9 Years Into Common Core, Test Scores Are Down, Indoctrination Up

You stupid assholes wouldn't know Common Core if it fell on you out of tree! It is just a catch-all you dumb shits use to criticize education because you apparently never got one.

There is plenty wrong with public education in many parts of the country, but you uneducated fuckers could never find the real blame (liberalism) so you retardedly blamed Common Core.
I have 5 close friends who probably have over 120 years of teaching experience. One was responsible for implementing CC in her district and happily did so. All 5 today say CC is the worst thing in education ever.

Then your friends are stupid motherfuckers who did not know how to teach. Now, stick that in your fucking ass to placate your gay tendencies.
The fruits of the failed education system that you covet has created the dumbest, most illiterate generation in American history. They think rioting for fun and not getting their way is normal behavior.
You stupid assholes wouldn't know Common Core if it fell on you out of tree! It is just a catch-all you dumb shits use to criticize education because you apparently never got one.

There is plenty wrong with public education in many parts of the country, but you uneducated fuckers could never find the real blame (liberalism) so you retardedly blamed Common Core.
I have 5 close friends who probably have over 120 years of teaching experience. One was responsible for implementing CC in her district and happily did so. All 5 today say CC is the worst thing in education ever.

Then your friends are stupid motherfuckers who did not know how to teach. Now, stick that in your fucking ass to placate your gay tendencies.
The fruits of the failed education system that you covet has created the dumbest, most illiterate generation in American history. They think rioting for fun and not getting their way is normal behavior.
The fruits of the liberal education system...

Now, get it fucking right, you damned twat socket!
You stupid assholes wouldn't know Common Core if it fell on you out of tree! It is just a catch-all you dumb shits use to criticize education because you apparently never got one.

There is plenty wrong with public education in many parts of the country, but you uneducated fuckers could never find the real blame (liberalism) so you retardedly blamed Common Core.
I have 5 close friends who probably have over 120 years of teaching experience. One was responsible for implementing CC in her district and happily did so. All 5 today say CC is the worst thing in education ever.

Then your friends are stupid motherfuckers who did not know how to teach. Now, stick that in your fucking ass to placate your gay tendencies.
The fruits of the failed education system that you covet has created the dumbest, most illiterate generation in American history. They think rioting for fun and not getting their way is normal behavior.

The failure is at home and not at the school when it come to what you are writing about in that response...
Reagan supported a mandate for a basic program of educational objectives that would be adopted nationally. What he didn't count on was the hijacking of that program from the Three R's to watered down bullshit and social justice indoctrination. Reagan NEVER would have supported what it ultimately became.
Reagan supported a mandate for a basic program of educational objectives that would be adopted nationally. What he didn't count on was the hijacking of that program from the Three R's to watered down bullshit and social justice indoctrination. Reagan NEVER would have supported what it ultimately became.

Please provide me an example of Common Core's social justice indoctrination.

Go ahead and apologize now and save your time looking, because there are not any. You just made that shit up!
Reagan supported a mandate for a basic program of educational objectives that would be adopted nationally. What he didn't count on was the hijacking of that program from the Three R's to watered down bullshit and social justice indoctrination. Reagan NEVER would have supported what it ultimately became.

Common Core is nothing but a scapegoat for people to use for the education system. Politicians like to say they're going to get rid of it because it looks good.

Perfect example: Desantis brags about getting rid of Common Core. Well there's on problem: he never replaced it with anything so the schools are still teaching those same exact standards it's just not called Common Core anymore. It's peeling the label of a Coca-Cola bottle but leaving everything else the same and saying it's no longer Coca-Cola.

Cite one standard from Common Core that indoctrinates. Here's Common Core's website:

The real problems (based on my experience) are coddling the students, pushing them through, dumbing down the material, having virtually no consequences for negative behavior, entitlement from students and parents, etc.

This is the dumbest generation? Far far from it. Employers have never had such an ungodly easy time finding good hard working employees who produce so much more compared to what they are paid. If employers do have a difficult time it's 100 percent the employers fault. And there is a good percentage of awful employers out there perhaps as high as 30 percent are really bad.
Drive your kid's teachers crazy. Teach them yourself. You would have thought my son had declared war on the entire school district when he taught his granddaughter to write.
Today’s kids cannot even cook an egg, use a screw driver , know basic science and English ..let alone do anything of any use . Most of them will be future welfare bums
You give a kid a hammer and he will break his hand ..A generation of imbeciles
You guys are all morons, without any kids in school, because no woman would ever reproduce with you. Common core, like Marxism, is a label you slap on ideas you don’t understand.

The problem isnt common core or liberalism (another moronic label).Our education system produces the best students ever assembled for the most elite colleges in the world. The problem is inequity. We also produce a large number of unprepared students. The difference is that, like healthcare, the results relate only to money. The wealthy schools are killing it. The poor ones getting killed. America is a small group of super elites (top 10%) and a whole mess of have nots.

You are blind deaf and stupid.
If you aren't willing to step in a classroom then things aren't ever going to change.
If some of these people who go on and on and on about a field in which they have no experience ever stepped into a classroom, they might take note of all the indoctrination NOT taking place and give the hysteria a rest for a minute.
If you aren't willing to step in a classroom then things aren't ever going to change.
I served 20 years in public office on top of a regular job fighting other issues. And I always won.
How about you?

Ah, the internet. :rolleyes:
Do I really care what you think? Or are you just jealous the San Diego County Supervisors appointed me to my first 4 year term .....


Oh, Mr President!


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