9 Old Testament prophecies fulfilled on that first Christmas

Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
What difference would my answer matter to someone who doesn’t believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ anywho?
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
What difference would my answer matter to someone who doesn’t believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ anywho?
Fair question but I might ask, "What do facts matter to people blinded by their faith?".
Seriously how lazy is the OP that they can't post the list here?
I see 0 prophecies here in the post, just a link to another site many of us will never click on.
And worse, the title would suggest Jesus fulfilled prophecy of Baal not the OT because Baal was born on Dec 25th and Baal's death scene was plagiarized by the Jesus story.
Proof: The Marduk's Ordeal tablet as the mythology of Bel (Baal).
It sits in The British Museum and you can research it online. The discovery of the tablet was in Nineveh in Assyria, and the Tablet is dated back to 700 B.C.
in which the Babylonian myth of Bel (Baal in
Hebrew) is described in a passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.

That's 10 against your 9 that Jesus is Baal with a new mask, just as the Canaanite mythology of the Morning Star the dying son (morning star) surpasses his father Baal on the throne. Jesus is claimed this lifted higher new mask for Baal in Rev 22:16 and in tradition of calling him Father and son as one or equal or same as this UNAMED father.
Hence the number of his name is now secreted:
Baal Jesus=666 in ASll numerology used to secret numbers from names.
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through both his adoptive father Joseph and Mary His Jewish mother. And actually today Jews consider their Jewish connection through their mothers.highly.
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through both his adoptive father Joseph and Mary His Jewish mother. And actually today Jews consider their Jewish connection through their mothers.highly.
"Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through [...] Mary His Jewish mother."

I don't recall reading the genealogy of Mary in scripture. Can you provide the source? Thanks.
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through both his adoptive father Joseph and Mary His Jewish mother. And actually today Jews consider their Jewish connection through their mothers.highly.
"Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through [...] Mary His Jewish mother."

I don't recall reading the genealogy of Mary in scripture. Can you provide the source? Thanks.
There are 2 genealogies. One is listed in Matthew (Joseph's), and the other different one is found in Luke (Mary's).
But Joseph's lineage is through all the Harlots of the Bible, one not a Jew the Canaanite woman at Jericho- Rahab.
Furthermore the character born out of a fling that was not his father's child, the son of Mary, was a 100bc character a far cry from the King Herod era figure and AD Pilate era figure=Jesus is a compiled image from at least a trinity of Christs, so please choose just one then do a lineage analysis. :)
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Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through both his adoptive father Joseph and Mary His Jewish mother. And actually today Jews consider their Jewish connection through their mothers.highly.
"Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through [...] Mary His Jewish mother."

I don't recall reading the genealogy of Mary in scripture. Can you provide the source? Thanks.
There are 2 genealogies. One is listed in Matthew (Joseph's), and the other different one is found in Luke (Mary's).
Imaginative and possible but there is no evidence this is true. Like a lot of things in the NT dealing with prophesy it is contorted to fit the facts.
And when contorting events to fallaciously fit prophecy the scribes not knowing the Hebrew or meanings in which they tried to fulfill or emulate became hysterical or rediculous errors. Like saying Jesus healed a crippled man when the prophecy is straightening the spiritual bent off the path of righteous.
Jesus cures a blind man when prophecy is lifting the veil to see as in spiritual not physical blind.
Jesus is placed in Isaiah to be prince of peace which was King Hezekiah, the sign for Ahaz as the son who brought
peace to Judah and had his father's kingdom upon his shoulder and God with him in doing so, the fallacious claim this is Jesus who caused thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in his name is like saying Radical Islam is the religion of peace.=epic failed placement.
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
What difference would my answer matter to someone who doesn’t believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ anywho?
Fair question but I might ask, "What do facts matter to people blinded by their faith?".
I wouldn't know. Given I've made my decision with my eyes wide open.
But Joseph's lineage is through all the Harlots of the Bible, one not a Jew the Canaanite woman at Jericho- Rahab.
Furthermore the character born out of a fling that was not his father's child, the son of Mary, was a 100bc character a far cry from the King Herod era figure and AD Pilate era figure=Jesus is a compiled image from at least a trinity of Christs, so please choose just one then do a lineage analysis. :)
God saves sinners. Rahab came to trust the Lord. The generations of man are filled with the good, the bad, and the ugly. There is none that are without sin excepting Jesus the Messiah. He is All God and All Man. His humanity comes through the woman; however, His God connection comes through the Holy Spirit. To have both a human mother and father would (through DNA) make him but another sinner and not the Son of God.
Seriously how lazy is the OP that they can't post the list here?
I see 0 prophecies here in the post, just a link to another site many of us will never click on.
And worse, the title would suggest Jesus fulfilled prophecy of Baal not the OT because Baal was born on Dec 25th and Baal's death scene was plagiarized by the Jesus story.
Proof: The Marduk's Ordeal tablet as the mythology of Bel (Baal).
It sits in The British Museum and you can research it online. The discovery of the tablet was in Nineveh in Assyria, and the Tablet is dated back to 700 B.C.
in which the Babylonian myth of Bel (Baal in
Hebrew) is described in a passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.

That's 10 against your 9 that Jesus is Baal with a new mask, just as the Canaanite mythology of the Morning Star the dying son (morning star) surpasses his father Baal on the throne. Jesus is claimed this lifted higher new mask for Baal in Rev 22:16 and in tradition of calling him Father and son as one or equal or same as this UNAMED father.
Hence the number of his name is now secreted:
Baal Jesus=666 in ASll numerology used to secret numbers from names.
That's cuz you refuse to accept as scripture what you mind cannot grasp.
Mind wanna start with Daniel 70 weeks
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through both his adoptive father Joseph and Mary His Jewish mother. And actually today Jews consider their Jewish connection through their mothers.highly.
"Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through [...] Mary His Jewish mother."

I don't recall reading the genealogy of Mary in scripture. Can you provide the source? Thanks.
There are 2 genealogies. One is listed in Matthew (Joseph's), and the other different one is found in Luke (Mary's).
Imaginative and possible but there is no evidence this is true. Like a lot of things in the NT dealing with prophesy it is contorted to fit the facts.
Does GOD say it is contorted or do non-believers in the Messiah say it is contorted?
And when contorting events to fallaciously fit prophecy the scribes not knowing the Hebrew or meanings in which they tried to fulfill or emulate became hysterical or rediculous errors. Like saying Jesus healed a crippled man when the prophecy is straightening the spiritual bent off the path of righteous.
Jesus cures a blind man when prophecy is lifting the veil to see as in spiritual not physical blind.
Jesus is placed in Isaiah to be prince of peace which was King Hezekiah, the sign for Ahaz as the son who brought
peace to Judah and had his father's kingdom upon his shoulder and God with him in doing so, the fallacious claim this is Jesus who caused thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in his name is like saying Radical Islam is the religion of peace.=epic failed placement.

The writers of the New Testament (moved by the Holy Spirit) were all Jews and fully understood Hebrew. The non redeemed, and not Jesus, murdered 100's of millions of people including many Christ/Bible Believing Christians --- as a means to manipulate and control the masses through man-made religions.

But the Holy Spirit is presently lifting the veils from those who then get SAVED, and the Holy Spirit directs the SAVED along the path of righteous. And the Holy Spirit pushes the SAVED to walk in pursuits they could never have imagined.

When Christ was causing the blind to see, the crippled to walk, and the dead to rise ---- He was illustrating that HE was /is GOD and would continue to work in the hearts of sinful men long after He was caught up into heaven. Christ is still at work today!
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But Joseph's lineage is through all the Harlots of the Bible, one not a Jew the Canaanite woman at Jericho- Rahab.
Furthermore the character born out of a fling that was not his father's child, the son of Mary, was a 100bc character a far cry from the King Herod era figure and AD Pilate era figure=Jesus is a compiled image from at least a trinity of Christs, so please choose just one then do a lineage analysis. :)
God saves sinners. Rahab came to trust the Lord. The generations of man are filled with the good, the bad, and the ugly. There is none that are without sin excepting Jesus the Messiah. He is All God and All Man. His humanity comes through the woman; however, His God connection comes through the Holy Spirit. To have both a human mother and father would (through DNA) make him but another sinner and not the Son of God.
Agree Rahab could have became Jewish by conversion when saved and helping them come into the city walls, but using Biblical characters to create a false lineage like I said in the other post, becomes comical when they fit him to the wrong text or this case woman of the Bibles all deemed harlots. It's almost spiteful as if creating the anti messiah anti God character to be ADVERSARY to the Judaic God and teachings. And you were warned about the first fallen messiah being the imposter
CREATED (by men) image of a man
-Ezekiel 28
So being deceived by Lucifer(morning star) you refuse to hear my voice which proves the fallen false messiah deceives you the 1/3 fishes in the Sea (Rome).

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