9 May Putler´s very own Freak show Pobedobesiye (victory Devildom). Picturs, Videos, etc.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
9 May Putlers very own freak show pobedobesiye (victory devildom) Picturs, Videos, etc.

"Cult of victory in Russia looks more and more like psychosis. Victory stands here for the end of World War II in Europe. But WWII is something boring for Russians. Soviet historicians invented so called “Great patriotic war” – the Soviet-German war during WWII, it was separated to forget the fact that Stalin and Hitler began WWII earlier together as allies.

In Russian language a neologism pobedobesiye appeared to designate this nearly religious cult of victory in Russia. The term pobedobesiye can be translated as ‘victory devildom’.

Today Russia is celebrating 74th anniversary of the victory on German fascists. Unfortunately, Neo-fascism is now raising in Ukraine and Ukro-Nazis like OP are trying to rewrite the history and to belittle the role of the Soviet Union in defeating fascism. There is a good ME saying: "Dogs are barking but caravan is moving ahead." That's what Russia has been doing for the last several years.

Russia Victory parade May 9. 2019 (in English):

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On Dernburgstrasse in Berlin, among other " stumbling blocks " that remind passers-by of the victims of Nazism, there is a brass plaque on which several dates are engraved. It is installed on the place where the house of businessman Max Zucker stood before the war. After Hitler came to power, he decided to emigrate from Germany and moved to his son, who lived in the USSR. The decision was fatal. In 1937, Max Zucker was arrested by the NKVD on charges of espionage, and in 1939, after signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, he was deported to Nazi Germany. At the border, he was met by Gestapo officers. As a Jew and a native of Poland, Max Zucker was sent to the Warsaw ghetto. October 23, 1941 on the ghetto street he was beaten to death by the SS.

Documents recently discovered in the archives of the KGB of the Ukrainian SSR, open to researchers after the 2014 revolution, show how the NKVD passed on to the Gestapo refugees from Germany, hoping to find salvation from Hitler in the USSR.

The protocol, dated January 5, 1938, was signed by the People's Commissar Yezhov and Prosecutor Vyshinsky. It lists the names of 45 citizens of Germany, Austria and other countries sentenced to expulsion from the USSR. After Stalin and Hitler became allies in 1939, the extradition of refugees to the Nazis was put on stream. Until the summer of 1941, the NKVD transported hundreds of people to Germany. The majority were members of the Communist Party of Germany defeated by Hitler. Stalin sent the communists and Jews who sought salvation from Nazism in the USSR to Hitler.

A member of the KPG political bureau and a member of the Reichstag, Heinz Neumann, and his wife Margaret were expelled from Nazi Germany in 1935 and came to the USSR. In 1937, Neumann was arrested by the NKVD and executed. His wife, as a "socially dangerous element", in 1938 was sentenced to five years in camps and sent to Karaganda. In 1940 she was deported to Germany. Margareta Buber-Neuman described this in her memoir Between Two Dictators:
.. On the night of December 31, 1939, on January 1, 1940, the train started off. He carried seventy broken people ... Through ravaged Poland, we drove on to Brest-Litovsk. On the bridge over the Bug, we were waited by staff members of another European totalitarian regime - the German Gestapo. Three people refused to cross this bridge: a Hungarian Jew named Bloch, a communist worker convicted by the Nazis, and a German teacher whose name I had forgotten. They were dragged to the bridge by force. The frenzy of the Nazis, the SS immediately spilled over into a Jew. We were put on a train and taken to Lublin ... In Lublin, we were transferred to the Gestapo. It was then that we were able to make sure that we were not simply extradited to the Gestapo, but that the NKVD also transferred the SS materials relating to us. For example, in my file it was indicated that I was the wife of Neumann, and Neumann was one of the Germans who were most hated by the Nazis ...

Margareta Buber-Neumann was imprisoned in the Ravensbruck concentration camp, where she miraculously survived.

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Gestapo + NKVD: joint ventures of "russian" communists and German Nazis

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