9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied

A kid in the 4th grade decides he is homosexual and grammar school kids pick on him to the point that he kills himself? Something ain't right and somebody needs to re-investigate the alleged suicide.
But most of these posts are assumptions based on what people think they know about the boy or his mother. Nobody knows if he was on medication. Nobody knows what his mothers thought process was. There is no evidence that this child was molested in any way and finally physical bullying is a lot less harmful than mental torture.

Nowhere in all of the above does anyone say that these kids should not have behaved like that.

A nine-year-old doesn't declare himself to be “gay” unless some subhuman piece of pedophilic shit has been abusing and manipulating him to do so.
A kid in the 4th grade decides he is homosexual and grammar school kids pick on him to the point that he kills himself? Something ain't right and somebody needs to re-investigate the alleged suicide.

I'd be looking into sexual abuse from somewhere
Worse yet are the idiots that think homosexuals and pedophiles are the same thing.

It is all part of the same evil and madness. Denying it, and trying to characterize those of us who acknowledge this truth as some kind of bigots, doesn't change the underlying truth.
And yet....1 in 4 girls are sexually abused by hetero males by the time they reach 18...and it's the gays....................
When I was around 10 years old we moved into a new neighborhood. There was this kid who was a year old and a head taller than me, who keep picking on me and bullying me. One day he was riding his bicycle past me while swinging a long stick trying to hit me. So I went into my house sobbing to my Dad about the mean kid. My father told me to go back outside and kick the kids ass if he bothered me again, or else he was going whip my butt with his belt.

I was far more in fear of my father than the bully. So I waited on the curb for the kid from hell to return, while my father stood watching me at the window.

Sure enough here came the bully on his bike heading right for me swing the stick. Just as soon as he got near, I leaped on him, knock him off his bike, and began punching him until he started crying and ran away.

That was the day I learned how to deal with a bully, and who I was as a person. The kid and I later became best friends all thru school.

Unfortunately, today, the parents would have called the police, and their precious little Johnny would grow up to be a limp wristed wimp. .... :cool:
Cool story bro.
Isn't it cute how he changed it from him being the bully on the bike that got his ass kicked?
Those are opinion pieces sue and they don`t speak for me who has been married for 36 years to the same woman. Tell me why I don`t believe children need a father. Are you making the claim that white conservatives living in trailer parks all have loving fathers / husbands?

I don't care what YOU think individually; you belong to an ideology that upholds the belief that single mothers will do just as well as fathers and mothers. You don't like that, then you're in the wrong ideology. That's it then.

What is amazing is that the left wrong clings to the insistence that single mothers [or homosexual couples as “parents”] will do just as well as fathers and mothers, in spite of overwhelming objective proof to the contrary. We can see clearly for ourselves what the outcomes are that are coming out of intact, functional families as opposed to the broken LIbEral mockeries of families; yet those on the left wrong just keep their eyes wide shut and insist that what we can clearly see is not real.

LIbEralism truly is a mental disease as well as a moral disease.
Not to justify the bullying, but a 9 year old coming out as gay? WTF? I don't think kids that young really know and I would question what influences caused him to come out.
Worse yet are the idiots that think homosexuals and pedophiles are the same thing.

It is all part of the same evil and madness. Denying it, and trying to characterize those of us who acknowledge this truth as some kind of bigots, doesn't change the underlying truth.
And yet....1 in 4 girls are sexually abused by hetero males by the time they reach 18...and it's the gays....................

Approximately the same rate of sexual abuse happens toward little boys as toward little girls. Who is abusing them? Certainly not heterosexuals men. By definition, if a heterosexual man were into sexually-abusing children, he'd only be interested in little girls as victims, not boys.

Homosexual men make up about two or three percent of the population, yet they account for nearly half of child sexual abusers. What does this tell us about the relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia?
His mom was supportive of his acting out. He should never have been encouraged to come out at school.

I totally agree with that too.

The mother is not free of guilt.
So, should have told him to ashamed and lie?
interesting that they are all over this boy and not bringing up that children who are being taught to bully others at 9 years old and call others gay at 9 years old are REALLY and TRULY the victims of abuse by their parents.
Children are like animals in the wild. They will target for attack anyone with the slightest difference. Some kid wears glasses. Another gets braces. Four eyes and buck tooth become second names. If a child has a difference that is not visible, like thinking they are gay, keep it to yourself the same way you would keep eating caterpillars to yourself. Otherwise, like sharks coming upon a wounded and crippled sea lion, those children will tear the victim apart in a feeding frenzy.
Worse yet are the idiots that think homosexuals and pedophiles are the same thing.

It is all part of the same evil and madness. Denying it, and trying to characterize those of us who acknowledge this truth as some kind of bigots, doesn't change the underlying truth.
And yet....1 in 4 girls are sexually abused by hetero males by the time they reach 18...and it's the gays....................

Approximately the same rate of sexual abuse happens toward little boys as toward little girls. Who is abusing them? Certainly not heterosexuals men. By definition, if a heterosexual man were into sexually-abusing children, he'd only be interested in little girls as victims, not boys.

Homosexual men make up about two or three percent of the population, yet they account for nearly half of child sexual abusers. What does this tell us about the relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia?
That is false. Look it up.

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