9 signs you're in a political cult

Wasn't it McCarthy who said if you want to know what Democrats are doing, listen to what they are accusing you of doing.

But the Cult question isn't even a question. Democrats hold Republicans to a ridiculously high standard and themselves to no standard at all. That's Cult 46 right there with a capital "C"
Rush Limbaugh actually made that up decades ago when he went full partisan. He actually stole it from Josef Goebbels who said (and I'm paraphrasing), "Accuse the other side of what you are accused of doing".
I know the author of this source was trying to take a dig at Republicans namely Trump supporters. But, when you look at the 9 signs it resembles what those in the democrat party do.
So I just call it projection.


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Number 10, if you relate more towards the students than the instructor:

Rush Limbaugh actually made that up decades ago when he went full partisan. He actually stole it from Josef Goebbels who said (and I'm paraphrasing), "Accuse the other side of what you are accused of doing".
Actually that's a lie. There ain't no one as good as Biden for steal from someone else.
And that's from Saul Alinsky that leftists get their marching orders from.
Rush Limbaugh actually made that up decades ago when he went full partisan. He actually stole it from Josef Goebbels who said (and I'm paraphrasing), "Accuse the other side of what you are accused of doing".

If Limbaugh made it up then why are you still doing it? Ah, those Democrats double standards again, which says whoever said it was clearly right and made up nothing, MAGAt vermin
If Limbaugh made it up then why are you still doing it? Ah, those Democrats double standards again, which says whoever said it was clearly right and made up nothing, MAGAt vermin
Democrats aren't. Republicans are. Conservatives are. The Alt-Right is. :)
Stand up and own it.
Democrats aren't. Republicans are. Conservatives are. The Alt-Right is. :)
Stand up and own it.

So your not owning it doesn't mean you can't say I should. Problem, your double standards are yours, not mine, MAGAt Man
So your not owning it doesn't mean you can't say I should. Problem, your double standards are yours, not mine, MAGAt Man
And I expect nothing less from a true believer. You're beyond reason. But that's not my problem. I'll be happy to see your beliefs marginalized. :)
And I expect nothing less from a true believer. You're beyond reason. But that's not my problem. I'll be happy to see your beliefs marginalized. :)

M'kay, vermin. The one out of touch with reality in this discussion is pretty clear, MAGAt Man!
Every group with a leader is a cult.

Every Church or denomination of religious affiliation is a cult.

Granted in today's society the word "cult" has a negative connotation due to some of the more sensational cults that ended so tragically....but the definition of cult hasn't really changed at all.

What has changed is that the view is that these groups have negative effects upon group members. Which is not always the case. Generally speaking, churches usually have a healthy amount of altruism and community involvement as well as comradary and encouragement to behave in a moralistic fashion. These are not negative aspects of a church cult.

Unhealthy aspects include isolationism, strict dietary and fitness standards, Unhealthy practices (poison, poisonous snakes or insects or deprivation of water or food) or going beyond sexual norms in the form of polygamy, incest, depravity, or total abstinence from even spouses.

Usually Unhealthy cults forbid people from leaving by several means such as violent threats or promises of injury to loved ones or even lack of means to escape (imprisonment) which can include logistics and financial.

Where the Democratic or Republican Party do have some of these aspects...they aren't exactly all negative. A person can leave or change their mind.

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