9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied

When I grew up every kid was bullied by somebody, and no one ever committed suicide.

It was just a part of life, and taught you about yourself and how to deal with other people. .... :cool:

The best way to deal with a bully is to beat the living hell out of one. In school I saw that happen, everyday this guy would pick on this real quiet kid, one day something snapped with the quiet kid and he beat the snot out of the bully, it was ugly I never saw the bully go after anyone else for the duration of school.

My father called those things life lessons
That is a quaint clichéd approach. The typical bully goes after the weakest, most vulnerable ones, and there is nothing physically the bullied can do about it. If you have a 150 pound 12 year old who is with the popular crowd, plays sports, etc., and he takes it upon himself to start bullying the 75 pound 10 year old, the bullied kid cannot just 'beat the living hell out of the bully'. He could ball up his little hand and throw the biggest Hail Mary punch he can muster, and get nothing out of it but a pounding.

The bully in my age group growing up was a prototype: big corn-fed asshole. Hit puberty early, was tall, muscular, aggressive, and had functional strength. He would go after the kids a couple of years younger and 50 pounds lighter. They weren't going to give him his due, even if they had a baseball bat in their hands.

Well except I saw it happen. I never said the quiet kid was little. He was a big kid, just quiet and reserved. An easy mark and the bully found out different
When I grew up every kid was bullied by somebody, and no one ever committed suicide.

It was just a part of life, and taught you about yourself and how to deal with other people. .... :cool:

The best way to deal with a bully is to beat the living hell out of one. In school I saw that happen, everyday this guy would pick on this real quiet kid, one day something snapped with the quiet kid and he beat the snot out of the bully, it was ugly I never saw the bully go after anyone else for the duration of school.

My father called those things life lessons
That is a quaint clichéd approach. The typical bully goes after the weakest, most vulnerable ones, and there is nothing physically the bullied can do about it. If you have a 150 pound 12 year old who is with the popular crowd, plays sports, etc., and he takes it upon himself to start bullying the 75 pound 10 year old, the bullied kid cannot just 'beat the living hell out of the bully'. He could ball up his little hand and throw the biggest Hail Mary punch he can muster, and get nothing out of it but a pounding.

The bully in my age group growing up was a prototype: big corn-fed asshole. Hit puberty early, was tall, muscular, aggressive, and had functional strength. He would go after the kids a couple of years younger and 50 pounds lighter. They weren't going to give him his due, even if they had a baseball bat in their hands.

Well except I saw it happen. I never said the quiet kid was little. He was a big kid, just quiet and reserved. An easy mark and the bully found out different
Yes, and for every story of a bully getting his at the hands of the bullied, there are 100 cases where the bullied has 100% no chance to win any sort of physical altercation.
(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother.​

Why is a 9 year old thinking about sexuality?

A pre-adolescent child who thinks that he's “gay” is a victim of much, much worse evil and abuse than any so-called “bullying”* from his peers. That abuse is what led to this suicide, not the “bullying”.

* When I was young, bullying necessarily involved physical violence, or at least credible threats thereof. What pussies we are raising, who think that they are “bullied” just because someone insulted them. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”
Yes, and for every story of a bully getting his at the hands of the bullied, there are 100 cases where the bullied has 100% no chance to win any sort of physical altercation.

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.
Yes, and for every story of a bully getting his at the hands of the bullied, there are 100 cases where the bullied has 100% no chance to win any sort of physical altercation.

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.

Ever see the movie A Christmas Story when Ralphie beat the tar out of the bully? Rage took over
Yes, and for every story of a bully getting his at the hands of the bullied, there are 100 cases where the bullied has 100% no chance to win any sort of physical altercation.

As learned, when young, you do not need to “win” a fight to stop a bully from picking on you. You just need to put up enough of a fight that the bully knows he's been in a fight. Bullies are cowards to their core, and will choose the easiest victims. Even if you get the crap beat out of you once, hurt the bully at all, and next time, he'll pick on someone else that he doesn't think will fight back.

Ever see the movie A Christmas Story when Ralphie beat the tar out of the bully? Rage took over

Actually, that is a very real phenomenon.
Trump is the worst bully in the country.
But what we’re gonna do is defeat him.
So sad. I saw his mom interviewed about this. Bullying must stop.

9-year-old died by suicide after he was bullied, mom says - CNN

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday.

"The same kids who picked on him last year were even meaner to him once he came out and said he was gay," said Leia Pierce, Jamel Myles' mother. "They hurt my baby."
Denver Police said that Jamel's death appears to be a suicide.

I understand this story is used only to persuade people that they need to train their children to embrace gay sex but really it just shows how mean kids are and the problems of bullying in public education in general.

If it's not bullying about someone being gay, it would be about something else.
9 years old and thought he was homosexual? ... This kid was molested by somebody, and obviously it was some faggot who did it.
So, should have told him to ashamed and lie?

A nine-year-old does not declare himself to be “gay”, unless some sick pervert is indoctrinating him with this immoral filth.

Indeed, beat me to it; I didn't make it to the second page before I posted. This kid was raped by some faggot, ain't doubt about it. & to 10 year olds are the most targeted by faggots. The faggot martyred dope dealer Mathew Sheppard had two arrests on his juvenile record involving two 8 year old boys when he was 16. Of course that made him a national hero to the 'gay rights' sickos, .
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When I grew up every kid was bullied by somebody, and no one ever committed suicide.

It was just a part of life, and taught you about yourself and how to deal with other people. .... :cool:

Indeed. 100% of kids were 'bullied' when I was in school; the older kids considered it their duty. lol
Trump is the worst bully in the country.
But what we’re gonna do is defeat him.
This thread isn't about the bully in your head.

And what is this what are we gonna do shit? Sounds like the pussy who runs to his older brother.
You WERE that kid, weren't you?

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