9 yr old girl badly beaten in school bus

Rough week for Homestead Fl schools,

Homestead teacher confesses to having sex in classroom with 12-year-old, police say​

An elementary school teacher in Homestead was charged Wednesday with having sex with one of his students. The relationship, police said the 13-year-old victim told them, was “romantic” after referring to him as her “boyfriend.”

Davis Augustine Hodge Jr., 30, is facing four counts of using his authority to have sex with a child. Investigators say Hodge used his position as a sponsor of the school’s chess club to lure the then-12-year-old into his classroom at the West Homestead K-8 Center after school on Fridays, where they engaged in sexual contact at least four times.
If a child watches TV and it is constant victimhood, they may believe it. If they see endless TV shows where 100-pound women are beating the shit out of 200 pound in shape men, they might believe it. So, the male kids and the female kids could be affected for it. We spend so much in resources, and it is worse than when we spent a pittance compared to now.
I am sure that the driver knew that something went wrong in the bus. The screams there and view from the rear view mirror (they are intended specifically for giving a sight of what is going on in the bus).

I am not saying that the driver should have intervened immediately. But what if the beating had lasted more than 30 sec and the girl got severe injuries?

The issue is much more wider than just 'eliminating transportation'. This could have happened in the school with the stuff turning a blind eye on this.

THE DRIVER IS DRIVING A BUS.....hello? Like what, within 30 seconds he screeches to a halt, putting everyone else in danger?

This is why we can't have schools anymore. No one thinks logically; everyone just knee jerks to the schools suck.

I promise you, this turns out just like "Defund the Police"--but it will be the Left celebrating our stupidity.
THE DRIVER IS DRIVING A BUS.....hello? Like what, within 30 seconds he screeches to a halt, putting everyone else in danger?

This is why we can't have schools anymore. No one thinks logically; everyone just knee jerks to the schools suck.

I promise you, this turns out just like "Defund the Police"--but it will be the Left celebrating our stupidity.
That is why I said that I didn't expect the driver to intervene immediately. Hello?

You want to turn all the country into a homeschooling territory? This idea is too.. revolutionary.
The video is too short to make any reasonable conclusions about the driver's actions. In any case, they should be legally responsible for the kids' safety while on the board.
I second this. That driver should be terminated if not arrested.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As for the other kids who also continued to sit there and do nothing, in my opinion, they too should be punished for their carelessness. Since it sounds like that this took place with elementary school kids, revoking their recess privileges is a good start. For how long is the question. A month sounds good to me.
I second this. That driver should be terminated if not arrested.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. As for the other kids who also continued to sit there and do nothing, in my opinion, they too should be punished for their carelessness. Since it sounds like that this took place with elementary school kids, revoking their recess privileges is a good start. For how long is the question. A month sounds good to me.

Again. The driver is driving a BUS. We don't know where the bus was when this occurred, maybe in the middle of a busy road. So what, the driver parks the bus in the road--putting ALL the children in danger--to go attend to this situation?
Again. The driver is driving a BUS. We don't know where the bus was when this occurred, maybe in the middle of a busy road. So what, the driver parks the bus in the road--putting ALL the children in danger--to go attend to this situation?
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but is pulling over as soon as possible no longer a thing anymore?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. One reason why I ask is because I once witnessed a confrontation between two girls that I went to junior high with and their face off was inside of a parked school bus. The driver only sat there and watched. Thankfully the girl who instigated the brawl was eventually punished.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but is pulling over as soon as possible no longer a thing anymore?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. One reason why I asked is because I once witnessed a confrontation between two girls that I went to junior high with and it was inside of a parked school bus. The driver only sat there and watched. Thankfully the girl who instigated the brawl was eventually punished.

That video happened in 18 seconds. I repeat: 18 seconds. If you pull a bus over, you can't just do it on the side of a busy highway. You have to find a SAFE place. Apparently, in 18 seconds.
How about a bus monitor, which is another adult that rides along to keep the kids in order and then that way all the bus driver has to do is drive.

I believe that bus had one, or that's what I read. But the video happened in 18 seconds. So maybe the monitor couldn't get to the fight as it was happening, if he/she was in the back of the bus.
That video happened in 18 seconds. I repeat: 18 seconds. If you pull a bus over, you can't just do it on the side of a busy highway. You have to find a SAFE place. Apparently, in 18 seconds.
It doesn't matter how long or how short a confrontation is. Once the driver was able to pull over, not only should he have done just that, but he then should've put a stop to what happened as best as he could as well as alerting the proper authorities too. Once they showed up and arrested the two little pricks, he then could've gotten back to his regularly scheduled program.

God bless you and the victim always!!!


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