9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied

Tilly said:
Bombarding kids with the LGBTQ stuff has to stop.
They need to be allowed to be children.
This Has Been Going On For A Long, Long Time
With So-&-So Has Two Mommies
Throwing Condoms At Them At What Age ??
If You Dare Give Them A Spanking
They'll Haul You Before Social Services
And Try To Give The Kid False Memories To Prosecute You

The Left Doesn't Give A Damned
They Cram It On Children Without Asking
And The Younger They Can Get 'Em The Better
When kids watch TV and see the president calling people names, talking down to people, calling for them to be beaten, calling other SOBs, attacking people on tweeter....does that help bullying in our schools and society as a whole?
I seriously doubt that kids are watching the President on TV.

They are playing video games or hanging out with their friends. ... :cool:
Few occasions when tRump was mocking his opponents and I had TV on mute while listening on my headphones my 9 year old girl told me, why is he acting like a bully.
And I'm sure millions of kids saw and heard the precious president say all kinds of nice word to his opponents.

Oh yeah! That reminds me of the time one of my second grade students asked me, 'Hey Mrs. SweetSue, why do the Democrats want to abolish ICE when in reality ICE is attempting to rid this nation of many felons and other criminals?"

Just a regular day in 2nd grade. Right?
I'm far removing violent criminals so are most Democrats I know. Now does your little student come and ask you why tRump is a bully too?
Hell I was bullied but never thought about offing myself.

Where the hell were this kids parents???
What do you suggest the parents do?
His mom was supportive of him.
She shouldnt have sent him to school thinking that being gay is going to be super cool with all his friends and schoolmates. That was a tragic mistake that cost him his life. It may not be fair, but coming out while youre still in school is a terrible idea.
So, where was this boy's father, while his depraved mother was grooming him to be an underaged faggot? What kind of man would allow this to be done to his own son?
SassyIrishLass said:
Good parenting will overcome government indoctrination
Schools Have The Kids 6hrs A Day
September Through May
(Many Places Even Longer)
And Had Their Parents Too

Busy Parents Are Their Best Enablers

Church And The Scouts
Aren't What They Once Were Either
Homosexual agenda (or gay agenda) is a term introduced by sectors of the Christian religious right (primarily in the United States) as a disparaging way to describe the advocacy of cultural acceptance and normalization of non-heterosexual orientations and relationships. The term refers to efforts to change government policies and laws on LGBT rights-related issues. Additionally, it has been used by social conservatives and others to describe alleged goals of LGBT rights activists, such as recruiting heterosexuals into what they term a "homosexual lifestyle".[1]

Homosexual agenda - Wikipedia

Rubbish. IT was deliberate media campaign to harass and generate hate and bit lies about your sicko 'lifestyles', attempting to 'normalize' and desensitize the public as to what the mentally ill disease spreading sociopaths really are.


.. and your posts are taken directly from this agenda. Like I said, you and the rest of the fashion victims are just pathetic parrots running around doing what you're told to, like good lil PC Nazis and Pedo-Friendlies. Your 'Gay Rights ' hoax is so fucked up and sick they actually thought they needed to be 'fair' to the NAMBLA kiddie rapers and hold a vote before tossing them out of the ILGA in an attempt to get their UN NGO status approved. IT did them no good, too late for the sicko freaks and scum to clean up their image then, but now they have your puppets they can count on.

And again, these tactics and cheesy media gimmicks come straight out of the Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci's work. You have to specially stupid to still be falling for old Cold War Pravda rubbish, but of course Democrats are impossible to embarrass, they have no morals to begin with.
Last edited:
Bombarding kids with the LGBTQ stuff has to stop.
They need to be allowed to be children.

Encouraging perfectly happy kids to start questioning their gender is child abuse as far as I’m concerned, and pushing the idea that LGBTQ people are ‘special’ is wrong as those doing it know how impressionable young children can be, which is of course why they are doing it.

Someone suggested Obama has nothing to do with pushing the LGBTQ agenda. They are wrong.

Public School LGBT Programs Don't Just Trample Parental Rights. They Also Put Kids at Risk.

Through his executive appointments, President Obama has helped expose American schoolchildren to activism that places them at risk.

On May 19, 2009, a few short months after his inauguration, Obama gave the green light to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to appoint Kevin Jennings to a top position to influence school policy: the post of Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, also known as the “safe schools czar.” Jennings, a powerful LGBT rights activist who is himself a gay man, was the founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN is one of the largest LGBT activist organizations in the nation and is devoted to promoting homosexuality in K-12 schools. Jennings served as “safe schools czar” from 2009-2011.

Given his connection with the organization, we should not be shocked to discover that GLSEN received a grant from the Centers for Disease Control in 2011 for $1.425 million over five years to promote the LGBT agenda in public schools at taxpayers’ expense. Through these publicly funded in-school programs, kids are being bombarded with the message that same-sex attraction and gender-identity confusion are innate and therefore not changeable.

Those who design these programs probably believe that they are offering hope to children who may feel different, flawed, or unlovable. They believe that if they affirm children’s LGBT identities as something positive, something that makes up the core of who they are, the children will fare better.

This is not the case. No matter what well-intentioned teachers and administrators believe, these programs ultimately entail an agenda that hurts kids. The messages these programs send do nothing to combat the tragically high suicide rates among the LGBT community. Data indicate that kids are actually put at risk when schools encourage them to identify themselves as gay or transgender at an early age. For each year children delay labeling themselves as LGBT, their suicide risk is reduced by 20 percent.

I’m passionate about this issue because I was a trans-kid myself. I know how easy it was for my grandma to manipulate me into thinking I should change genders. Young trans-kids need to know they were not born that way, and that most will no longer have a desire to change genders once they grow into adulthood. Parents need to know that up to 94 percent of school-age kids who identify as transgender will grow out of their desire to change genders as adults—if parents and schools stop encouraging them to internalize and publicize their LGBT identities.

The Power of Childhood Influences

I’m not sure we truly understand how easily young people’s thinking about gender identity can be influenced by parents, television shows, and teachers who encourage them to explore new genders. During early childhood development, kids learn gender roles from observation within the family setting, peers, television, and school. They use their imagination, actions, and language to play-act what they see.

GLSEN capitalizes on the impressionable, imaginative nature of young children by designing and implementing programs for children as young as kindergarten. Consider their toolkit for elementary educations, Ready, Set, Respect! GLSEN knows that the elementary years are a prime opportunity to encourage kids to reject the values of their parents. The handbook outlines a variety of activities that gradually introduce and reinforce the messages that gender is a social construct, that moms and dads are interchangeable, and that anyone who says otherwise is hateful and prejudiced.

Along with lessons designed to help kindergarten through fifth-graders to “explore the definition of a family and to understand that there are a variety of family structures” and to “challenge their own and other’s [sic] assumptions about gender and gender roles,”...

Public School LGBT Programs Don't Just Trample Parental Rights. They Also Put Kids at Risk.

Yes .I got banned for posting one this sicko group's ads for a 'fund raiser' in Cleveland, where the hotel hosting the sociopaths was advertising renting the sick fucks 'rimming chairs', chairs with just toilet seas to sit on so the sick freaks could link each other's anuses, absolutely disgusting, and these are the freaks who hold 'seminars' for 'educators' instructing them on how to 'desensitize' children into 'experimenting' with homosexual acts and how to insert various objects up their anuses. These freaks and the so-called 'teachers' and admins who encourage and pay to attend these sick fucks' 'seminars' need to be arrested and charged with indecency with children.

And stop referring to the these sickos as 'gay'; that is a fake made up media campaign in itself. Calling them homosexual fetishists, homos, mentally ill sickos, or faggots is just fine and far more correct.
Last edited:
Bombarding kids with the LGBTQ stuff has to stop.
They need to be allowed to be children.

Encouraging perfectly happy kids to start questioning their gender is child abuse as far as I’m concerned, and pushing the idea that LGBTQ people are ‘special’ is wrong as those doing it know how impressionable young children can be, which is of course why they are doing it.

Someone suggested Obama has nothing to do with pushing the LGBTQ agenda. They are wrong.

Public School LGBT Programs Don't Just Trample Parental Rights. They Also Put Kids at Risk.

Through his executive appointments, President Obama has helped expose American schoolchildren to activism that places them at risk.

On May 19, 2009, a few short months after his inauguration, Obama gave the green light to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to appoint Kevin Jennings to a top position to influence school policy: the post of Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, also known as the “safe schools czar.” Jennings, a powerful LGBT rights activist who is himself a gay man, was the founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN is one of the largest LGBT activist organizations in the nation and is devoted to promoting homosexuality in K-12 schools. Jennings served as “safe schools czar” from 2009-2011.

Given his connection with the organization, we should not be shocked to discover that GLSEN received a grant from the Centers for Disease Control in 2011 for $1.425 million over five years to promote the LGBT agenda in public schools at taxpayers’ expense. Through these publicly funded in-school programs, kids are being bombarded with the message that same-sex attraction and gender-identity confusion are innate and therefore not changeable.

Those who design these programs probably believe that they are offering hope to children who may feel different, flawed, or unlovable. They believe that if they affirm children’s LGBT identities as something positive, something that makes up the core of who they are, the children will fare better.

This is not the case. No matter what well-intentioned teachers and administrators believe, these programs ultimately entail an agenda that hurts kids. The messages these programs send do nothing to combat the tragically high suicide rates among the LGBT community. Data indicate that kids are actually put at risk when schools encourage them to identify themselves as gay or transgender at an early age. For each year children delay labeling themselves as LGBT, their suicide risk is reduced by 20 percent.

I’m passionate about this issue because I was a trans-kid myself. I know how easy it was for my grandma to manipulate me into thinking I should change genders. Young trans-kids need to know they were not born that way, and that most will no longer have a desire to change genders once they grow into adulthood. Parents need to know that up to 94 percent of school-age kids who identify as transgender will grow out of their desire to change genders as adults—if parents and schools stop encouraging them to internalize and publicize their LGBT identities.

The Power of Childhood Influences

I’m not sure we truly understand how easily young people’s thinking about gender identity can be influenced by parents, television shows, and teachers who encourage them to explore new genders. During early childhood development, kids learn gender roles from observation within the family setting, peers, television, and school. They use their imagination, actions, and language to play-act what they see.

GLSEN capitalizes on the impressionable, imaginative nature of young children by designing and implementing programs for children as young as kindergarten. Consider their toolkit for elementary educations, Ready, Set, Respect! GLSEN knows that the elementary years are a prime opportunity to encourage kids to reject the values of their parents. The handbook outlines a variety of activities that gradually introduce and reinforce the messages that gender is a social construct, that moms and dads are interchangeable, and that anyone who says otherwise is hateful and prejudiced.

Along with lessons designed to help kindergarten through fifth-graders to “explore the definition of a family and to understand that there are a variety of family structures” and to “challenge their own and other’s [sic] assumptions about gender and gender roles,”...

Public School LGBT Programs Don't Just Trample Parental Rights. They Also Put Kids at Risk.

Yes .I got banned for posting one this sicko group's ads for a 'fund raiser' in Cleveland, where the hotel hosting the sociopaths was advertising renting the sick fucks 'rimming chairs', chairs with just toilet seas to sit on so the sick freaks could link each other's anuses, absolutely disgusting, and these are the freaks who hold 'seminars' for 'educators' instructing them on how to 'desensitize' children into 'experimenting' with homosexual acts and how to insert various objects up their anuses. These freaks and the so-called 'teachers' and admins who encourage and pay to attend these sick fucks' 'seminars' need to be arrested and charged with indecency with children.

And stop referring to the these sickos as 'gay'; that is a fake made up media campaign in itself. Calling them homosexual fetishists, homos, mentally ill sickos, or faggots is just fine and far more correct.
Good lord!


And you’re right, they are generally anything but ‘gay’.
SassyIrishLass said:
Good parenting will overcome government indoctrination
Schools Have The Kids 6hrs A Day
September Through May
(Many Places Even Longer)
And Had Their Parents Too

Busy Parents Are Their Best Enablers

Church And The Scouts
Aren't What They Once Were Either

Ours are in school 7 hours and 20 mins a day, they are well rounded, know right from wrong, would step up to defend a child being bullied in a NY sec and have never been in any major trouble. It's because their father and I are involved in their lives and teach them. We know dozens of families just like ours.
Okay apparently they didn't "call him gay"--he came out as gay. To a class of FOURTH GRADERS.
Got a source for that?

The link to the story in the OP said that, according to his mother, he came out as gay to her, not to a class of fourth graders.

Uh, yeah, it's in the second paragraph of the OP link.
You are incorrect. The article states that the victim's mother claimed that her son had 'come out as gay' to her, not a fourth grade class.

Perhaps you should check up on your reading comprehension skills. That's not too much to ask of a teacher, is it?

The article does not say that Jamel had 'come out as gay' to a fourth grade class in the second paragraph or anywhere else in the article. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to be a grammar Nazi. I just think that whether or not he came out of the closet in front of his classmates is germain to the discussion. Sometimes details matter, especially when you have a dead child and an LWNJ in the same room.

One more time with feeling: "reading comprehension" means you clearly comprehend the text even if the text doesn't say the EXACT WORDS you need it to say, see. This is what we teach children: to make inferences and connections as they are deciphering text. So even if the text does not say literally "come out as gay", but essentially says that in a different way, the reader will understand.

Do YOU understand, now? If so, thank a teacher.
The text does literally say that according to his mother the kid had come out as gay, to her.

However where you are incorrect is when you claim that is says the kid came out as gay to a 4th grade class.

In another post, I've already informed you that you were incorrect, yet you chose to double down on stupid rather than admit that you were wrong.
Last edited:
Tilly said:
Bombarding kids with the LGBTQ stuff has to stop.
They need to be allowed to be children.
This Has Been Going On For A Long, Long Time
With So-&-So Has Two Mommies
Throwing Condoms At Them At What Age ??
If You Dare Give Them A Spanking
They'll Haul You Before Social Services
And Try To Give The Kid False Memories To Prosecute You

The Left Doesn't Give A Damned
They Cram It On Children Without Asking
And The Younger They Can Get 'Em The Better
But....nothing wrong with teaching kids to call other kids "gay" and bullying them at 9, right?
Bombarding kids with the LGBTQ stuff has to stop.
They need to be allowed to be children.

Encouraging perfectly happy kids to start questioning their gender is child abuse as far as I’m concerned, and pushing the idea that LGBTQ people are ‘special’ is wrong as those doing it know how impressionable young children can be, which is of course why they are doing it.

Someone suggested Obama has nothing to do with pushing the LGBTQ agenda. They are wrong.

Public School LGBT Programs Don't Just Trample Parental Rights. They Also Put Kids at Risk.

Through his executive appointments, President Obama has helped expose American schoolchildren to activism that places them at risk.

On May 19, 2009, a few short months after his inauguration, Obama gave the green light to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to appoint Kevin Jennings to a top position to influence school policy: the post of Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, also known as the “safe schools czar.” Jennings, a powerful LGBT rights activist who is himself a gay man, was the founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN is one of the largest LGBT activist organizations in the nation and is devoted to promoting homosexuality in K-12 schools. Jennings served as “safe schools czar” from 2009-2011.

Given his connection with the organization, we should not be shocked to discover that GLSEN received a grant from the Centers for Disease Control in 2011 for $1.425 million over five years to promote the LGBT agenda in public schools at taxpayers’ expense. Through these publicly funded in-school programs, kids are being bombarded with the message that same-sex attraction and gender-identity confusion are innate and therefore not changeable.

Those who design these programs probably believe that they are offering hope to children who may feel different, flawed, or unlovable. They believe that if they affirm children’s LGBT identities as something positive, something that makes up the core of who they are, the children will fare better.

This is not the case. No matter what well-intentioned teachers and administrators believe, these programs ultimately entail an agenda that hurts kids. The messages these programs send do nothing to combat the tragically high suicide rates among the LGBT community. Data indicate that kids are actually put at risk when schools encourage them to identify themselves as gay or transgender at an early age. For each year children delay labeling themselves as LGBT, their suicide risk is reduced by 20 percent.

I’m passionate about this issue because I was a trans-kid myself. I know how easy it was for my grandma to manipulate me into thinking I should change genders. Young trans-kids need to know they were not born that way, and that most will no longer have a desire to change genders once they grow into adulthood. Parents need to know that up to 94 percent of school-age kids who identify as transgender will grow out of their desire to change genders as adults—if parents and schools stop encouraging them to internalize and publicize their LGBT identities.

The Power of Childhood Influences

I’m not sure we truly understand how easily young people’s thinking about gender identity can be influenced by parents, television shows, and teachers who encourage them to explore new genders. During early childhood development, kids learn gender roles from observation within the family setting, peers, television, and school. They use their imagination, actions, and language to play-act what they see.

GLSEN capitalizes on the impressionable, imaginative nature of young children by designing and implementing programs for children as young as kindergarten. Consider their toolkit for elementary educations, Ready, Set, Respect! GLSEN knows that the elementary years are a prime opportunity to encourage kids to reject the values of their parents. The handbook outlines a variety of activities that gradually introduce and reinforce the messages that gender is a social construct, that moms and dads are interchangeable, and that anyone who says otherwise is hateful and prejudiced.

Along with lessons designed to help kindergarten through fifth-graders to “explore the definition of a family and to understand that there are a variety of family structures” and to “challenge their own and other’s [sic] assumptions about gender and gender roles,”...

Public School LGBT Programs Don't Just Trample Parental Rights. They Also Put Kids at Risk.

Yes .I got banned for posting one this sicko group's ads for a 'fund raiser' in Cleveland, where the hotel hosting the sociopaths was advertising renting the sick fucks 'rimming chairs', chairs with just toilet seas to sit on so the sick freaks could link each other's anuses, absolutely disgusting, and these are the freaks who hold 'seminars' for 'educators' instructing them on how to 'desensitize' children into 'experimenting' with homosexual acts and how to insert various objects up their anuses. These freaks and the so-called 'teachers' and admins who encourage and pay to attend these sick fucks' 'seminars' need to be arrested and charged with indecency with children.

And stop referring to the these sickos as 'gay'; that is a fake made up media campaign in itself. Calling them homosexual fetishists, homos, mentally ill sickos, or faggots is just fine and far more correct.
Interesting story there, boyo.......
Bombarding kids with the LGBTQ stuff has to stop.
They need to be allowed to be children.

Encouraging perfectly happy kids to start questioning their gender is child abuse as far as I’m concerned, and pushing the idea that LGBTQ people are ‘special’ is wrong as those doing it know how impressionable young children can be, which is of course why they are doing it.

Someone suggested Obama has nothing to do with pushing the LGBTQ agenda. They are wrong.

Public School LGBT Programs Don't Just Trample Parental Rights. They Also Put Kids at Risk.

Through his executive appointments, President Obama has helped expose American schoolchildren to activism that places them at risk.

On May 19, 2009, a few short months after his inauguration, Obama gave the green light to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to appoint Kevin Jennings to a top position to influence school policy: the post of Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, also known as the “safe schools czar.” Jennings, a powerful LGBT rights activist who is himself a gay man, was the founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN is one of the largest LGBT activist organizations in the nation and is devoted to promoting homosexuality in K-12 schools. Jennings served as “safe schools czar” from 2009-2011.

Given his connection with the organization, we should not be shocked to discover that GLSEN received a grant from the Centers for Disease Control in 2011 for $1.425 million over five years to promote the LGBT agenda in public schools at taxpayers’ expense. Through these publicly funded in-school programs, kids are being bombarded with the message that same-sex attraction and gender-identity confusion are innate and therefore not changeable.

Those who design these programs probably believe that they are offering hope to children who may feel different, flawed, or unlovable. They believe that if they affirm children’s LGBT identities as something positive, something that makes up the core of who they are, the children will fare better.

This is not the case. No matter what well-intentioned teachers and administrators believe, these programs ultimately entail an agenda that hurts kids. The messages these programs send do nothing to combat the tragically high suicide rates among the LGBT community. Data indicate that kids are actually put at risk when schools encourage them to identify themselves as gay or transgender at an early age. For each year children delay labeling themselves as LGBT, their suicide risk is reduced by 20 percent.

I’m passionate about this issue because I was a trans-kid myself. I know how easy it was for my grandma to manipulate me into thinking I should change genders. Young trans-kids need to know they were not born that way, and that most will no longer have a desire to change genders once they grow into adulthood. Parents need to know that up to 94 percent of school-age kids who identify as transgender will grow out of their desire to change genders as adults—if parents and schools stop encouraging them to internalize and publicize their LGBT identities.

The Power of Childhood Influences

I’m not sure we truly understand how easily young people’s thinking about gender identity can be influenced by parents, television shows, and teachers who encourage them to explore new genders. During early childhood development, kids learn gender roles from observation within the family setting, peers, television, and school. They use their imagination, actions, and language to play-act what they see.

GLSEN capitalizes on the impressionable, imaginative nature of young children by designing and implementing programs for children as young as kindergarten. Consider their toolkit for elementary educations, Ready, Set, Respect! GLSEN knows that the elementary years are a prime opportunity to encourage kids to reject the values of their parents. The handbook outlines a variety of activities that gradually introduce and reinforce the messages that gender is a social construct, that moms and dads are interchangeable, and that anyone who says otherwise is hateful and prejudiced.

Along with lessons designed to help kindergarten through fifth-graders to “explore the definition of a family and to understand that there are a variety of family structures” and to “challenge their own and other’s [sic] assumptions about gender and gender roles,”...

Public School LGBT Programs Don't Just Trample Parental Rights. They Also Put Kids at Risk.

Yes .I got banned for posting one this sicko group's ads for a 'fund raiser' in Cleveland, where the hotel hosting the sociopaths was advertising renting the sick fucks 'rimming chairs', chairs with just toilet seas to sit on so the sick freaks could link each other's anuses, absolutely disgusting, and these are the freaks who hold 'seminars' for 'educators' instructing them on how to 'desensitize' children into 'experimenting' with homosexual acts and how to insert various objects up their anuses. These freaks and the so-called 'teachers' and admins who encourage and pay to attend these sick fucks' 'seminars' need to be arrested and charged with indecency with children.

And stop referring to the these sickos as 'gay'; that is a fake made up media campaign in itself. Calling them homosexual fetishists, homos, mentally ill sickos, or faggots is just fine and far more correct.
Good lord!

View attachment 214326

And you’re right, they are generally anything but ‘gay’.

Their fake 'Rights Movement' would be completely dead in a month, if it weren't for censorship laws protecting them from genuine factual reporting on them and their fetish cult, which is ironic in several ways. they get to claim some pastor or other speaking out again their sicko crap is 'political speech' and they're violating 1st amendment stuff', but they have no problems with censorship laws keeping them protected form full exposure by the very nature of their sickness and deviancy.
So sad. I saw his mom interviewed about this. Bullying must stop.

9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says - CNN

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."
Denver Police said that Jamel's death appears to be a suicide.
Violence against homosexuals is sickening and deplorable.

I stood up for my very few (two) ghey friends in high school, took a man into my apartment who was rumored to be ghey (he wasnt).

None of that matters today because I dont think that homosexual behavior is morally neutral if not a good thing. It is a sin, and for that nothing I ever did in the past matters, lol.

Is that bullying?
So sad. I saw his mom interviewed about this. Bullying must stop.

9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says - CNN

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."
Denver Police said that Jamel's death appears to be a suicide.
Violence against homosexuals is sickening and deplorable.

I stood up for my very few (two) ghey friends in high school, took a man into my apartment who was rumored to be ghey (he wasnt).

None of that matters today because I dont think that homosexual behavior is morally neutral if not a good thing. It is a sin, and for that nothing I ever did in the past matters, lol.

Is that bullying?

Standing up for gay people is a sin? Who knew? But, I'm sure that Jesus would forgive you.
So sad. I saw his mom interviewed about this. Bullying must stop.

9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says - CNN

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."
Denver Police said that Jamel's death appears to be a suicide.
Violence against homosexuals is sickening and deplorable.

I stood up for my very few (two) ghey friends in high school, took a man into my apartment who was rumored to be ghey (he wasnt).

None of that matters today because I dont think that homosexual behavior is morally neutral if not a good thing. It is a sin, and for that nothing I ever did in the past matters, lol.

Is that bullying?

Standing up for gay people is a sin? Who knew? But, I'm sure that Jesus would forgive you.

Lol, you are such a dumbass.
Bombarding kids with the LGBTQ stuff has to stop.
They need to be allowed to be children.

Encouraging perfectly happy kids to start questioning their gender is child abuse as far as I’m concerned, and pushing the idea that LGBTQ people are ‘special’ is wrong as those doing it know how impressionable young children can be, which is of course why they are doing it.

Someone suggested Obama has nothing to do with pushing the LGBTQ agenda. They are wrong.

Public School LGBT Programs Don't Just Trample Parental Rights. They Also Put Kids at Risk.

Through his executive appointments, President Obama has helped expose American schoolchildren to activism that places them at risk.

On May 19, 2009, a few short months after his inauguration, Obama gave the green light to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to appoint Kevin Jennings to a top position to influence school policy: the post of Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, also known as the “safe schools czar.” Jennings, a powerful LGBT rights activist who is himself a gay man, was the founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN is one of the largest LGBT activist organizations in the nation and is devoted to promoting homosexuality in K-12 schools. Jennings served as “safe schools czar” from 2009-2011.

Given his connection with the organization, we should not be shocked to discover that GLSEN received a grant from the Centers for Disease Control in 2011 for $1.425 million over five years to promote the LGBT agenda in public schools at taxpayers’ expense. Through these publicly funded in-school programs, kids are being bombarded with the message that same-sex attraction and gender-identity confusion are innate and therefore not changeable.

Those who design these programs probably believe that they are offering hope to children who may feel different, flawed, or unlovable. They believe that if they affirm children’s LGBT identities as something positive, something that makes up the core of who they are, the children will fare better.

This is not the case. No matter what well-intentioned teachers and administrators believe, these programs ultimately entail an agenda that hurts kids. The messages these programs send do nothing to combat the tragically high suicide rates among the LGBT community. Data indicate that kids are actually put at risk when schools encourage them to identify themselves as gay or transgender at an early age. For each year children delay labeling themselves as LGBT, their suicide risk is reduced by 20 percent.

I’m passionate about this issue because I was a trans-kid myself. I know how easy it was for my grandma to manipulate me into thinking I should change genders. Young trans-kids need to know they were not born that way, and that most will no longer have a desire to change genders once they grow into adulthood. Parents need to know that up to 94 percent of school-age kids who identify as transgender will grow out of their desire to change genders as adults—if parents and schools stop encouraging them to internalize and publicize their LGBT identities.

The Power of Childhood Influences

I’m not sure we truly understand how easily young people’s thinking about gender identity can be influenced by parents, television shows, and teachers who encourage them to explore new genders. During early childhood development, kids learn gender roles from observation within the family setting, peers, television, and school. They use their imagination, actions, and language to play-act what they see.

GLSEN capitalizes on the impressionable, imaginative nature of young children by designing and implementing programs for children as young as kindergarten. Consider their toolkit for elementary educations, Ready, Set, Respect! GLSEN knows that the elementary years are a prime opportunity to encourage kids to reject the values of their parents. The handbook outlines a variety of activities that gradually introduce and reinforce the messages that gender is a social construct, that moms and dads are interchangeable, and that anyone who says otherwise is hateful and prejudiced.

Along with lessons designed to help kindergarten through fifth-graders to “explore the definition of a family and to understand that there are a variety of family structures” and to “challenge their own and other’s [sic] assumptions about gender and gender roles,”...

Public School LGBT Programs Don't Just Trample Parental Rights. They Also Put Kids at Risk.

Yes .I got banned for posting one this sicko group's ads for a 'fund raiser' in Cleveland, where the hotel hosting the sociopaths was advertising renting the sick fucks 'rimming chairs', chairs with just toilet seas to sit on so the sick freaks could link each other's anuses, absolutely disgusting, and these are the freaks who hold 'seminars' for 'educators' instructing them on how to 'desensitize' children into 'experimenting' with homosexual acts and how to insert various objects up their anuses. These freaks and the so-called 'teachers' and admins who encourage and pay to attend these sick fucks' 'seminars' need to be arrested and charged with indecency with children.

And stop referring to the these sickos as 'gay'; that is a fake made up media campaign in itself. Calling them homosexual fetishists, homos, mentally ill sickos, or faggots is just fine and far more correct.
Interesting story there, boyo.......

The torch you're carrying for me is duly noted, burning brighter than ever.
So sad. I saw his mom interviewed about this. Bullying must stop.

9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says - CNN

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."
Denver Police said that Jamel's death appears to be a suicide.
Violence against homosexuals is sickening and deplorable.

So is homosexual bullying; the deviants' fans never seem to mind that though, so nobody else should worry if they're using the PC Nazis' 'correct' term for faggots or not. As I said, they can't leave anybody else alone, and they target children, so tough shit if they can't take what they dish out.

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