9 yr old girl badly beaten in school bus

zero adults did anything
Both of these male creatures should be executed
I'm pretty sure at that stage in life the parents are responsible for the children's actions. Legally.
Florida, Loaded with criminals.
What is your Governor Doing?
What kind of people and in what part of Florida?
Were you a big kid or a bully ??
Neither, I just didn't take no shit. I beat..well not like that ever..but beat bullies up. At least until they hollered "Uncle" or I had decisively beat them. I never hit anyone smaller than me. No. I defended little kids against big niggas and bullies and things like that.
Took a couple ass whippins for that, too.
Ofc, all it took for me was a punch or 2 and it was over. By 5 punches or less, it's definitely going to be over.
Oh, they tried to bully me a few times. That got 'em smashed right in the face and they didn't want no more of that. I didn't keep beating them all crazy though. That's..insanity. That's something that needs to be put down like a rabid dog.
To do that to a weaker person than you is that's not threatening you is.. you need to be put down.
Anyone that does it like that has no place in society. Not even under the jail. That needs to be exterminated.
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Something is wrong. Terribly wrong
True, but THIS kind of savagery could be stopped if the little scum met with a terrible accident someday soon. Until people understand that they can no longer expect justice from any government and that they must protect the lives of those they love, this will continue to grow.
Why do the parents of that litle girl have to demand the boys be charged? Isn't that a given? Their class room should be in the reformatory until the age of 18...
IMO, them chillun should be exterminated and their parents, too. And what's up with no other kids stopping that bullshit?
Fights didn't get that far back in my day. Either there were a few blows thrown and somebody was down,

Or.. there was selling out with 20 people holding the ones that wanted to fight back on either side and no fight ever happened.

I don’t care if the kid used the full n word. That fucking behavior is cowardice.

Later that night did the little scumbags brag about whalin’ on a 9 year old girl?

I hope they die.
The victim looked white; Wow, that is a serious level of savagery I've never seen in kids that young before.

Congratulations, leftist assholes. You have have definitely fucked humanity up. You have now lowered the bar for humanity.

Video games and dope, and zero moral training, parents have none and teach them mindless self-indulgence as their only 'philosophy'.
I am going to need a job
On my bus 🚌 …this S ain’t happening

They will then beat you the same way, and you will go to prison for defending yourself. These are 'children', and can do no wrong that justifies you defending yourself or anybody else from their tantrums. You live in Commie Faggot Land now.
They will then beat you the same way, and you will go to prison for defending yourself. These are 'children', and can do no wrong that justifies you defending yourself or anybody else from their tantrums. You live in Commie Faggot Land now.
I am at 30 percent of my 2021 version

I usually cry 😢 every evening
If you look at the video more thoroughly, you will find out that one of the 'beaters' was a white boy. So, that was not about the race.

The video is too short to make any reasonable conclusions about the driver's actions. In any case, they should be legally responsible for the kids' safety while on the board.
If you look at the video more thoroughly, you will find out that one of the 'beaters' was a white boy. So, that was not about the race.

The video is too short to make any reasonable conclusions about the driver's actions. In any case, they should be legally responsible for the kids' safety while on the board.

You have 50 children behind you that you cannot see because you are charged with driving them home. And now bus drivers should be "legally responsible" for the kids on board.

Gosh. No bus drivers as it is.

I'm fully in the camp of ELIMINATING transportation to public schools. Parents should do this. Period, end of sentence.
Why do the parents of that litle girl have to demand the boys be charged? Isn't that a given? Their class room should be in the reformatory until the age of 18...

The social worker at my school said kids should be taught to "empathize" with students who are "struggling".

....yeah, I'll just leave it at that.
Hopefully, those two dear sweet young gentlemen will NOT receive any reparations when the checks are mailed out just before the 2024 election.
I'm pretty sure at that stage in life the parents are responsible for the children's actions. Legally.

What kind of people and in what part of Florida?
Homestead is just on the northern edge of Miami.
You have 50 children behind you that you cannot see because you are charged with driving them home. And now bus drivers should be "legally responsible" for the kids on board.

Gosh. No bus drivers as it is.

I'm fully in the camp of ELIMINATING transportation to public schools. Parents should do this. Period, end of sentence.
I am sure that the driver knew that something went wrong in the bus. The screams there and view from the rear view mirror (they are intended specifically for giving a sight of what is going on in the bus).

I am not saying that the driver should have intervened immediately. But what if the beating had lasted more than 30 sec and the girl got severe injuries?

The issue is much more wider than just 'eliminating transportation'. This could have happened in the school with the stuff turning a blind eye on this.
The victim looked white; Wow, that is a serious level of savagery I've never seen in kids that young before.

Congratulations, leftist assholes. You have have definitely fucked humanity up. You have now lowered the bar for humanity.
Been going on since the 70's.

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