9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied

First clue. behavior meds cause suicidal desires the most under educated, uniforned idiots who can't get their mouth off the teet of the medical gods use their kids and sacrafice because medicla gods know best. Any idiot who actually bothers to READ THE INSERT" will read " CAN CAUSE SUICIDAL URGES" , but no you see the sheep of the nation just listen to the school gods tell them your kid can't sit still your needs to take ridilen, or some form of behavior meds, oh your kid is depressed and now needs these.


I would ban my life on it this kid was on a cocktail of drugs.

Ban your life? Go right ahead!
Apparently the victim's mother is a hardcore LWNJ.



It's safe to say she suffers from TDS.
Apparently the victim's mother is a hardcore LWNJ.



It's safe to say she suffers from TDS.
Screwed the kids life up before it even began..........a shame.
Apparently the victim's mother is a hardcore LWNJ.



It's safe to say she suffers from TDS.
Screwed the kids life up before it even began..........a shame.

And them blames “bullying” from other children for the results of her own abusive behavior toward her own child.
This board is a perfect example of degenerate pussies who revel in the ability to say whatever they want with zero repercussions.

Says the degenerate pussy who revels in the ability to say whatever he wants, including calling people degenerate pussies, with zero repercussions. :eusa_whistle:
The problem is today many teachers are just lousy. I'll agree if a child misbehaves a parent should back the teacher and school but I've butted heads with our children's teachers on a few things. Mostly what they are teaching or how they present it.

I don't blame teachers so much as the fact that their job has changed. No longer do they teach to the level of the top students but everyone has to pass. They teach to the lowest standard in the class. Teachers are no longer able to discipline or throw a kid out of school without the risk of being sued.

More than anyone, I blame teachers unions. They make it nearly impossible to get rid of bad teachers along with most school boards being made up of Progressives.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all does it not?
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A kid in the 4th grade decides he is homosexual and grammar school kids pick on him to the point that he kills himself? Something ain't right and somebody needs to re-investigate the alleged suicide.

I don't doubt that the kid committed suicide but I think there is a lot we don't know.
The death of the 9 year old is a tragedy. I wonder why he felt a need at 9 to tell people he was gay? The bully issue is tough, teachers need to be alert as do parents. There is a lot more to the story than what we are reading.
Those are opinion pieces sue and they don`t speak for me who has been married for 36 years to the same woman. Tell me why I don`t believe children need a father. Are you making the claim that white conservatives living in trailer parks all have loving fathers / husbands?

You do know the difference between generally true and individually true, do you not?

Let me help you out.

Conservatives are anti-union. True.
I am a conservative. True.
I am pro-union. True.
Conservatives are anti-union. Still true.

Any questions?
People on here excusing and minimising bullying behaviour that led a child to kill himself. Its not difficult to imagine the numpties on this thread as former bullies themselves.

What are you talking about, excusing and minimizing bullying behavior? No one is saying the boy wasn't bullied. We're saying the mom, who KNEW her son was already bullied, left him open to more bullying. It's not her fault he died, but she didn't make the wisest choices either, and I DO fault PC propaganda for that.

That may be the point that you are making but your fellow posters are making different points. Its not difficult to see where the bullies picked up their hate.

This kid was raped by some faggot, ain't doubt about it. & to 10 year olds are the most targeted by faggots. The faggot martyred dope dealer Mathew Sheppard had two arrests on his juvenile record involving two 8 year old boys when he was 16. Of course that made him a national hero to the 'gay rights' sickos,

A nine-year-old does not declare himself to be “gay”, unless some sick pervert is indoctrinating him with this immoral filth.

First clue. behavior meds cause suicidal desires the most under educated, uniforned idiots who can't get their mouth off the teet of the medical gods use their kids and sacrafice because medicla gods know best. Any idiot who actually bothers to READ THE INSERT" will read " CAN CAUSE SUICIDAL URGES" , but no you see the sheep of the nation just listen to the school gods tell them your kid can't sit still your needs to take ridilen, or some form of behavior meds, oh your kid is depressed and now needs these.


A pre-adolescent child who thinks that he's “gay” is a victim of much, much worse evil and abuse than any so-called “bullying”* from his peers. That abuse is what led to this suicide, not the “bullying”.

* When I was young, bullying necessarily involved physical violence, or at least credible threats thereof. What pussies we are raising, who think that they are “bullied” just because someone insulted them. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.

I understand this story is used only to persuade people that they need to train their children to embrace gay sex but really it just shows how mean kids are and the problems of bullying in public education in general.

If it's not bullying about someone being gay, it would be about something else.

Yes. Children are incredibly cruel. She encouraged her son to give these children a reason to bully him.

9 years old and thought he was homosexual? ... This kid was molested by somebody, and obviously it was some faggot who did it.

Indeed. 100% of kids were 'bullied' when I was in school; the older kids considered it their duty. lol

I put some of the blame on media.... that show "13 reasons why" makes suicide seem like an option. Studies have shown that suicides that are posted in the news lead to copy cat suicides…

I associate bully with physical violence, as in fighting, not merely name calling, which is apparently the definition now.

No actually Tommy, it comes from mentally ill people like you brainwashing them into believing your bullshit fake science, and being molested by one or more of your precious mentally ill homos, or also being told they're faggots by some faggot or faggot fan in the school administration itself. Thanks to your PC Nazi deviants, gimps, and sociopaths, these kids are turned into weak little neurotics completely unable to handle even the slightest peer group disapproval, much as you can't.
People on here excusing and minimising bullying behaviour that led a child to kill himself. Its not difficult to imagine the numpties on this thread as former bullies themselves.

What are you talking about, excusing and minimizing bullying behavior? No one is saying the boy wasn't bullied. We're saying the mom, who KNEW her son was already bullied, left him open to more bullying. It's not her fault he died, but she didn't make the wisest choices either, and I DO fault PC propaganda for that.

That may be the point that you are making but your fellow posters are making different points. Its not difficult to see where the bullies picked up their hate.

This kid was raped by some faggot, ain't doubt about it. & to 10 year olds are the most targeted by faggots. The faggot martyred dope dealer Mathew Sheppard had two arrests on his juvenile record involving two 8 year old boys when he was 16. Of course that made him a national hero to the 'gay rights' sickos,

A nine-year-old does not declare himself to be “gay”, unless some sick pervert is indoctrinating him with this immoral filth.

First clue. behavior meds cause suicidal desires the most under educated, uniforned idiots who can't get their mouth off the teet of the medical gods use their kids and sacrafice because medicla gods know best. Any idiot who actually bothers to READ THE INSERT" will read " CAN CAUSE SUICIDAL URGES" , but no you see the sheep of the nation just listen to the school gods tell them your kid can't sit still your needs to take ridilen, or some form of behavior meds, oh your kid is depressed and now needs these.


A pre-adolescent child who thinks that he's “gay” is a victim of much, much worse evil and abuse than any so-called “bullying”* from his peers. That abuse is what led to this suicide, not the “bullying”.

* When I was young, bullying necessarily involved physical violence, or at least credible threats thereof. What pussies we are raising, who think that they are “bullied” just because someone insulted them. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.

I understand this story is used only to persuade people that they need to train their children to embrace gay sex but really it just shows how mean kids are and the problems of bullying in public education in general.

If it's not bullying about someone being gay, it would be about something else.

Yes. Children are incredibly cruel. She encouraged her son to give these children a reason to bully him.

9 years old and thought he was homosexual? ... This kid was molested by somebody, and obviously it was some faggot who did it.

Indeed. 100% of kids were 'bullied' when I was in school; the older kids considered it their duty. lol

I put some of the blame on media.... that show "13 reasons why" makes suicide seem like an option. Studies have shown that suicides that are posted in the news lead to copy cat suicides…

I associate bully with physical violence, as in fighting, not merely name calling, which is apparently the definition now.

First clue. behavior meds cause suicidal desires the most under educated, uniforned idiots who can't get their mouth off the teet of the medical gods use their kids and sacrafice because medicla gods know best. Any idiot who actually bothers to READ THE INSERT" will read " CAN CAUSE SUICIDAL URGES" , but no you see the sheep of the nation just listen to the school gods tell them your kid can't sit still your needs to take ridilen, or some form of behavior meds, oh your kid is depressed and now needs these.

That poster has a point. Some of those meds DO cause suicidal impulses in children and teens.

A pre-adolescent child who thinks that he's “gay” is a victim of much, much worse evil and abuse than any so-called “bullying”* from his peers. That abuse is what led to this suicide, not the “bullying”.

Also has a point. A child that age can probably highly suspect he/she is gay, but should not be encouraged to "come out" at that age. For the love of Pete, they don't even come out as heterosexual at that age. They're in latency--everyone still has cooties.

* When I was young, bullying necessarily involved physical violence, or at least credible threats thereof. What pussies we are raising, who think that they are “bullied” just because someone insulted them. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

This is actually true. Not necessarily about physical violence but about what constitutes bullying. It must be a power imbalance, ongoing, and targeted. It's not just a passing insult.

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.

Also at least partially true. Bullies are usually bullied or cowards. If kids will at least gang up on THEM or speak up, they will stop. They look for easy targets. That's true.

Yes. Children are incredibly cruel. She encouraged her son to give these children a reason to bully him.

Again the mother seemed not to understand in the least how 9 year olds operate AND she was raising one. And she did not seem to utilize the resources available to her, such as school social workers and psychologists, who would surely have encouraged the child NOT to publicly "come out" to his classmates. They would have told him that if he has feelings it was not shameful or whatever, but coming out in fourth grade is just not a great idea. Who's going to really argue with this?

I put some of the blame on media.... that show "13 reasons why" makes suicide seem like an option. Studies have shown that suicides that are posted in the news lead to copy cat suicides…

Yes, copycat suicides ARE a thing.

You seem really upset by some of these statements. Why? They're the truth, a lot of them. I don't like the derogatory names in some of these posts, I agree there. And people are not tiptoeing around bullying. So what? Real bullying is a tragedy, but then, people are also super hyperventilating about it too, which is a 21st century thing (hyperventilating, that is) if there ever was one.
But most of these posts are assumptions based on what people think they know about the boy or his mother. Nobody knows if he was on medication. Nobody knows what his mothers thought process was. There is no evidence that this child was molested in any way and finally physical bullying is a lot less harmful than mental torture.

Nowhere in all of the above does anyone say that these kids should not have behaved like that.

We know for a fact he was molested by a faggot or brainwashed by one, Tommy. Being a pedo-apologist, you are never going to admit it, so kiss off with your fake 'concern for the child' rubbish; we know they mean nothing to your ilk outside of being groomed to accept mentally ill deviants as wonderful and normal.
heterosexuals were all raped by members of the opposite sex when they were kids
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?

He just parrots whatever the Party line is, and that's one of them. They have all the 'answers' prepared for them by their masters. None of have ever actually read any 'studies', which is why the can never actually post one. the reason for that those 'studies' aren't real studies, they're crap a 6th grade would laugh at re the methodologies they use to arrive at just the right politically correct 'science', usually followed as much text waffling over their own results as the study itself has in it.

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