9 Old Testament prophecies fulfilled on that first Christmas

Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through both his adoptive father Joseph and Mary His Jewish mother. And actually today Jews consider their Jewish connection through their mothers.highly.
"Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through [...] Mary His Jewish mother."

I don't recall reading the genealogy of Mary in scripture. Can you provide the source? Thanks.
There are 2 genealogies. One is listed in Matthew (Joseph's), and the other different one is found in Luke (Mary's).
Imaginative and possible but there is no evidence this is true. Like a lot of things in the NT dealing with prophesy it is contorted to fit the facts.
Apparently his interpretation is correct b/c He was repeatedly called Jesus thou Son of David
Was He repeatedly called Jesus thou Son of David during his life or only after his death? What do you want to bet anyone can trace their lineage back to King David if they are creative enough.

The point remains, there are two different, rather fanciful stories, on how Jesus came to be born in Bethlehem. If you look to the Bible for history you will be disappointed, it is a theological text.
That's not entirely true. There are several literary types used in the Bible; allegorical, historical, law, parable, prophetic and poetic. There may be more but that's all I can remember off the top of my head.

It is always helpful to understand which type it is and to place it in the context of the day. For instance in the parable of the prodigal son the father was waiting for the son's return. This would have been most unusual back in that time. The father is the head of the house and it would have been beneath him to wait for a son who left of his own accord. Or the woman at the well who went to the well by herself. Also very unusual for that time. The women would go to the well together. Why is this important? Because the woman had been shunned by the other women because she was considered to be promiscuous. It comes out in the dialogue with Jesus. Anyway, understand the literary style being employed and context are two keys to unlocking deeper meanings in scripture.
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
What difference would my answer matter to someone who doesn’t believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ anywho?
Fair question but I might ask, "What do facts matter to people blinded by their faith?".
Facts matter to me. It is possible to be objective. In fact, it's not very hard to do.
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through both his adoptive father Joseph and Mary His Jewish mother. And actually today Jews consider their Jewish connection through their mothers.highly.
"Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through [...] Mary His Jewish mother."

I don't recall reading the genealogy of Mary in scripture. Can you provide the source? Thanks.
There are 2 genealogies. One is listed in Matthew (Joseph's), and the other different one is found in Luke (Mary's).
Imaginative and possible but there is no evidence this is true. Like a lot of things in the NT dealing with prophesy it is contorted to fit the facts.
Can you give me an example so that I may better understand your basis for this belief?
And when contorting events to fallaciously fit prophecy the scribes not knowing the Hebrew or meanings in which they tried to fulfill or emulate became hysterical or rediculous errors. Like saying Jesus healed a crippled man when the prophecy is straightening the spiritual bent off the path of righteous.
Jesus cures a blind man when prophecy is lifting the veil to see as in spiritual not physical blind.
Jesus is placed in Isaiah to be prince of peace which was King Hezekiah, the sign for Ahaz as the son who brought
peace to Judah and had his father's kingdom upon his shoulder and God with him in doing so, the fallacious claim this is Jesus who caused thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in his name is like saying Radical Islam is the religion of peace.=epic failed placement.

The writers of the New Testament (moved by the Holy Spirit) were all Jews and fully understood Hebrew. The non redeemed, and not Jesus, murdered 100's of millions of people including many Christ/Bible Believing Christians --- as a means to manipulate and control the masses through man-made religions.

But the Holy Spirit is presently lifting the veils from those who then get SAVED, and the Holy Spirit directs the SAVED along the path of righteous. And the Holy Spirit pushes the SAVED to walk in pursuits they could never have imagined.

When Christ was causing the blind to see, the crippled to walk, and the dead to rise ---- He was illustrating that HE was /is GOD and would continue to work in the hearts of sinful men long after He was caught up into heaven. Christ is still at work today!

Not true when you said:
quote: "The writers of the New Testament (moved by the Holy Spirit) were all Jews"
Church admits none of the apostles wrote the texts in their name.
The writer of
Mathew for example couldn't have been Jewish because when fallaciously placing Jesus into Micah 5 a Jew would know the Hebrew gender was wrong for it being about a Town. A Jew would also know Micah is talking about a lineage "Bethlehem Ephratah" not a town of Bethlehem.
Read the context of Micah 5 it's about a lineage. Bethlehem was the son or grandson of Ephratah. They talk about it being a clan (lineage) not a town.
This is what I mean about comical errors made in placement when they don't know context or language or slang terms of the era. These mistakes reveal a pattern of lying to try and force a square peg in a round hole. But it's no longer comical to se people continue to push the lie after thousands of wars and over 50 million murders. CHRISTIANITY WAS the original radical Islam using a sword to force conversion and land grabs tjat used intimidation, subversion, and outright slaughters.
I would like to point out Michael that the threat of purgatory and hell was a powerful one to those who were uneducated and steeped in superstitious lore...The Physical SWORD was not necessarily needed but the mental sWORD of the lying priests and missionaries was usually more then sufficient to sway vast populations of sheeple to bow down to their tall tales and errounous beliefs to give away their lands and their families and anything they held dear...
I thought Jews didn't believe in hell or Satan.

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?
Seriously how lazy is the OP that they can't post the list here?
I see 0 prophecies here in the post, just a link to another site many of us will never click on.
And worse, the title would suggest Jesus fulfilled prophecy of Baal not the OT because Baal was born on Dec 25th and Baal's death scene was plagiarized by the Jesus story.
Proof: The Marduk's Ordeal tablet as the mythology of Bel (Baal).
It sits in The British Museum and you can research it online. The discovery of the tablet was in Nineveh in Assyria, and the Tablet is dated back to 700 B.C.
in which the Babylonian myth of Bel (Baal in
Hebrew) is described in a passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.

That's 10 against your 9 that Jesus is Baal with a new mask, just as the Canaanite mythology of the Morning Star the dying son (morning star) surpasses his father Baal on the throne. Jesus is claimed this lifted higher new mask for Baal in Rev 22:16 and in tradition of calling him Father and son as one or equal or same as this UNAMED father.
Hence the number of his name is now secreted:
Baal Jesus=666 in ASll numerology used to secret numbers from names.
That's cuz you refuse to accept as scripture what you mind cannot grasp.
Mind wanna start with Daniel 70 weeks
Man you are oblivious, try reading
Dan 10:21 and you dare say I don't know scripture? Who else would best know who Lucifer is?
And you've been lied to by habitual & pathological liars. Dan 70 weeks is not about The fictitious Jesus era:
Dan 9

Let's review the Mistake:
The events Daniel is prophecizing already occured before Jesus and the events of the temple you propose occured after Jesus making the correlation impossible even if you avoided history and thought it didn’t occur yet.
Daniel is talking about "an anointed place" and an anointed (King) not THE ANOINTED ONE.
Now to review why these events already occured:

Dan 9: There is a 7-week (49-year) span between the actual destruction of Jerusalem in 586 (beginning the exile and realizing the decree in 538bc to rebuild), and the end of the exile brought about by the arrival of ‘AN’ anointed one not “THE” anointed one . Kings and High Priests were anointed as AN anointed one but not THE anointed one. Thus we must notice the wording is “an anointed one” not “THE” anointed one.

Dan 9:24 says anoint the holy place not an anointed man. Daniel 9:25 says, "from the time the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem was issued, until AN annointed one, a ruler, it will be seven weeks". If the decree is indeed sometime around the beginning of the full Exile, 586 b.c.e., then who is the anointed one mentioned? And, GOD already has referred to ruler Cyrus as his Anointed in
Isaiah 45:1: 70 years after the destruction Cyrus rebuilt the Temple in other words it's completion in 516BC
Here's the reference of this ‘70 years’ by the Historian Josephus in Antiquities 11.1.1: Ant. 11.1.1 "In the first year of the reign of Cyrus, which was the seventieth from the day that our people were removed out of their own land into Babylon, God commiserated the captivity and calamity of these poor people, according as he had foretold to them by Jeremiah the prophet, before the destruction of the city, that after they has served Nebuchadnezzar and his posterity, and after they had undergone that SERVITUDE seventy years, he would restore them again to the land of their fathers, and they should build their temple, and enjoy their ancient prosperity; and these things God did afford them."

Daniel 9:26
And after the sixty-two weeks,an anointed one will be cut off,
and there will be nothing to him.
and the people of a ruler who shall come
shall destroy the city and the sanctuary,
and the end of it/him shall be with a flood,,
and, until the end of the war, desolations are decreed.

62 weeks (434 years) leads us to around 152 b.c.e. the time of antiochus desolation and destruction of the temple. The anointed one was the king who was cut off. High Priest Onias III, who was assasinated (cut off) in 171 b.c.e. In 168 b.c.e., the middle of the next "week" of years (171-165 b.c.e.), ruler Antiochus IV (who had Onias killed) pillaged Jerusalem. Antiochus IV matches the "ruler to come",

Now who is the Moshiach?
Dan 12:1-4 says Michael rises to save Israel the same redeemer (HaSheva) who saves
Judah in Jeremiah 23:5-6

Dan CHAPTER TEN Verse 13: But the prince of the kingdom of the Persians resisted me one and twenty days: and behold Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, and remained there by the king of the Persians (Cyrus).

**Michael is dealing with Cyrus** thus who is Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 calling LORD AND "REDEEMER" (HaSheva)?

Verse 20: And the angel said: "Do you know where I came from? And now will
*Hashev* Lacham Sar Parac"(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).

Verse 21: But I will tell thee what is set down in the scripture of truth: and none is my helper in all these things, but Michael your prince.

1 Ezra 1:1 it was the Lord who stirred up the spirit of Cyrus.
Isaiah 44:24-28 and 45, the Redeemer caused Cyrus heart to change to do the Moshiach roles of delivering the people gathering them, rebuilding the temple etc.
Dan 10 shows this was Michael HaShev who worked on Cyrus' heart doing all the anointed roles, not Jesus.
My dog knows more about Sunday school than you know about the Bible
HaShev literally believes that he is God's top prophet. Ask him. He'll tell you. Shimon follows him around as his disciple. It's pretty comical.

As near as I can tell he doesn't know Jewish theology very well. His entire "ministry" is devoted to calling Jesus, Lucifer.

Which is pretty comical because the Jews do not believe in hell or the devil. Jews believe that the devil is an angel who works for God to try to temp and test us.

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through both his adoptive father Joseph and Mary His Jewish mother. And actually today Jews consider their Jewish connection through their mothers.highly.
"Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through [...] Mary His Jewish mother."

I don't recall reading the genealogy of Mary in scripture. Can you provide the source? Thanks.
There are 2 genealogies. One is listed in Matthew (Joseph's), and the other different one is found in Luke (Mary's).
Imaginative and possible but there is no evidence this is true. Like a lot of things in the NT dealing with prophesy it is contorted to fit the facts.
Can you give me an example so that I may better understand your basis for this belief?
(from memory) The Messiah was prophesied to be born in Bethlehem. Mark doesn't even talk about Jesus' birth but later Gospels, Matthew and Luke give two very different accounts, both quite fanciful, and contrary to what we know of history. One even throws in a trip to Egypt, absent in the other story but it does cover another prophesy.

Why? You can say they both came from the same original events and are just different eyewitness accounts of the same historical event. Or you can be more skeptical and think, as I do, that they are two very different stories that were created to reinforce the narrative that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. If you are trying to convince Jews, the fulfillment of prophesy is an effective tool. In the oral stories that circulated after Jesus' death, two different stories were in circulation and they eventually made their way into different Gospels. Since the Gospels were theological texts and not historical, the contradictions were unimportant.

It is only when we try to map the Gospel stories to actual events that we run into problems. The Bible can't be taken literally, it, like Christianity in general, has been evolving since its inception. It is hard for me to see it as the word of a single God and not the work of generations of believers.
Or you can be more skeptical and think, as I do, that they are two very different stories that were created to reinforce the narrative that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. If you are trying to convince Jews, the fulfillment of prophesy is an effective tool.
Except that Jews had already rejected Jesus before the stories were written. Jews already understood that the prophecy claimed to be about Jesus in the gospels was a prophecy about the future king Hezekiah and they already knew the difference between a young maiden and a virgin...

Seems more likely that they were trying to convince non Jews who knew nothing about Jewish prophecies, history, thought, beliefs or practices....

If the intent of Jesus and his disciples in spreading the gospels was to "smite the nations" (revelation 19:15) with the sword that came out his mouth, actual history, not to mention the current state of affairs in the world, seem to indicate that it has worked and still works like a charm.

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15


To me, it sounds like the point of the gospels was to intentionally upload a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine right into the belly of the beast - because it openly says so......After all the gospels were written by Jews who witnessed the destruction of Judea, the Temple, their way of life, and the slaughter, enslavement and exile of hundreds of thousands of Jews. Let that sink in for a minute. Seems unlikely that they would have believed that Jesus was born to be crucified because God loved the Roman Empire so much...

"I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine. Then all flesh will know that I, the Lord, am your savior and your redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob."
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Or you can be more skeptical and think, as I do, that they are two very different stories that were created to reinforce the narrative that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. If you are trying to convince Jews, the fulfillment of prophesy is an effective tool.
Except that Jews had already rejected Jesus before the stories were written.
The stories existed for decades before they were written down.

Seems more likely that they were trying to convince non Jews who knew nothing about Jewish prophecies, history, thought, beliefs or practices....
That's silly. Jewish prophecies were relevant only to Jews. To convince non Jews they incorporated pagan stories: virgin birth, resurection, and miracles.
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Your ignorance is appalling. There are two genealogies, true. One is for Mary, and one is for Joseph. And Joseph was not the father of Christ. It is interesting to note that this was by design. You see, one of Joseph's ancestors disobeyed God. God told him that for his sin, the Savior would not come from his line. Another prophecy fulfilled.
Why have a genealogy for Joseph if Joseph was not the father of Christ?
Or you can be more skeptical and think, as I do, that they are two very different stories that were created to reinforce the narrative that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. If you are trying to convince Jews, the fulfillment of prophesy is an effective tool.
Except that Jews had already rejected Jesus before the stories were written.
The stories existed for decades before they were written down.

So? As I have shown, the disciples were specifically directed by Jesus to spread a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine throughout the nations of the Roman world. I know that you have seen with your own eyes people drink from that cup and then immediately go insane for decades if not for life parroting absurdities as if they had literally lost their minds or had died and some creepy empty headed Borg-like replicant took over.. It may have even happened to you.

Why? To smite the nations. Why would I say that? Because it openly says so in the Bible. What better way to accomplish that with nothing but a pen and parchment other than through some maudlin story about a false three in one edible mangod coming to the earth as a baby wearing diapers to share in our pain and suffering because he loves us so much? You gotta love a god like that! Right? Sniff sniff..

Seems more likely that they were trying to convince non Jews who knew nothing about Jewish prophecies, history, thought, beliefs or practices....
That's silly. Jewish prophecies were relevant only to Jews. To convince non Jews they incorporated pagan stories: virgin birth, resurection, and miracles.

Without the keys to understanding the figurative language of the prophets, irrational and superstitious people could never grasp what was hidden in the fantastical stories about Jesus, his revelation, or his teaching, but instead would be diverted by their own archaic superstitious lore....Jews cared about Jesus about as much as you cared about the last guy you saw gibbering incoherently on a soapbox as if it was a religious duty to dismiss the entire subject as explained by Christians out of hand because from their perspective it is.
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Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Your ignorance is appalling. There are two genealogies, true. One is for Mary, and one is for Joseph. And Joseph was not the father of Christ. It is interesting to note that this was by design. You see, one of Joseph's ancestors disobeyed God. God told him that for his sin, the Savior would not come from his line. Another prophecy fulfilled.
Why have a genealogy for Joseph if Joseph was not the father of Christ?
Why do you have a brain, if you never use it?
I love when non Jews attack using
ad hominem personal rants and raves to tell people what Jews believe based on their misperceptions and bastardizations of Judaic precepts in their own religion.
Buy a clue, in Judaism the words mean something completely different then in Christianity, so your comments using Christian definitions are a failed & mute point.
What part of "thou shalt not"
make an image or idol or form out of simple (word) terms that are defined in a non tangible manner is so hard to understand and obey?
Malakh(angel) means messenger
Sawtawn (satan) means adversary and hinderer.
None of these words are to be made into form anymore then describing the term mediator(metatron) should be personafied. It's the basic command/warning not to make these mistakes and Christianity throwing away the commands goes ahead and the first thing they do is not just break that rule of logic, but bastardize the simplistic precepts and concepts of Judaism in doing so.
It's like watching Hillary supporters tell people what Bernie supporters are all about, or talk about the mental state of Trump
supporters who aren't the ones having nervous breakdowns needing a play_doh safe space.
Last edited:
I love when non Jews attack using
ad hominem personal rants and raves to tell people what Jews believe based on their misperceptions and bastardizations of Judaic precepts in their own religion.
Buy a clue, in Judaism the words mean something completely different then in Christianity, so your comments using Christian definitions are a failed & mute point.
What part of "thou shalt not"
make an image or idol or form out of simple (word) terms that are defined in a non tangible manner is so hard to understand and obey?
Malakh(angel) means messenger
Sawtawn (satan) means adversary and hinderer.
None of these words are to be made into form anymore then describing the term mediator(metatron) should be personafied. It's the basic command/warning not to make these mistakes and Christianity throwing away the commands goes ahead and the first thing they do is not just break that rule of logic, but bastardize the simplistic precepts and concepts of Judaism in doing so.
It's like watching Hillary supporters tell people what Bernie supporters are all about, or talk about the mental state of Trump
supporters who aren't the ones having nervous breakdowns needing a play_doh safe space.
View attachment 168659
or you telling us what Christianity is about
I love when non Jews attack using
ad hominem personal rants and raves to tell people what Jews believe based on their misperceptions and bastardizations of Judaic precepts in their own religion.
Buy a clue, in Judaism the words mean something completely different then in Christianity, so your comments using Christian definitions are a failed & mute point.
What part of "thou shalt not"
make an image or idol or form out of simple (word) terms that are defined in a non tangible manner is so hard to understand and obey?
Malakh(angel) means messenger
Sawtawn (satan) means adversary and hinderer.
None of these words are to be made into form anymore then describing the term mediator(metatron) should be personafied. It's the basic command/warning not to make these mistakes and Christianity throwing away the commands goes ahead and the first thing they do is not just break that rule of logic, but bastardize the simplistic precepts and concepts of Judaism in doing so.
It's like watching Hillary supporters tell people what Bernie supporters are all about, or talk about the mental state of Trump
supporters who aren't the ones having nervous breakdowns needing a play_doh safe space.
View attachment 168659
or you telling us what Christianity is about
That's circular logic, if I'm telling you, that you are not Torah Observant and that you are Baal worshipping it's through knowledge of Judaism which I speak and Judaism which you are ignorant of. Your argument only works if my religion and text came after yours not before.
Which brings up the fact you are in denial of: For Your character to be Messiah then
1) he has to be an actual SINGULAR historical figure &
2)you have to Be Jewish
3) you have to be Torah observant to gain the lessons you wish to inspire you to be in likeness to that nature you fallaciously claim the image to be.
4)3 proves Jesus was Lucifer because Rev 1:13 admits Jesus isn't son of man, but like unto (emulating/impostering inspiring to be)son of man.
Seriously how lazy is the OP that they can't post the list here?
I see 0 prophecies here in the post, just a link to another site many of us will never click on.
And worse, the title would suggest Jesus fulfilled prophecy of Baal not the OT because Baal was born on Dec 25th and Baal's death scene was plagiarized by the Jesus story.
Proof: The Marduk's Ordeal tablet as the mythology of Bel (Baal).
It sits in The British Museum and you can research it online. The discovery of the tablet was in Nineveh in Assyria, and the Tablet is dated back to 700 B.C.
in which the Babylonian myth of Bel (Baal in
Hebrew) is described in a passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.

That's 10 against your 9 that Jesus is Baal with a new mask, just as the Canaanite mythology of the Morning Star the dying son (morning star) surpasses his father Baal on the throne. Jesus is claimed this lifted higher new mask for Baal in Rev 22:16 and in tradition of calling him Father and son as one or equal or same as this UNAMED father.
Hence the number of his name is now secreted:
Baal Jesus=666 in ASll numerology used to secret numbers from names.
That's cuz you refuse to accept as scripture what you mind cannot grasp.
Mind wanna start with Daniel 70 weeks
Man you are oblivious, try reading
Dan 10:21 and you dare say I don't know scripture? Who else would best know who Lucifer is?
And you've been lied to by habitual & pathological liars. Dan 70 weeks is not about The fictitious Jesus era:
Dan 9

Let's review the Mistake:
The events Daniel is prophecizing already occured before Jesus and the events of the temple you propose occured after Jesus making the correlation impossible even if you avoided history and thought it didn’t occur yet.
Daniel is talking about "an anointed place" and an anointed (King) not THE ANOINTED ONE.
Now to review why these events already occured:

Dan 9: There is a 7-week (49-year) span between the actual destruction of Jerusalem in 586 (beginning the exile and realizing the decree in 538bc to rebuild), and the end of the exile brought about by the arrival of ‘AN’ anointed one not “THE” anointed one . Kings and High Priests were anointed as AN anointed one but not THE anointed one. Thus we must notice the wording is “an anointed one” not “THE” anointed one.

Dan 9:24 says anoint the holy place not an anointed man. Daniel 9:25 says, "from the time the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem was issued, until AN annointed one, a ruler, it will be seven weeks". If the decree is indeed sometime around the beginning of the full Exile, 586 b.c.e., then who is the anointed one mentioned? And, GOD already has referred to ruler Cyrus as his Anointed in
Isaiah 45:1: 70 years after the destruction Cyrus rebuilt the Temple in other words it's completion in 516BC
Here's the reference of this ‘70 years’ by the Historian Josephus in Antiquities 11.1.1: Ant. 11.1.1 "In the first year of the reign of Cyrus, which was the seventieth from the day that our people were removed out of their own land into Babylon, God commiserated the captivity and calamity of these poor people, according as he had foretold to them by Jeremiah the prophet, before the destruction of the city, that after they has served Nebuchadnezzar and his posterity, and after they had undergone that SERVITUDE seventy years, he would restore them again to the land of their fathers, and they should build their temple, and enjoy their ancient prosperity; and these things God did afford them."

Daniel 9:26
And after the sixty-two weeks,an anointed one will be cut off,
and there will be nothing to him.
and the people of a ruler who shall come
shall destroy the city and the sanctuary,
and the end of it/him shall be with a flood,,
and, until the end of the war, desolations are decreed.

62 weeks (434 years) leads us to around 152 b.c.e. the time of antiochus desolation and destruction of the temple. The anointed one was the king who was cut off. High Priest Onias III, who was assasinated (cut off) in 171 b.c.e. In 168 b.c.e., the middle of the next "week" of years (171-165 b.c.e.), ruler Antiochus IV (who had Onias killed) pillaged Jerusalem. Antiochus IV matches the "ruler to come",

Now who is the Moshiach?
Dan 12:1-4 says Michael rises to save Israel the same redeemer (HaSheva) who saves
Judah in Jeremiah 23:5-6

Dan CHAPTER TEN Verse 13: But the prince of the kingdom of the Persians resisted me one and twenty days: and behold Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, and remained there by the king of the Persians (Cyrus).

**Michael is dealing with Cyrus** thus who is Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 calling LORD AND "REDEEMER" (HaSheva)?

Verse 20: And the angel said: "Do you know where I came from? And now will
*Hashev* Lacham Sar Parac"(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).

Verse 21: But I will tell thee what is set down in the scripture of truth: and none is my helper in all these things, but Michael your prince.

1 Ezra 1:1 it was the Lord who stirred up the spirit of Cyrus.
Isaiah 44:24-28 and 45, the Redeemer caused Cyrus heart to change to do the Moshiach roles of delivering the people gathering them, rebuilding the temple etc.
Dan 10 shows this was Michael HaShev who worked on Cyrus' heart doing all the anointed roles, not Jesus.
My dog knows more about Sunday school than you know about the Bible
HaShev literally believes that he is God's top prophet. Ask him. He'll tell you. Shimon follows him around as his disciple. It's pretty comical.

As near as I can tell he doesn't know Jewish theology very well. His entire "ministry" is devoted to calling Jesus, Lucifer.

Which is pretty comical because the Jews do not believe in hell or the devil. Jews believe that the devil is an angel who works for God to try to temp and test us.

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?

Ding's mirror:
"Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas, Benjamin the Egyptian literally believed that they were God's top prophet. Ask them, they sit on Ding's mantel and on his walls as a new image new name none of those christs ever heard of.
He'll tell you. Shimon Peter followed him around as his disciple but which christ Ding doesn't know. It's pretty comical.
Except there are about 2.3 Billion other Dings running around this globe who also think a stick figure idol is a prophet of God and some think that figurine is God itself, even though they can't
explain(define) God."
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Seriously how lazy is the OP that they can't post the list here?
I see 0 prophecies here in the post, just a link to another site many of us will never click on.
And worse, the title would suggest Jesus fulfilled prophecy of Baal not the OT because Baal was born on Dec 25th and Baal's death scene was plagiarized by the Jesus story.
Proof: The Marduk's Ordeal tablet as the mythology of Bel (Baal).
It sits in The British Museum and you can research it online. The discovery of the tablet was in Nineveh in Assyria, and the Tablet is dated back to 700 B.C.
in which the Babylonian myth of Bel (Baal in
Hebrew) is described in a passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.

That's 10 against your 9 that Jesus is Baal with a new mask, just as the Canaanite mythology of the Morning Star the dying son (morning star) surpasses his father Baal on the throne. Jesus is claimed this lifted higher new mask for Baal in Rev 22:16 and in tradition of calling him Father and son as one or equal or same as this UNAMED father.
Hence the number of his name is now secreted:
Baal Jesus=666 in ASll numerology used to secret numbers from names.
That's cuz you refuse to accept as scripture what you mind cannot grasp.
Mind wanna start with Daniel 70 weeks
Man you are oblivious, try reading
Dan 10:21 and you dare say I don't know scripture? Who else would best know who Lucifer is?
And you've been lied to by habitual & pathological liars. Dan 70 weeks is not about The fictitious Jesus era:
Dan 9

Let's review the Mistake:
The events Daniel is prophecizing already occured before Jesus and the events of the temple you propose occured after Jesus making the correlation impossible even if you avoided history and thought it didn’t occur yet.
Daniel is talking about "an anointed place" and an anointed (King) not THE ANOINTED ONE.
Now to review why these events already occured:

Dan 9: There is a 7-week (49-year) span between the actual destruction of Jerusalem in 586 (beginning the exile and realizing the decree in 538bc to rebuild), and the end of the exile brought about by the arrival of ‘AN’ anointed one not “THE” anointed one . Kings and High Priests were anointed as AN anointed one but not THE anointed one. Thus we must notice the wording is “an anointed one” not “THE” anointed one.

Dan 9:24 says anoint the holy place not an anointed man. Daniel 9:25 says, "from the time the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem was issued, until AN annointed one, a ruler, it will be seven weeks". If the decree is indeed sometime around the beginning of the full Exile, 586 b.c.e., then who is the anointed one mentioned? And, GOD already has referred to ruler Cyrus as his Anointed in
Isaiah 45:1: 70 years after the destruction Cyrus rebuilt the Temple in other words it's completion in 516BC
Here's the reference of this ‘70 years’ by the Historian Josephus in Antiquities 11.1.1: Ant. 11.1.1 "In the first year of the reign of Cyrus, which was the seventieth from the day that our people were removed out of their own land into Babylon, God commiserated the captivity and calamity of these poor people, according as he had foretold to them by Jeremiah the prophet, before the destruction of the city, that after they has served Nebuchadnezzar and his posterity, and after they had undergone that SERVITUDE seventy years, he would restore them again to the land of their fathers, and they should build their temple, and enjoy their ancient prosperity; and these things God did afford them."

Daniel 9:26
And after the sixty-two weeks,an anointed one will be cut off,
and there will be nothing to him.
and the people of a ruler who shall come
shall destroy the city and the sanctuary,
and the end of it/him shall be with a flood,,
and, until the end of the war, desolations are decreed.

62 weeks (434 years) leads us to around 152 b.c.e. the time of antiochus desolation and destruction of the temple. The anointed one was the king who was cut off. High Priest Onias III, who was assasinated (cut off) in 171 b.c.e. In 168 b.c.e., the middle of the next "week" of years (171-165 b.c.e.), ruler Antiochus IV (who had Onias killed) pillaged Jerusalem. Antiochus IV matches the "ruler to come",

Now who is the Moshiach?
Dan 12:1-4 says Michael rises to save Israel the same redeemer (HaSheva) who saves
Judah in Jeremiah 23:5-6

Dan CHAPTER TEN Verse 13: But the prince of the kingdom of the Persians resisted me one and twenty days: and behold Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, and remained there by the king of the Persians (Cyrus).

**Michael is dealing with Cyrus** thus who is Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 calling LORD AND "REDEEMER" (HaSheva)?

Verse 20: And the angel said: "Do you know where I came from? And now will
*Hashev* Lacham Sar Parac"(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).

Verse 21: But I will tell thee what is set down in the scripture of truth: and none is my helper in all these things, but Michael your prince.

1 Ezra 1:1 it was the Lord who stirred up the spirit of Cyrus.
Isaiah 44:24-28 and 45, the Redeemer caused Cyrus heart to change to do the Moshiach roles of delivering the people gathering them, rebuilding the temple etc.
Dan 10 shows this was Michael HaShev who worked on Cyrus' heart doing all the anointed roles, not Jesus.
My dog knows more about Sunday school than you know about the Bible
HaShev literally believes that he is God's top prophet. Ask him. He'll tell you. Shimon follows him around as his disciple. It's pretty comical.

As near as I can tell he doesn't know Jewish theology very well. His entire "ministry" is devoted to calling Jesus, Lucifer.

Which is pretty comical because the Jews do not believe in hell or the devil. Jews believe that the devil is an angel who works for God to try to temp and test us.

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?

Ding's mirror:
"Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas, Benjamin the Egyptian literally believed that they were God's top prophet. Ask them, they sit on Ding's mantel and on his walls as a new image new name none of those christs ever heard of.
He'll tell you. Shimon Peter followed him around as his disciple but which christ Ding doesn't know. It's pretty comical.
Except there are about 2.3 Billion other Dings running around this globe who also think a stick figure idol is a prophet of God and some think that figurine is God itself, even though they can't
explain(define) God."
View attachment 168724
Instead of a “Flood” of knowledge guys like Ding just get a plain out FLOOD...Wink.....Not disciple Ding but friendship and respect and if you knew a little about Hebrew concepts and traditions and roles...I am a Lévi and it is my duty and Honor to help out a kohen in any way possible.. My grandfather always felt it was a great honor and took great delight in doing so...It is too bad that people today are too proud and full of themselves to do the same..
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through both his adoptive father Joseph and Mary His Jewish mother. And actually today Jews consider their Jewish connection through their mothers.highly.
You can't be a "descendent" by adoption. That's not how genetics works. Either he is Joseph's actual son, or Joseph's lineage has nothing to do with Jesus. Biology, genetics, and science dictate that both cannot be true.
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through both his adoptive father Joseph and Mary His Jewish mother. And actually today Jews consider their Jewish connection through their mothers.highly.
You can't be a "descendent" by adoption. That's not how genetics works. Either he is Joseph's actual son, or Joseph's lineage has nothing to do with Jesus. Biology, genetics, and science dictate that both cannot be true.
And you can't be impregnated and be a virgin at the same time.
It's obvious that you refuse to accept as scripture what your mind cannot grasp
I love when non Jews attack using
ad hominem personal rants and raves to tell people what Jews believe based on their misperceptions and bastardizations of Judaic precepts in their own religion.
Buy a clue, in Judaism the words mean something completely different then in Christianity, so your comments using Christian definitions are a failed & mute point.
What part of "thou shalt not"
make an image or idol or form out of simple (word) terms that are defined in a non tangible manner is so hard to understand and obey?
Malakh(angel) means messenger
Sawtawn (satan) means adversary and hinderer.
None of these words are to be made into form anymore then describing the term mediator(metatron) should be personafied. It's the basic command/warning not to make these mistakes and Christianity throwing away the commands goes ahead and the first thing they do is not just break that rule of logic, but bastardize the simplistic precepts and concepts of Judaism in doing so.
It's like watching Hillary supporters tell people what Bernie supporters are all about, or talk about the mental state of Trump
supporters who aren't the ones having nervous breakdowns needing a play_doh safe space.
View attachment 168659
or you telling us what Christianity is about
That's circular logic, if I'm telling you, that you are not Torah Observant and that you are Baal worshipping it's through knowledge of Judaism which I speak and Judaism which you are ignorant of. Your argument only works if my religion and text came after yours not before.
Which brings up the fact you are in denial of: For Your character to be Messiah then
1) he has to be an actual SINGULAR historical figure &
2)you have to Be Jewish
3) you have to be Torah observant to gain the lessons you wish to inspire you to be in likeness to that nature you fallaciously claim the image to be.
4)3 proves Jesus was Lucifer because Rev 1:13 admits Jesus isn't son of man, but like unto (emulating/impostering inspiring to be)son of man.
And you;re ignorant of what the term "Son of Man" means.
Term actually means, Son of Man of Holiness
God the father is the Man of Holiness
Therefore Jesus is the Son of Him
Remember dude.
If you want the correct interpretation of NT theology. Ya need to talk to a Christian not a Rabbi or some minister of one of the churches of the world.
Nine Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus on That First Christmas

I bet there were more.
But this is a good start.

Well to figure the odds type in the number 9 on your calculator and then hit the exclamation point and that should give you the odds.
If Joseph was not Jesus' father how can it be said Jesus is a descendant of King David? In fact the two genealogies are totally irrelevant aren't they?
Jesus is a direct descendant of King David through both his adoptive father Joseph and Mary His Jewish mother. And actually today Jews consider their Jewish connection through their mothers.highly.
You can't be a "descendent" by adoption. That's not how genetics works. Either he is Joseph's actual son, or Joseph's lineage has nothing to do with Jesus. Biology, genetics, and science dictate that both cannot be true.
And you can't be impregnated and be a virgin at the same time.
It's obvious that you refuse to accept as scripture what your mind cannot grasp

Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna.

Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life.

"Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.
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