentional oversight should begin immediately
:rolleyes: Oh go fucking "shelter in place" and stay there till we decide its safe for you to emerge....
Last night, I learned that my 45 year old cousin, Matt, died yesterday morning.

While it's believed to have likely been a blood clot, the result of some sort of issue with pancreatitis (I'm not a doctor so I might have that wrong), but we have to wait for the autopsy to know for sure.

I called Matt's sister and her husband answered the phone. Apparently, Matt had been having a great deal of abdominal pain since Friday, and he finally relented to his girlfriend's and his Mom's demands that he go to the ER. While he was in the ER he flat-lined. They worked on him for 45 minutes, but they couldn't bring him back.

Then Steve (my cousin's husband) said something which I (and the rest of the family) thought was incredible: They were going to test to see if Matt was positive for Covid. He'd been routinely tested because of his job and every test was negative.

I can only believe they're doing that so they can pad their Covid numbers...
They who??

The hospital. His insurance company. I don't know.

It was clearly not a Covid related death, so it's puzzling that they want to determine if he had it...
Last night, I learned that my 45 year old cousin, Matt, died yesterday morning.

While it's believed to have likely been a blood clot, the result of some sort of issue with pancreatitis (I'm not a doctor so I might have that wrong), but we have to wait for the autopsy to know for sure.

I called Matt's sister and her husband answered the phone. Apparently, Matt had been having a great deal of abdominal pain since Friday, and he finally relented to his girlfriend's and his Mom's demands that he go to the ER. While he was in the ER he flat-lined. They worked on him for 45 minutes, but they couldn't bring him back.

Then Steve (my cousin's husband) said something which I (and the rest of the family) thought was incredible: They were going to test to see if Matt was positive for Covid. He'd been routinely tested because of his job and every test was negative.

I can only believe they're doing that so they can pad their Covid numbers...
They who??

The hospital. His insurance company. I don't know.

It was clearly not a Covid related death, so it's puzzling that they want to determine if he had it...
Then that means the hospital or insurance company committed a crime and should be prosecuted....

I don't understand why there is this resignation to believe that nothing can be done if we supposedly have all of this proof of large hospitals and insurance companies committing fraud

Has there not been a single charge file yet?

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