9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied

In my opinion the problem lays with todays parenting.

The parents constantly tell little Johnny he is the best, the smartest, and is perfect. Let him play in sports where everyone gets a trophy and tell him he is the best player on the team.

Then when little Johnny figures out that he isn't the smartest kid in class and in reality sucks at playing sports. That his parents have lied, and he's just a normal average kid.

Little Johnny's world is shattered and he becomes suicidal. ..... :cool:

Mhm....look at the millienals...life hit them like a freight train because they were not prepared for it

I took my daughter to college orientation this summer. About 75% of the presentation for the parents was basically How To Let Buttercup Go. That Your Kiddo Is An Adult Now and etc.

And yes, on the social media parents' group, they still call their adult children "Kiddos". It's enough to make me puke...or drink wine. heh

Our youngest is eight, I've listened to her talking to her friends and they will go on about how things are not fair or whatever, her favorite saying is "suck it up buttercup", she gets it from her father. She's being raised to know sometimes life isn't fair but she can overcome obstacles. Do we help her? Of course but we teach her...life is a constant lesson, teach children to recognize those lessons.

The problem is children are being handed everything, coddled, everyone gets a trophy, ...life doesn't work that way and when they hit the real world they are lost. Teach them, prepare them and guide them
In my opinion the problem lays with todays parenting.

The parents constantly tell little Johnny he is the best, the smartest, and is perfect. Let him play in sports where everyone gets a trophy and tell him he is the best player on the team.

Then when little Johnny figures out that he isn't the smartest kid in class and in reality sucks at playing sports. That his parents have lied, and he's just a normal average kid.

Little Johnny's world is shattered and he becomes suicidal. ..... :cool:

Mhm....look at the millienals...life hit them like a freight train because they were not prepared for it

I took my daughter to college orientation this summer. About 75% of the presentation for the parents was basically How To Let Buttercup Go. That Your Kiddo Is An Adult Now and etc.

And yes, on the social media parents' group, they still call their adult children "Kiddos". It's enough to make me puke...or drink wine. heh

Our youngest is eight, I've listened to her talking to her friends and they will go on about how things are not fair or whatever, her favorite saying is "suck it up buttercup", she gets it from her father. She's being raised to know sometimes life isn't fair but she can overcome obstacles. Do we help her? Of course but we teach her...life is a constant lesson, teach children to recognize those lessons.

The problem is children are being handed everything, coddled, everyone gets a trophy, ...life doesn't work that way and when they hit the real world they are lost. Teach them, prepare them and guide them

This is the backlash...and thank God for it. "Participation Trophy" has become part of the vernacular and thank God for that too, so we're starting to see some kickback against this notion that children can never, ever see disappointment.

There are a few holdouts however. On a teaching FB group some of my colleagues advised to never, ever play games where kids get "out", even games of pure luck. (!!!) It's...wait for it..."bullying". I remember first reading that advice around 2000. I rejected it then and I reject it now. ADULTS think this is harmful for kids. The kids are fine. The soft kids who get a little upset learn good lessons really fast--they look around at their peers, see everyone having fun and losing gracefully even if they get "out", and pull it together really fast. But no, the uber liberals on the thread are telling tales of how they were "bullied" by these games and blah blah blah.

I ignore it. There are a ton of classroom games that include everyone getting "out" except one winner at the end. My winners never get prizes, everyone plays and the kids love it. Win-win-win
Another gripe I have is how today's parents treat school teachers.

Back in my day, if little Johnny got in trouble at school for misbehaving, his parents would side with the teacher, and Johnny got grounded at home.

But today the parents will take little Johnny's side that the teacher was picking on him for no reason. Go up to the school, cuss out the teacher, and demand the teacher be fired immediately. .... :cuckoo:
In my opinion the problem lays with todays parenting.

The parents constantly tell little Johnny he is the best, the smartest, and is perfect. Let him play in sports where everyone gets a trophy and tell him he is the best player on the team.

Then when little Johnny figures out that he isn't the smartest kid in class and in reality sucks at playing sports. That his parents have lied, and he's just a normal average kid.

Little Johnny's world is shattered and he becomes suicidal. ..... :cool:

Mhm....look at the millienals...life hit them like a freight train because they were not prepared for it

I took my daughter to college orientation this summer. About 75% of the presentation for the parents was basically How To Let Buttercup Go. That Your Kiddo Is An Adult Now and etc.

And yes, on the social media parents' group, they still call their adult children "Kiddos". It's enough to make me puke...or drink wine. heh

Our youngest is eight, I've listened to her talking to her friends and they will go on about how things are not fair or whatever, her favorite saying is "suck it up buttercup", she gets it from her father. She's being raised to know sometimes life isn't fair but she can overcome obstacles. Do we help her? Of course but we teach her...life is a constant lesson, teach children to recognize those lessons.

The problem is children are being handed everything, coddled, everyone gets a trophy, ...life doesn't work that way and when they hit the real world they are lost. Teach them, prepare them and guide them

This is the backlash...and thank God for it. "Participation Trophy" has become part of the vernacular and thank God for that too, so we're starting to see some kickback against this notion that children can never, ever see disappointment.

There are a few holdouts however. On a teaching FB group some of my colleagues advised to never, ever play games where kids get "out", even games of pure luck. (!!!) It's...wait for it..."bullying". I remember first reading that advice around 2000. I rejected it then and I reject it now. ADULTS think this is harmful for kids. The kids are fine. The soft kids who get a little upset learn good lessons really fast--they look around at their peers, see everyone having fun and losing gracefully even if they get "out", and pull it together really fast. But no, the uber liberals on the thread are telling tales of how they were "bullied" by these games and blah blah blah.

I ignore it. There are a ton of classroom games that include everyone getting "out" except one winner at the end. My winners never get prizes, everyone plays and the kids love it. Win-win-win

All out children are very competitive, in athletics, in academics and in life...we have taught them to be. It builds confidence and a winning mindset. But they know it's OK to lose also, try harder next time . Our youngest is a gymnast, she's extremely competitive and has that refuse to lose attitude. She'll be the very first one to tell you if you get second place it only means you lost.

Some say it isn't healthy, I don't think so. It will carry over in their adult lives and when they go up against the ones who got those participation trophies they will crush them
Another gripe I have is how today's parents treat school teachers.

Back in my day, if little Johnny got in trouble at school for misbehaving, his parents would side with the teacher, and Johnny got grounded at home.

But today the parents will take little Johnny's side that the teacher was picking on him for no reason. Go up to the school, cuss out the teacher, and demand the teacher be fired immediately. .... :cuckoo:

The problem is today many teachers are just lousy. I'll agree if a child misbehaves a parent should back the teacher and school but I've butted heads with our children's teachers on a few things. Mostly what they are teaching or how they present it.
So sad. I saw his mom interviewed about this. Bullying must stop.

9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says - CNN

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."
Denver Police said that Jamel's death appears to be a suicide.

Maybe his parents should had told him to go the “don’t ask don’t tell” route, would had saved him a lot of misery and he would likely still be alive. They also should had gotten him psychiatric help, gays are very unstable and should be treated. Instead these nitwit parents encourage kids to be queers, which leads to all kinds of problems.
Maybe his parents should had told him to go the “don’t ask don’t tell” route, would had saved him a lot of misery and he would likely still be alive. They also should had gotten him psychiatric help, gays are very unstable and should be treated. Instead these nitwit parents encourage kids to be queers, which leads to all kinds of problems.
Any parent encouraging a 9 year old kid to become a fudge packer should be locked up for child abuse and the kid taken away. ... :cool:
So sad. I saw his mom interviewed about this. Bullying must stop.

9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says - CNN

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."
Denver Police said that Jamel's death appears to be a suicide.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me… The younger generation are a bunch of pussies
Sounds like the kid had some mental issues. Maybe having trouble accepting who he thought he was?
Of course he had mental issues, suicide is the most cowardly act any person can do…
You know, there are several things about bullying today that are different than when I was growing up in the 70's. For one, there was no social media, and if a person was bullying you, you could avoid the bully by not being where they were. In today's society? You can't EVER get away from social media, and it spreads a hell of a lot faster on social media than it does word of mouth like we did in the old days. If you wanted to spread something bad about someone, it took time because it had to be passed via note or done via phone call, not a mass emailing on Facebook that could cover hundreds of people at once.

Another thing is that a person's self esteem wasn't so wrapped up in how many followers they had. Either you did something that got you noticed (either for good or bad), or you just simply were part of the background. And, if you didn't get noticed, sometimes that was a good thing.

And finally, it was rare that someone would take the time to make copies of a picture of someone and then put mean memes or put drawings all over their face, because that took time and effort, as well as cost a bit of cash. Nowadays? If you have Photoshop, you can do it in a very short time, as well as distribute it wide spread for damn near free.
Excuses excuses excuses

political correctness has made the younger generation a bunch of pussies… End of story
Another gripe I have is how today's parents treat school teachers.

Back in my day, if little Johnny got in trouble at school for misbehaving, his parents would side with the teacher, and Johnny got grounded at home.

But today the parents will take little Johnny's side that the teacher was picking on him for no reason. Go up to the school, cuss out the teacher, and demand the teacher be fired immediately. .... :cuckoo:

The problem is today many teachers are just lousy. I'll agree if a child misbehaves a parent should back the teacher and school but I've butted heads with our children's teachers on a few things. Mostly what they are teaching or how they present it.

Lousy how? In your experience.
Another gripe I have is how today's parents treat school teachers.

Back in my day, if little Johnny got in trouble at school for misbehaving, his parents would side with the teacher, and Johnny got grounded at home.

But today the parents will take little Johnny's side that the teacher was picking on him for no reason. Go up to the school, cuss out the teacher, and demand the teacher be fired immediately. .... :cuckoo:

The problem is today many teachers are just lousy. I'll agree if a child misbehaves a parent should back the teacher and school but I've butted heads with our children's teachers on a few things. Mostly what they are teaching or how they present it.

Lousy how? In your experience.

Our children attend private school, the curriculum is pretty straight forward, focus on academics (the three Rs so to speak) and keep personal opinions out of it and if you do don't present them as fact. Personally I don't care if a teacher presents an opinion but they have to be willing to listen to rebuttal, it creates conversation and allows view points. The problem is (and it's usually the younger and newer teachers) don't want to hear an opposing view point. They have a it's my way or the highway attitude.

Our oldest girls have a political science teacher, he's wonderful, he encourages debate and listens to the students, never forcing his views. The best thing about him is he genuinely cares about his students, he's a gem and I wish the school had another two dozen just like him.
He was scared because he is a boy and it’s harder on boys when they come out,” Pierce said. “I smiled at him and said, ‘I still loved him.’ This world is missing out.”

...Jamel loved Pokemon cards, robots, music and wearing a dress with a tiara and high-heeled shoes, his mother said.

“I’m dead inside. He was beautiful. He was magic. I lost my greatest gift,” she said.

Pierce said her son was a considerate child who had dreams of becoming a social media star...

Joe Shoemaker Elementary student reportedly commits suicide

She acknowledges knowing her son was ‘scared’, yet still thought it was a good idea for him to go to school wearing false nails???
People on here excusing and minimising bullying behaviour that led a child to kill himself. Its not difficult to imagine the numpties on this thread as former bullies themselves.
Worse yet are the idiots that think homosexuals and pedophiles are the same thing. Just when you think these cretins have all been stuffed and placed in museums...….

What's worse is how you stupid fks think ppl are saying the " GAYS" are pedo's when you can't comprehend this :

The gays are not for adding perverts to their list dumb ass, again the PERVS USE THE GAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT for the same intentions based of " It' s their right" .
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Bullying was common when I was a kid and so was the indifference to it by school administration. In my case, I was the smallest kid in class, and smarter than most of the other kids, so I was bullied. There isn't much you can do when you weigh 70 pounds and three 130 pound kids target you. What I learned from the experience was a healthy distrust of authority. Those who should have done something about it didn't, and as I grew up further I became a very sullen teen.

Everybody knows who the bullies are. Everybody. It's a group behavior as bullies usually work with other bullies. In girls, it is almost all verbal and in boys often physical, but it is up to the schools to isolate the behavior and deal with it. In turn, it is up to the government to give the schools the authority to actually do something about it. This current attitude of making it almost impossible to remove kids with problematic behavior is part of the problem. When I was a kid schools could have done something about bullying but ignored it. Today, even if schools do want to address the bullying, their hands are often tied.
And this is what happens when you defend your little sister, or a child when it comes these scum

People on here excusing and minimising bullying behaviour that led a child to kill himself. Its not difficult to imagine the numpties on this thread as former bullies themselves.

What are you talking about, excusing and minimizing bullying behavior? No one is saying the boy wasn't bullied. We're saying the mom, who KNEW her son was already bullied, left him open to more bullying. It's not her fault he died, but she didn't make the wisest choices either, and I DO fault PC propaganda for that.

The boy probably did not commit suicide because he was “bullied”. He committed suicide as a result of sexual abuse and manipulation that led him to think he was “gay”. This abuse probably would have led to his suicide, even if his peers never knew about it and never had the opportunity to “bully” him over it.

Not to defend bullying (even the pathetic, PC version that falls far short of genuine bullying) but to blame “bullying” for this child's suicide is to completely miss the real point.

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