9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied

Why Would a 9-Year-Old Come Out as Gay and Take His Own Life? A Closer Look at the Jamel Myles Tragedy

The mother of the homicide victim took this photograph of her son.



What kind of mother would force her son to pose like this on a pink bean bag chair? He is in a very unnatural and uncomfortable position and the frown on his face indicates that he obviously is not liking this photo session.
Another gripe I have is how today's parents treat school teachers.

Back in my day, if little Johnny got in trouble at school for misbehaving, his parents would side with the teacher, and Johnny got grounded at home.

But today the parents will take little Johnny's side that the teacher was picking on him for no reason. Go up to the school, cuss out the teacher, and demand the teacher be fired immediately. .... :cuckoo:

The problem is today many teachers are just lousy. I'll agree if a child misbehaves a parent should back the teacher and school but I've butted heads with our children's teachers on a few things. Mostly what they are teaching or how they present it.

Lousy how? In your experience.

Our children attend private school, the curriculum is pretty straight forward, focus on academics (the three Rs so to speak) and keep personal opinions out of it and if you do don't present them as fact. Personally I don't care if a teacher presents an opinion but they have to be willing to listen to rebuttal, it creates conversation and allows view points. The problem is (and it's usually the younger and newer teachers) don't want to hear an opposing view point. They have a it's my way or the highway attitude.

Our oldest girls have a political science teacher, he's wonderful, he encourages debate and listens to the students, never forcing his views. The best thing about him is he genuinely cares about his students, he's a gem and I wish the school had another two dozen just like him.

Your schools SHOULD be filled with teachers like him. Our schools are, but we are in a really good school district, that's the truth. Also, I totally agree with you about not forcing your opinion on students, although I teach little ones. Although I think it's okay to reinforce general character education like the topic of this thread: don't bully, be kind, show respect, etc.
People on here excusing and minimising bullying behaviour that led a child to kill himself. Its not difficult to imagine the numpties on this thread as former bullies themselves.

What are you talking about, excusing and minimizing bullying behavior? No one is saying the boy wasn't bullied. We're saying the mom, who KNEW her son was already bullied, left him open to more bullying. It's not her fault he died, but she didn't make the wisest choices either, and I DO fault PC propaganda for that.

The boy probably did not commit suicide because he was “bullied”. He committed suicide as a result of sexual abuse and manipulation that led him to think he was “gay”. This abuse probably would have led to his suicide, even if his peers never knew about it and never had the opportunity to “bully” him over it.

Not to defend bullying (even the pathetic, PC version that falls far short of genuine bullying) but to blame “bullying” for this child's suicide is to completely miss the real point.

It could be that, sure. But in this day and age, it could also be that he had a crush on a boy and, being the crazytrain that 2018 is, when he told his mom, she thought hey, this is celebrated far and wide now. So he "came out" at age 9. And that bullying on top of the other was just the last straw for him.

As I said. Both scenarios are possible in 2018, because we keep coming up with new ways to lose our minds.
His mom was supportive of his acting out. He should never have been encouraged to come out at school.

I totally agree with that too.

The mother is not free of guilt.
So, should have told him to ashamed and lie?
interesting that they are all over this boy and not bringing up that children who are being taught to bully others at 9 years old and call others gay at 9 years old are REALLY and TRULY the victims of abuse by their parents.

Okay apparently they didn't "call him gay"--he came out as gay. To a class of FOURTH GRADERS.

Yes, we should always, always teach children to be kind and etc. However. Any adult with his/her head screwed on straight would have advised this poor child AND his misled mother to keep this to himself until at least middle school, when OTHER children are feeling attraction and etc. and feel more comfortable sharing it.

As I said earlier in the thread, ALL crushes are cooties at the beginning of fourth grade. And he also dropped a bomb on any of his friends in that class, fellow boys, by exploding in their head that maybe he liked them. 9 year olds do not have the capacity to deal with all that, and should not have to. And again, ANY wise adult would have been able to figure this out!
When I grew up every kid was bullied by somebody, and no one ever committed suicide.

It was just a part of life, and taught you about yourself and how to deal with other people. .... :cool:

"and no one ever committed suicide."
Big ZERO for you Sunni.
His mom was supportive of his acting out. He should never have been encouraged to come out at school.

I totally agree with that too.

The mother is not free of guilt.
So, should have told him to ashamed and lie?
interesting that they are all over this boy and not bringing up that children who are being taught to bully others at 9 years old and call others gay at 9 years old are REALLY and TRULY the victims of abuse by their parents.

Okay apparently they didn't "call him gay"--he came out as gay. To a class of FOURTH GRADERS.

Yes, we should always, always teach children to be kind and etc. However. Any adult with his/her head screwed on straight would have advised this poor child AND his misled mother to keep this to himself until at least middle school, when OTHER children are feeling attraction and etc. and feel more comfortable sharing it.

As I said earlier in the thread, ALL crushes are cooties at the beginning of fourth grade. And he also dropped a bomb on any of his friends in that class, fellow boys, by exploding in their head that maybe he liked them. 9 year olds do not have the capacity to deal with all that, and should not have to. And again, ANY wise adult would have been able to figure this out!
92 is always wrong.
His mom was supportive of his acting out. He should never have been encouraged to come out at school.

I totally agree with that too.

The mother is not free of guilt.
So, should have told him to ashamed and lie?
interesting that they are all over this boy and not bringing up that children who are being taught to bully others at 9 years old and call others gay at 9 years old are REALLY and TRULY the victims of abuse by their parents.

Okay apparently they didn't "call him gay"--he came out as gay. To a class of FOURTH GRADERS.

Yes, we should always, always teach children to be kind and etc. However. Any adult with his/her head screwed on straight would have advised this poor child AND his misled mother to keep this to himself until at least middle school, when OTHER children are feeling attraction and etc. and feel more comfortable sharing it.

As I said earlier in the thread, ALL crushes are cooties at the beginning of fourth grade. And he also dropped a bomb on any of his friends in that class, fellow boys, by exploding in their head that maybe he liked them. 9 year olds do not have the capacity to deal with all that, and should not have to. And again, ANY wise adult would have been able to figure this out!
92 is always wrong.
92 never matured past that point.
When kids watch TV and see the president calling people names, talking down to people, calling for them to be beaten, calling other SOBs, attacking people on tweeter....does that help bullying in our schools and society as a whole?
I seriously doubt that kids are watching the President on TV.

They are playing video games or hanging out with their friends. ... :cool:
Few occasions when tRump was mocking his opponents and I had TV on mute while listening on my headphones my 9 year old girl told me, why is he acting like a bully.
And I'm sure millions of kids saw and heard the precious president say all kinds of nice word to his opponents.

Oh yeah! That reminds me of the time one of my second grade students asked me, 'Hey Mrs. SweetSue, why do the Democrats want to abolish ICE when in reality ICE is attempting to rid this nation of many felons and other criminals?"

Just a regular day in 2nd grade. Right?
His mom was supportive of his acting out. He should never have been encouraged to come out at school.

I totally agree with that too.

The mother is not free of guilt.
So, should have told him to ashamed and lie?
interesting that they are all over this boy and not bringing up that children who are being taught to bully others at 9 years old and call others gay at 9 years old are REALLY and TRULY the victims of abuse by their parents.

Okay apparently they didn't "call him gay"--he came out as gay. To a class of FOURTH GRADERS.

Yes, we should always, always teach children to be kind and etc. However. Any adult with his/her head screwed on straight would have advised this poor child AND his misled mother to keep this to himself until at least middle school, when OTHER children are feeling attraction and etc. and feel more comfortable sharing it.

As I said earlier in the thread, ALL crushes are cooties at the beginning of fourth grade. And he also dropped a bomb on any of his friends in that class, fellow boys, by exploding in their head that maybe he liked them. 9 year olds do not have the capacity to deal with all that, and should not have to. And again, ANY wise adult would have been able to figure this out!
92 is always wrong.

What do you actually contribute to threads other than taking swipes at me?
I totally agree with that too.

The mother is not free of guilt.
So, should have told him to ashamed and lie?
interesting that they are all over this boy and not bringing up that children who are being taught to bully others at 9 years old and call others gay at 9 years old are REALLY and TRULY the victims of abuse by their parents.

Okay apparently they didn't "call him gay"--he came out as gay. To a class of FOURTH GRADERS.

Yes, we should always, always teach children to be kind and etc. However. Any adult with his/her head screwed on straight would have advised this poor child AND his misled mother to keep this to himself until at least middle school, when OTHER children are feeling attraction and etc. and feel more comfortable sharing it.

As I said earlier in the thread, ALL crushes are cooties at the beginning of fourth grade. And he also dropped a bomb on any of his friends in that class, fellow boys, by exploding in their head that maybe he liked them. 9 year olds do not have the capacity to deal with all that, and should not have to. And again, ANY wise adult would have been able to figure this out!
92 is always wrong.
92 never matured past that point.

Making an impression, am I? Good.
Apparently the victim's mother is a hardcore LWNJ.



It's safe to say she suffers from TDS.

This is what I suspected. And "The Gay is Okay!" is such a mantra she couldn't look past it to think that maybe not so much in 4th grade.
The problem is today many teachers are just lousy. I'll agree if a child misbehaves a parent should back the teacher and school but I've butted heads with our children's teachers on a few things. Mostly what they are teaching or how they present it.

I don't blame teachers so much as the fact that their job has changed. No longer do they teach to the level of the top students but everyone has to pass. They teach to the lowest standard in the class. Teachers are no longer able to discipline or throw a kid out of school without the risk of being sued.

More than anyone, I blame teachers unions. They make it nearly impossible to get rid of bad teachers along with most school boards being made up of Progressives.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all does it not?

I hate the public school unions and I don't belong. Now I've REALLY ticked off the leftists here because not only do I speak up, I don't give my money. Hahaha

Secondly, it's not that we teach to the lowest that's the problem. It's that society has gone blooming nuts and we have to cater to it. Not the children--it's almost never the children. The adults. Like this mother, and so many others. Crazy, insane demands and it's always about MY child. Forget that you have 24 other children in the class--MY child.

That's the self-centered, selfie stick society we are now. There's no more sense of community. And if you don't recognize the Paragon of Greatness that is Princess Buttercup, well, mommy will take to Social Media to have your head on a platter for the mob.

Who wants to be a teacher in 2018? Raise your hand.
His mom was supportive of his acting out. He should never have been encouraged to come out at school.

I totally agree with that too.

The mother is not free of guilt.
So, should have told him to ashamed and lie?

She should have told him the truth, if she were wise: your friends are not ready to hear about crushes right now, and crushes on boys are different. It's hard to be different in fourth grade. Save this news for middle school.
Okay apparently they didn't "call him gay"--he came out as gay. To a class of FOURTH GRADERS.
Got a source for that?

The link to the story in the OP said that, according to his mother, he came out as gay to her, not to a class of fourth graders.
Why is a 9 year old thinking about sexuality?
Why are kids calling 9 year olds gay and bullying them? Why isn't anyone asking THAT question?
Because they have decided that the fault lies with the kid for not having coping mechanisms and the mother for being a decent loving person.
Its their world so deal with it.

So its not difficult to see where teeny bullies come from.Just read the comments on here and imagine what sort of upbringing their kids get.
Why is a 9 year old thinking about sexuality?
Why are kids calling 9 year olds gay and bullying them? Why isn't anyone asking THAT question?
Because they have decided that the fault lies with the kid for not having coping mechanisms and the mother for being a decent loving person.
Its their world so deal with it.

So its not difficult to see where teeny bullies come from.Just read the comments on here and imagine what sort of upbringing their kids get.

Again. The kids didn't "call" him gay. He CAME OUT as gay. It's not the boy's fault--he was given tragically bad advice. And while we can expect 9 year olds to be kind, they are still only NINE. Which is why, yes, the mother was an absolute dunderhead blinded by SJWarrioring for advising her nine year old son to come out to a bunch of fourth graders.

I mean tell us Tommy: do you think that was a great idea?
Okay apparently they didn't "call him gay"--he came out as gay. To a class of FOURTH GRADERS.
Got a source for that?

The link to the story in the OP said that, according to his mother, he came out as gay to her, not to a class of fourth graders.

Uh, yeah, it's in the second paragraph of the OP link.
You are incorrect. The article states that the victim's mother claimed that her son had 'come out as gay' to her, not a fourth grade class.

Perhaps you should check up on your reading comprehension skills. That's not too much to ask of a teacher, is it?

The article does not say that Jamel had 'come out as gay' to a fourth grade class in the second paragraph or anywhere else in the article. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to be a grammar Nazi. I just think that whether or not he came out of the closet in front of his classmates is germain to the discussion. Sometimes details matter, especially when you have a dead child and an LWNJ in the same room.
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Okay apparently they didn't "call him gay"--he came out as gay. To a class of FOURTH GRADERS.
Got a source for that?

The link to the story in the OP said that, according to his mother, he came out as gay to her, not to a class of fourth graders.

Uh, yeah, it's in the second paragraph of the OP link.
You are incorrect. The article states that the victim's mother claimed that her son had 'come out as gay' to her, not a fourth grade class.

Perhaps you should check up on your reading comprehension skills. That's not too much to ask of a teacher, is it?

The article does not say that Jamel had 'come out as gay' to a fourth grade class in the second paragraph or anywhere else in the article. I don't mean to nitpick on your grammar or anything like that, I think it's a relevant point.

Okay are you one of those people who, if the words don't say exactly, literally the right thing, they don't mean what they mean? Because THAT is a comprehension problem. Do you understand?

Here is a direct quote from that second paragraph,

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."

Now, how could they have been "meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay" if he ONLY came out to his mother? Were they mind-readers or something???

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