9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied

9 years old and thought he was homosexual? ... This kid was molested by somebody, and obviously it was some faggot who did it.
So heterosexuals were all raped by members of the opposite sex when they were kids, who knew?
9 years old and thought he was homosexual? ... This kid was molested by somebody, and obviously it was some faggot who did it.
So heterosexuals were all raped by members of the opposite sex when they were kids, who knew?

I guess this stupid reply is some sort of deflection from the fact that homosexuals rape far more little boys relative to their percentage of the population than hetero pedos do. It always fails, since they can't hide the ridiculously large disparity, as in some 1-2% of the population that claim to be homosexuals commit over 35% to 50% of all kiddie rapes, then they will claim kiddie rapers aren't 'gay n stuff', never mind homo kiddie rapers do indeed identify as homosexuals, some 35% of those in prison for raping kids identify as homosexuals, and as if that weren't enough, we have the Founder of the U.S. 'Gay rights' hoax himself, Harry Hay, a Communist Party member and 'famous' for his NAMBLA Walks With Me signs he liked to wear in 'Gay Pride' marches, and of course most 'Gay Rights' organizations, with the exception of a couple of lesbian groups, had NAMBLA as founding members from the beginning of their' great crusade' in the 1970's.

They didn't even consider getting rid of the scum, they were so dearly loved and cherished by homosexuals everywhere, until Jesse Helms got them tossed out of UN ngo status in 1994, and even Serial Rapist Democratic Party Hero Bill Clinton couldn't even help the deviants and scum then. 1994 is also when we suddenly see the sickos in the 'mental health' professions start churning out those fake 'studies' with the silly ridiculous methodologies they now hide behind pay walls to avoid being mocked as frauds, claiming the homo pedos weren't homos, but magically the hetero rapers are, well, heteros, and and 'Priests', too; they suddenly aren'tr sicko homosexual kiddie rapers as soon as they got ordained or something, so the claim goes now, never mind over 80% of the kiddie rapers in the Church were faggots , an even higher percentage than in the general population.

And last, we have the the last undercover operation against NAMBLA a few years ago noting they will also rape little girls when they get the urge and no little boys are available, but this is in line with the fact that only about 10% of those gimps who 'self-identify' as filthy disease spreading faggots are exclusively homosexual, no matter what they claim in public for their fan clubs.
Hell I was bullied but never thought about offing myself.

Where the hell were this kids parents???
What do you suggest the parents do?
His mom was supportive of him.
Perhaps she should have advised him not to announce he is ‘gay’ at school.
Also he’s 9 years old, not an age to be discussing such things publicly.
Not good parenting, imho, but it’s so trendy maybe she couldn’t help herself.

This Tilly. So much this.

First, this child's loss is an absolute tragedy and there's no way around that.

But this was one short-sighted and just dunderheaded mother. She thought it was a great idea for her nine year old son to rely on the acceptance of other nine year old boys to accept an announcement of "Gay" when they were already slow to accept her son??

This is a mother who, I"m sorry, is just a perfect sheeple of the 21st century, swallowing wholesale the propaganda all around her. STUPID. STUPID. STUPID. It is not her fault her son died but she could have done things a LOT smarter. And of course, CNN just gobbles this up...thus making other CHILDREN fodder for this exact situation.

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother.​

Why is a 9 year old thinking about sexuality?

A pre-adolescent child who thinks that he's “gay” is a victim of much, much worse evil and abuse than any so-called “bullying”* from his peers. That abuse is what led to this suicide, not the “bullying”.

* When I was young, bullying necessarily involved physical violence, or at least credible threats thereof. What pussies we are raising, who think that they are “bullied” just because someone insulted them. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

I teach elementary school, and I will tell you that true bullying is and always has been a terrible problem. But everyone extrapolating this problem is ALSO a problem. We have first graders coming in from recess reporting they were "bullied" (yes, they use this word) because someone said they don't like their shoes.

That's not bullying. It's just not.
Hell I was bullied but never thought about offing myself.

Where the hell were this kids parents???
What do you suggest the parents do?
His mom was supportive of him.

I put some of the blame on media.... that show "13 reasons why" makes suicide seem like an option. Studies have shown that suicides that are posted in the news lead to copy cat suicides...
So sad. I saw his mom interviewed about this. Bullying must stop.

9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says - CNN

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."
Denver Police said that Jamel's death appears to be a suicide.

I understand this story is used only to persuade people that they need to train their children to embrace gay sex but really it just shows how mean kids are and the problems of bullying in public education in general.

If it's not bullying about someone being gay, it would be about something else.

Bullying is not just "mean comments". It involves an imbalance of power, a target and it's ongoing. Also. Kids, like adults, have the capacity for great kindness, compassion and generosity and also...not. I generally find them more humane than the adult population, and that's the truth. More squirrely, and more prone to nutty behavior, goofiness. But kinder, that's for sure.

I never know what people mean when they say "kids are so mean". Yes they can be mean. But adults are much, much worse. Trust me.
9 years old and thought he was homosexual? ... This kid was molested by somebody, and obviously it was some faggot who did it.
So heterosexuals were all raped by members of the opposite sex when they were kids, who knew?

I guess this stupid reply is some sort of deflection from the fact that homosexuals rape far more little boys relative to their percentage of the population than hetero pedos do. It always fails, since they can't hide the ridiculously large disparity, as in some 1-2% of the population that claim to be homosexuals commit over 35% to 50% of all kiddie rapes, then they will claim kiddie rapers aren't 'gay n stuff', never mind homo kiddie rapers do indeed identify as homosexuals, some 35% of those in prison for raping kids identify as homosexuals, and as if that weren't enough, we have the Founder of the U.S. 'Gay rights' hoax himself, Harry Hay, a Communist Party member and 'famous' for his NAMBLA Walks With Me signs he liked to wear in 'Gay Pride' marches, and of course most 'Gay Rights' organizations, with the exception of a couple of lesbian groups, had NAMBLA as founding members from the beginning of their' great crusade' in the 1970's.

They didn't even consider getting rid of the scum, they were so dearly loved and cherished by homosexuals everywhere, until Jesse Helms got them tossed out of UN ngo status in 1994, and even Serial Rapist Democratic Party Hero Bill Clinton couldn't even help the deviants and scum then. 1994 is also when we suddenly see the sickos in the 'mental health' professions start churning out those fake 'studies' with the silly ridiculous methodologies they now hide behind pay walls to avoid being mocked as frauds, claiming the homo pedos weren't homos, but magically the hetero rapers are, well, heteros, and and 'Priests', too; they suddenly aren'tr sicko homosexual kiddie rapers as soon as they got ordained or something, so the claim goes now, never mind over 80% of the kiddie rapers in the Church were faggots , an even higher percentage than in the general population.

And last, we have the the last undercover operation against NAMBLA a few years ago noting they will also rape little girls when they get the urge and no little boys are available, but this is in line with the fact that only about 10% of those gimps who 'self-identify' as filthy disease spreading faggots are exclusively homosexual, no matter what they claim in public for their fan clubs.
No real sources, huh.
So sad. I saw his mom interviewed about this. Bullying must stop.

9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says - CNN

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."
Denver Police said that Jamel's death appears to be a suicide.

I understand this story is used only to persuade people that they need to train their children to embrace gay sex but really it just shows how mean kids are and the problems of bullying in public education in general.

If it's not bullying about someone being gay, it would be about something else.

Bullying is not just "mean comments". It involves an imbalance of power, a target and it's ongoing. Also. Kids, like adults, have the capacity for great kindness, compassion and generosity and also...not. I generally find them more humane than the adult population, and that's the truth. More squirrely, and more prone to nutty behavior, goofiness. But kinder, that's for sure.

I never know what people mean when they say "kids are so mean". Yes they can be mean. But adults are much, much worse. Trust me.

I associate bully with physical violence, as in fighting, not merely name calling, which is apparently the definition now.
9 years old and thought he was homosexual? ... This kid was molested by somebody, and obviously it was some faggot who did it.
So heterosexuals were all raped by members of the opposite sex when they were kids, who knew?

I guess this stupid reply is some sort of deflection from the fact that homosexuals rape far more little boys relative to their percentage of the population than hetero pedos do. It always fails, since they can't hide the ridiculously large disparity, as in some 1-2% of the population that claim to be homosexuals commit over 35% to 50% of all kiddie rapes, then they will claim kiddie rapers aren't 'gay n stuff', never mind homo kiddie rapers do indeed identify as homosexuals, some 35% of those in prison for raping kids identify as homosexuals, and as if that weren't enough, we have the Founder of the U.S. 'Gay rights' hoax himself, Harry Hay, a Communist Party member and 'famous' for his NAMBLA Walks With Me signs he liked to wear in 'Gay Pride' marches, and of course most 'Gay Rights' organizations, with the exception of a couple of lesbian groups, had NAMBLA as founding members from the beginning of their' great crusade' in the 1970's.

They didn't even consider getting rid of the scum, they were so dearly loved and cherished by homosexuals everywhere, until Jesse Helms got them tossed out of UN ngo status in 1994, and even Serial Rapist Democratic Party Hero Bill Clinton couldn't even help the deviants and scum then. 1994 is also when we suddenly see the sickos in the 'mental health' professions start churning out those fake 'studies' with the silly ridiculous methodologies they now hide behind pay walls to avoid being mocked as frauds, claiming the homo pedos weren't homos, but magically the hetero rapers are, well, heteros, and and 'Priests', too; they suddenly aren'tr sicko homosexual kiddie rapers as soon as they got ordained or something, so the claim goes now, never mind over 80% of the kiddie rapers in the Church were faggots , an even higher percentage than in the general population.

And last, we have the the last undercover operation against NAMBLA a few years ago noting they will also rape little girls when they get the urge and no little boys are available, but this is in line with the fact that only about 10% of those gimps who 'self-identify' as filthy disease spreading faggots are exclusively homosexual, no matter what they claim in public for their fan clubs.
No real sources, huh.

Anybody who doesn't know this info by now isn't interested, they're like you, just interested in peddling utter bullshit lies, so you see I could care less what you 'feel' about it or care what you and your ilk think about anything. It isn't debatable, it's all factual and documented. I'll ask you the same question I ask all the other sicko pedo apologists: post links to the actual studies that refute anything I said, and I mean the studies, not some silly misleading abstract.

Also a Fun Fact is when the American Psychiatric Association caved in to the mau-mauing 'activists' to get their nasty fetish moved off of the mental disorder list, the vote was 5,800 for, 3,800 against, and some 10,000 not voting, i.e. barely 25% of them voted for the change. This was blatantly political and obviously nothing at all to do with 'science', so we can dismiss anything from these fake 'mental health professionals', as they shot their own credibility down as 'rational scientists', same as the fake news media has.
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People on here excusing and minimising bullying behaviour that led a child to kill himself. Its not difficult to imagine the numpties on this thread as former bullies themselves.
People on here excusing and minimising bullying behaviour that led a child to kill himself. Its not difficult to imagine the numpties on this thread as former bullies themselves.

Not at all a mystery why were taunted a lot as a kid; you probably snitched out several kids a day, and deserved it.
People on here excusing and minimising bullying behaviour that led a child to kill himself. Its not difficult to imagine the numpties on this thread as former bullies themselves.

What are you talking about, excusing and minimizing bullying behavior? No one is saying the boy wasn't bullied. We're saying the mom, who KNEW her son was already bullied, left him open to more bullying. It's not her fault he died, but she didn't make the wisest choices either, and I DO fault PC propaganda for that.
So sad. I saw his mom interviewed about this. Bullying must stop.

9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says - CNN

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."
Denver Police said that Jamel's death appears to be a suicide.
well, no 9 y/o is gay, he's by no means aware enough to make that determination.

leftism killed that poor kid

and you know it.
So sad. I saw his mom interviewed about this. Bullying must stop.

9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says - CNN

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."
Denver Police said that Jamel's death appears to be a suicide.

I would like to add that "coming out" as gay at the beginning of fourth grade means you are announcing that you "LIKE" someone. Does anyone remember anything about 9 year old boys in general? You don't even "come out" as heterosexual at this age. You'd be equally mocked for "coming out" that you have a huge crush on a girl.

Mom gave him bad advice if she advised this child to come out to his classmates. Maybe she did not, I don't know. But it sounds like she bought into the PC culture of gay is better and coming out at any age is always good. Anyone in an elementary school can tell you--no it's not.
People on here excusing and minimising bullying behaviour that led a child to kill himself. Its not difficult to imagine the numpties on this thread as former bullies themselves.

What are you talking about, excusing and minimizing bullying behavior? No one is saying the boy wasn't bullied. We're saying the mom, who KNEW her son was already bullied, left him open to more bullying. It's not her fault he died, but she didn't make the wisest choices either, and I DO fault PC propaganda for that.

That may be the point that you are making but your fellow posters are making different points. Its not difficult to see where the bullies picked up their hate.

This kid was raped by some faggot, ain't doubt about it. & to 10 year olds are the most targeted by faggots. The faggot martyred dope dealer Mathew Sheppard had two arrests on his juvenile record involving two 8 year old boys when he was 16. Of course that made him a national hero to the 'gay rights' sickos,

A nine-year-old does not declare himself to be “gay”, unless some sick pervert is indoctrinating him with this immoral filth.

First clue. behavior meds cause suicidal desires the most under educated, uniforned idiots who can't get their mouth off the teet of the medical gods use their kids and sacrafice because medicla gods know best. Any idiot who actually bothers to READ THE INSERT" will read " CAN CAUSE SUICIDAL URGES" , but no you see the sheep of the nation just listen to the school gods tell them your kid can't sit still your needs to take ridilen, or some form of behavior meds, oh your kid is depressed and now needs these.


A pre-adolescent child who thinks that he's “gay” is a victim of much, much worse evil and abuse than any so-called “bullying”* from his peers. That abuse is what led to this suicide, not the “bullying”.

* When I was young, bullying necessarily involved physical violence, or at least credible threats thereof. What pussies we are raising, who think that they are “bullied” just because someone insulted them. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.

I understand this story is used only to persuade people that they need to train their children to embrace gay sex but really it just shows how mean kids are and the problems of bullying in public education in general.

If it's not bullying about someone being gay, it would be about something else.

Yes. Children are incredibly cruel. She encouraged her son to give these children a reason to bully him.

9 years old and thought he was homosexual? ... This kid was molested by somebody, and obviously it was some faggot who did it.

Indeed. 100% of kids were 'bullied' when I was in school; the older kids considered it their duty. lol

I put some of the blame on media.... that show "13 reasons why" makes suicide seem like an option. Studies have shown that suicides that are posted in the news lead to copy cat suicides…

I associate bully with physical violence, as in fighting, not merely name calling, which is apparently the definition now.
People on here excusing and minimising bullying behaviour that led a child to kill himself. Its not difficult to imagine the numpties on this thread as former bullies themselves.

What are you talking about, excusing and minimizing bullying behavior? No one is saying the boy wasn't bullied. We're saying the mom, who KNEW her son was already bullied, left him open to more bullying. It's not her fault he died, but she didn't make the wisest choices either, and I DO fault PC propaganda for that.

That may be the point that you are making but your fellow posters are making different points. Its not difficult to see where the bullies picked up their hate.

This kid was raped by some faggot, ain't doubt about it. & to 10 year olds are the most targeted by faggots. The faggot martyred dope dealer Mathew Sheppard had two arrests on his juvenile record involving two 8 year old boys when he was 16. Of course that made him a national hero to the 'gay rights' sickos,

A nine-year-old does not declare himself to be “gay”, unless some sick pervert is indoctrinating him with this immoral filth.

First clue. behavior meds cause suicidal desires the most under educated, uniforned idiots who can't get their mouth off the teet of the medical gods use their kids and sacrafice because medicla gods know best. Any idiot who actually bothers to READ THE INSERT" will read " CAN CAUSE SUICIDAL URGES" , but no you see the sheep of the nation just listen to the school gods tell them your kid can't sit still your needs to take ridilen, or some form of behavior meds, oh your kid is depressed and now needs these.


A pre-adolescent child who thinks that he's “gay” is a victim of much, much worse evil and abuse than any so-called “bullying”* from his peers. That abuse is what led to this suicide, not the “bullying”.

* When I was young, bullying necessarily involved physical violence, or at least credible threats thereof. What pussies we are raising, who think that they are “bullied” just because someone insulted them. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.

I understand this story is used only to persuade people that they need to train their children to embrace gay sex but really it just shows how mean kids are and the problems of bullying in public education in general.

If it's not bullying about someone being gay, it would be about something else.

Yes. Children are incredibly cruel. She encouraged her son to give these children a reason to bully him.

9 years old and thought he was homosexual? ... This kid was molested by somebody, and obviously it was some faggot who did it.

Indeed. 100% of kids were 'bullied' when I was in school; the older kids considered it their duty. lol

I put some of the blame on media.... that show "13 reasons why" makes suicide seem like an option. Studies have shown that suicides that are posted in the news lead to copy cat suicides…

I associate bully with physical violence, as in fighting, not merely name calling, which is apparently the definition now.

First clue. behavior meds cause suicidal desires the most under educated, uniforned idiots who can't get their mouth off the teet of the medical gods use their kids and sacrafice because medicla gods know best. Any idiot who actually bothers to READ THE INSERT" will read " CAN CAUSE SUICIDAL URGES" , but no you see the sheep of the nation just listen to the school gods tell them your kid can't sit still your needs to take ridilen, or some form of behavior meds, oh your kid is depressed and now needs these.

That poster has a point. Some of those meds DO cause suicidal impulses in children and teens.

A pre-adolescent child who thinks that he's “gay” is a victim of much, much worse evil and abuse than any so-called “bullying”* from his peers. That abuse is what led to this suicide, not the “bullying”.

Also has a point. A child that age can probably highly suspect he/she is gay, but should not be encouraged to "come out" at that age. For the love of Pete, they don't even come out as heterosexual at that age. They're in latency--everyone still has cooties.

* When I was young, bullying necessarily involved physical violence, or at least credible threats thereof. What pussies we are raising, who think that they are “bullied” just because someone insulted them. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

This is actually true. Not necessarily about physical violence but about what constitutes bullying. It must be a power imbalance, ongoing, and targeted. It's not just a passing insult.

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.

Also at least partially true. Bullies are usually bullied or cowards. If kids will at least gang up on THEM or speak up, they will stop. They look for easy targets. That's true.

Yes. Children are incredibly cruel. She encouraged her son to give these children a reason to bully him.

Again the mother seemed not to understand in the least how 9 year olds operate AND she was raising one. And she did not seem to utilize the resources available to her, such as school social workers and psychologists, who would surely have encouraged the child NOT to publicly "come out" to his classmates. They would have told him that if he has feelings it was not shameful or whatever, but coming out in fourth grade is just not a great idea. Who's going to really argue with this?

I put some of the blame on media.... that show "13 reasons why" makes suicide seem like an option. Studies have shown that suicides that are posted in the news lead to copy cat suicides…

Yes, copycat suicides ARE a thing.

You seem really upset by some of these statements. Why? They're the truth, a lot of them. I don't like the derogatory names in some of these posts, I agree there. And people are not tiptoeing around bullying. So what? Real bullying is a tragedy, but then, people are also super hyperventilating about it too, which is a 21st century thing (hyperventilating, that is) if there ever was one.
People on here excusing and minimising bullying behaviour that led a child to kill himself. Its not difficult to imagine the numpties on this thread as former bullies themselves.

What are you talking about, excusing and minimizing bullying behavior? No one is saying the boy wasn't bullied. We're saying the mom, who KNEW her son was already bullied, left him open to more bullying. It's not her fault he died, but she didn't make the wisest choices either, and I DO fault PC propaganda for that.

That may be the point that you are making but your fellow posters are making different points. Its not difficult to see where the bullies picked up their hate.

This kid was raped by some faggot, ain't doubt about it. & to 10 year olds are the most targeted by faggots. The faggot martyred dope dealer Mathew Sheppard had two arrests on his juvenile record involving two 8 year old boys when he was 16. Of course that made him a national hero to the 'gay rights' sickos,

A nine-year-old does not declare himself to be “gay”, unless some sick pervert is indoctrinating him with this immoral filth.

First clue. behavior meds cause suicidal desires the most under educated, uniforned idiots who can't get their mouth off the teet of the medical gods use their kids and sacrafice because medicla gods know best. Any idiot who actually bothers to READ THE INSERT" will read " CAN CAUSE SUICIDAL URGES" , but no you see the sheep of the nation just listen to the school gods tell them your kid can't sit still your needs to take ridilen, or some form of behavior meds, oh your kid is depressed and now needs these.


A pre-adolescent child who thinks that he's “gay” is a victim of much, much worse evil and abuse than any so-called “bullying”* from his peers. That abuse is what led to this suicide, not the “bullying”.

* When I was young, bullying necessarily involved physical violence, or at least credible threats thereof. What pussies we are raising, who think that they are “bullied” just because someone insulted them. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.

I understand this story is used only to persuade people that they need to train their children to embrace gay sex but really it just shows how mean kids are and the problems of bullying in public education in general.

If it's not bullying about someone being gay, it would be about something else.

Yes. Children are incredibly cruel. She encouraged her son to give these children a reason to bully him.

9 years old and thought he was homosexual? ... This kid was molested by somebody, and obviously it was some faggot who did it.

Indeed. 100% of kids were 'bullied' when I was in school; the older kids considered it their duty. lol

I put some of the blame on media.... that show "13 reasons why" makes suicide seem like an option. Studies have shown that suicides that are posted in the news lead to copy cat suicides…

I associate bully with physical violence, as in fighting, not merely name calling, which is apparently the definition now.

First clue. behavior meds cause suicidal desires the most under educated, uniforned idiots who can't get their mouth off the teet of the medical gods use their kids and sacrafice because medicla gods know best. Any idiot who actually bothers to READ THE INSERT" will read " CAN CAUSE SUICIDAL URGES" , but no you see the sheep of the nation just listen to the school gods tell them your kid can't sit still your needs to take ridilen, or some form of behavior meds, oh your kid is depressed and now needs these.

That poster has a point. Some of those meds DO cause suicidal impulses in children and teens.

A pre-adolescent child who thinks that he's “gay” is a victim of much, much worse evil and abuse than any so-called “bullying”* from his peers. That abuse is what led to this suicide, not the “bullying”.

Also has a point. A child that age can probably highly suspect he/she is gay, but should not be encouraged to "come out" at that age. For the love of Pete, they don't even come out as heterosexual at that age. They're in latency--everyone still has cooties.

* When I was young, bullying necessarily involved physical violence, or at least credible threats thereof. What pussies we are raising, who think that they are “bullied” just because someone insulted them. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

This is actually true. Not necessarily about physical violence but about what constitutes bullying. It must be a power imbalance, ongoing, and targeted. It's not just a passing insult.

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.

Also at least partially true. Bullies are usually bullied or cowards. If kids will at least gang up on THEM or speak up, they will stop. They look for easy targets. That's true.

Yes. Children are incredibly cruel. She encouraged her son to give these children a reason to bully him.

Again the mother seemed not to understand in the least how 9 year olds operate AND she was raising one. And she did not seem to utilize the resources available to her, such as school social workers and psychologists, who would surely have encouraged the child NOT to publicly "come out" to his classmates. They would have told him that if he has feelings it was not shameful or whatever, but coming out in fourth grade is just not a great idea. Who's going to really argue with this?

I put some of the blame on media.... that show "13 reasons why" makes suicide seem like an option. Studies have shown that suicides that are posted in the news lead to copy cat suicides…

Yes, copycat suicides ARE a thing.

You seem really upset by some of these statements. Why? They're the truth, a lot of them. I don't like the derogatory names in some of these posts, I agree there. And people are not tiptoeing around bullying. So what? Real bullying is a tragedy, but then, people are also super hyperventilating about it too, which is a 21st century thing (hyperventilating, that is) if there ever was one.
But most of these posts are assumptions based on what people think they know about the boy or his mother. Nobody knows if he was on medication. Nobody knows what his mothers thought process was. There is no evidence that this child was molested in any way and finally physical bullying is a lot less harmful than mental torture.

Nowhere in all of the above does anyone say that these kids should not have behaved like that.
So sad. I saw his mom interviewed about this. Bullying must stop.

9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says - CNN

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."
Denver Police said that Jamel's death appears to be a suicide.
Htf do you die by suicide?
People on here excusing and minimising bullying behaviour that led a child to kill himself. Its not difficult to imagine the numpties on this thread as former bullies themselves.

What are you talking about, excusing and minimizing bullying behavior? No one is saying the boy wasn't bullied. We're saying the mom, who KNEW her son was already bullied, left him open to more bullying. It's not her fault he died, but she didn't make the wisest choices either, and I DO fault PC propaganda for that.

That may be the point that you are making but your fellow posters are making different points. Its not difficult to see where the bullies picked up their hate.

This kid was raped by some faggot, ain't doubt about it. & to 10 year olds are the most targeted by faggots. The faggot martyred dope dealer Mathew Sheppard had two arrests on his juvenile record involving two 8 year old boys when he was 16. Of course that made him a national hero to the 'gay rights' sickos,

A nine-year-old does not declare himself to be “gay”, unless some sick pervert is indoctrinating him with this immoral filth.

First clue. behavior meds cause suicidal desires the most under educated, uniforned idiots who can't get their mouth off the teet of the medical gods use their kids and sacrafice because medicla gods know best. Any idiot who actually bothers to READ THE INSERT" will read " CAN CAUSE SUICIDAL URGES" , but no you see the sheep of the nation just listen to the school gods tell them your kid can't sit still your needs to take ridilen, or some form of behavior meds, oh your kid is depressed and now needs these.


A pre-adolescent child who thinks that he's “gay” is a victim of much, much worse evil and abuse than any so-called “bullying”* from his peers. That abuse is what led to this suicide, not the “bullying”.

* When I was young, bullying necessarily involved physical violence, or at least credible threats thereof. What pussies we are raising, who think that they are “bullied” just because someone insulted them. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.

I understand this story is used only to persuade people that they need to train their children to embrace gay sex but really it just shows how mean kids are and the problems of bullying in public education in general.

If it's not bullying about someone being gay, it would be about something else.

Yes. Children are incredibly cruel. She encouraged her son to give these children a reason to bully him.

9 years old and thought he was homosexual? ... This kid was molested by somebody, and obviously it was some faggot who did it.

Indeed. 100% of kids were 'bullied' when I was in school; the older kids considered it their duty. lol

I put some of the blame on media.... that show "13 reasons why" makes suicide seem like an option. Studies have shown that suicides that are posted in the news lead to copy cat suicides…

I associate bully with physical violence, as in fighting, not merely name calling, which is apparently the definition now.

First clue. behavior meds cause suicidal desires the most under educated, uniforned idiots who can't get their mouth off the teet of the medical gods use their kids and sacrafice because medicla gods know best. Any idiot who actually bothers to READ THE INSERT" will read " CAN CAUSE SUICIDAL URGES" , but no you see the sheep of the nation just listen to the school gods tell them your kid can't sit still your needs to take ridilen, or some form of behavior meds, oh your kid is depressed and now needs these.

That poster has a point. Some of those meds DO cause suicidal impulses in children and teens.

A pre-adolescent child who thinks that he's “gay” is a victim of much, much worse evil and abuse than any so-called “bullying”* from his peers. That abuse is what led to this suicide, not the “bullying”.

Also has a point. A child that age can probably highly suspect he/she is gay, but should not be encouraged to "come out" at that age. For the love of Pete, they don't even come out as heterosexual at that age. They're in latency--everyone still has cooties.

* When I was young, bullying necessarily involved physical violence, or at least credible threats thereof. What pussies we are raising, who think that they are “bullied” just because someone insulted them. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

This is actually true. Not necessarily about physical violence but about what constitutes bullying. It must be a power imbalance, ongoing, and targeted. It's not just a passing insult.

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.

Also at least partially true. Bullies are usually bullied or cowards. If kids will at least gang up on THEM or speak up, they will stop. They look for easy targets. That's true.

Yes. Children are incredibly cruel. She encouraged her son to give these children a reason to bully him.

Again the mother seemed not to understand in the least how 9 year olds operate AND she was raising one. And she did not seem to utilize the resources available to her, such as school social workers and psychologists, who would surely have encouraged the child NOT to publicly "come out" to his classmates. They would have told him that if he has feelings it was not shameful or whatever, but coming out in fourth grade is just not a great idea. Who's going to really argue with this?

I put some of the blame on media.... that show "13 reasons why" makes suicide seem like an option. Studies have shown that suicides that are posted in the news lead to copy cat suicides…

Yes, copycat suicides ARE a thing.

You seem really upset by some of these statements. Why? They're the truth, a lot of them. I don't like the derogatory names in some of these posts, I agree there. And people are not tiptoeing around bullying. So what? Real bullying is a tragedy, but then, people are also super hyperventilating about it too, which is a 21st century thing (hyperventilating, that is) if there ever was one.
But most of these posts are assumptions based on what people think they know about the boy or his mother. Nobody knows if he was on medication. Nobody knows what his mothers thought process was. There is no evidence that this child was molested in any way and finally physical bullying is a lot less harmful than mental torture.

Nowhere in all of the above does anyone say that these kids should not have behaved like that.


This is a message board. ??? We are not talking TO the mother, the boy's family or his teachers. We are talking ABOUT the issue, so of course we are talking about all the angles--and you know this already. That's for starters.

Secondly, 9 year olds do not understand their own sexuality so they are not going to accept any peer's. Alright? If a 9 year old boy announces to his peers at lunchtime, "Man, I really dig girls, don't you?" He's going to have food thrown at him. If he announces the same about BOYS, it's going to be ten times worse. You can talk 'til you're blue in the face about how the kids should not have teased him but it won't change that 9 year old boys are in a developmental stage where they're just not that sexual. And the ADULTS around him SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT and guided the boy to keep his counsel until he was older.

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